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Thread: Trump 2017: Year Zero

  1. #2881
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    The difference is I dont form an opinion just to be abrasive or argumentative. I simple follow the truth crumbs in front of me and decide what I think based on facts and TRUTH. I have only been here a few days but I have formed an opinion of this thread and fourm. That opinion is that there is an elite clique of people, perhaps people who have donated etc. Their opinion matters more than anyone else. They see a friend facepalm and immediately jump on board to do so. Since they are the elite everyone else is afraid of rocking their boat. I could be wrong but useless group think leads to these types of behaviours. I also find it funny how They twist every word until it fits their narrative and then you are just a troll if you say no. Going so far as to follow you from thread to thread. Thats Trolling imo.Thats also how american politics seems to be going as well, on both sides.

  2. #2882
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    It's sad, so many people see politics as a bigger version of their own lives.

    You've got those who feel like the little guy, and feel like they've personally been mislabelled and mistreated, and they see the narritive that Trump has created about being a little guy, and they get emotionally attacted to the story, so they'll go to great lengths to defend it, because it feels so personal to them. But THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS NOT THE LITTLE GUY!!!

    I started to recognize this with my parents. We're Canadian, and they're conservative because they think the country should be run the same way they run their house. But they're different things with different goals and different resources. They should be run differently.

  3. #2883
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    I thought you said you were done with this thread; possibly ETS entirely.

    "Getting truth from YouTube." Another hilarious gem.

  4. #2884
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    Jughead, I'm only going to say this to you once. You are making some amazingly absurd assumptions (about the US government, about the US media, and about this forum) and I just don't have to free time or energy to go through and one at a time explain what is factually incorrect about the things you are asserting. I really just don't. And you can call me some "elite special cool kids only club member" if that makes you feel better about everyone thinking your posts are so laughable that the only sane way to react to you is a virtual facepalm (which 9 times out of 10 is accompanied by a real-life one, trust me).

    As an actual member of the media, and an actual resident of the country, I have a little more insight into these things. While that in no way negates your opinions, it does give some perspective into the validity of it.

    If you honestly are not intending on trolling, you may want to brush up on how to interact with people, especially through text-only discussion. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, but some of the wild things you are saying are just so aside from reality it's mind blowing to believe you have these thoughts in all honesty.

    Step one is stop posting random YouTube conspiracy theory videos. I get that you are weary of the large company American media groups. That's more than fine. Link to other credible news organizations. Let's see some BBC articles or something.
    Step two, stop with the pity-party. Nobody is ganging up on you. Individuals are reacting to your posts. Engage one-on-one with specific points if you want honest discussions.
    Step three, talk about the issues. This is something we all waver on from time to time in here. We meander and talk about peoples and groups rather than policy and events. It's ok sometimes. But for the most part, to keep this topic from turning into a full-on shitshow, we all need to try to keep to it.
    Step four, and I can not stress this enough, keep in mind that everything you are experiencing regarding the current US administration is as an outsider. I know a decent amount about Canadian politics simply because I live less than 2 hours from Canada and have a lot of friends from a few provinces. But I would never go into a topic debating Canadian politics and act as some authority on the subject. The manner in which you discuss your opinion, especially online, GREATLY affects the way it is taken by those in the discussion.

    Now, regarding the pardoning, do we actually know what can be done and what it can and can not lead to further down the line? Also, has a president ever pardoned family members or members of their campaign before?

  5. #2885
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    The "left" never wanted Trump to run for anything. Nobody ever took him seriously about anything until the right did for this election.

    I'm also far too fucking old for this nonsense.

    The Sean Spicer replacement choice is hilarious!! This shit is far more entertaining than Nixon!!!
    Last edited by allegro; 07-21-2017 at 10:30 PM.

  6. #2886
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    Awwww samsies! It's just when people I do like quote you and then I read and get annoyed all over again. Stop falling for the obvious trap the orange turd uses (blaming the media). You want conspiracy theory bullshit? 4chan exists. Try Info Wars. We like dealing in facts and other gross liberal atrocities like civil rights, for instance. You're the one doing the baiting and the reaction is well earned.

  7. #2887
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    Noam Chomsky wrote a book about corporate media in the friggin' 80s.

    Not a new concept.

    Trump only hates the media when the media isn't blowing him. He LOVES the media when it's blowing him. He's always been that way. He's a crazy old fart.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-21-2017 at 10:42 PM.

  8. #2888
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    Believe me, the people who make up Trump's base have been hating the media for a long time now. I can't tell you how many assault and even death threats I've gotten just doing my job. Granted, it is worse post-Trump, but it was always a thing.

  9. #2889
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    I feel quantifiably dumber for having read the last page of this thread

  10. #2890
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    @Jughead , we are not some sort of clique. It just so happens that we are mostly leftists. I, for instance, am a socialist more or less.
    I suggest that you talk about politics on a different forum. Use this one to talk about movies and music and shit.
    And I say this out of kindness.

    Also, I'M the fucking goddamn resident conspiracy theorist! I'm fox motherfucking mulder.
    The truth is out there.
    Last edited by elevenism; 07-22-2017 at 01:39 AM.

  11. #2891
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    Here in Canada its gotton very bad. We have hate speech legislation in regards to pro nouns for fucks sake. This extends beyond Canada.

    People did not vote for trump because he's the 'little guy'' They voted for him because hes abrasive and didn't talk like a politician. The left wants you to forget that for 30 years they wanted Trump to run. It wasn't a ''white lash'' it was a sick of the left whining and crying lash.

  12. #2892
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    That poor bastard never stood a chance against the Corporate left Media any journalist with the tiniest shred of intelligence and ability to perform his or her most basic job functions.
    Fixed that embarrassing gaffe for you.

  13. #2893
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    Rupert Murdoch is left wing? I guess Hitler was Che Guevara.

  14. #2894
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post

    Trump only hates the media when the media isn't blowing him. He LOVES the media when it's blowing him.
    Hahahaha. the way you put this made my day

  15. #2895
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    saw this on my twitter feed made me meh:
    I feel like every time a Trump employee quits, Oompa Loompas should appear & sing a song to teach us about the perils of gluttony & greed.

    1,747 replies 81,488 retweets 229,231 likes

  16. #2896
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    This is interesting I think this is why the russia narrative was created. I think its a shame she fooled all of you to look the other way. She is LAUGHING her ass of that The russia story is all over the media. If they are tearing him down, guess what they are not doing? Looking at her. I think we will see her get arrested.After the election he said lets move on. The DNC would not drop it and let it be over. He has no choice imo but to bury her now to get the narrative back to where it should of been all along. She and her husband are fucking criminals.

    I'm not saying you adore him, I am just saying I see a lot of revisionist history the last few days.

    Yeah don't engage, hes just a troll getting banned any minute now. He's probably connected to Russia
    That's not how the legal system works. You realize the FBI is capable of conducting more than one investigation at the same time?

  17. #2897
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    first intelligent alt-right argument I've on occult fake news pizza-gate satanism: -loyie

  18. #2898
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  19. #2899
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post

    See also this.

    Can the president pardon himself?
    Even legal experts who argue that a president can’t pardon himself tend to agree that no one really knows for sure.

    Perhaps the strongest argument for saying a self-pardon would be allowed is that the Constitution doesn’t explicitly prohibit it.

    But there are several more circumstantial arguments that, collectively, make a strong case that a self-pardon would be impermissible, experts said.

    For starters, the Constitution uses the word "grant," which ordinarily means giving to someone else, said Harold H. Bruff, an emeritus University of Colorado law professor. Going back to its English monarchical origins, a pardon has long been conceived as an act of mercy. Neither of these suggest something that can be done to oneself.

    In addition, Bruff said that when the Constitution was being written, "a background value everywhere in the air was that no one should be a judge in their own cause." This notion, sometimes referred to in Latin as "nemo judex in causa sua," is a longstanding common-law principle, he said.

    "People cannot prosecute, judge, or sit on juries in their own cases. Like a judge who would have to submit to the authority of another judge if he were being prosecuted, a president must seek a pardon from his successor," wrote Brian Kalt, a Michigan State University law professor who has studied pardons extensively.

    That is what happened with President Richard Nixon. It was his successor, Gerald Ford, who ultimately pardoned him for Watergate-related crimes. It’s worth noting that a president who accepts a pardon would be seen as having acknowledged committing a crime, which runs the risk of supercharging the impeachment process.

    Ultimately, though, no one knows for sure how any of this could play out until the Supreme Court rules. "There really is no answer to this question since it never has arisen," said Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the University of California law school.

    Kobil agreed. "You never know until you have temerity to try," he said. "Even Richard Nixon didn’t have the temerity to try it."
    And Nixon was a lawyer.

    Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution says the president "shall have the Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment."
    Last edited by allegro; 07-22-2017 at 08:21 PM.

  20. #2900
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    Watching the Sunday morning news cycle; I am loving this guy Scaramucci (can you do the fandango?). Gotta say, weird choice but I love this guy LOL. He's the antithesis of Spicer.

  21. #2901
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Watching the Sunday morning news cycle; I am loving this guy Scaramucci (can you do the fandango?). Gotta say, weird choice but I love this guy LOL. He's the antithesis of Spicer.
    You mean Steve Castle, executive and boneitis sufferer of Futurama fame?

    (Personally, I don't see the connection. But I'm all for keeping Futurama involved with current events.)

  22. #2902
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    I'm sure spicy went home and took a"silk wood" shower

  23. #2903
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  24. #2904
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    Personally, I'd rather have Jeb Bush as president than Il Duce.

  25. #2905
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    hey dumb dumb Donnie, you know why beleaguered AG isn't looking into "croaked" Hillary?
    1. because she's not president. you lying treasonous stain on the office of president!
    2. the only reason the AG is beleaguered is because he's, trying to defend your obstruction of justice ass finally figured out what M.AG.A. means Millionaire Asshole Golfs Again, this whole Russia, thing would have never happened if you just released your tax returns, like you yourself said, "what have you got to hide"?
    you sir are a fake a fraud, a con

  26. #2906
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    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    Personally, I'd rather have Jeb Bush as president than Il Duce.
    Personally, I'd rather have a wilting rose bush as president than this guy.

  27. #2907
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    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    Personally, I'd rather have Jeb Bush as president than Il Duce.
    Personally, I would rather have Baphomet, the goat-legged god of misery and harvester of woe, who feasts upon our tears until they runneth dry.

    Also, maybe it's the painkiller drugs, but that "come at me bro" pic of Jeb up there is hilarious, and the woman with the pink iPhone completing the ludicrous "oh, shit's gonna go down" aspect...
    Last edited by Jinsai; 07-24-2017 at 06:10 PM.

  28. #2908
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Personally, I would rather have Baphomet, the goat-legged god of misery and harvester of woe, who feasts upon our tears until they runneth dry.

    Also, maybe it's the painkiller drugs, but that "come at me bro" pic of Jeb up there is hilarious, and the woman with the pink iPhone completing the ludicrous "oh, shit's gonna go down" aspect...
    "Come at me Bro?" Looks more like "duh, shit happens!"

  29. #2909
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    It'll be a truly iconic legacy sealing moment if/when John McCain shows up to help screw 22-26 million out of healthcare while receiving the best healthcare for the remainder of his days.

    How long until those who think he's "one of the good republicans" realize there is no such thing anymore? Is this finally that wake up call? It wasn't the Keating Five or Palin? It wasn't lip service and empty promises to fight an orange douche that insulted his war record?

    You won't see me saying I'm glad he's got cancer. I'm not. As a cancer survivor and having just lost a dear friend to it, I don't wish that on anyone. You also won't see me laugh at or insult his military service but I will judge him on the content of his character and so should everyone else.
    Last edited by Swykk; 07-25-2017 at 10:06 AM.

  30. #2910
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    How do we know he will vote FOR it? He's been against the prior plans all along, so has Graham.

    Look, if this DOES pass it can just as easily be REPEALED if the Dems take back control. Someday. And this new HC bill wouldn't even go into affect until 2020, from what the online reports are saying.

    So if this is a fuckup, the Republicans will own it and eat it.

    Most insurance experts IN THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY say this new plan is an even bigger disaster than the House plan and will cause a death spiral of the industry. So, this would move us closer and closer to universal healthcare, really.

    Universal healthcare would have to include government-owned-and-operated healthcare facilities for people who can't afford it and for healthcare deserts like in Urban and Rural areas.

    Like a much better and bigger network of the V.A.

    They can then control the COSTS of healthcare, and it would be not-for-profit.

    I mean, LOOK AT THIS. It's fucking SHOCKING. People waiting in line, sleeping in their cars, FOR DAYS to get free health and dental care. This happening in one of the wealthiest countries in the world.

    WISE, Va. — The sick and the disabled pour out of these mountains every summer for their one shot at free health care, but this year was supposed to hold hope for a better solution.

    Donald Trump won the White House in part on a promise to fix the nation’s costly and inefficient health-care system. Instead, Republicans in Congress are paralyzed and threatening to dismantle the imperfect framework of Obamacare.

    No relief is in sight for someone like Larry McKnight, who sat in a horse stall at the Wise County Fairgrounds having his shoulder examined. He was among more than a thousand people attending the area’s 18th annual Remote Area Medical clinic, where physicians and dentists dispense free care to those who otherwise have none.

    “I really think that they don’t have any clue what’s going on,” McKnight said of political leaders in Washington. “You watch the news and it’s two sides pitted against each other, which in turn just makes them pitted against us, the normal person.”

    About 1,100 such people descended on the fairgrounds Friday, with more expected Saturday and Sunday. Medical personnel from across the state were there with makeshift examination rooms in tents and sheds. Sheets hung from clothespins for privacy; giant fans pulled hot air through buildings intended for livestock shows.

    These events are staged nationwide, but the Wise clinic is among the biggest, drawing people from throughout Appalachia and casting Washington’s sterile political debates into the starkest human terms.

    A third of the patients who registered Friday were unemployed. Those who couldn’t afford a room slept in their cars or camped in the fields around the fairgrounds. They lined up in the dead of night to get a spot inside the event.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-25-2017 at 11:45 AM.

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