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Thread: Trump 2017: Year Zero

  1. #1321
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    So, apparently Russia's worried that Trump may fuck up so badly that he can't get the sanctions lifted that they wanted. Turns out, even for Russia, aiding an unhinged psychopath in winning the white house was a bad idea.

  2. #1322
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post

    This is fucking terrifying. I haven't been able to personally verify the email itself, but the context is legit - the survey has been re-released at a new address. It's IP blocked (so you can't even take it on two computers in the same house), but I was able to take this one while the old one still won't let me back in. So that makes me think this is actually authentic.

    Here's the "new" link (for the exact same survey, again):

    Please, please take the 60 seconds needed to fill this out. I don't care that it has no scientific merit, because his supporters don't care either. If the White House likes the numbers they see, they'll flaunt it as scientific fact from the press room, and Donald's supporters will believe it because "how could it be a lie if the poll numbers said so???"

    If nothing else, read the text in that image. I mean, really read it. Let it sink in. I'm fucking scared.
    What the fuck was that shit? It was propaganda framed up as a survey.

  3. #1323
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    What the fuck was that shit? It was propaganda framed up as a survey.
    Yup. And that's why sites like NPR rightfully reported on it.

    I really hope they follow up with this new one. I still haven't seen any further evidence that the screenshot is legit, but the survey itself certainly is, which lends credibility to the image.

  4. #1324
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    I love how after the survey they want you to donate money. That whole survey is insane

  5. #1325
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    Quote Originally Posted by kdrcraig View Post
    I love how after the survey they want you to donate money. That whole survey is insane
    Well keep in mind that the source is his own mailing list, so it's being sent out to those who have already supported him. What better time to ask for money than after you've gotten all worked up and answered a bunch of questions about how the evil media has been mean to your president?

  6. #1326
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    trump shadier than a maple tree maple tree

  7. #1327
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    The survey is there purely so they can quote the stats, because actual stats don't help them (being half based in reality)

    Look at this one ;

    "Do you believe that the mainstream media does not do their due diligence fact-checking before publishing stories on the Trump administration?"

    Fuzzy wording, followed by yes or no options... that way the answer you give can be taken as either "yes, I believe they don't fact check" or "no, I don't believe they fact check"

    Comical stuff, like a banana republic dictator or something

  8. #1328
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Well keep in mind that the source is his own mailing list, so it's being sent out to those who have already supported him. What better time to ask for money than after you've gotten all worked up and answered a bunch of questions about how the evil media has been mean to your president?
    To be fair, after every political survey I answer online or every petition I sign online, they ask for money. MoveOn, the ACLU, Social Security Works all ask for money after I sign a petition etc. It's pretty typical marketing.

    I did the Trump media poll twice (one was GOP, one was Trump) and I had to answer several questions with "no opinion" because the questions were so tricky.

    On another topic: what the hell is going on with these JCC threats?? Why on earth has anti-semitism increased like this? Trump rhetoric or just more overall hate? G and I joined the local JCC fitness center recently and this is ridiculous. What sick jerk wants to bomb a Jewish Community Center where there are CHILDREN and non-Jews, too? The J fitness centers are like the Y (Young Men's Christian Association which welcomes everyone, it's community-oriented and family-oriented). These threats are based on hate but these people are also totally ignorant and, well, evil and I rarely use that word.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-21-2017 at 11:16 AM.

  9. #1329
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    Yeah... Just to clarify, my 99.8% approval comment was a joke... Sorta... About this propaganda poll. The intention behind it is blatant, and the phrasing of its questions is insane and scary

  10. #1330
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    There are many proposals for how to change things. Some involve vouchers that DO cover enough.

    Why does it HAVE to come from feds? Why not state?
    Riddle me this:

    If the states cover it, where does that money come from? Taxes? Taxes that the Republicans (and some of the fringe groups) don't like to pay and keep cutting? Where does this money come from then?

  11. #1331
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    There are always groups who'll refuse to integrate, Hasidic jews don't either. Difference being so far the pollock and jews haven't carried out any attack on the west or western values. Can you name me when was the last time a polish guy threatened,tried or killed someone for making fun of the pope? Arabs, and muslisms, unlike the jews and those polish people you know are far more resistant to said integration.
    Define "The West" again ?

    I know you're on a roll about religious groups, but in France for instance, we've had terrorist attacks from various separatist groups (Brittany, Basque country, Corsica), Far left movements, Anti-immigration/anti-left movements, antisemitic terrorist attacks, secular terrorist attacks... And now islamic terrorism.
    We're so used to it our garbage bins are specially designed so that you can't shove and hide an IED in there. We've had soldiers patrolling the streets since the 90ies.

    Shudder all you want every time you hear "islam", I know they're the Big Bad in vogue right now. Immigration isn't the cause of terrorism though. Radical ideologies are.

  12. #1332
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    Define "The West" again ?

    I know you're on a roll about religious groups, but in France for instance, we've had terrorist attacks from various separatist groups (Brittany, Basque country, Corsica), Far left movements, Anti-immigration/anti-left movements, antisemitic terrorist attacks, secular terrorist attacks... And now islamic terrorism.
    We're so used to it our garbage bins are specially designed so that you can't shove and hide an IED in there. We've had soldiers patrolling the streets since the 90ies.

    Shudder all you want every time you hear "islam", I know they're the Big Bad in vogue right now. Immigration isn't the cause of terrorism though. Radical ideologies are.
    So that's not a new thing? That's kind of a relief as we were in Paris for the EURO finals last summer and saw roving bands of soldiers all over the city, even inside the Louvre. The hotel was fucking shaking from the people in the bar after the France team scored their goals against Germany. Sadly we flew out the next day but it was a spectacle.

  13. #1333
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    So that's not a new thing? That's kind of a relief as we were in Paris for the EURO finals last summer and saw roving bands of soldiers all over the city, even inside the Louvre. The hotel was fucking shaking from the people in the bar after the France team scored their goals against Germany. Sadly we flew out the next day but it was a spectacle.
    Vigipirate (French: Plan Vigipirate) is France's national security alert system. Created in 1978 by President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, it has since been updated three times: in 1995 (following a terror bombing campaign), 2000 and 2004
    Oddly enough, the english wiki doesn't mention it first rolled out during the first Gulf War. The army presence has been definitive since 1995. Not quite to that extent mind you, it's been progressively reinforced.
    Last edited by Khrz; 02-21-2017 at 03:46 PM. Reason: Gulf, not Golf. Let's wait for Trump before we call a proper golf war.

  14. #1334
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    it's still all bullshit you are not going to ever be involved in a terrorist attack, let me repeat that for you very slowly you will not be involved in a terrorist attack

  15. #1335
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    it's still all bullshit you are not going to ever be involved in a terrorist attack, let me repeat that for you very slowly you will not be involved in a terrorist attack
    -louie've posted that after the wrong person

  16. #1336
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    why does every younger male Trump defender look like they modeled themselves after one of the villains from an 80s coming-of-age comedy? Every time one of these bastards shows up on my TV, I immediately think of a scene from Animal House or Better Off Dead.

  17. #1337
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    God I don't even need to watch this to agree with you. He looks straight out of central casting.

  18. #1338
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    Looks like a little wiener...sounds like a little wiener

    Has probably felt powerless and rejected his whole life, and this is how he gets a sense of power, belonging and purpose. It is that simple...

  19. #1339
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    Define "The West" again ?

    I know you're on a roll about religious groups, but in France for instance, we've had terrorist attacks from various separatist groups (Brittany, Basque country, Corsica), Far left movements, Anti-immigration/anti-left movements, antisemitic terrorist attacks, secular terrorist attacks... And now islamic terrorism.
    We're so used to it our garbage bins are specially designed so that you can't shove and hide an IED in there. We've had soldiers patrolling the streets since the 90ies.

    Shudder all you want every time you hear "islam", I know they're the Big Bad in vogue right now. Immigration isn't the cause of terrorism though. Radical ideologies are.
    Immigration is bringing radical ideologies, the lack of integration of said immigrants makes them prone to adhere to radical ideologies. Not only that the current wave of migrants will threaten the social cohesion that existed in Europe for decades.

  20. #1340
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    Immigration is bringing radical ideologies, the lack of integration of said immigrants makes them prone to adhere to radical ideologies. Not only that the current wave of migrants will threaten the social cohesion that existed in Europe for decades.
    What like world war 2, the cold war and a divided Germany, the Irish troubles, the Italian days of lead, ETA in Spain, the baader meinhof...etc...

    I don't advocate uncontrolled, open door immigration and there is a problem within the Islamic world at the moment, but pretending Europe was peaceful and unified before muslims came along is an ahistorical romanticist fantasy.

    I'm not saying "it was always violent and riven, might as well let it continue", I'm just warning you against falling for these fantasies and the people who peddle them. The last thing they want to build is social cohesion

  21. #1341
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    What like world war 2, the cold war and a divided Germany, the Irish troubles, the Italian days of lead, ETA in Spain, the baader meinhof...etc...

    I don't advocate uncontrolled, open door immigration and there is a problem within the Islamic world at the moment, but pretending Europe was peaceful and unified before muslims came along is an ahistorical romanticist fantasy.

    I'm not saying "it was always violent and riven, might as well let it continue", I'm just warning you against falling for these fantasies and the people who peddle them. The last thing they want to build is social cohesion
    I don't see how the fact that Europe had a violent past means we shouldn't take measures to prevent more violence and divisiveness.

  22. #1342
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    Immigration is bringing radical ideologies, the lack of integration of said immigrants makes them prone to adhere to radical ideologies. Not only that the current wave of migrants will threaten the social cohesion that existed in Europe for decades.
    As I mentioned it before, Europe has an integration problem as a whole. I have many friends who are EU citizens and moved to the UK, Austria, Belgium, etc (which they have the legal right to do so), and they're white, christian, they speak the language and function very well in society, yet they are not really accepted into society. You can move to France, and see how long before the locals consider you to be french. Or again, like my friends, British. (Hint: NEVER) Many western-European countries have anti-muslim laws (France, I'm looking at you)... So to look at these Syrian refugees and blame them for not integrating and feeling marginalized is ridiculous! In Hungary, just this past year, the government had an official media campaign with giant posters reminding refugees that they have to learn Hungarian, that it's a christian country, that they can't take jobs from Hungarians... but hey, they are the assholes for not integrating, right?!

    In America, we have a culture that allows for actual integration (I just became a US citizen myself, and I feel that people really accept me as such), but making anti-Muslim laws will only make people feel marginalized here too! Again, most radicalization happens online anyway, but I can't think of a better way to help it than handcuff 5 year old children at the airport (as a result of Trump's Muslim ban)... In America, we don't have a Muslim integration problem, because we accept people who practice their own culture and we know that it doesn't make them less American.

  23. #1343
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    it's still all bullshit you are not going to ever be involved in a terrorist attack, let me repeat that for you very slowly you will not be involved in a terrorist attack
    Okay, I need to point out that this is naive.

    The likelihood is very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very low. That is true. But terrorist attacks happen, and they can happen anywhere. I'm speaking of ALL motivations - not just the main one this country is freaking out about.

    I fly several times a month. I make my living working at large, public events. I very, very nearly lost friends at the Bataclan. I had friends and relatives within 100 yards of the Boston Marathon bombing.

    Statistically, the odds of being involved in - and especially dying in - a terrorist attack are incredibly slim, especially for those of us in the States. But to explicitly state that it will not happen is naive. No one thought they were going to die in the federal building in OKC. No one thought they would die in San Bernardino. No one thought they would die going to work at the WTC. It can happen. It does happen. It most likely won't. But "most likely" does not mean "will not".

    I'm not saying everyone should be walking around paranoid that they're going to get shot or blown up before sunset. I'm just saying that every time it does happen, the reaction from the town is "no one ever thought this could happen here". So keep that tucked away. Learn basic crisis survival skills (such as learning how to instantly choose between running vs hiding; how to secure a door, etc). Don't stay awake at night worrying that each day could be your last. But don't pretend it "can't" happen, because that's what everybody thinks right before it happens to them.

  24. #1344
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    And nobody mentions the affective splash damage, which is considerably wider than winning the lottery (according to the famous analogy).

    Sure the chances to actually be involved in a terrorist attack are slim. But once you take into account that your family, friends and colleagues might be, the statistical likelihood rises considerably.

  25. #1345
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    Wasn't there a guy that survived both 9/11 and the bataclan attack?

  26. #1346
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellospaceboy View Post
    As I mentioned it before, Europe has an integration problem as a whole. I have many friends who are EU citizens and moved to the UK, Austria, Belgium, etc (which they have the legal right to do so), and they're white, christian, they speak the language and function very well in society, yet they are not really accepted into society. You can move to France, and see how long before the locals consider you to be french. Or again, like my friends, British. (Hint: NEVER) Many western-European countries have anti-muslim laws (France, I'm looking at you)... So to look at these Syrian refugees and blame them for not integrating and feeling marginalized is ridiculous! In Hungary, just this past year, the government had an official media campaign with giant posters reminding refugees that they have to learn Hungarian, that it's a christian country, that they can't take jobs from Hungarians... but hey, they are the assholes for not integrating, right?!

    In America, we have a culture that allows for actual integration (I just became a US citizen myself, and I feel that people really accept me as such), but making anti-Muslim laws will only make people feel marginalized here too! Again, most radicalization happens online anyway, but I can't think of a better way to help it than handcuff 5 year old children at the airport (as a result of Trump's Muslim ban)... In America, we don't have a Muslim integration problem, because we accept people who practice their own culture and we know that it doesn't make them less American.
    Yes Europe does have a problem with integrating their immigrants, which again is reason why taking them by the millions is anything but smart.

  27. #1347
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellospaceboy View Post
    As I mentioned it before, Europe has an integration problem as a whole. I have many friends who are EU citizens and moved to the UK, Austria, Belgium, etc (which they have the legal right to do so), and they're white, christian, they speak the language and function very well in society, yet they are not really accepted into society. You can move to France, and see how long before the locals consider you to be french. Or again, like my friends, British. (Hint: NEVER) Many western-European countries have anti-muslim laws (France, I'm looking at you)... So to look at these Syrian refugees and blame them for not integrating and feeling marginalized is ridiculous! In Hungary, just this past year, the government had an official media campaign with giant posters reminding refugees that they have to learn Hungarian, that it's a christian country, that they can't take jobs from Hungarians... but hey, they are the assholes for not integrating, right?!

    In America, we have a culture that allows for actual integration (I just became a US citizen myself, and I feel that people really accept me as such), but making anti-Muslim laws will only make people feel marginalized here too! Again, most radicalization happens online anyway, but I can't think of a better way to help it than handcuff 5 year old children at the airport (as a result of Trump's Muslim ban)... In America, we don't have a Muslim integration problem, because we accept people who practice their own culture and we know that it doesn't make them less American.

    Given Americas history please dont lecture European countries on 'intergration' it only for certain groups?

    The biggest minority in the UK are Indians (Hindus) they assimilate fine, they have among the highest incomes.
    Last edited by Exocet; 02-22-2017 at 10:19 AM.

  28. #1348
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    Given Americas history please dont lecture European countries on 'intergration'..
    What the fuck is intergration?

  29. #1349
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    Given Americas history please dont lecture European countries on 'intergration' it only for certain groups?

    The biggest minority in the UK are Indians (Hindus) they assimilate fine, they have among the highest incomes.
    What do you mean only for certain groups?!?!

    And I am also a Hungarian citizen, so my "lecture" wasn't some far away perspective, but I lived in both continents and there is definitely a different view on national identity. I know people from neighboring countries like Romania who speak perfect Hungarian and integrated 100%, yet they are still not considered Hungarian by most people. In their head it's a question of blood, you can't become one. Like I said, you can't really become French. Not really.

    In this regard, there is a different view of identity in the US. Again, I'm sure you can bring up the civil rights struggle or whatever you want, I know the country isn't perfect. All I was saying is that culturally there is a way to truly integrate here, because people don't think of being American as genetic.

  30. #1350
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    Also because, the US, unlike most european countries, is not a nation state.

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