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Thread: The Last of Us

  1. #31
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    Im almost done and im really digging this game, but its very rough around the edges... is nobody else experiencing AI issues?. Friendlies often get in the way, occassionally enemies do a dance instead of finding cover. Theres also difficult cover issues as i mentioned before... and the waay the game defaults to your pistol, even if its empty, when you restart. Theres some serious polish problems! Kind of sad because the game coyuld have been perfect.

  2. #32
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    Friendly AI almost always does that in every game, unfortunately. If I can to pick out a gripe, i'd say it's the cover system.

  3. #33
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    I think I'm nearing the end. I'm in love.

    Here's this, for those of you that need it. Recommended read. There are no spoilers, it's simply a list of very important and handy tips: http://kotaku.com/tips-for-playing-t...f-us-513462640

    The big takeaway is to play on hard mode. Apparently New Game Plus doesn't let you up the difficulty from whichever mode you completed the game, so you'll want to end on hard.

  4. #34
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  5. #35
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    I just finished it. I completely fell in love. And the soundtrack is pretty stellar.

  6. #36
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    Just finished it as well. So damn good. Very engaging story.

    The ending though, not a fan.

  7. #37
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    Just finished it. Phew. No way would I be able to manage that on hard...
    Those perfect scores and raving reviews.. They are pretty much right. No game is perfect, and there are a few niggles and bugs with ai and such, but the ultimate impact is not spoiled by any of them.

    loved the ending too.

    Spoiler: and also Nolan north as David. The whole section in the snow was intense, probably the highlight of the whole thing.

  8. #38
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    I'm about 2 and a half hours into this game and it is amazing. I cared about Joel right off the bat and it's actually believable that he has the weight of the world on his shoulders, you can tell he's been through a shitload without even have seen it. I felt kinda bad for Ellie though at first cause she couldn't experience the world before the infection, but she's held up pretty well. The enemies are great too, I think. Very dangerous. But you're also very dangerous so it evens out. Especially when you come up behind an enemy and choke them out or shiv another. It's my new game of the year and my favorite that I have played for the PS3. I think it's even great enough to get a PS3. I have a feeling how it's going to end though, and I'll be okay with that. It will be an incredible journey. Can't wait to get back into it.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by liquidcalm View Post
    Just finished it. Phew. No way would I be able to manage that on hard...
    That's what I was thinking, but I jumped straight from Medium to Survivor and it isn't tooooo bad. You just need to use stealth in every situation you can. It takes a lot longer, especially if you're still trying to sneak around and get items, but it's the only way to survive and keep ammo/supplies for the times your forced to fight.

  10. #40
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    Re: The Last of Us

    Quote Originally Posted by sa_nick View Post
    That's what I was thinking, but I jumped straight from Medium to Survivor and it isn't tooooo bad. You just need to use stealth in every situation you can. It takes a lot longer, especially if you're still trying to sneak around and get items, but it's the only way to survive and keep ammo/supplies for the times your forced to fight.
    Stealth is the way to go. I can't imagine someone being able to gun through it.

  11. #41
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    I did go stealth most of my way through, particularly with infected, there were whole sections where you could avoid all of them, which I liked. Humans on the other hand were less than impressed with my blundering and things tended to be a series of 'oh shit he saw me' followed by a swift axe to the face (Joel or the other guy...). I took a while to learn that pressing into a wall like Metal Gear did not mean I'd get the drop on people..

  12. #42
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    I felt like I had to go stealth altogether. Harder with the bandits, which made me have to really slow down and really think things through.

  13. #43
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    Can you still use Listen Mode on Hard? I'm fine using shit all supplies on Survivor mode, it's the Listen feature I miss most.

  14. #44
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    Is anyone playing online? Is it worth the 10$ for the online pass?

  15. #45
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    I really dig the online play. I'm pretty picky about multiplayer modes, but this one's quite good, if not something that you'd play for months. Your call on this one, bud.

    If you decide to get it, make sure you play Survivors mode. There are two modes, Supply Raid and Survivors, and Survivors is simply the no-respawn version of Supply Raid. It's a lot better.

  16. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clownboat View Post
    I really dig the online play. I'm pretty picky about multiplayer modes, but this one's quite good, if not something that you'd play for months. Your call on this one, bud.

    If you decide to get it, make sure you play Survivors mode. There are two modes, Supply Raid and Survivors, and Survivors is simply the no-respawn version of Supply Raid. It's a lot better.
    Totally agree. I hate online multiplayer, for me it has limited appeal unless I'm playing with someone I know really well, which sadly isn't possible most of the time. But I really got into what naughty dog have done. You basically have to work as a team, and stay hidden, move slowly and it really captures some of the tension of the single player.
    i totally suck at it of course, but its very satisfying taking down someone who didn't see you until you were smacking him with a pipe with scissors taped to the end.

  17. #47
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    Finally got this back from my brother after he pretty much hijacked it since release day.

    Loving it.

    My only beef is, why dont the hunters who have weapons drop ammo? I mean it would make sense.

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  18. #48
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    This is the first game in a long time to make me want to play it again right after I finished it.

  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Stealth is the way to go. I can't imagine someone being able to gun through it.
    Sometimes the game feels like a healthy mix of MGS levels of stealth with Uncharted gameplay and scenery from a National Geographic documentary from 20 years into the future. The best part of the stealth was genuinely feeling fear for being caught, not just thinking "Oh, shit, my dude died. Oh well, restart." I really felt like I was IN the game, and flipped out any time I was getting chased down. And the environments were really awesome, too, especially all the empty but equally-attended-to (in terms of design) rooms. They could have saved themselves time and just skipped all the mostly-empty buildings, but that's aprt of what made it feel so dire. Going out of you way to explore an area with the possibility of dying for a couple tools and a can of food, if anything at all, felt pretty...I dunno, real.

    Also, Spoiler: the fight with Ellie and David was probably the peak moment of excitement/fear for me. I've never had my heart racing so fast as it was when I was trying to find/attack that fucker. That entire snow sequence was a rush from start to finish, and the way that chapter ended was perfect.

    All in all, I think this is a zombie apocalypse story the way it should be told. I thought it was brilliant. The ending was perfect, and if they decided against doing a sequel, I'd be totally fine with that. But if they do, I'd want them to take their time with it. Seriously, I wouldn't want it until, like....early 2016. Polish that baby.

  20. #50
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    Anyone else think Hugh Jackman looks a liiittle bit like Joel in his new movie? And by a little bit, I mean he couple be a twin brother.

  21. #51
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    This was the first game I played in over a year I think (minus GTAV with my girlfriend). And it's easily in my top 5 of all time. The story incl. characters were fantastic. The world felt alive and dangerous. The combat felt like combat, bullets felt like they hurt, punches felt like I was fucking punching someone, getting bit by a clicker was terrifying.

    This game is a 10 out of fucking 10.

    And this article helps me articulate why - http://www.polygon.com/2013/7/24/454...the-last-of-us

  22. #52
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    So… has anyone played Left Behind? It's mostly exposition, but is just as moving and revelatory as any of the vital moments in the original story (perhaps even more so in terms revealing Ellie's internal struggle and personal resolve). It's also done a great job in revealing the latent homophobia and sexual repression in gamers through the surrounding discussions that are already taking place.

    Naughty Dog have further solidified themselves as masters of nuance and storytelling.
    Last edited by Aladdinsanity; 02-16-2014 at 06:56 PM.

  23. #53
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    Well, it took me a few months, but I finally beat this one and the side story "Left Behind." This was probably one of the heaviest games I've ever experienced. Lots of emotions felt while playing this.

    As a side note, the Gone Girl soundtrack was a perfect compliment to this.

  24. #54
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  25. #55
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    Hereee we go.

  26. #56
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    For anyone who's interested, I co-wrote a video essay on TLOU featuring an interview with Neil Druckmann.

  27. #57
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    Just got an email from Best Buy saying Last Of Us Part 2 is delayed to December 31st. Hoping that’s a temporary date until things calm down. At this Point, I’d rather take a fall release than winter.

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  28. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItsChrisRoss View Post
    Just got an email from Best Buy saying Last Of Us Part 2 is delayed to December 31st. Hoping that’s a temporary date until things calm down. At this Point, I’d rather take a fall release than winter.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Dec 31 delay dates generally (almost always) mean it's been delayed without a new release date set. This one makes sense. I've been playing Last of Us 1 on and off during this quarantine, and it's been a pretty miserable playing experience. The tone and topic and everything; maybe it's not what we need right now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Dec 31 delay dates generally (almost always) mean it's been delayed without a new release date set. This one makes sense. I've been playing Last of Us 1 on and off during this quarantine, and it's been a pretty miserable playing experience. The tone and topic and everything; maybe it's not what we need right now.
    God this hit me in the gut. The AI in this game is the smartest I’ve ever played against. Anyone have any recommendations that have AI that hunt you down at this level? The last game I played that had AI at that level was Alien isolation but games aren’t really related.
    this was the game I wanted more than anything other than RE3. I was a little late to preorder my limited edition steel case from Best Buy but the weird thing was the day I ordered the game the very next day I get an email saying it’s being delayed.i also got charged for a preorder? What’s that about?

    this life isn’t real it’s a simulation, it can’t be real. If it isn’t real
    someone is making some crazy money from my weird stupid brain
    Last edited by Rdm; 04-04-2020 at 12:14 PM.

  30. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rdm View Post
    God this hit me in the gut.
    this was the game I wanted more than anything other than RE3. I was a little late to preorder my limited edition steel case from Best Buy but the weird thing was the day I ordered the game the very next day I get an email saying it’s being delayed.i also got charged for a preorder? What’s that about?

    this life isn’t real it’s a simulation, it can’t be real. If it isn’t real
    someone is making some crazy money from my weird stupid brain
    Same here. Was really looking forward to the game more than any other. Also yeah, preordered from Best Buy and was charged. No biggie.

    On an unrelated note, I was playing SpiderMan for PS4 yesterday and got the the part when the virus was released and everyone was wearing face masks and I was like HOLY SHIT.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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