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Thread: Mass Effect

  1. #301
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    So I started ME3 a few days ago with my paragon femshep. I chose to romance Thane in ME2 (I always do, I can't resist him <3) and here is the biggest issue that I have with ME3 at the moment: it seems that the whole character development that took place in the end of ME2 with Thane is now almost completely forgotten. I heard that you get more out of the the whole story with him in dlc, but should be in the game. If I knew all this before I would have sticked to one of the main characters when choosing a romance to get a more satisfying story. -.-

    All in all it seems to me that a lot of things happen in the game that are out of character and certain choices that you have made are irrelevant. Did they change the writers or what happened?

    The gameplay is alright. The only thing that annoys me is this new 'roll feature' in battle, which doesn't always work the way I want it to.
    I didn't finish the game yet, but up until now there seem to be less side missions (?) I don't know, I just feel like I'm much less able to explore the galaxy.

  2. #302
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrsMeowMeow View Post
    So I started ME3 a few days ago with my paragon femshep. I chose to romance Thane in ME2 (I always do, I can't resist him <3) and here is the biggest issue that I have with ME3 at the moment: it seems that the whole character development that took place in the end of ME2 with Thane is now almost completely forgotten. I heard that you get more out of the the whole story with him in dlc, but should be in the game. If I knew all this before I would have sticked to one of the main characters when choosing a romance to get a more satisfying story. -.-

    All in all it seems to me that a lot of things happen in the game that are out of character and certain choices that you have made are irrelevant. Did they change the writers or what happened?

    The gameplay is alright. The only thing that annoys me is this new 'roll feature' in battle, which doesn't always work the way I want it to.
    I didn't finish the game yet, but up until now there seem to be less side missions (?) I don't know, I just feel like I'm much less able to explore the galaxy.
    I think it's largely the same group of writers from #2?

    The side missions there WERE seemed to be way more fleshed out (like Benning)... and you get a little more Thane fulfillment in the Citadel DLC but HAHAHAH BIOWARE DLC HAHAHA. (I haven't played the Citadel DLC as I'm still on a re-playthrough of #2 before I try 3 again with my main Shep, but, Youtube. I actually have really enjoyed it.) But yeah, Thane's role in #3 is very brief.

    Also, the rolling? Yeaaah. There was a lot of NO DON'T GO INTO COVER GET BACK INTO COVER YOU JUST ROLLED etc for me in #3.

  3. #303
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrsMeowMeow View Post
    All in all it seems to me that a lot of things happen in the game that are out of character and certain choices that you have made are irrelevant. Did they change the writers or what happened?
    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    I think it's largely the same group of writers from #2?
    Mac Walters took over as lead writer for ME3. Drew Karpyshyn (no longer with Bioware) and Mac Walters co-led ME2.

  4. #304
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lambda View Post
    Mac Walters took over as lead writer for ME3. Drew Karpyshyn (no longer with Bioware) and Mac Walters co-led ME2.
    Drew Karpyshyn also wrote many of the great Mass Effect novels.

  5. #305
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    Freakin' love Mass Effect. Although, I played ME2 just after it came out, then ME3 a few months ago and ME1 straight after that. Because fuck chronololgy.
    I replayed ME2 after I finished ME3 and ME1 and the plan was to do 3 again, but it all got a bit much and I stopped haha. That's one way to totally enjoy wasting a 2 week holiday off work.
    The novels are awesome as well.
    I know you're not meant to judge a book yadda yadda, but the names for each of them kind of...suck.

  6. #306
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    Replaying ME2 as an authoritarian asshole of a captain. Shepard just banged Jack, and has his sights aimed at Miranda, Yeoman Kelly, and hey, why not Garrus, too?

  7. #307
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    Replaying ME2 as an authoritarian asshole of a captain. Shepard just banged Jack, and has his sights aimed at Miranda, Yeoman Kelly, and hey, why not Garrus, too?
    What about Admiral Anderson? I'm sure he'd be a good fuck too.

  8. #308
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    Aaaaaaaaw yeah, dawg. Don't think I'd forgotten about HIS sweet ass.

  9. #309
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    Anyone play this online? This is by far my favorite game to play online. It's challenging and requires a lot of teamwork and cooperation to beat missions on Gold and Platinum difficulty. If anyone plays on PS3 add me: Hourisathand.

  10. #310
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    I'll pass for sure but I guess if you're one of the 9 people that hadn't played it before then I guess it's worth it. Whatever.

  11. #311
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    If it comes with all the DLC, I'd at least consider it. If it doesn't, then I probably won't bother. The last two looked great, as is. So, I wonder how much they really have to improve on.

  12. #312
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    Mass Effect: Andromeda officially announced. Holiday 2016.

    Last edited by october_midnight; 06-15-2015 at 03:08 PM.

  13. #313
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    i can't stand Ass Effect, but this makes it all worth it.

  14. #314
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    That music choice was on point.

    I never really understand the hate ME3 got, I genuinely liked it from start to finish. I'm sure this will be great too, they have a formula that's working, there's not much point in changing much as far as the gameplay goes, so there is very little they could do to fuck this up

  15. #315
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    Gamers love to hate. Mass Effect was my favourite series of last gen so I'm very excited for this new game. The trailer was a bit of a letdown, though.

  16. #316
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Mass Effect: Andromeda officially announced. Holiday 2016.

    Cool, but also, hmm, reapers again? I mean, it sort of makes sense to play in a different galaxy. The end of Mass Effect 3 only concerned our galaxy, and well, if you want to introduce new races, it would be unrealistic in the old galaxy, because presumably, most advanced races were part of the relay network.

  17. #317
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    What makes you think reapers? I've seen nothing to suggest that.

  18. #318
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    Started Mass Effect 3 several days ago, and just around 10 hours in now. This is my first go in the series, and boy do these controls feel terrible. Button mapping, battle movements, navigating weapons/powers, dialog controls, upgrading weapons, everything just feels all funky. Otherwise I’m really enjoying it so far.

  19. #319
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Channard View Post
    Started Mass Effect 3 several days ago, and just around 10 hours in now. This is my first go in the series, and boy do these controls feel terrible. Button mapping, battle movements, navigating weapons/powers, dialog controls, upgrading weapons, everything just feels all funky. Otherwise I’m really enjoying it so far.
    Don't play Mass Effect 1 then hahahaha!

  20. #320
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    The game is really immersive so far, really enjoying it, but it’s doubtful I’ll backtrack to one or two. The biggest problem so far is that with the battle controls it feels like I’m mainly battling the actual controls.

  21. #321
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    Just finished replaying 2 and 3 trying my hardest to be an asshole and while I ended up more renegade than the previous 2 playthroughs, I would say I'm just too paragon. I romanced Jack in 2 but ditched her and got back with the only ME love for me, Liara.

    People that hate the ending? You're the worst. Just the most stereotypical entitled crybaby trolls.
    Last edited by Swykk; 10-31-2015 at 09:35 AM.

  22. #322
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    Okay, so I just beat Mass Effect 3, and I really don’t know if I love or hate the ending, because I didn’t understand most of what happened after that final left path/right path decision in the game. Can someone please explain to me what the hell just happened? I took the path to the left to control the reapers, I understand Spoiler: that Shepard dies, but everything else in the ending cut scenes lost me on almost every level. Christ, I understand Silent Hill games better than this, can someone please explain the ending to me?

  23. #323
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    Did you watch the director's cut ending or the normal one? The normal one is awful, rushed, and makes zero sense.

    Spoiler: the original ending makes it looks like the Normandy decides to ditch Shepard and leave.

    But, basically, the reapers for created as a form of population control. A race is only allowed the progress so much. So, every cycle, the reapers come and take out the older races of that current cycle.

    I'd download the new ending. It helps, alot.
    Last edited by Piko; 11-04-2015 at 05:38 PM.

  24. #324
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    You didn't get three options?

  25. #325
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Did you watch the director's cut ending or the normal one? The normal one is awful, rushed, and makes zero sense. I'd download the new ending. It helps, alot.

    Spoiler: the original ending makes it looks like the Normandy decides to ditch Shepard and leave.

    But, basically, the reapers for created as a form of population control. A race is only allowed the progress so much. So, every cycle, the reapers come and take out the older races of that current cycle.
    Thanks for the help, and I’m guessing I have the normal ending as I have no DLC. So yeah, I understood the game completely (I think), up until after you make the decision to either destroy or control the reapers. I’ll go spoiler here,

    Spoiler: So I thought my options according to the reaper master were to:

    A) Destroy the reapers, but by doing so it would destroy all synthetic life as well as the mass relay system.

    B) Control the reapers, preserving synthetic life (and the mass relay system I thought?), but I’d die in the process.

    So I chose option B. The cut scene shows Shepard being consumed by a growing electrical ball that eventually consumes the fleets and even earth causing the reaper ships to land on earth, war over? So are the reapers now controlled by humans? Or were they controlled only by Shepard who deactivated them for good? Does humanity now get to inherit the left behind reaper technology to use, which was the elusive mans goal all along?

    Then the mass relay system began to self destruct to my confusion? I thought that was only supposed to happen if I chose to destroy the reapers? Anyway, the Normandy is also traveling through the mass relay while it's being destroyed? I thought the Normandy was part of the assault fleet around earth. How and why were they suddenly in the relay? Where did they crash land? What about the alien ships around earth that survived the battle, are they all essentially trapped on earth without access to the mass relay system? The game spells out everything up to the end. Why not just spell out the end also?

    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    You didn't get three options?
    Not that I know of, did just totally I miss something?


  26. #326
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Channard View Post
    Thanks for the help, and I’m guessing I have the normal ending as I have no DLC. So yeah, I understood the game completely (I think), up until after you make the decision to either destroy or control the reapers. I’ll go spoiler here,

    Spoiler: So I thought my options according to the reaper master were to:

    A) Destroy the reapers, but by doing so it would destroy all synthetic life as well as the mass relay system.

    B) Control the reapers, preserving synthetic life (and the mass relay system I thought?), but I’d die in the process.

    So I chose option B. The cut scene shows Shepard being consumed by a growing electrical ball that eventually consumes the fleets and even earth causing the reaper ships to land on earth, war over? So are the reapers now controlled by humans? Or were they controlled only by Shepard who deactivated them for good? Does humanity now get to inherit the left behind reaper technology to use, which was the elusive mans goal all along?

    Then the mass relay system began to self destruct to my confusion? I thought that was only supposed to happen if I chose to destroy the reapers? Anyway, the Normandy is also traveling through the mass relay while it's being destroyed? I thought the Normandy was part of the assault fleet around earth. How and why were they suddenly in the relay? Where did they crash land? What about the alien ships around earth that survived the battle, are they all essentially trapped on earth without access to the mass relay system? The game spells out everything up to the end. Why not just spell out the end also?

    Not that I know of, did just totally I miss something?

    Spoiler: I don't think anything with The Elusive Man went according to plan. He was indoctrinated. The option of controlling the reapers is most likely Shepard taking over and not anyone else. But, i'm under the assumption that the reapers just go away.

    I forget what reason the normandy had to leave. It was better explained in the extended endings, I think. But in the original, it just seemed like they just left everyone behind for no reason.

    The device they created throughout the game destroyed the relays. The catalyst? But, they end up being rebuilt some point in the future.

    And, you get FOUR options (one, only exclusive to the extended endings):

    A: Control
    B: Destroy
    C: Merge (it depends on your completion/readiness)
    D: Attack the AI kid, and everyone dies.

  27. #327
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    I guess I didn't count option D but C is the way to go in my opinion.

  28. #328
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    Okay, Spoiler: releasing the energy of the crucible destroys the mass relays, I misunderstood that one initially. That part makes more sense now, sorry on that one. And the reapers do appear to just up and fly away... to somewhere, I missed that also. But still, for as much minute detail as the game went into telling the story and crafting the worlds, this was an oddly vague narrative for the ending. Thanks for the help.

  29. #329
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    No problem. Either way, the original endings were terrible,imo. Everything about them felt rushed and sloppy. If you can't download the extended endings (it's free dlc), then I highly recommend watching them on youtube.

  30. #330
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    People went full retard online and in messages to Bioware about the ending. What a bunch of sad fuckers.

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