Quote Originally Posted by dpeters View Post
Am I the only one who liked that there were no happy endings?

Before people hop on the hate to train, I'm not saying the endings didn't have similarities but that I really liked the problem ending where there's no perfect solution to a problem.
I went into it not expecting a wonderful ending. I knew that this was going to end badly and a lot of people were going to die. A sad, messed up ending would've been fine. It's fact that they decided to give a messed up story with nothing behind it. They wanted to leave people guessing... Fine, but you have to leave them with more than that. Not the same three endings with gigantic plotholes. Give us something to work with. A lot of it just made no sense. As long as they make it make sense, i'll be more than happy. And that "good" ending they threw in there. They didn't need to do that. They were already dragging it out, so did we really need that?

When people starting complaining about it, I thought "great". Some of it was a bit melodramtic, but some (like that video giving legit, civil reasons) handled it well and respectably. I wasn't expecting bioware to cave, but i'm happy they did.