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Thread: The Last of Us

  1. #91
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    I posted this in another thread, but I’m super frustrated about the downtown area. I went thru the fuck fedra gate not realizing you couldn’t return and missed some optional things. Oh well.

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  2. #92
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    there's something about the pacing of the game, and quite honestly, storyline, that isn't grabbing me as much as the first game. I'm at the TV station now. which means...probably still early in the game, so I'll give it time.

  3. #93
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    I'll be super vague so I don't spoil anything .

    Just beat the game on hard mode. I think the game was incredible and I actually think it was better than the first. I played the first game last week and beat this one this week so I feel I'm in a good position to say this. The game has so many memorable moments. BUY THE GAME ! the lighting in this game was phenomenal, the red sewer area- holy crap that was so so good. Sound another A +. Story a little long but still phenomenal. Graphics we're A+ at times but were just ok at other times. Replay-ability- already doing it lol. The game won my heart, I don't understand any criticism but I would be open to hear it.
    Last edited by Rdm; 06-27-2020 at 01:51 PM.

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    there's something about the pacing of the game, and quite honestly, storyline, that isn't grabbing me as much as the first game.
    I'm wondering if the issues with pacing that folks are having is due to the bigger areas of exploration? Downtown Seattle on horseback getting to explore all those locations on your map.. it was like how they introduced the expansive driving sections in Uncharted 4.

    I've just left off at the second flashback. The first flashback was really sweet and i think is the most precious moment of the game so far, it reminded me of the giraffe scene from the previous game.

    My save file says I'm about 20 hours deep now!
    Last edited by thelastdisciple; 06-27-2020 at 01:05 AM.

  5. #95
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    Wow that ending... Is just... Impressively depressing. Probably for the worse. It doesn't do enough to justify itself. I don't find the choices that were made or the motivations convincing.

    That said I still enjoyed the bulk of the game.

  6. #96
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    This really doesn't suit being open world- fucking around in Seattle is tedious. Let's study that crappy map for 30 minutes so I can explore this Starbucks for the promise of a couple of bullets and a crappy collectable trading card.

    I read a review recently saying something like "every location is so rich with subtly suggested history and backstory that you can't help but wonder in awe at blah blah". I mean, the foliage is pretty and the rope physics are interesting? Plus the bit with the bank robbers was interesting for about a minute. At least I got a shotgun out of it.

    Also ND- why are you mapping both the map and the crafting menu to the touchpad? Have you any idea how annoying that is? And your guitar playing minigame is so trite it's almost offensive.

  7. #97
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    I thought the guitar part was really good.You can literally play songs that are chord based songs and the animation when playing the song is really neat -it shows her hand making the chords on the guitar neck correctly. The details in this game are so meticulous, it must of drove the coders nuts.

    the negative reviews really don't make sense. The game is almost the same game with better graphics, longer story, enhanced sound, the game is terrifying when it try's to be- the first game never got scary IMO. The story and the message of the game can be applied to what's going on in our society today with the Black lives matter- Hate usually comes from the unknown. Seems like a backlash due to the overwhelming good reviews. Sorry if I'm parroting what others have said.
    Last edited by Rdm; 06-27-2020 at 04:12 PM.

  8. #98
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    this is why you ignore "user reviews" on aggregate sites. Nobody cares what these people think.

    and... I say this as someone who has pretty much always felt it was overrated and I can't really get into it, but I get that there's just something here I haven't gotten yet. I'll get it eventually. Doubt I'll get to part 2 anytime soon.

  9. #99
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    Spoiler: Neil Druckmann explained in a spoiler podcast that the ending originally included Ellie retrieving "Ollie" (J.J.'s stuffed animal toy), suggesting that she walks back to Jackson to patch things up with Dina after she leaves the house. They nixed that scene at the last minute to make the ending more open for interpretation.

    Honestly? The more I think about it, I have a hard time believing that original ending doesn't occur anyway. The story is already funneled to that conclusion and it makes no sense for her to do anything otherwise in the end.

  10. #100
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    I’m on chapter 18 out of 45. No issues with the game so far.

  11. #101
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    Is there that much ignorance out there that people don't like the game because there's gay people as the main characters ? I'm started to feel like many of these people didn't even play the game.
    Last edited by Rdm; 06-28-2020 at 04:25 PM.

  12. #102
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    Loving the game so far, and I unfortunately know spoilers. I’ll see how I feel about the game when I’m done with it, having finally experienced it to completion, but as of right now, I’m loving it.

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  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rdm View Post
    Is there that much ignorance out there that people don't like the game because there's gay people as the main characters ? I'm started to feel like many of these people didn't even play the game.
    Sadly yes, gamers are the biggest cry babies and when you clump that up with our current political climate, the neck beards come out in full force. I've seen "BOYCOTT NAUGHTYDOG #Trump2020" floating around on facebook and it just sucks that politics have to ruin a video game for some. Personally I'm happy to see the LGBTQ community getting attention like this. I had someone get into an argument with me stating "I hate it when devs try to push their agenda on everyone, it's not fair that I am forced to play these characters" - my retort was "so I guess it's okay for gay people to only be able to play straight characters? yeah, that seems fair *eye roll*"

    I'm about half way through I think (I just got to the Hospital) and I love this game. The cinematics are breath taking and I like how you really have to ration out your ammo, my only complaint (and its extremely minor) is its a little too cinematic for me. I like the roaming around the city and reading all the notes left behind and I wish there was a little bit more to that in this game when it comes to flushing out the story. Additionally, I keep laughing whenever you smash a window / shove a door open - I always think to myself "Okay, someone or something HAD to hear that" - but its these little plot holes that make this game fun.

  14. #104
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    It's hooking me in more. I'm about 12 hours into the game, give or take.

    One thing I hate in games though: killing animals. ughhhhhhh.

  15. #105
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    Just got through the museum flashback. Goddammit, broke my heart a little bit to see them together and in good spirits.

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  16. #106
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    I'm glad I walk a beat to my own drum. So far I'm pretty engrossed in the revenge aspect of the story. Spoiler: It felt so good to beat the shit out of and kill Nora in Chapter 18.

  17. #107
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    I'm on my second run through the game and I can definitely agree the cinematics are a bit much. I wish I could talk more about how I feel about the story but I don't want to ruin it for anybody else.

  18. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aladdinsanity View Post
    Spoiler: Neil Druckmann explained in a spoiler podcast that the ending originally included Ellie retrieving "Ollie" (J.J.'s stuffed animal toy), suggesting that she walks back to Jackson to patch things up with Dina after she leaves the house. They nixed that scene at the last minute to make the ending more open for interpretation.

    Honestly? The more I think about it, I have a hard time believing that original ending doesn't occur anyway. The story is already funneled to that conclusion and it makes no sense for her to do anything otherwise in the end.
    Spoiler: after doing some reading the big, valid thing I get from it is the writers pointing at the player and asking "do you want Ellie to be happy? Or do you want to keep playing the game?" Because in order for the game to continue, Ellie must be unhappy, and Ellie must engage in violence. All through out the game they ask... How far is too far? If somehow it had kept going after that horrible scene in the end... Would you do it? Would go and chase Abby back again or whatever? I don't know it was very harsh. So in that way the ending might be clever.

    On the other hand, that point is made very early on. When they don't go back right after Dina reveals she's pregnant. Or when Ellie won't go with Jessie to save tommy. Or when Ellie leaves Dina and JJ. The point is made a dozen times over .. at the cost of belief. By the time Ellie won't help the slaves leave the camp or she's threatening to stab Lev.... I have not been made to believe that Ellie would do that. They did not convince me that she would go that far. It just doesn't work. And this character is completely sabotaged for future games, should they decide to ring her back. She's irredeemable. It's a fucking waste.

    All that said, let's call it's a 9/10. It's greedy writing. But there's a lot of gold in there and a ton of solid gameplay.

  19. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by DF118 View Post
    I can see some merit to the criticism here. I don't care about Joel, and I'm only still exploring Seattle, but Abby is built like a brick shithouse? 20 years into the apocalypse? What?

    I wasn't aware of any of the drama until after I purchased, it does seem like rather odd, though.
    Keep playing the game. The WLF is much larger and organized than you think it is.

  20. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    Keep playing the game. The WLF is much larger and organized than you think it is.
    Actually I'm starting to like it quite a bit more now that I've gotten my teeth into it. I've just past the Spoiler: museum flashback. I'm still struggling with the pacing a little though- I tend to want a little more game in my game.

  21. #111
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    The story/game is amazing. Tops the first one. I can't wait for the HBO TV series. I hope they do the story justice because the game handles it masterfully.

    P.S. It's Empire Strikes Back level in my book.

  22. #112
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    I'm I supposed to feel awful and horrible for killing all these people? I genuinely can't tell if that's what they're going for. The violence is horrific but the gameplay is extremely safe. I mean Spoiler: I just slaughtered the 4 deserters in the house who jumped me while upgrading on a workbench. Ellie shrugged her shoulders and said "what the fuck guys" like she'd been served the wrong Starbucks order. If I wanted a heart felt examination of my actions I'd dig out my PS3 and play Spec Ops: The Line. Or even Deus Ex. Not a game from the creators of Nathan Drake: Ethnic Cleanser Simulator.

    Oh wait, that's the point, I guess? This is really clumsy- it's forced as fuck.

    I feel rather unclean that ND is trying to make me feel this way.

    Edit: Yeah. Looking at the severed arm of some rando who screamed to death, I can sorta see Gamespot's point.
    Last edited by DF118; 06-30-2020 at 04:58 PM.

  23. #113
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    I haven’t gotten through the game yet (just finished museum flashback) but I do know spoilers.

    And here’s the thing: I compare it to the walking dead, in that throughout the whole series, we are supposed to view Rick and his group as good people. However, they may be viewed as the enemy by other groups, notably the Saviors - when Rick and his group crept into their compound and killed them IN THEIR SLEEP.

    The same can be said for the whole Ellie / Abby thing. We know Abby suffered a loss, and probably views Ellie as the enemy. And we can easily say that Ellie views Abby as the enemy. It’s important to remember both sides of things when playing a game like this, or watching a show like the walking dead. In TWD, it is very possible and sure that Negan and his group viewed themselves as the good guys and Rick and co as evil.

    The same can be said to the main characters in this story. Which is why, despite the spoilers, I will continue to play it, not have issue with it, and will see how I feel after I’m all done. I know it’ll break my heart all over again, but that’s to be expected.

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  24. #114
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    I absolutely loved Part 2. For all the drama around this game, it achieved more than what I had hoped it would. It was gorgeous, the music was lovely, the story heartbreaking, and the world that I loved from the first game has been greatly expanded.

  25. #115
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    I just hit Chapter 25 and now am in control of Abby. Aiming to finish this by Sunday or Monday.

  26. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I just hit Chapter 25 and now am in control of Abby. Aiming to finish this by Sunday or Monday.
    What do you mean chapter 25? I think there are only 11 or so chapters that are broken down into parts.

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  27. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItsChrisRoss View Post
    Walking dead comparison
    Yeah, that's kinda fair, and I see the influence.

    But honestly? I'm long sick of that too. I mean, you can portray protagonists as the worst they can be, hypocritical and murderous, because the enemy has pushed to be that way, and said enemy is worse.

    But realistically, all that happens, is, you lose sympathy with the protagonists.

    Like Naughty Dog is having the enemies screaming in pain and begging to live... in the above context it's just cheap exploitation.

    All I'm seeing is: Ellie is just slaughtering a bunch of people.

    This might be unfair: my guess is, that it's no secret that: we'll have to re-contextualise everything when we see the humane side of Abby's life in the purported second half. But that's really rote, and I'd I'm guessing will leave most people feeling cheap.

  28. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rdm View Post
    Is there that much ignorance out there that people don't like the game because there's gay people as the main characters ? I'm started to feel like many of these people didn't even play the game.
    Probably... gamers are still, vocally, a younger crowd, and a lot of them are completely immature, insecure assholes. The things I've heard kids yell into their headsets...

  29. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItsChrisRoss View Post
    What do you mean chapter 25? I think there are only 11 or so chapters that are broken down into parts.

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    There's technically 45 parts that function as chapters in the select screen, as far as I knew. Maybe I should say encounters? Scenes? I don't know.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Probably... gamers are still, vocally, a younger crowd, and a lot of them are completely immature, insecure assholes. The things I've heard kids yell into their headsets...
    Couldn't tell you but this game really opened my eyes like never before about how baby-ish these people are. It's fine if you don't like the game but the hate campaigns for this is almost as bad as Mass Effect 3 when that came out.

    It's a piece of consumable entertainment media. The creators of the series made it the way it is, don't like it. Fine. Like it? Fine. It's optional to enjoy. If you don't ok. You're not gonna be satisfied or like every movie, book or TV show.

    Most people hated Dexter after season 4 because of the events in the season finale. It's how it was written. I personally liked season 5 and loved 7. Seasons 6 is bad and season 8 is absolute dogshit.

    As for the Last of Us Part II, writing your "this is supposed to be like this" fanfics is cancerous to your fandom and enjoyment. Major concerns I'm reading is Spoiler: Joel died too soon, the story is "poorly written" and Abby sucks.

    Last edited by Space Suicide; 06-30-2020 at 06:58 PM.

  30. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    There's technically 45 parts that function as chapters in the select screen, as far as I knew. Maybe I should say encounters? Scenes? I don't know.

    Couldn't tell you but this game really opened my eyes like never before about how baby-ish these people are. It's fine if you don't like the game but the hate campaigns for this is almost as bad as Mass Effect 3 when that came out.

    It's a piece of consumable entertainment media. The creators of the series made it the way it is, don't like it. Fine. Like it? Fine. It's optional to enjoy. If you don't ok. You're not gonna be satisfied or like every movie, book or TV show.

    Most people hated Dexter after season 4 because of the events in the season finale. It's how it was written. I personally liked season 5 and loved 7. Seasons 6 is bad and season 8 is absolute dogshit.

    As for the Last of Us Part II, writing your "this is supposed to be like this" fanfics is cancerous to your fandom and enjoyment. Major concerns I'm reading is Spoiler: Joel died too soon, the story is "poorly written" and Abby sucks.

    Spoiler: Joel died too soon?! That's the fucking catalyst of the story! And he's still in a ton of the game like almost every chapter

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