I can't imagine being the only black person in the Trump White House. I'm sure many of you here have had bosses who make off color jokes and you find yourselves rolling your eyes at them, even if you're not a person of color. So imagine being in her position when Trump says something like "hey, the White Supremacists aren't to blame for the violence at their Nazi rally". I can't even imagine how much that would screw with me mentally.

But I'm also seeing a picture painted that she allegedly had extremely open access to the president, and used it in a way that sounds very Tom Yates / House of Cards-ish. Like just wandering into the residence to chat, strolling into meetings she wasn't invited to and derailing them, etc. And once the new Chief of Staff came in he went "wait a minute - that's not how the White House works" (which I agree with) and tried to force her into a more structured and professional role. So now, you're working for a boss who clearly doesn't give a flying fuck about your entire race and you've lost the ability to try to talk to him about that without setting up formal meetings via someone who will probably make scheduling those nearly impossible?

Gee, can't see how that would possibly end poorly.