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Thread: Trump 2017: Year Zero

  1. #901
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Threats to UC Berkely for cancelling Milo's appearance...
    Milo should not be speaking at universities... getting protested to the point of his speaking engagements getting cancelled is actually a pivotal facet to his whole spiel. He gets paid a shit-ton of money regardless on top of stealing from others under the guise of a college fund (the so-called "Privilege Grant"). Part of me wonders of he's actually disappointed when the protests aren't enough to keep him from carrying out his appearances.

    There's a conspiracy going around that he actually put in place paid agitators to turn the protest violent (it was non-violent for HOURS beforehand). I don't actually believe this myself, but it most certainly wouldn't be out of character for him to do so.

  2. #902
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aladdinsanity View Post
    Milo should not be speaking at universities... getting protested to the point of his speaking engagements getting cancelled is actually a pivotal facet to his whole spiel. He gets paid a shit-ton of money regardless on top of stealing from others under the guise of a college fund (the so-called "Privilege Grant"). Part of me wonders of he's actually disappointed when the protests aren't enough to keep him from carrying out his appearances.

    There's a conspiracy going around that he actually put in place paid agitators to turn the protest violent (it was non-violent for HOURS beforehand). I don't actually believe this myself, but it most certainly wouldn't be out of character for him to do so.
    Seems plausible... This guy is only showing up on my radar recently, but it seems like his whole shtick is to bait people into calling him an Uncle Tom, and then to rant against that to excuse his racist, sexist, narcissistic rhetoric. Unfortunately, that shell game works for Trump supporters desperate to point to their "gay" allegiance... and that plays into his hands, or whomever is pulling the strings behind how he's propped up.

  3. #903
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    Why do Universities even allow him to be scheduled if they know what he brings to their campuses? I'm pretty sure Berkely knew what they were getting into.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aladdinsanity View Post
    There's a conspiracy going around that he actually put in place paid agitators to turn the protest violent (it was non-violent for HOURS beforehand).
    I'll eat a brick if that's true. That's how much I think that's bullshit. I saw people get beat by flag poles, a man knocked unconscious and people attempt arson on businesses. It was pure hostility. UCPD dropped the ball big time sitting back and letting that crap happen.

  4. #904
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    I'll eat a brick if that's true. That's how much I think that's bullshit. I saw people get beat by flag poles, a man knocked unconscious and people attempt arson on businesses. It was pure hostility. UCPD dropped the ball big time sitting back and letting that crap happen.
    We're living through a new version of fascism... new violence seems plausible. Also, I'm sure there's a bunch of Breitbart-reading Trump supporters who would love to don a mask and punch a snowflake. It's not that outlandish.

  5. #905
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    but hey, let's piss off Australia while we're at it!

    Donald Trump just told Australia "You're fired!"
    Our current government is shithouse and full of Trump wannabes so they deserve each other tbh. Our past few governments have (literally, per the UN and Amnesty International) tortured these asylum seekers. There wouldn't have to be a "dumb deal" if the xenophobic fuckheads would own up to their mistakes and let the innocent people they've abused for political gain settle here.

  6. #906
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aladdinsanity View Post
    Milo should not be speaking at universities...
    Maybe it's just me, but university should be place for dialogue and diverse opinions, no matter how much you might disagree with them. Those people rioting against him are clueless

  7. #907
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    Quote Originally Posted by telee.kom View Post
    Maybe it's just me, but university should be place for dialogue and diverse opinions, no matter how much you might disagree with them. Those people rioting against him are clueless
    Maybe it's just me, but no place in the world should be a place for a lecture promoting racism and sexism, and that's literally his agenda. Not some thinly veiled, "oh maybe if you twist his words" kind of thing. He was permanently banned from twitter for literally inciting racist and sexist attacks against someone. He publishes articles on subjects like "why there should be fewer women in science". His opinions have no place in decent society.

  8. #908
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    His speech (video), the whole thing, is right there on the CSPAN video on that page, he was the Chairman of the Senate Judiary Committee for many years, I don't see how his speech and actions could possibly be misinterpreted even when the whole speech is there and knowing the context. Ain't no word-twisting, it was just the Dems using the same tactics that the Republicans later used.

    Each time the Dems pull something for their own benefit ("going nuclear") they are "surprised" when the Republicans use the same tactic or utilize the loophole that the Dems created. They need to stop creating this precedent.
    Ah, I had just closed the video when it started - figured it was one of those annoying "watch it here or read it below" things. Didn't realize it was the whole speech.

  9. #909
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    Mattis warns North Korea of "overwhelming" response to nuclear use.

    So basically there are now three countries on notice: China, Iran and North Korea ... oh Russia too

    Nikki Haley criticizes Russia over Crimea

  10. #910
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Maybe it's just me, but no place in the world should be a place for a lecture promoting racism and sexism, and that's literally his agenda. Not some thinly veiled, "oh maybe if you twist his words" kind of thing. He was permanently banned from twitter for literally inciting racist and sexist attacks against someone. He publishes articles on subjects like "why there should be fewer women in science". His opinions have no place in decent society.
    And I suppose you should be the judge of what opinions are acceptable in society right? How about we let each individual to decide whether they want to hear what he has to say or not. And what kind of argument is that he was banned from twitter lol?

  11. #911
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Maybe it's just me, but no place in the world should be a place for a lecture promoting racism and sexism, and that's literally his agenda. Not some thinly veiled, "oh maybe if you twist his words" kind of thing. He was permanently banned from twitter for literally inciting racist and sexist attacks against someone. He publishes articles on subjects like "why there should be fewer women in science". His opinions have no place in decent society.
    It's utterly bizarre to me how the narrative of "outspoken conservative silenced for having differing opinions" has gained so much uncritical traction. I guess "Guy Who Rips Off Employees, Defrauds Fans, Writes Defamatory Articles About Random People He Disagrees With On Twitter, Plagiarises Tori Amos Lyrics And Cosplays In Nazi Regalia Gets Shown The Door" doesn't have quite the same ring to it as "PC GONE MAD!!!!! PT. 25838229"...

  12. #912
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    Quote Originally Posted by telee.kom View Post
    And I suppose you should be the judge of what opinions are acceptable in society right? How about we let each individual to decide whether they want to hear what he has to say or not. And what kind of argument is that he was banned from twitter lol?
    You fight fascism with more fascism haven't you heard? Free speech has no place in a free speech society, unless the fascist left agrees with it.

  13. #913
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    This evil lying bitch:

    Good news is it led to this, which put a smile on my face:
    Last edited by Swykk; 02-03-2017 at 10:05 AM.

  14. #914
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    Quote Originally Posted by telee.kom View Post
    And I suppose you should be the judge of what opinions are acceptable in society right? How about we let each individual to decide whether they want to hear what he has to say or not. And what kind of argument is that he was banned from twitter lol?
    I suppose the entire human race should endeavor to treat each other respectfully and not systematically repress people based on the color of their skin and whether or not they have a penis, yes. And the Twitter comment was simply a reference or source; something people cite when making evidence-based claims instead of just shouting at people and making fun of them. But I can see that compassion and rational thought are wasted in this instance.

  15. #915
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    You fight fascism with more fascism haven't you heard? Free speech has no place in a free speech society, unless the fascist left agrees with it.
    What's the fascist left?

    On the left, I see citizens making their voices heard by calling their representatives, voting with their wallets, making use of strength in numbers, etc.

    On the right, I see the president signing executive order after executive order, and his staff telling people that black is white and to not believe anything you've ever been told before they arrived, amid their calls for a free press to no longer be free.

    Sorry, only one of those sounds fascist to me. And spoiler alert: it's not the top one.

  16. #916
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    You fight fascism with more fascism haven't you heard? Free speech has no place in a free speech society, unless the fascist left agrees with it.
    here, read this

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  17. #917
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Good news is it led to this, which put a smile on my face:
    This one made us crack up.

  18. #918
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    What's the fascist left?
    It's an oxymoron.

    Like: "Falsely True"

    Like: "Alternative Fact"

  19. #919
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    Or "Feminazi"

  20. #920
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    What's the fascist left?

    On the left, I see citizens making their voices heard by calling their representatives, voting with their wallets, making use of strength in numbers, etc.

    On the right, I see the president signing executive order after executive order, and his staff telling people that black is white and to not believe anything you've ever been told before they arrived, amid their calls for a free press to no longer be free.

    Sorry, only one of those sounds fascist to me. And spoiler alert: it's not the top one.
    Shutting down dissenting speech is not fascist? Okay.

  21. #921
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    this hypocritical, misanthropic bloke wouldn't even be tolerated at speaker's corner for long.
    Last edited by baudolino; 02-03-2017 at 12:51 PM.

  22. #922
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    From an objective legal perspective, Milo obviously has the right to plan a speaking event where he wants, but from a practical point of view, it's pretty stupid to schedule your silly alt-right speech at a famously liberal college. It's like scheduling an anti-gun protest in the middle of a gun convention at the NRA headquarters. Don't whine when you find yourself surrounded by pure hostility. You obviously asked for it.

    It reminds me of this time when Karl Rove came to speak at the University of Minnesota and, naturally, everyone showed up to protest. I only caught the beginning of it, cause I had to get to class, but I knew it was going to get ugly. And I just thought: Why the fuck would Karl Rove come to speak at the U of M of all places? As if there were any chance AT ALL that a bunch of cool, young college kids might say, "Woah, wait a minute...did you just say Karl Rove is gonna be speaking here next week?? Oh my god, I LOVE Karl Rove! Wait till all my friends hear about THIS!" Seriously, the guy didn't have a prayer of finding an audience here. It's the fucking U of M. He should have gone to some bland, upper-class suburb outside the city, like Plymouth or Edina or some other soulless shithole. That's his audience.

    Freedom of speech cuts both ways. Milo has the right to be the drooling moron that he is, and no one can ever take that special quality away from him. But everyone else has the right to show up and tell him that he fucking sucks. Tired of these pathetic crybabies who whine about "muh freedom of speech!" and imagine that they're being oppressed just because people show up to protest. No basic common sense.

  23. #923
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  24. #924
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    haven't you caused enough shit asshole

  25. #925
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    Freedom of speech cuts both ways. Milo has the right to be the drooling moron that he is, and no one can ever take that special quality away from him. But everyone else has the right to show up and tell him that he fucking sucks. Tired of these pathetic crybabies who whine about "muh freedom of speech!" and imagine that they're being oppressed just because people show up to protest. No basic common sense.
    There's a huge difference between protesting and trying by every means necessary that people don't gather to discuss whatever subject they see fit.

  26. #926
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    milo is nothing than a fame-seeking starfucker nothing more kkk used to pull this shit all the time best to just ignore

  27. #927
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    Shutting down dissenting speech is not fascist? Okay.
    No, you're oversimplifying and making false analogies.

    One racist white guy wanted to speak, and 1,500 hundred people gathered and told him to fuck off. That's not fascism. That's a democratic people using their constitutional right to assemble.

  28. #928
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    milo is nothing than a fame-seeking starfucker nothing more kkk used to pull this shit all the time best to just ignore
    The problem with this strategy is that if those who disagree ignore him, those who buy into his hate speech will become emboldened.

  29. #929
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    The problem with this strategy is that if those who disagree ignore him, those who buy into his hate speech will become emboldened.
    it's what does it's what trump does, it's trolling in real life, say something outrageous insight anger then point at those outraged for being outraged

  30. #930
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    It's fine, really. He thrives off of these incidents. He hopes to delegitimize his political opponents in the process.

    Only problem now is his scheme is hitting a snag after he, Breitbart and the rest of his drooling fans cried wolf in Seattle (claiming one of his supporters was shot by a protester [turned out a supporter shot one of the protesters and put him in critical condition]) and in Quebec (after the mosque shooting wherein they claimed the perp to be a Muslim terrorist [turned out he was an anti-feminist Trump-supporting terrorist]). When the facts of both of those events came to light, he and said supporters swept the convo under the rug without mustering even a simple apology for spreading bullshit to fit their narrative and now the chickens have come home to roost. That's why you won't be seeing a whole lot of sympathy for him.

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