Quote Originally Posted by Dr Channard View Post
Thanks for the help, and I’m guessing I have the normal ending as I have no DLC. So yeah, I understood the game completely (I think), up until after you make the decision to either destroy or control the reapers. I’ll go spoiler here,

Spoiler: So I thought my options according to the reaper master were to:

A) Destroy the reapers, but by doing so it would destroy all synthetic life as well as the mass relay system.

B) Control the reapers, preserving synthetic life (and the mass relay system I thought?), but I’d die in the process.

So I chose option B. The cut scene shows Shepard being consumed by a growing electrical ball that eventually consumes the fleets and even earth causing the reaper ships to land on earth, war over? So are the reapers now controlled by humans? Or were they controlled only by Shepard who deactivated them for good? Does humanity now get to inherit the left behind reaper technology to use, which was the elusive mans goal all along?

Then the mass relay system began to self destruct to my confusion? I thought that was only supposed to happen if I chose to destroy the reapers? Anyway, the Normandy is also traveling through the mass relay while it's being destroyed? I thought the Normandy was part of the assault fleet around earth. How and why were they suddenly in the relay? Where did they crash land? What about the alien ships around earth that survived the battle, are they all essentially trapped on earth without access to the mass relay system? The game spells out everything up to the end. Why not just spell out the end also?

Not that I know of, did just totally I miss something?

Spoiler: I don't think anything with The Elusive Man went according to plan. He was indoctrinated. The option of controlling the reapers is most likely Shepard taking over and not anyone else. But, i'm under the assumption that the reapers just go away.

I forget what reason the normandy had to leave. It was better explained in the extended endings, I think. But in the original, it just seemed like they just left everyone behind for no reason.

The device they created throughout the game destroyed the relays. The catalyst? But, they end up being rebuilt some point in the future.

And, you get FOUR options (one, only exclusive to the extended endings):

A: Control
B: Destroy
C: Merge (it depends on your completion/readiness)
D: Attack the AI kid, and everyone dies.