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Thread: Trump 2017: Year Zero

  1. #2671
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    They also need to stop being assholes.

    Yeah, Republicans treated Obama like shit for eight years. And yeah, the guy they elected is potentially mentally unfit, in a legitimate medical capacity, to hold office. But every time someone on the left starts talking about the Commander in Cheetos, every time they post a meme that makes fun of all 62 MILLION people who voted for Trump as being some sort of mentally challenged inbred KKK member, they're just digging their own grave. They're showing more and more people that they can be elitist, intolerant ass hats. And the downtrodden - the ones working 75 hours a week at minimum wage to scrape by, the ones working physically tolling jobs that take years off of their lives - will vote Republican (or not at all) if they feel like they're being ridiculed for not voting for whoever the left has offered up. It doesn't even matter to them that so many Republican efforts are actually working against them. The party's primary votership have a way of making them feel included and important. If you want them to vote for your side, stop ridiculing them.

    There are so many legitimate reasons to loathe the Republican party, the things they're pushing for, and their methodology in doing so. But for fuck's sake, fighting fire with fire is only turning people against the left's extremely poor attempts to get a point across.
    I see the point of what you're getting at here, but you have to realize... emotions like frustration, depression, anger, desperation... they're going to become more incentivizing prods than acceptance, bliss, entitlement, security... the former lot are alarm signals to our instincts, the latter are perks.

    You want to get your ass out and vote if you're mad and frustrated and angry about shit. It doesn't matter if you're actually "right," and since that's a subjective qualifier, it doesn't apply anywhere beyond understanding that both sides will retaliate identically when it comes to motivation. It's why the parties "trade" back and forth constantly.... well, that and the strategies behind electioneering are billion dollar industries.

  2. #2672
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    I was reading this: and part of it caught my attention.

    All of the media (except fox, etc) state that he's wildly unpopular, and delusional, and they're right. But he's refusing to engage in discussions with them, by not holding press conferences where they can ask the hard questions anymore. He's refusing to be interviewed by anyone who doesn't already agree with him.

    And so now, if you want coverage of him speaking, all you get is when he's signing an order, with his cronies standing around smiling, or at campaign rallies with his idiot supporters cheering him on. His narcissism which is encouraging him to avoid speaking anywhere he's not adored is also making it easy for him to convince people that he's more popular than he is.

    The news says he's unpopular, while showing clips of him being cheered on by his supporters. That's all the clips of him you'll get anymore.

    His narcissism is helping him build his case against the media.

  3. #2673
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    must watch you are being manipulated:

  4. #2674
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    CNN is so fucked.

    Why the fuck did the guy who made the shitty CNN wrestling gif have to fucking apologize??? And more importantly, why does CNN feel like it's ok to threaten to dox the guy? Apparently he is only 15 as well.

    CNN should get memed until they apologize.

  5. #2675
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Why the fuck did the guy who made the shitty CNN wrestling gif racist, antisemitic troll have to fucking apologize???
    Fixed that for you. (In case you're wondering, no one in America "has" to apologize for speech. But if you've had the tables turned and you suddenly realize what a magnificent cunt you've been, why shouldn't you apologize?)

    As for CNN - although the user himself has publicly stated that he did not feel remotely threatened by their statement and he agrees with them - that was definitely the wrong way to approach it. While they're certainly correct in that they have the right to name him, they could've just left that to the editorial board instead of publicly stating that they'd ID him if he went back to publicly posting hateful racist garbage. I don't disagree with their stance (why let racists hide, especially when they're attacking you?). But they really dropped the ball by posting that line. I feel bad for their PR department.

  6. #2676
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    Damn, still hard to take notes from this thread. I had "public humiliation and blackmailing is bad" written down, but now I have to make a little * there to add "... unless you are against our party".

    These transformations into the exacts hellhounds you are drooling over is fascinating.

  7. #2677
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Damn, still hard to take notes from this thread. I had "public humiliation and blackmailing is bad" written down, but now I have to make a little * there to add "... unless you are against our party".

    These transformations into the exacts hellhounds you are drooling over is fascinating.
    Not quite sure where you're getting public humiliation from, or where you see anyone condoning blackmail.

    The edited CNN/WWE video is newsworthy, and a central part of that story is WHO is responsible for the video. Identifying that person wouldn't be humiliating them, it would be objectively reporting on an internationally discussed incident. If he's humiliated by what he did, he only has himself to blame. CNN wouldn't be the one humiliating him. He has humiliated himself.

    And who here do you see condoning blackmail? So far we all seem to be universally against CNN's public statement of "we'll keep you hidden for now, but don't fuck up again". It's within their right to release his name, just as it has been since the second he published the video. There seems to be a pretty universal condemnation against their threatening tone, though.

  8. #2678
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    Your last paragraph basically summed up what blackmailing is. Releasing information that would hurt you UNLESS ... that's pretty much it. They wanted to keep him silent, but cnn must've had some old folks planning this strategy, cuz now everyone is memeing them...

    As for the "he did it himself" argument... isn't this what Trump does? Gets called out/ridiculed, then retaliates with low blows.

    Anyway, if we can freely meme the president - which we can; hey, trump, you have tiny hands, fuck you!!! - then a major media outlet should have a thicket skin when it cones to 15 year old memers.

  9. #2679
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    I think it's good for the little shit to learn that free speech does not mean free of consequences. Trump gets away with it because he has money and an army of lawyers. Richard Spencer gets punched. This douchebag teen got a public shaming.

    Also, CNN shouldn't be threatening to reveal his name. They either should've done so from the get go or not done so and left it at that. I think this reaction comes from journalists NOT up Trump's ass being sick of being threatened by hillbilly asswipes and DisinfoWar conspiracy gunnuts. That's not to condone CNN's reaction but I get it.

    That should apply regardless of the person's age too now that I think about it.
    Last edited by Swykk; 07-05-2017 at 10:43 AM.

  10. #2680
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Your last paragraph basically summed up what blackmailing is. Releasing information that would hurt you UNLESS ... that's pretty much it. They wanted to keep him silent, but cnn must've had some old folks planning this strategy, cuz now everyone is memeing them...

    As for the "he did it himself" argument... isn't this what Trump does? Gets called out/ridiculed, then retaliates with low blows.

    Anyway, if we can freely meme the president - which we can; hey, trump, you have tiny hands, fuck you!!! - then a major media outlet should have a thicket skin when it cones to 15 year old memers.
    Yes, what CNN stated describes blackmail. I still don't get where you see anyone CONDONING it. No one here has said "yeah, they totally did the right thing by telling him to shut up or else". We've all said just the opposite.

    Here's the difference in the Twitter war though - CNN isn't making stupid memes about the President, or even sharing stupid memes about the President. CNN is reporting on the news. Trump, on the other hand, is blasting out memes and childish insults (frequently based on an alternate reality). I don't see this as CNN having a thin skin. The President of the United States of America has repeatedly and publicly assaulted the outlet and told his tens of millions of followers that they - a free press- are an enemy who is not to be trusted under any circumstances. CNN has a right and a responsibility to fight back and hold his feet to the fire. They just need to tread carefully with regard to HOW they do that so as to not discredit themselves or give fuel to their opponents.

    Also, please cite your source about the video's creator being a 15 year old and not an adult who should know better (and is registered to vote).

  11. #2681
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    While no one argues that Trump is - among many other things - childish, it is no excuse for any other professional to get on his level. Well, maybe if Dems would do it and eventually won the next election we could talk about it as a legit strategy, but as of right now, CNN just made an ass about themselves.

    I just read the 15 year old part, but will gladly drop it , I thought it was a fact, but nonetheless, we are talking about a civilian on the internet. Pick whatever you hate and you are going to find memes about it on the internet. It's 2017, don't act like this guy made some fake threats about killing somebody or such; those are the things you should absolutely get blasted out of your anonymity, because such threats are not funny. This CNN vs. 1 person situation is just shameful for CNN; such na organisation should be bigger than this.

    By condoning I meant your tone, because you came (and a bit still do) across as someone who thinks that if you are so to say a "bad person", then an org. like CNN can rightfully drag you through the dirt for something as ridiculous as memes. Then again, I disagree with punching racists as well, though I wouldn't want to white-knight them. I just don't like the whole idea of "being an asshole with an asshole makes the first asshole a non-asshole".

  12. #2682
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    According to the below article, he's an adult (not 15, it would be REALLY bad to disclose the name of a minor) and I'm confused because the article says "HansSolo" apologized for racist comments he made in Reddit but it doesn't appear that he apologized for the gif (FOR WHICH HE SHOULD NOT APOLOGIZE). The gif isn't wrong to pass around by citizens; the PRESIDENT publishing it is between CNN and the President, NOT the gif-creator.

    I'm never watching CNN, again. Total assholes. They have the "right" to report on the President but NOT the right to involve the third party who's entitled to the same free speech as CNN but uses an anonymous online ID for a reason and did nothing illegal or even ethically wrong. The meme was beating up a fucking LOGO; it's OBVIOUSLY a joke. It's a joke that's in poor taste for a PRESIDENT to spread publicly through an official channel but it's a nothingburger spread by anyone else.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-05-2017 at 11:03 AM.

  13. #2683
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    Here's a link (please read the thread) that, again, makes me think CNN made a poor choice in a decision to fight back:

  14. #2684
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    Well, right; this shit happens to people (non-journalists) every fucking day. It's "cyberbullying" and it's not some phenomenon used only by moron Trump supporters. TEENAGERS do it. It doesn't make it right, but it's like this journalist just woke up from Unicorn Land and realized that being online could be, um, DANGEROUS to your ego or in reality. (And there is a big difference between online-talk threats and actual threats; no Kathy Griffin wasn't really going to behead Trump, either.) So, what does the journalist do in reaction to the stuff he reads on reddit? Feeds the guy who did it to the Liberal Lions, who will also tear him a new one just as deftly as the other ones.

    The correct reaction to a threat, real or otherwise, isn't to do something about it, yourself; the correct reaction is to report it to the proper authorities. Let THEM investigate it and take any actions they deem necessary or warranted. It's not up to a journalist to play crime-fighter.

    MOST journalists and news outlets aren't up Trump's ass. News media outlets are making tons of ad revenue bashing Trump; these are the same news media outlets who followed Trump around reporting every word he said during the campaign, in essence giving him free coverage all the time and helping him win the primary and probably the election; because the shit that comes out of Trump's mouth is "entertainment" -- be it positive and/or negative -- that generates tons of attention and therefore ad revenue.

    And this is doing exactly the same for CNN.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-05-2017 at 01:16 PM.

  15. #2685
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    I think it's good for the little shit to learn that free speech does not mean free of consequences. Trump gets away with it because he has money and an army of lawyers. Richard Spencer gets punched. This douchebag teen got a public shaming. .
    Yeah in Stalinist USSR people had the freedom to say whatever they wanted, consequence being they got sent to Siberia. These days they get harassed/threatened/punched and lose their jobs.

  16. #2686
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Well, right; this shit happens to people (non-journalists) every fucking day. It's "cyberbullying" and it's not some phenomenon used only by moron Trump supporters. TEENAGERS do it. It doesn't make it right, but it's like this journalist just woke up from Unicorn Land and realized that being online could be, um, DANGEROUS to your ego or in reality. (And there is a big difference between online-talk threats and actual threats; no Kathy Griffin wasn't really going to behead Trump, either.) So, what does the journalist do in reaction to the stuff he reads on reddit? Feeds the guy who did it to the Liberal Lions, who will also tear him a new one just as deftly as the other ones.

    The correct reaction to a threat, real or otherwise, isn't to do something about it, yourself; the correct reaction is to report it to the proper authorities. Let THEM investigate it and take any actions they deem necessary or warranted. It's not up to a journalist to play crime-fighter.

    MOST journalists and news outlets aren't up Trump's ass. News media outlets are making tons of ad revenue bashing Trump; these are the same news media outlets who followed Trump around reporting every word he said during the campaign, in essence giving him free coverage all the time and helping him win the primary and probably the election; because the shit that comes out of Trump's mouth is "entertainment" -- be it positive and/or negative -- that generates tons of attention and therefore ad revenue.

    And this is doing exactly the same for CNN.
    Yeah maybe after 4 years of Trump the media will realize how much of a gold mine Trump is and be forced to support him for 2020.

  17. #2687
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    Yeah maybe after 4 years of Trump the media will realize how much of a gold mine Trump is and be forced to support him for 2020.
    He really is a steady and predictable source of revenue; the media would be more trustworthy and honest if they covered ANYTHING ELSE but Trump shit. Trump LIVES for attention, always has. Nothing freaks him out more than no attention.

  18. #2688
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    just more distraction, still no closer to finding out what went on during the election, nothing on Flynn or any of the other crap I thought America prided itself on democracy, so much so we are willing to invade other nations, yet when it happens here, it like,Is America got talent on?", or what did dunderhead tweet today? it's all very confusing and sad, I guess I should do like everyone else and put my head back in the sand, sad, can't trust the news, I guess 240 years is is a pretty damn good run.
    Last edited by Louie_Cypher; 07-05-2017 at 02:37 PM.

  19. #2689
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    just more distraction, still no closer to finding out what went on during the election, nothing on Flynn or any of the other crap I thought America prided itself on democracy, so much so we are willing to invade other nations, yet when it happens here, it like,Is America got talent on?", or what did dunderhead tweet today? it's all very confusing and sad, I guess I should do like everyone else and put my head back in the sand, sad, can't trust the news, I guess 24o years is is a pretty damn good run.
    Come on, you were around before the "World Wide Web" and before the "Internet" as we know it; I'm so old, I was around before CABLE, let alone Cable News. Back then, you got two TV news programs per day in larger markets and only one per day in rural markets and those mostly focused on local news and friggin' farm reports and local traffic tickets. And we got the printed news once per day, and we had talk radio with news reports. Nothing with "news as entertainment." News Feeds and then social media changed all of this.

    My Twitter feed gives me news before it even hits cable. For example, I found out that Michael Jackson died via Twitter before it was on TV. Same for tons of other news. We get TO-THE-MINUTE, sometimes INSTANT news (Twitter, FB Live, etc.)

    But it doesn't mean that this shit wasn't GOING ON, before; it just means we didn't know about it for days or weeks and then we only got it via printed text, first (WaPo with Watergate).

    Trump's reality show has become WAY bigger. It's like "Real World" but in the White House. And it's only possible with the internet, social media, etc. Take away his instant access to blather at will at midnight, and you take away his microphone. He's still living for attention like it's OXYGEN. He's ALWAYS been mean and spouting shit at critics; this isn't new shit.

    Last edited by allegro; 07-05-2017 at 02:47 PM.

  20. #2690
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    While no one argues that Trump is - among many other things - childish, it is no excuse for any other professional to get on his level. Well, maybe if Dems would do it and eventually won the next election we could talk about it as a legit strategy, but as of right now, CNN just made an ass about themselves.

    I just read the 15 year old part, but will gladly drop it , I thought it was a fact, but nonetheless, we are talking about a civilian on the internet. Pick whatever you hate and you are going to find memes about it on the internet. It's 2017, don't act like this guy made some fake threats about killing somebody or such; those are the things you should absolutely get blasted out of your anonymity, because such threats are not funny. This CNN vs. 1 person situation is just shameful for CNN; such na organisation should be bigger than this.

    By condoning I meant your tone, because you came (and a bit still do) across as someone who thinks that if you are so to say a "bad person", then an org. like CNN can rightfully drag you through the dirt for something as ridiculous as memes. Then again, I disagree with punching racists as well, though I wouldn't want to white-knight them. I just don't like the whole idea of "being an asshole with an asshole makes the first asshole a non-asshole".
    I'm still not sure what part of "I don't condone this" isn't coming through, so I'm just going to drop this. The President fucked up by tweeting such an idiotic thing that demonizes one of the founding principles of our country, CNN fucked up by basically blackmailing the guy who inspired* the video. Both major parties in this story fucked up.

    *(Side note: it looks like someone else was actually responsible for the video he shared - it appears based off of the gif that the reddit user shared, but the video seems to have been created by another party.)

  21. #2691
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    that current poland pamphlet makes me sick. pure, senseless, agitational Bannon speech. frightening.

  22. #2692
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    I see Trump is getting a warm reception today.

  23. #2693
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    Sad that I can't figure out how to embed this. But I can't stop looping it.

  24. #2694
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post

    Sad that I can't figure out how to embed this. But I can't stop looping it.

    Open in new tab, copy link address, paste in the "insert image" option but remove the "v" of "gifv".

    IT IS GLORIOUS. The burn!

  25. #2695
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    Many thanks!

  26. #2696
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post

    But I can't stop looping it.
    OMG I could watch this 1000 times

    To be fair, I don't think it was intentional. But, it's still hilarious.

  27. #2697
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    And the big thing you SHOULD be pissed about is CNN handing Trump a loaded gun. In the age of questioning legitimacy of mainstream journalism, one of the major orgs starts acting like Gawker. How do you think that works out in the end?
    Look, whatever, if he "reeled back" or didn't, he's saying that CNN is wrong.


    Move on, man. Quit trying to poke at fellow forum members. Ain't right. Especially not from an Admin (Admins are held to a higher standard, IN THE INTEREST OF THE BOARD).

    It's one thing to discuss a topic; it's another to search out potential MOTIVES or some kind of AGENDA behind the posts and poke at members for fun.

    The TOPIC is key, here. Not the forum members.

    Anyway, Trump acts like EVERYTHING is a loaded gun in his favor, and CNN is pretty much on his same level of whining about everything.

    I don't even know what is legitimate "journalism," anymore. It's ALL corporate in this country. It's ALL slanted in favor of attention for revenue.

    I don't give a fuck about "anti-Trump posters" (or "for Trump" posters). It's SOCIAL MEDIA. Who fucking cares? Other than to know how DUMB our average voter is.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-06-2017 at 11:03 PM.

  28. #2698
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    The posters represent ideas. Ideas in an age of vitriolic culture wars. Hence the "but a lot of.." in my post.
    Nah, the ideas are fed to them.

  29. #2699
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    And this is now beyond Trump and CNN. What CNN did has united a huge number of groups. That's impressive considering how divided everyone is these days. There will be some serious shit unfolding very soon if CNN doesn't fire the entire KFile team.
    There is a collective "yawn" out there except for the drum-beating of CNN, which CNN is doing ONLY to get attention for more revenue.

    Americans have the attention span of a rat. Maybe less. Next week, it'll be forgotten.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-06-2017 at 09:07 PM.

  30. #2700
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    Re Trump in Poland, this is the take-away:

    CNN has “been fake news for a long time… covering me in a very dishonest way.”

    “NBC is equally as bad, despite the fact that I made them a fortune with 'The Apprentice' but they forgot that."

    So, bottom line? If you "make a fortune" for a news company, that news company owes you favors.

    Russian interference in the election?

    He says it was probably Russia but it could have been other countries or other people ... meanwhile, he insists that Obama should have done something about it and didn't ... do something about ... nothing.

    (of course, it's not true, Obama did LOTS of stuff about "it" but whatever ... at the same time, we got Pussygate as a distraction)
    Last edited by allegro; 07-06-2017 at 09:10 PM.

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