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Thread: Trump 2017: Year Zero

  1. #1
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    Trump 2017: Year Zero

    If I may be so bold, today should be the day we lock the election thread as the confirmations are beginning and Obama's farewell speech is tonight.
    Last edited by onthewall2983; 01-11-2017 at 02:17 PM.

  2. #2
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    I can see merit in leaving the election thread open (given the ongoing controversy regarding alleged foreign influence), but I do think it would make sense to maybe just have a "presidential" thread, minus the election bit, to discuss current goings-on.

  3. #3
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    #goldenshowers ? Really?

  4. #4
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    Let's just call it Watergate, happened in a hotel after all.

  5. #5
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    I am not even remotely amused

  6. #6
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    again on the eve of a major new conference tweet something outragous, this time meryl streep, meryl streep, devert distract, confiramation hearings Squirl! ethics Squirl!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by miss k bee View Post
    #goldenshowers ? Really?
    What?! Did I miss something? I'm not sure I'm going to get very far by googling this

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    What?! Did I miss something? I'm not sure I'm going to get very far by googling this
    According to (unverified) intelligence, the incoming President of the United States paid hookers in a Ritz Carlton hotel suite in Moscow to piss in front of him on the bed where the outgoing President of the United States had previously slept.

    I wish I was fucking kidding.
    Last edited by botley; 01-10-2017 at 08:10 PM.

  9. #9
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    the world is fucking broken

    EDIT: Holy shit! "If you're tired of arguing with strangers on the internet, try to talk with one in real life."
    Last edited by Jinsai; 01-10-2017 at 08:45 PM.

  10. #10
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    Goddamn I wish I had Obama's tireless optimism

  11. #11
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    holy shit, that was legendary. I just watched the moon landing. I just heard someone say "I have a dream" for the first time, that there's nothing to fear but fear itself.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    Goddamn I wish I had Obama's tireless optimism
    I'm pretty sick of it so far.

    Hey, you know what hasn't really worked out so well? Going high when they go low. Maybe let's go low for a bit. Maybe we stomp some fucking Nazis?

    EDIT: Facepalm all you want, but it's bullshit. The GOP is getting everywhere by taking the lower ground. Are we supposed to keep attempting to have polite, civil discourse with these fucking idiots? These fucking Nazis, these insane paranoid troglodytes that think Hillary Clinton is eating babies in the basement of a pizzeria? Come the fuck on. Even the mainstream Republicans and alt-righters aren't staying above the ruckus.

    Yeah, let's just keep playing happy fun tea party time, it's working out well for us so far. Let's just ask Trump pretty please don't sell us out to hostile foreign interests and dismantle the core of what makes America great. I'm sure he'll listen to the half of the country who he has stated he views as his enemies. Great.
    Last edited by Harry Seaward; 01-10-2017 at 10:19 PM.

  13. #13
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    I mean, I agree with you but honestly...and yeah it's cliched, but giving in to the anger and stooping to their level? That's what they want. Do that and they've won. Like I said, a cliche...but I think it rings truer here than ever.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    I mean, I agree with you but honestly...and yeah it's cliched, but giving in to the anger and stooping to their level? That's what they want. Do that and they've won. Like I said, a cliche...but I think it rings truer here than ever.
    You may not have seen the news lately, but they have already won. Are we just going to let this shit keep happening? Look at the state of the internet these days. More than a couple years ago, the entire place wasn't exactly swamped with Nazis. They had their own little corners where they stayed to themselves for the most part. Look how fucking confident they are now. Look at the state of the entirety of Twitter, it's basically becoming their headquarters. This type of behavior on whole sure seems like it's becoming more and more acceptable and open.

    So yes, I don't hear any other solutions. Stooping to their level is the answer. Fuck them. Call their parents and schools and workplaces and expose their hidden internet lives. Ruin their lives. Humiliate them publicly. Do what it takes.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    You may not have seen the news lately, but they have already won. Are we just going to let this shit keep happening? Look at the state of the internet these days. More than a couple years ago, the entire place wasn't exactly swamped with Nazis. They had their own little corners where they stayed to themselves for the most part. Look how fucking confident they are now. Look at the state of the entirety of Twitter, it's basically becoming their headquarters. This type of behavior on whole sure seems like it's becoming more and more acceptable and open.

    So yes, I don't hear any other solutions. Stooping to their level is the answer. Fuck them. Call their parents and schools and workplaces and expose their hidden internet lives. Ruin their lives. Humiliate them publicly. Do what it takes.

    People will stoop to their level, that's inevitable... and that sounds like it's going to be terrible, but I like your optimism.

  16. #16
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    Obama's entire thing has been this -- to try and get us over this fucking bridge as smoothly as possible. He's still the president, and even if people like Trump have no sense of what that title or office implies of requires, Barack does, and part of that is trying your goddamn best to unite people and treat the country as a whole instead of a set of sides, and to not help incite or instill doubt in our democracy.

    I won't be surprised at all if post-presidency we see him begin to come out swinging a whole lot more, but if he was giving a farewell address in which he called into question his successor and talked shit, do you know how disastrous that would be seen as? It's fucking dangerous, plain and simple. People are pissed off enough already and are eager for validation in their aggressive feelings, no matter the side. They don't need yet another encouraging voice.

    His plans are already to start doing his best to help build a new crop of viable candidates for the Democratic party and he seems ready to put his nose to the grindstone and work on the same style of grassroots campaigning that won him two elections in a row by extremely comfortable margins when all was said and done. Obama has always been the type of guy who is measured to a fault in his speeches and doesn't like to show his full hand until he's ready to make a move, and it can be really frustrating in the moment but I've experienced enough of it with him to know that I should give the guy the benefit of the doubt and believe that he knows what he is doing.

  17. #17
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    I really, seriously am pretty goddamned concered that this is

    I'd imagine that this has gone through 90% of our heads, and since the thread is called Year Zero, i thought i'd just leave that there.

    NINE DAYS, motherbitches. NINE DAYS until it's PRESIDENT Trump.
    Just let that sink in. It still does not compute for me. This is why i have stayed out of the election thread since the election.

    I said i'd give trump a chance. Then he appointed a fucking climate change denier to run the ENVIORNMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY.

    That was the end of the chance.

  18. #18
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    Sorry for double post, but i want to share something. You guys may have been discussing this notion in the other thread, but like i said, i haven't been there in awhile.

    So check this out.

    Trump is all hell bent on protecting russia for influencing the elections. He thinks Putin is his friend. And maybe he is.

    But here's what i think is REALLY going on. Putin wanted to help trump get elected to FUCK OUR COUNTRY UP.
    I know some of you guys are russian and i have no problems with russians, so please don't take offense, but russia has always been, in most of our lifetimes, the OTHER superpower-the other side of the coin-the biggest fucking threat to the US.

    And tensions are at an all time high since the cold war; we fought a fucking proxy war in syria for fuck's sake, that i expected to errupt into world war 3 any fucking day SO...

    I think Putin is LAUGHING HIS ASS OFF at trump, thinks he's a moron, and is saying to his inner circle "look what i did to the United States, eh? have you SEEN the motherfucker who's gonna be their new COMMANDER IN CHIEF?!

    Just a (grim) thought that's been bouncing around my dome.

  19. #19
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    Please stand up and spread your legs
    I lay me down, look up, it shakes
    Let me eat your shame
    Let me sip champagne
    Let cry your pinky flower
    Give me, give me golden shower

    Let it rain, don't be blunt
    Let it rain, what a stunt
    Let it rain, make me grunt
    Let it rain from your pretty cunt

    Golden shower, don't be shy, cunt
    Golden shower, let it fly from your pretty cunt
    Golden shower, golden sweat, cunt
    Golden shower, make it wet, let it shed

    Please stand up, pink hairy sky
    I creep down and wait, wait for you to cry
    Let me sip again
    Give me more champagne
    Be my human Eiffel tower
    Give me, give me golden shower

    Let it rain, don't be blunt
    Let it rain, what a stunt
    Let it rain, make me grunt
    Let it rain from your pretty cunt

    Golden shower, don't be shy, cunt
    Golden shower, let it fly from your pretty cunt
    Golden shower, golden sweat, cunt
    Golden shower, make it wet, let it shed

    Fresh kisses flowing from your hips
    And it seems like fairies flying
    Moist and tender eyes and lips
    And it feels like angels crying

    Golden shower, don't be shy, cunt
    Golden shower, let it fly from your pretty cunt
    Golden shower, golden sweat, cunt
    Golden shower, make it wet, let it shed

  20. #20
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    Trumped up trickle down...hillary was on to something.

  21. #21
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    I don't think it's the beginning of the end, or the end of the beginning, etc, etc. Next few years will be rough but I think we'll come out okay. I don't have a crystal ball or anything, but I do take some solace knowing everything he will do be scrutinized to the point where he may be made ineffective.

  22. #22
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    simple, Release your tax returns, dispose of all your business holdings and get to work beng President, or get lost.

  23. #23
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    For some people, this election may not truly do any damage. Barring an actual nuclear war, perhaps cishet white men with a lot of money will come out okay, like they did the Bush years. For other people who thought progress was coming to their marginalized and discriminated-against reality, these years could mean true disaster. The very least that has been promised by the nomination of people like Jeff Sessions is a complete walk-back of civil rights. He doesn't even believe in discrimination, and said so in the hearings. That's a huge red flag. And that's just one of Trump's appointments. For a moment, a couple months back, it seemed like Trump was just an incompetent slob who wouldn't be able to do jack shit, but now, with his anti-the-department-they're-heading picks for the cabinet, I've lost even that slight hope that his incompetence might save us from true disaster. I don't see how we're going to get out of this, and the decades it will take to fix it, if it can be fixed at all, will be hard on many of us.

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  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    it must read "global"! seriously

  26. #26
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    until now he actually didn't state a single fucking specific measure for all this amazing things they will do to make America great again. wtf. this is not even a farce anymore.

  27. #27
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    I just watched Obama's farewell. I wish I could be more like him especially when it comes to the handling of his detractors/enemies (among other things). Maybe I will get there one day but I'm 37, so I think that ship has sailed and I'm just more of a Bill Maher type than an Obama.
    Moreover, isn't this what we are supposed to look for in a leader? Someone smarter than us. Someone more collected and reserved than we are. It seems that there's a large portion of the US that lost that somewhere, and actually went the other way. I heard this a lot during the W years, "I like him because he speaks like I do." I think those people are missing the point. The President should be someone BETTER than you.
    Clearly, that misguided sentiment won again and we're getting a guy who acts like the worst of us.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    You may not have seen the news lately, but they have already won. Are we just going to let this shit keep happening? Look at the state of the internet these days. More than a couple years ago, the entire place wasn't exactly swamped with Nazis. They had their own little corners where they stayed to themselves for the most part. Look how fucking confident they are now. Look at the state of the entirety of Twitter, it's basically becoming their headquarters. This type of behavior on whole sure seems like it's becoming more and more acceptable and open.

    So yes, I don't hear any other solutions. Stooping to their level is the answer. Fuck them. Call their parents and schools and workplaces and expose their hidden internet lives. Ruin their lives. Humiliate them publicly. Do what it takes.
    I get your way of thinking but part of me, like my last post states, wants to try a different approach. A decidedly classier and ultimately more positive one.

    However, have you ever tried talking to these people--in person or online? It doesn't work. We've seen that a little bit just here on ETS, which is a way more liberal community. It just doesn't work. Does getting down in the muck with them work any better? I don't think so but it sure feels better. You know you're in the right...but they don't care. Their thinking isn't logical. And it's certainly self-centered. They're not thinking of the big picture.

    So both approaches fail. What's the answer?
    Last edited by Swykk; 01-11-2017 at 10:43 AM.

  29. #29
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    I have to say Trump has done well by getting these car factories to settle in America

    But it still makes me think the world is a bit fucked, because his supporters are cheering it on, whereas they have spent their whole lives saying state interference in business is anathema to the American way

    Fine if daddy does it though? Personality cult

  30. #30
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    The news conference is jokes, I still can't believe this man will be soon in power

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