Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
I think it's time we have a thread for this.

As @Alexandros has posted in the Random News thread, Denis Villeneuve has been confirmed as director to the Dune remake.

Link to prove I'm not making this up

So let's talk about Arrakis, past and present. I love the extended cut of David Lynch version because even though the special effects are not quite finished, it makes the story easier to understand. I hate the Dune mini-series because it's really really bad but I love the sequel, Children of Dune which is much better.

When I first heard about a remake, I was very much against it. I was expecting another disaster and there's nothing I hate more than seeing a beloved book being made into a disastrous movie. But now Denis Villeneuve is directing and he can do no wrong so I'm more than willing to give him a chance. However, we still have to see the Blade Runner sequel...

Who do you see in the cast? I think Kyle MacLachlan will be hard to replace; so will be Brad Dourif and Dean Stockwell.

What about Kyle MacLachlan as Leto? Too gimmicky?

I've read all the books, by the way. Several times. I just love them.

So let's have at it!
I don't want Jared Leto anywhere near this film (films?). You know how I feel about the mini series. For those who don't know about the mini series, just avoid it like a plague.
I have faith that Denis would do the movie justice, although, I would have loved to seen Alfonso Cuarón direct it. He directed the perfect novel to film adaption of, Children of Men, and I think his directing abilities would have been perfect for adapting the novels into a properly made and updated movie or movie series. Oh well we will see how good the Blade Runner sequel will be soon enough.

Brain Herbert, the son of the late author Frank Herbert,... Intriguingly, Herbert describes it as a “Dune series film project” which seems to suggest there will be more than one installment, which in this world of franchises, and the sprawling nature of the source material, seems to make sense.
I swear if Brian Herbert is a consultant for this film it might suck. He was one of the people involved with the horrible prequel novels. So I am a little worried that he might be attached to the remake of Dune. Time will tell as well as how much involvement and influence he will have for the movies.

Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
I still want to see the film version that Alejandro Jodorowsky wanted to do. I mean come on! Orson Welles as Baron Harkonnen, Mick Jagger as Feyd-Rutha, with David Carradine, Amanda Lear, Gloria Swanson, and Salvador Dali in the film with visual effects by Dan O'Bannon, art work by H.R. Giger, Chris Foss, and Jean Geraud, and music by Pink Floyd. It would've been fucking awesome. I hope Villeneuve's version is more like that.
I agree but that whole concept you stated seems outdated. Some of those people you mentioned are dead but I know what you mean. For it's time it would have been perfect.