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Thread: Trump 2017: Year Zero

  1. #331
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post

    The right wingers have now demonstrated more revolutionary power and capacity than the left. It also means that they will be the ones most capable of filling any vacuum that the left could hope to create.

    To be fair, the republican party was NOT in control of the process either... the conservatives are, in the long run, the real losers of this election cycle, because they lost their party to the "right wingers". I think it will be easier for the democrats to regroup, because the GOP will have to pretend that everything is honky dory with Trump while he takes a shit on their values... I'm not saying that you're wrong about the vacuum being filled from the right, what I'm saying that it's the default spirit of the times, and not the result of the right having the foresight to build the momentum.

  2. #332
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    But please, enlighten everyone of how you're going to totally put me in my place.
    I don't particularly need to, considering how badly you're already being humiliated by others here.

    Your tough guy act is sad and ineffective and if you really want change, you'd be out doing it and not arguing with people here, which is another point of hypocrisy, considering how you made such a point about forum arguing. Oh, sure, you marched, great, fantastic. One day of marching out of a 4 year presidency. Great job, you really showed him. Quit wasting time arguing about how great you feel and go DO something, because the Trump administration does not give a shit how you "feel". Feelings aren't going to change anything.

  3. #333
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    I don't particularly need to, considering how badly you're already being humiliated by others here.

    Your tough guy act is sad and ineffective and if you really want change, you'd be out doing it and not arguing with people here, which is another point of hypocrisy, considering how you made such a point about forum arguing. Oh, sure, you marched, great, fantastic. One day of marching out of a 4 year presidency. Great job, you really showed him. Quit wasting time arguing about how great you feel and go DO something, because the Trump administration does not give a shit how you "feel". Feelings aren't going to change anything.
    I've worked on three straight presidential campaigns, volunteering for the Democratic party in every election since 2008 when I was able to vote. I worked for the parks department for two years to help my city, and I'm also a donor for various Latino charities around the state of Texas. Please tell me more of how I'm not making a difference.

  4. #334
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    Blame the media
    The media didn't say it. Madonna said it.

    and the DC organizers?
    I suppose we could point the finger at the organizers. But if we did, how embarrassing for them would that be? You're organizing a protest march in the nation's capital, and you allow some attention-seeking moron to be one of your guest speakers, she goes up there unscripted and just contradicts the entire foundation of your protest movement.

    Do you see how this works? It's a ripple effect. So now the organizers are just as misguided as Madonna and the people who were applauding her remarks. Why are you organizing a protest when it's clear more than just a few of you are clueless to the fact? You're not furthering anything at this point. You're just looking dumb on live television.

    As much as I may disagree with Trump and his policies, if you're going to hold him up on a pedestal for things he's said, then be fair and do it for everyone. Otherwise, get off the high horse and do something else to initiate the change you're striving for.

    I don't know. I certainly didn't hear about it till after the fact on Pitchfork, Spin, and Rolling Stone who only mentioned it because they're music publications and basically have to report it. I can tell you by reading on Twitter that nobody I saw was in favor of her antics. Elsewhere, other speakers seemed to have a positive message about peace and understanding, especially towards those on the other side. Yeah, of course I don't agree with anything she said, and don't condone of those cheering her, I also know that she doesn't speak for everyone regardless of how popular of a celebrity she is.
    It's great that people can come together and march in protest and stand up for a cause. I highly commend that act and the freedom we have that allows us to do that in this country. In other countries, you'd get stoned or have your fucking head cut off for even admitting you think about that sort of thing.

    But you know what? All these people marching around with signs that read "Trump is the new Hitler" or "Fuck Donald Trump" or "Grab my pussy and die"...what is that? How is that helping anything? Peace and love where exactly? Like none of those dudes marching around in those protests have ever made an off-colored remark about a female and laughed about it? Or complained about job outsourcing or anything else we vilify the president for speaking out about?

    Again, I -- in no way -- supported the candidacy of Clinton or Trump. To be honest, politics give me a headache and I live happily just the same not concerning myself with them to the degree a lot of others do. My life, my choice. But when I see an idiot like Madonna get up and say the things she did, and then see people like yourself saying it's a non-story and not that big of a deal...that alarms me. It's like I peak my head in the room and see nothing is really changing out there, despite all the noise being made.

    That's what concerns me.

  5. #335
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    I'm.....just gonna leave this thread.

    I already feel like have to shoot myself in the head to make all this just go away.

    Im going back to making music, fuck this shit

  6. #336
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    You can blame the media for it being shown. CNN and MSNBC could've cut to something else while she was getting up there. Having a Celebrity like Madonna almost ensures that something off the wall would happen. Yeah, if I were running it, there's no way in hell I'd have have go up there without an idea of what she's doing, but blame those organizers, not those of us marching in other places who had no idea she'd say anything when she did. You say you don't like politics and are fine living in your own bubble without it, so why does this piss you off so much? What are you going to do to change what you see or perceive as wrong?

  7. #337
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    Please tell me more of how I'm not making a difference.
    Donald Trump is the President of the United States.

    Looks like you made a big difference. A real impact. Pat on the back. Not one of your great efforts was wasted, obviously.

  8. #338
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    Donald Trump is the President of the United States.

    Looks like you made a big difference. A real impact. Pat on the back. Not one of your great efforts was wasted, obviously.
    At least I did something, what have you done beside looking like an asshole?

  9. #339
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    Plenty. But that's no one's business but my own, and I'm not bragging about it to make my ego feel good and get a self-esteem boost from a bunch of folks over the internet.

  10. #340
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    Plenty. But that's no one's business but my own, and I'm not bragging about it to make my ego feel good and get a self-esteem boost from a bunch of folks over the internet.
    No, but you look like a pathetic fool who can't back up your argument and rise to the occasion when someone questions your integrity, which you don't seem to have.

  11. #341
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    But when I see an idiot like Madonna get up and say the things she did, and then see people like yourself saying it's a non-story and not that big of a deal...that alarms me.
    You know what really alarms me? When people who actually work for the president use terms like "alternate facts" and blatantly lie to us without giving it a second thought. Madonna's not going to blow up the White House or force Trump to give a blowjob. She's a has-been who said something to get a rise out of people. She's been doing that since she started. THAT'S why it's not a big deal.

    In short: fuck Madonna.

  12. #342
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    No, but you look like a pathetic fool who can't back up your argument and rise to the occasion when someone questions your integrity, which you don't seem to have.
    I didn't put forth an argument. I made an observation that you're a hypocrite, which you are, and that's something you prove every time you show up here.

    Beyond that, The only thing here that's pathetic is how badly you try to tear everyone else down and make yourself look like such an inspiring political firebrand. I don't need to defend my integrity. It's fine. You, on the other are living up to the "kid" part of your name with your childish insults and lack of any sort of real political acumen.

    I've digressed long enough. Good luck with your crusade. Maybe if you grow up in the next few days, you'll be more willing to listen to what some of the other people here are trying to tell you.

  13. #343
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    I didn't put forth an argument. I made an observation that you're a hypocrite, which you are, and that's something you prove every time you show up here.

    Beyond that, The only thing here that's pathetic is how badly you try to tear everyone else down and make yourself look like such an inspiring political firebrand. I don't need to defend my integrity. It's fine. You, on the other are living up to the "kid" part of your name with your childish insults and lack of any sort of real political acumen.

    I've digressed long enough. Good luck with your crusade. Maybe if you grow up in the next few days, you'll be more willing to listen to what some of the other people here are trying to tell you.
    I take it that this is you giving up, because you have nothing to bring to this thread? I've debated with two others here on why I thought their stances were wrong, and all you did was try to vilify me without adding anything at all to the conversation. You can call me a hypocrite all you want, but you're worse than that. You're nothing, that's why you can't defend yourself or your integrity.

  14. #344
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    I take it that this is you giving up, because you have nothing to bring to this thread?
    I wasn't having an argument, so there's nothing to give up. *shrug* If your ego is so fragile that you need to feel like you "beat" me in something, then sure, you can have your gold star and your participation trophy. Congratulations.

    You can call me a hypocrite all you want

    okay, hypocrite.

    You're nothing, that's why you can't defend yourself or your integrity.
    Like I already told you; I don't need to defend my integrity. Never have, never will. What's your excuse?

    Regardless, you're only trying to bait me, and it's not going to work. Good luck though, if you think it will get you anywhere.

  15. #345
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    I don't think any decent human being would condone trashing businesses or small scale riots. But your outrage of her speech and the reaction of people applauding her is really getting to you, despite just saying that you don't hold us other protesters accountable. Do I think everyone who voted for Trump, including some in my extended family are all sexist and racist? Not at all, they chose to vote for him in a "lesser of two evils", which is how plenty of people seemed to vote last year despite the unpopularity of both candidates. I see yesterday's protests as a first of many of us coming together to fight the opposition. I can't count how many groups of people went out marching their for all various causes. That's fucking amazing! I'd bet that there's going to be many of people writing and calling their government officials because they're re-energized and no longer disillusioned. Sometimes all a movement needs is a kick in the ass, and there's no doubt in my mind that yesterday's protest, however small you think it is, will be the catalyst.

  16. #346
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    I wasn't having an argument, so there's nothing to give up. *shrug* If your ego is so fragile that you need to feel like you "beat" me in something, then sure, you can have your gold star and your participation trophy. Congratulations.


    okay, hypocrite.

    Like I already told you; I don't need to defend my integrity. Never have, never will. What's your excuse?

    Regardless, you're only trying to bait me, and it's not going to work. Good luck though, if you think it will get you anywhere.
    You just replied to me after saying you were done, now who's the hypocrite?

  17. #347
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    You just replied to me after saying you were done, now who's the hypocrite?
    Funny, I also just said you were trying to bait me. Let me guess; you like to have the last word, don't you? Guess it must gall you not to. Is your ego fed enough? I'll just give you the next one, if it isn't. Wouldn't want you to starve.

  18. #348
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    You know what really alarms me? When people who actually work for the president use terms like "alternate facts" and blatantly lie to us without giving it a second thought. Madonna's not going to blow up the White House or force Trump to give a blowjob. She's a has-been who said something to get a rise out of people. She's been doing that since she started. THAT'S why it's not a big deal.

    In short: fuck Madonna.
    I respect your opinion here, even if I don't entirely agree with it.

    If she had said it on Twitter or in some shitty magazine, then yes...probably not that big of a deal. It just reenforces my opinion that she's an overrated dullard, of which I've felt for years.

    My concern here is, again, the way she did it. At a women's protest march, on live television. Set the example...don't be the example. If Springsteen got up at a men's protest and changed the lyrics of BITUSA to "Truuuump can go eaaaaat a cuuuuuunt...", I'd feel the same exact way. You're speaking on behalf of a protest march and this is how you do it? By being no better than the guy you're protesting?

    Two wrongs, etc. That's why it's concerning to me. But if nobody else sees it as a problem, then what do I know.

  19. #349
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    Funny, I also just said you were trying to bait me. Let me guess; you like to have the last word, don't you? Guess it must gall you not to. Is your ego fed enough? I'll just give you the next one, if it isn't. Wouldn't want you to starve.
    Thanks for being intelligent in this conversation and debating the merits of Donald Trump with the rest of us, you did great today.

  20. #350
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  21. #351
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    Thanks for being intelligent in this conversation and debating the merits of Donald Trump with the rest of us, you did great today.
    To be clear: Trump has no merits, so... nothing to debate there.

    This time I really am going to let you have that last word. Go ahead. One last sad attempt at an insult my way, free of charge.

  22. #352
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    Two wrongs, etc. That's why it's concerning to me. But if nobody else sees it as a problem, then what do I know.
    I don't see it as a problem because it's Madonna being Madonna, and I've never cared about any of the so-called "controversial" things she's said. It's the same with any celebrity who gets on stage and says something stupid. It's not worth being concerned over, especially in light of pretty much everything else that's going on.

  23. #353
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    I don't see it as a problem because it's Madonna being Madonna, and I've never cared about any of the so-called "controversial" things she's said. It's the same with any celebrity who gets on stage and says something stupid. It's not worth being concerned over, especially in light of pretty much everything else that's going on.
    Pretty much this. I'm more concerned with Trump baiting Iraq and "what are facts?" than I am with "attention loving celebrity seeks attention".

    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    To be clear: Trump has no merits, so... nothing to debate there.

    This time I really am going to let you have that last word. Go ahead. One last sad attempt at an insult my way, free of charge.
    You said the same this last time, your act is so boring.

  24. #354
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aladdinsanity View Post
    The funniest one I've seen so far has been the Born in the USA one:

  25. #355
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dryalex12 View Post
    I do care for everyone of you, but the thing is....I don't know what to do? Look, I'm half sorry, I'm sorry for sounding like a giant prick who didn't care about anyone. That is not at all what I wanted.

    I just want to be able to go on the net, do stuff I like without getting so depressed by how fucking hopeless all of you are. The pessimism is so fucking high all over the place that I think iI need to rename it to Pissimism.

    I do care, there's just nothing I really can do. *shrugs* all I am is 20-year-old guy from Oregon who has Aspergers, what the hell am I gonna do? Should I got outside and flood the streets to protest, you know, cuz there aren't any ambulances and fire trucks that need to get through.
    Sure, protesting is really good sometimes, but honestly the greatest thing you can do is VOTE IN THE 2018 MIDTERM ELECTIONS.

    It looks like Oregon doesn't have any senators up for reelection that year, but they do have a number of people up for election for the House of Representatives. Check your map and see which congressional district you belong to and vote. If you have friends/family/etc that will listen to you, get them to vote too. The good thing is that Oregon is a pretty reliably blue state (although it looks like the 2nd Congressional district had a Republican who's stuck in there for almost 20 years). You should vote and make sure it STAYS that way. These things matter because these are all the people who actually WRITE the fucking laws of this country. Right now congress is dominated by a bunch of Republican scumbags who will more or less do everything Trump orders them to do. It's a bad fucking situation. But if we can successfully REPLACE those assholes with Dems (or anyone else who's strongly opposed to Trump) it'll make his job way fucking harder. Then we'll actually stand a chance.

    You're still fairly young, so it's actually totally normal to feel overwhelmed/helpless about the political situation around you. Something else to consider is getting into some smaller issue that interests you and see what you can do there. After all, you're just one person, you can't save the whole world. But if you get super into a certain topic or issue, you might figure out that there's something you feel inspired to do. Or, at the very least, just learn about things and be part of the conversation. That's my two cents.

  26. #356
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    when the Trump admin ordered the National Park twitter account to stop tweeting after posting the crowd size comparison picture.

    Actually, the ENTIRE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR had their Twitter accounts frozen. They did a full slash and burn in response to the National Parks retweet. It was a MUCH BIGGER over-reaction than what you think.

  27. #357
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    "Utter a falsehood"? How about "LIE"? Spicer straight up lied.

    Until we call a spade a spade we keep letting them win.
    I don't know, but the press are walking on eggshells right now. They're rightfully terrified that this temperamental blowhard is going to castrate them publicly like this administration already has done with CNN. It's a strange time to be alive. If they really call him out, they will be lambasted.... on fucking Twitter

    @sickamongthepure I'm only face-palming because I'm lost for words. As much as I empathize with the statement, I can't click the 'like' button.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 01-23-2017 at 01:22 AM.

  28. #358
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dryalex12 View Post
    I don't mean to sound like a giant asshole that doesn't care about peoples feelings but.......the reason why i haven't said anything about what he has done i be hasn't done anything to impact my life.........yet. It's pretty much survival of the fittest at this point.

    Trump grabbing someone's pussy is not gonna somehow blow up my apt.

    Look i don't like to talk about politics, I try to stay far away from it. I know little to nothing about it....but the truth is, to be blunt....I don't care until it starts to effect me.

    Again, I dont want to sound like an asshole, and I expect a lot of facepalms, but its the cold hard truth. you just gonna have to deal with it
    If this is really the way you feel, I hope you didn't vote.

  29. #359
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    If they really call him out, they will be lambasted.... on fucking Twitter.
    Is Twitter still a relevant thing? Lots of people I know have abandoned it in the last year or so and we were told in the business module of my music course that it's the only 'big' social media network where the membership is currently shrinking. Although, tumblr seems to be winding down as well.

  30. #360
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    Sorry for the double post, but WHAT. IS. THIS?!?!

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