Still haven't played this. I spent most of yesterday evening trying to use the workaround for the face import issue with very little success. I'm looking at ME3's hideous approximation of my ManShep right now and toying with the idea of putting the game away until they come out with a fix—although I've heard tell that might never come, since this apparently isn't a big deal to the developers. Lame.

Between this and all the trouble it took to actually get a copy of the CE (plus the fact that my CE arrived without the promo item I was promised, which is a small thing but an annoying one none the less), I'm starting to dislike this game before I've even played it. I'm not looking forward to actually getting through the damn thing only to get to this ending that everyone seems to hate; if there was one thing I was hoping for from the finale of the trilogy, it was an ending that reflected the myriad choices I'd made over the series. Apparently all the playing everyone's done over the past couple of years doesn't count for shit.

I'm trying to keep hopeful about this—I'm not going to go from being a massive fanboy to cursing BioWare overnight, after all. It just sucks that things have come to this.