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Thread: Trump 2017: Year Zero

  1. #931
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    Oswald Moseley and the British fascists of the thirties used to stage marches through Jewish areas of London, so they could brand the local population thugs when they retaliated

    Milo is a well read man

    I find it funny people with a bee in their bonnet over liberals tolerating muslims suddenly request that tolerance be applied to fascists

    Funny as in, naive or hypocritical

  2. #932
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    You fight fascism with more fascism haven't you heard? Free speech has no place in a free speech society, unless the fascist left agrees with it.

    Free speech applies to the government interfering with expression of opinion. A college (if it's private, like most US colleges), twitter, which is a company, and society at large (by setting standards to what is acceptable to say culturally) can absolutely draw limits. The government cannot stop you from going on TV and saying that white people are superior to black people, but the TV network can, and the viewers (by calling the station to complain) to a certain extent can. This is not liberal fascism and PC culture. It's just how society works. What is acceptable changed throughout history, you could say racially insensitive shit in the 50s that wouldn't fly today. And we -as a culture- are becoming more accepting of LGBTQ people, so those standards are changing too, like it or not...
    Last edited by hellospaceboy; 02-03-2017 at 04:46 PM.

  3. #933
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    You can go to a bar and say you think LGBTQ is a sign of the moral decline of the west if you want. You have free speech. As hellospaceboy said, private entities are allowed to show what they want. Same as you won't see extensive pride coverage on breitbart

  4. #934
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    Why would they allow him to be scheduled there in the first place if they didn't want to allow him to speak? As if Berkeley didn't research him up beforehand.

  5. #935
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    I have a feeling that the corporate revolt against Trump, as typified recently by Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus dropping Ivanka's fashion line, will be the most destructive if it continues to gain momentum.

  6. #936
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    Is this a problem with the left though? If you turn up at an NRA meeting dressed like Leigh bowery and waving a sign saying ban all guns and let all Muslim refugees in... would you be politely asked to leave

  7. #937
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    would you be politely asked to leave
    Not everyone in the NRA is an immediate, hostile, trigger happy person. Sure, you might get some people who'll accost you, but that's in any group.

  8. #938
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  9. #939
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    No, you're oversimplifying and making false analogies.

    That's a democratic people using their constitutional right to assemble.
    You know I was literally eating popcorn while reading this thread but your comment made me find the article about those "democratic" and "constitutional" protests. There you go

  10. #940
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    Quote Originally Posted by telee.kom View Post
    You know I was literally eating popcorn while reading this thread but your comment made me find the article about those "democratic" and "constitutional" protests. There you go
    "Masked agitators" that were not part of the protest. But, free speech is free speech and he was INVITED by students.

    Trump says: "American universities are on notice. The President is watching. The days you could silence conservative and libertarian voices on campus and still expect to collect their tax money are coming to an end."

    I am reminded of the quote from Evelyn Beatrice Hall: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

    Free speech is free speech.

    But I agree with my husband: free speech goes both ways: the speaker AND the protesters; THIS was a law enforcement issue.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-03-2017 at 06:20 PM.

  11. #941
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post

    I am reminded of the quote from Evelyn Beatrice Hall: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

  12. #942
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    I have a feeling that the corporate revolt against Trump, as typified recently by Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus dropping Ivanka's fashion line, will be the most destructive if it continues to gain momentum.
    i think it will be worse he is quietly dismantling banking regs when people lose their retirement and more we could have a revolution

  13. #943
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    Federal judge in Washington has ordered a nationwide block on the Muslim band. I'm watching CNN, and someone has said that the higher-ups at airports are going to conduct their business as usual prior to the ban.

  14. #944
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    Federal judge in Washington has ordered a nationwide block on the Muslim band. I'm watching CNN, and someone has said that the higher-ups at airports are going to conduct their business as usual prior to the ban.
    It's safe to say this is gonna end up before the Supreme Court.

  15. #945
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    How long before that can happen?

  16. #946
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    Free speech, i think a huge problem with how people interpret this is down to semantics regardless of actual LAW.

    It's like when someone offers you a bag of chips or a plate of baked goods and they say "help yourself!" they don't mean go whole hog, there's that unwritten rule or limit and way of not taking it so damn literally.

    Just because you can have free speech doesn't mean you go whole hog and go around committing hate crimes and think you're getting off the hook, you don't go around hurling threats at people saying you're going to rape them and other things of a serious nature and not expect to be held accountable... like WTF is wrong with people that don't understand this? You don't fucking get to hide behind free speech like that.

    THOSE are the type of people that need the reality check and THOSE are the type of people that Trump has been fucking emboldening lately, how does anyone not see this? people think this behavior is ok to let go unchecked? Nothing at all should be done about it? That's disturbing.

  17. #947
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    Free speech, i think a huge problem with how people interpret this is down to semantics regardless of actual LAW.

    It's like when someone offers you a bag of chips or a plate of baked goods and they say "help yourself!" they don't mean go whole hog, there's that unwritten rule or limit and way of not taking it so damn literally.

    Just because you can have free speech doesn't mean you go whole hog and go around committing hate crimes and think you're getting off the hook, you don't go around hurling threats at people saying you're going to rape them and other things of a serious nature and not expect to be held accountable... like WTF is wrong with people that don't understand this? You don't fucking get to hide behind free speech like that.

    THOSE are the type of people that need the reality check and THOSE are the type of people that Trump has been fucking emboldening lately, how does anyone not see this? people think this behavior is ok to let go unchecked? Nothing at all should be done about it? That's disturbing.
    The First Amendment says this:

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
    But case law has determined that free speech IS limited.

    Examples most often given are yelling "Fire" in a crowded building, or saying "HI JACK!" on a plane.

    But Nazis in the U.S. are allowed to protest with a proper permit, just like anybody else.

    And anarchists, same thing.

    "Speech" that doesn't endanger people is still free speech.

    Saying "I'm gonna go kill those lesbians" = not free speech, that's a threat.

    Saying "I fucking hate all lesbians" is hateful, but it's an opinion so it's still free speech.

    The lesbians can then have a protest saying "We all hate that asshole."

    Still free speech.

    Free speech under the Constitution relates to whether or not you can be arrested, by law, for said speech.

    A teacher who goes on Facebook and writes "fuck all these niggers!" isn't going to be ARRESTED for her free speech; but she will most certainly be (legally) fired, because it violates the terms of her employment (she represents the school, even when not on the job).

    Last edited by allegro; 02-03-2017 at 10:08 PM.

  18. #948
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    Right, it just seems like a lot of that gets twisted everywhere in the U.S. and i see threats happening all over the place that people like to justify as free speech, i always see it coming from the same type of crowd.

    All i can say is, as a Canadian I'm glad we have this:

    and this:

    EDIT: Also, I should clarify that i would never insist on some kind of "thought police", to hell with that and i am generally against censorship but these days I have to wonder if there should be more serious discussions on "speech". Words have a massive amount of power and granted the chances are low but i've always feared people being brainwashed on massive scales to do harm either to themselves or to others, people being manipulated psychologically.

    Jonestown still freaks me out, the fact something like that could even be possible.
    Last edited by thelastdisciple; 02-04-2017 at 12:24 AM.

  19. #949
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    Shutting down dissenting speech is not fascist? Okay.
    Glad to hear that you agree Trump is a fascist.

  20. #950
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I went to 13 shows on the tour, the sole political song is "THTF" which is totally incongruous on the album. Every single interview with Reznor during that time focuses on his writing the lyrics based on his lawsuit against his former manager and his having done a live-in rehab stint, and whether or not he'd still be relevant after being gone for years and not high anymore.

    And really, who cares? Sure, this is a NIN board but the biggest reason this board is and always has been inhabited by liberals is not due to aping Reznor's politics; it's because we have always had a bunch of educated and intelligent people in here and they tend to be more liberal.

    Reznor isn't Al Jourgensen.
    Whether it's 12 songs bashing the Bush government or just one, the fact remains that he made his stance clear for the first time within a song of his - I obviously did not read every interview up to that point, but neither did the average listener. Also, what the fuck, 13 shows? Aren't you around ~50? Sure, that would make you 30/40 at the time, but that's still rad.

    Btw, I absolutely love that this is the cockiest I've ever seen you, haha. I mean, its absolute self-fallation, pretentious and toxic, but from someone who is usually the voice of reason, it's nice to see some things can make you jump out of your skin too. Passion is probably the second most attractive trait after confidence.

  21. #951
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Whether it's 12 songs bashing the Bush government or just one, the fact remains that he made his stance clear for the first time within a song of his - I obviously did not read every interview up to that point, but neither did the average listener. Also, what the fuck, 13 shows? Aren't you around ~50? Sure, that would make you 30/40 at the time, but that's still rad.

    Btw, I absolutely love that this is the cockiest I've ever seen you, haha. I mean, its absolute self-fallation, pretentious and toxic, but from someone who is usually the voice of reason, it's nice to see some things can make you jump out of your skin too. Passion is probably the second most attractive trait after confidence.
    For fuck's sake, if you didn't notice that the lyrics don't line up with neocons, that's your fucking problem. Also, NIN's lyrics mostly suck, and that's the path that I have chose, so STFU already with this drift. FFS, listen to the first two songs on the first NIN album if you're confused about where the fans probably stand on unfettered capitalism or religious fanaticism; both of which are big middle fingers to far-right alignment.

  22. #952
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Passion is probably the second most attractive trait after confidence.
    Did you just...

    Did you really just... hit on Allegro? In the Trump Thread?


  23. #953
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    For fuck's sake, if you didn't notice that the lyrics don't line up with neocons, that's your fucking problem. Also, NIN's lyrics mostly suck, and that's the path that I have chose, so STFU already with this drift. FFS, listen to the first two songs on the first NIN album if you're confused about where the fans probably stand on unfettered capitalism or religious fanaticism; both of which are big middle fingers to far-right alignment.
    HLAH defies greed and Terrible Lie questions (but does not defy) religion. How is that compareable to straight out saying that the war in Iraq is a charade and urging you to voice or even act on your concerns regarding the government?

    Sure, you grew up in American culture, and I know religion is a big part of politics there, but do you honestly think it has a direct political (aka anti-Republican) message that a young man is torn and desperately cries out to an alleged deity up in the sky? Or that a young man saying no to selling out himself and his beliefs is somehow a clear sign of Mr. Reznor pursuing Democratic values?

    Also, I did not imply you in any of my sentences, so not sure what got you so worked up outside your own idea of HLAH and TL.
    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    Did you just...

    Did you really just... hit on Allegro? In the Trump Thread?

    Hahah, yeah, I guess I did in a platonic way. Must be some motherly impulse from her that made me fond of her. Is that weird? I've always had my favorites on every board, regardless of age, gender, or whether we cursed or complimented each other 0-24. Allegro always came across to me as a chill, level-headed, open-minded, non-opressive dudette, whom I would enjoy some early afternoon non-alcoholic beverages every 2 or 3 months, if we were closer in age.

    And what better place could I spread my love in, if not here, where cozy and warm feelings seems like far-fetched ideas?

  24. #954
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post

    Sure, you grew up in American culture, and I know religion is a big part of politics there, but do you honestly think it has a direct political (aka anti-Republican) message that a young man is torn and desperately cries out to an alleged deity up in the sky? Or that a young man saying no to selling out himself and his beliefs is somehow a clear sign of Mr. Reznor pursuing Democratic values?
    Well... I grew up with one of my parents being an immigrant, and I spent part of my childhood living in England... but whatever about me... whatever ends this fucking political discussion about Nine Inch Nails in the one "safe space" on this board where we stop fucking talking about Nine Inch Nails. Stop it. Please.

    I don't care. You don't live in America, and apparently you don't look up stuff on that internet thing you have, but most republicans are not into anti-Christian or anti-Capitalist shit. There's your answer. Now please, shut the fuck up about it.

  25. #955
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    Thank you for the kind offer, but I really couldn't care less about how you live through the mental torture of having to read or skip through posts which discuss NIN+politics in a thread that has Year Zero in its title, on a board dedicated to NIN.

    I'm sure Trump did or will do something today as well, to which you can calmly reflect, so don't be bummed out, no one will miss out on your commentary from Hell today either.

  26. #956
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Thank you for the kind offer, but I really couldn't care less about how you live through the mental torture of having to read or skip through posts which discuss NIN+politics in a thread that has Year Zero in its title, on a board dedicated to NIN.

    I'm sure Trump did or will do something today as well, to which you can calmly reflect, so don't be bummed out, no one will miss out on your commentary from Hell today either.
    What? Were you trying to make a point here? Do yourself a favor and take my advice. Stop it. Nobody is coming into this thread for NIN-related ANYTHING

  27. #957
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    What? Were you trying to make a point here? Do yourself a favor and take my advice. Stop it. Nobody is coming into this thread for NIN-related ANYTHING
    But the topic still sparked, a few people chipped in and I was discussing it with said few people. You took it on yourself to act as the secret police, trying to end it, because you found the lack of "Trump is literally killing me" sentences disturbing.

    Dude, you've got at least 4 years of playing the freedom fighter here; on that scale, a few of us discussing a semi-related alternate topic for a little while is nothing.

    But hey, I did come forward about telling you that I find your maniac attitude annoying, so fair's fair with you telling me about your concerns about me. Dully noted.

    Look what I found for you! Why don't you chew on this until you find something fresh? You are wasting your precious time on me, while the only person who can save the USA is You.

  28. #958
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    keep talking to yourself, moron

  29. #959
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    keep talking to yourself, moron
    Me, allegro and Swyyk discussed the topic, I replied to them, then you chipped in angrily, like anyone was talking to you, and now you ended up in this childish rage. You do not realize, but you are acting rather pathetic, but you just can't leave the topic alone, because you already invested too much face value into it, which only got you shamed the way you acted like a kid, and your pride doesn't let you go.

    Just cut your losses, man.

  30. #960
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    Not everyone in the NRA is an immediate, hostile, trigger happy person. Sure, you might get some people who'll accost you, but that's in any group.

    I know, that's my point, it isn't a left-specific problem, you get those people in every group

    Ps jinsai you lived in England?! I reckon Milton Keynes or reading
    Last edited by Sutekh; 02-04-2017 at 05:27 AM.

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