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Thread: Frank Herbert's Dune

  1. #151
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    I managed to get a Dune vinyl! My purchase time was about one minute or so! I had a confirmation page by 12:01. I don't think I've ever purchased something so fast before ha ha you guys scared me!

  2. #152
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    I know right? every time I hear about Mondo stuff it's always "over in seconds" so this was weird.

    probably the niche-ness of the item?

  3. #153
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    Looking forward to the film, I have tickets for IMAX next Thursday.

  4. #154
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    I'm very happy for you, @cahernandez ! I'm sure you will enjoy that vinyl a lot.

    I'm also glad all of you seem to be really appreciating the score. I'll confess I have yet to listen to it. Part of it is because I'm very very attached to the 1984 version by Toto, with the Prophecy theme by Brian Eno.

    And I always like to listen to a score for the first time while watching the movie.

    Also: Jason Momoa has a man crush:

  5. #155
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    While I'm personally sick and tired of seeing Bautista and Momoa getting cast for the same role over and over again in every blockbuster movie or Netflix show... unlike Bautista Jason Momoa, as little screen time he got, showed some heart in this movie. Very loveable character for once. Bautista on the other hand... phew. You could have cast any other bulked up WWF guy for his role.

    As for the soundtrack: Would have loved to get my fingers on one of those OST vinyls, but had too much on my plate to be right on time. Then again, Mondo is just as cheap as they get... there will be a color variant along the way. I managed to snag the OST for Alien and Jurassic Park in other presumably limited color variants way after they were initially released so I'm confident to get one of them sooner or later. While it's not the first pressing, I'm sure it will be an equally nice package as they alwasy do.

    That being sad, the movie was way too long for this, but I soooo want to see the introduction of the Sardaukar on the big screen again... that was ultimately my favorite scene of the movie right after the introduction of the whole the Atreidis family. The whole scenery, music and atmosphere was mindblowing to me. Really nice to see some of Giger's influence making their way into their scenes and the whole of house Harkonnen. Not the same as Giger's initial paintings and sketches, but they somehow managed to recreate not the style, but the haunting vibe.
    Last edited by dlb; 10-13-2021 at 04:41 PM.

  6. #156
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    Saw it yesterday and halfway through I couldn't help but think "what's the point?". It looks gorgeous, is faithfull to the source material, but it's still only a story about a noble family being betrayed by another, while a boy is facing the reality of having to become an adult with all the responsibilities that brings along. That's cool, but do I need exploding space carriers to tell me that? Then again I'm an old fart and this is probably aimed at an audience less than half my age. So...

  7. #157
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    I really enjoyed it. Visually, it's absolutely magnificent, an experience to behold! Overall the story touches on the important aspects, though it does feel at times that it doesn't flesh out some of the finer details. It also has been described as feeling like a long introduction, and I can't say I disagree. Most of that of course is due to the division in two parts, I guess some of the stuff glossed over will be more prominent in the second part. Having read the books multiple times, I'm ok with it and can fill in a lot of the skipped/skimmed backstory and details, however I do wonder how people new in the Dune universe will perceive it and whether the story is sufficiently clear for them.

    For example, I miss the dinner scene where Paul comes into contact with the power base in Arrakis (and acquits himself admirably). Such a cool scene in the books, introducing a lot of the important players and their roles. Difficult to film, granted, as most of it happens in the thoughts of people, but not impossible to adequately adapt. Also, I think the water scarcity and its role in shaping Arrakis society was only briefly touched upon, as well as the difference between Harkonnen and Atreides attitude regarding this.

    On the other hand, several scenes/elements were masterfully executed. Notable examples:

    - Gom Jabbar scene
    - Atreides' arrival on Arrakis
    - Stilgar introduction
    - Spice harvester/worm scene. Exciting turning into trippy by the end.
    - Creepy Sardaukar. Loved them.
    And some more probably.

    So yeah, overall quite happy with it. Missing some stuff, but probably inevitable to an extent. Looking forward to Part 2!
    Last edited by Alexandros; 10-17-2021 at 11:36 PM.

  8. #158
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    It's up on HBO Max now. I thought it was fine. I had no prior knowledge of the story or characters, having never read the book or seen the original movie. I also didn't realize that it basically ends with a to be continued, which I think would have helped the viewing experience, had I known that. Hopefully they make part 2. I'm sure they will, but it hasn't been officially announced yet.

  9. #159
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    Can’t remember when was the last time I felt emotionally drained/so wrapped up in the movie experience that I just had to sit there while the credits were rolling, to collect myself. Other movies were I’ve felt like this: Blade Runner 2049, Dark Knight, Dunkirk. It was a very immersive experience, for 2.5 hours I felt like I was there, in Arrakis. Will probably watch it again in IMAX next week. The music complements the film really well. Like others have mentioned, the only criticism I’d make of the film is that the ending could feel anticlimactic for someone not familiar with the books, but to me it made total sense where Villeneuve chose to end Part I. Fingers and toes crossed that we get Part II! Excellent performances by Oscar Isaac, Stellan Skårsgard, Rebecca Ferguson and Chalamet. Costume design was superb, I’m sure it’ll get an Oscar nod, along with music, cinematography, and special effects. Overall best cinema experience (as a whole) that I’ve had since BR2049!

  10. #160
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    I came in pretty blind to the story, but this is an incredible movie. Always trust Denis.

  11. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    apologies if this has been posted:



    if you can figure out how to get it to download for free I'll be in your debt. the only place it downloads is iTunes and Amazon but when you click the link you have to pay. wtf is this bull?

  12. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    if you can figure out how to get it to download for free I'll be in your debt.
    Nope...it appears they meant "free to download...into your brain!"
    Last edited by Alexandros; 10-22-2021 at 11:55 PM.

  13. #163
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    Well, it's helpful at the beginning it says "Part I," so I don't understand people who say they didn't understand there'd be a cliffhanger.
    I enjoyed this - I've read the first book and saw the older version. I thought it was well done. I'm not a huge movie theater person, so I could pause as needed. I really wish they'd just filmed the second part immediately after. Waiting another 2-3 years blows. I didn't think I would like Chalamet, but I thought he was good.

  14. #164
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    It was... ok I guess. This should have been a miniseries. It doesn't function as a standalone movie. At all. It of course helps if you've read the book, but my girlfriend hadn't, and after a while I couldn't blame her for being annoyed with trying to absorb all this mythology with no real payoff in sight. It's a beautiful movie, and it's great fan service, but it's not a good movie. Maybe, if WB funds the subsequent parts, it will culminate into a whole that functions as a 5 hour long movie or something. Though given how this is likely to perform financially, I don't see it happening. As it stands, this just... sadly fails.

  15. #165
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    Saw it last night in IMAX. Thought it was awesome!

  16. #166
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    Well, the Art and Soul of Dune book soundtrack is more or less a slowed down version of tracks we have already heard, so nothing too exciting there. It's clearly meant to provide ambience while your attention is focused on something else. Which I guess is the whole point.

    Having heard now all (?) music that's supposed to be out, I think there is at least one musical element in the movie that is not present in any soundtrack. Specifically, the sort of meditative, religious chanting right after Jessica selects Shadout Mapes as housekeeper, where we get a small montage of people doing religious pilgrimage in Arrakeen. It's quite short but I still find it curious that it is not in any of the released music.
    Last edited by Alexandros; 10-25-2021 at 06:14 AM.

  17. #167
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    I thought it was outstanding. I was going to go to IMAX this weekend for it but I took a bad fall. That & the other bad health stuff going on meant I wasn't up for it. So, I watched on TV. I may go next weekend if I'm past this weeks post chemo party. I think you probably need to be into the books to really enjoy it. Very faithful adaptation. The visuals were stunning. Extremely abrupt ending. Hopefully we won't have to wait too long for part 2. The Harkonnen are plenty bad mons!

  18. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post

    if you can figure out how to get it to download for free I'll be in your debt. the only place it downloads is iTunes and Amazon but when you click the link you have to pay. wtf is this bull?
    they won't respond to email or tweet so I just found a different way to download.

    after my first listen I have to agree with @Alexandros in that it's just ambient versions of what's already out there. not a bad thing but not something you can actively listen to.

  19. #169
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    I saw it last week and i was so captivated i completely forgot to drink my soft drink!

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  21. #171
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  22. #172
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    October 2023 means they'll have to start basically now lol. Love it.

  23. #173
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    I've watched it twice now and started reading the book for the first time. I fucking love this shit and am slightly ashamed I'm just now getting around to reading the book.

  24. #174
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    gatekeepers are pains in the ass, especially when you do it to yourself. it's fine.

  25. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    I've watched it twice now and started reading the book for the first time. I fucking love this shit and am slightly ashamed I'm just now getting around to reading the book.
    I've only just now finished the first book. Started a couple months ago and barely managed to reach Spoiler: the conveniently placed two-year time skip (which is where the movie ends), before seeing the film.

    It's insane how much more detail is there in the book. Not just many more scenes that were condensed or wholly omitted from the film, but pages and pages of characters' internal thought process that's doesn't really translate to the screen.
    I wonder if going to the theater blind would've been better experience or worse.

  26. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    I've watched it twice now and started reading the book for the first time. I fucking love this shit and am slightly ashamed I'm just now getting around to reading the book.
    I'm in the same boat. Starting reading after asking in here and a few kind people pointed me in the right direction. This and Sandman I'm tackling right now.

  27. #177
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    Having read the books (most of Sandman too, lol) it’s not surprising they omitted a ton of stuff. This isn’t really shocking to anyone anymore, is it? Nobody’s gonna sit through a 15 hour movie, right? Wait until Sandman hits on Netflix if you wanna see something that’s gonna have to omit like 90% of the source material.

  28. #178
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    This is a really good interview section about a particular scene...SPOILERS

  29. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Having read the books (most of Sandman too, lol) it’s not surprising they omitted a ton of stuff. This isn’t really shocking to anyone anymore, is it? Nobody’s gonna sit through a 15 hour movie, right? Wait until Sandman hits on Netflix if you wanna see something that’s gonna have to omit like 90% of the source material.
    My head was spinning just looking up the series and the tons of different editions Sandman has. If I noticed something is left out, I usually just shrug and move on... Unless it is really important context they should have put in there lol.

  30. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    My head was spinning just looking up the series and the tons of different editions Sandman has. If I noticed something is left out, I usually just shrug and move on... Unless it is really important context they should have put in there lol.
    No doubt, it's borderline impossible to read it all. I have a friend that made it his mission to read/collect everything Sandman and at a certain point he sent me a pic of an entire ikea bookshelf literally bursting with it... "it's a lot to keep up with." and I was like "the fuck you mean 'a lot' that's an entire library." lol.

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