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Thread: Star Wars: The Movies (Spoilers)

  1. #391
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    Not quite the same but still something i was reminded of after watching TROS

  2. #392
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post

    For me, the impact of Rey staying dead, with Ben being the one that shows up in the X-Wing would have been such a big risk for this movie. The title of the movie would gel with this idea soooo much since we got about 5 minutes of Ben and he is actually... you know... A friggin' Skywalker. Instead we get Rey Star Wars.
    Would have been a very awkward moment for everyone there for sure.

    But it would have pulled my heartstrings if that happened and everyone had their blasters drawn on him, Chewie stands in between them, stares into Ben’s eyes, and sees that it’s him and gives him a hug like he used to when Ben was a child.

    So, yea. There is good in this movie but a lot of stupid. Can’t remember much of it. So I won’t say that it’s a bad movie, just a forgettable one. In fact, this whole trilogy is not memorable outside of Kylo Ren. This trilogy should have really just focused on him.

    My brother in law is coming down tomorrow and he is a fan like myself. So I’ll be checking it out again, wonder if the good things I liked about it still stay , good.

  3. #393
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Would have been a very awkward moment for everyone there for sure.

    But it would have pulled my heartstrings if that happened and everyone had their blasters drawn on him, Chewie stands in between them, stares into Ben’s eyes, and sees that it’s him and gives him a hug like he used to when Ben was a child.

    So, yea. There is good in this movie but a lot of stupid. Can’t remember much of it. So I won’t say that it’s a bad movie, just a forgettable one. In fact, this whole trilogy is not memorable outside of Kylo Ren. This trilogy should have really just focused on him.

    My brother in law is coming down tomorrow and he is a fan like myself. So I’ll be checking it out again, wonder if the good things I liked about it still stay , good.
    My lord I would have cried my eyes out if that happened with Chewie; I like that idea a lot.

    There is definitely good aspects about it, but it felt the same pacing wise just like TLJ did for me. Two great scenes followed by "Why in the fuck?" scenes. I was for sure entertained at times, but bad writing is bad writing; I couldn't get around it. As for Kylo, I agree with everything as far as his arc and I even enjoyed the connection they slowly built with him and Rey. Their force connection was a pretty awesome idea and probably my favorite aspect of TLJ.

  4. #394
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    Well, turns out I liked this one alot more on my second viewing. With the dissapointment and "WTF!?" regarding some of the story gone I could focus on the stuff I like. And yes, it's not a good movie at all, but a good feeling. Driver and Ridley really saved this one for me and I liked Boyega way more in this than in the first two films yet his role is still not necessary for me. Isaac is cool and I really like that guy as an actor but was a little bit underused in my books.

    They could have handled alot of these things way better, but I'm okay with the end of all ends and I enjoy this new trilogy for what it is. It's a fun product, but I'm hoping for other cool stuff in the future like the Mandalorian.

    What I REALLY did like about these new movies and also Rogue and and Solo is how menacing the Empire/First Order is portraied when it comes to civilians, abductions and war crimes. The stormtroopers of old trilogy's past were just canon fodder, here they still are, but they do some pretty cruel stuff and a real sense of threat is there. You only got that from Vader and the Emperor. Within the new films it truly feels like an evil force to me. Well done imho!

    And I like Conan's idea. Would have been cathartic to see Ben step out of the X-Wing and have Rey with him. They could hold a funeral akin to Vader and have Rey reunite with Luke und Leia right there having Ben, Lando and Chewie looking on. But yeah, no way Disney would let Rey die... then again I actually liked the moment she gave away her new last name and coming full circle on Tatooine. Guess it's a matter of taste in the end.
    Last edited by dlb; 12-24-2019 at 07:30 AM.

  5. #395
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    I've been watching a few reviews, and some of them mentioned the canon comics, including the one about the massacre around Luke's Jedi Temple. Is it, like 99% certain that Spoiler: the pupils were killed by a storm, which was summoned by Palpatine, thus retconning Kylo and his friends being the murderers? As lame as it is, since I much prefer a darker Kylo, it could have been expanded upon how everyone misunderstood him, and basically punished him for his thoughts alone + Palpatine being a jerk. TLJ didn't do many things right, but that whole story about Luke and Kylo was pretty dope with tons of potential.

    Either way, RoS didn't care about this plot point at all, so at this point it's just a trivia question.

  6. #396
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlb View Post
    And I like Conan's idea. Would have been cathartic to see Ben step out of the X-Wing and have Rey with him. They could hold a funeral akin to Vader and have Rey reunite with Luke und Leia right there having Ben, Lando and Chewie looking on. But yeah, no way Disney would let Rey die... then again I actually liked the moment she gave away her new last name and coming full circle on Tatooine. Guess it's a matter of taste in the end.
    Rey saying her name at the end was just being too dam predictable for me. I get it, she views Luke and Leia as parental figures, but having Ben live just makes so much more sense. Shit, let them both live for that matter. I know Disney would never take the risk of killing off a female lead character in this day and age, but this worries me for future installments of the franchise with future movies just playing it safe to cater the younger audience. I will admit after seeing ROS and then watching ANH again, the juxtaposition between Luke's working home, next to when Rey visits it gives it a more eerie/nice feeling at the same time.

    What I found absolutely hilarious was after watching ANH again, Obi-Wan states that the marks on the Sandcrawler are Storm Trooper marks because the shots are so "Precise." I started laughing so much ; I never realized he said that.

  7. #397
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    Guess it totally comes down to what's your favorite moments from the original sage and I can see a problem there. Filmmakers might think different than the casual fan believing that coming full circle on Tattooine might break our hearts. Well, in this day and age the fan wants something deeper I can imagine, so having a thorough Kylo redemption while sacrificing Rey for the greater good might have been more interesting.

    I could have totally done without the Han cameo to be honest. It made sense somewhat, but seeing Harrison Ford standing there really caught me off guard. That and Leia's death came across really clunky to me and I'd be very curious how they would have handled that with Carrie Fisher still being alive. Then again, they did her justice and probably handled it the best they could with what they had left of footage. But seriously, who really wanted to see Han again? Even Lando was just crammed into the story to have an old friend appear again. Sure it's nice to see Williams again, but that didn't make the movie more or less enjoyable to me and I don't know how important that really was to hardcore SW-fans.

    Overall I really warmed up to Rey's character in this movie and the force connection thing might have been the new franchise's biggest feat to me as that really made RoS way more interesting. Gotta thank TLJ for that at least although Force Projection Luke was already too much for me.

  8. #398
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    Just saw the movie and I would give it a 3/4. It was pretty much what I was expecting. My major problem with the sequal trilogy is that it wasn't mapped out from the start, but I knew that before seeing this film to confirm it.

    I also don't think that the original trilogy is some flawless, sacred cow, so the bar is a little lower for me. I wanted a fun, epic action movie with some cool light saber battles, excting visuals and likeable characters, which is exactly what I got.

    Saw it and Knives Out--that was a really good movie.

  9. #399
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    So, I saw it. It was okay.

  10. #400
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    Did anyone else feel that this movie just felt a little--tired? TFA may have been a rehash of ANH and TLJ challenged fans and threw them for a loop, but they seemed fresh, fun. This new one, while I enjoyed, just felt kind of "meh, another SW movie."

  11. #401
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    however you feel about the movie, this "review" that is an imagined conversation between JJ & Rian is absolutely hilarious and heartbreaking.

  12. #402
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    These are facts, for certain.

  13. #403
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    Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
    Did anyone else feel that this movie just felt a little--tired? TFA may have been a rehash of ANH and TLJ challenged fans and threw them for a loop, but they seemed fresh, fun..."
    Yeah agreed TROS felt tired, but for me this whole trilogy felt tired.

    In my mind, the Skywalker saga ended as effectively and successfully as possible with ROTJ. The first six movies told that story well enough. Tacking on the meandering narrative mess that was these last three films... well... it was nonsense. And all the blaming of Star Wars fans for the aftermath and fallout of this garbage has been nonsense as well.

    JJ ended this Disney trilogy with TROS in the same way he began it with TFA, both films being a shallow fan service bonanza. And the narrative that RJ was the would be savior with TLJ is laughable. How are you going to make a numbered entry in what is clearly being marketed as the Skywalker saga, and claim the main character is a nobody who has nothing to do with the Skywalker family? Sorry, but that's not the theme of the films known as the Skywalker saga. Add to this god-mode Rey at the expense of undoing of Luke's character arc from films 4-6, as well as episode 9 undermining of the importance of Anakin's redemption and sacrifice in episode 6, and of course fans of the original George Lucas Skywalker saga are going to be pissed.

    Fans aren't to be blamed, actors and actresses aren't to be blamed, it's a problem between Bob, JJ, RJ, and KK.

  14. #404
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    Quote Originally Posted by self.destructive.pattern View Post

  16. #406
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    ^^ The amount of times I have watched this is probably not healthy.

  17. #407
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    There is no skywalker saga, just Star Wars.

  18. #408
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    Spoiler: Hey HEYYYYYYYYYYYY!

  19. #409
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Channard View Post
    Yeah agreed TROS felt tired, but for me this whole trilogy felt tired.

    In my mind, the Skywalker saga ended as effectively and successfully as possible with ROTJ. The first six movies told that story well enough. Tacking on the meandering narrative mess that was these last three films... well... it was nonsense. And all the blaming of Star Wars fans for the aftermath and fallout of this garbage has been nonsense as well.

    JJ ended this Disney trilogy with TROS in the same way he began it with TFA, both films being a shallow fan service bonanza. And the narrative that RJ was the would be savior with TLJ is laughable. How are you going to make a numbered entry in what is clearly being marketed as the Skywalker saga, and claim the main character is a nobody who has nothing to do with the Skywalker family? Sorry, but that's not the theme of the films known as the Skywalker saga. Add to this god-mode Rey at the expense of undoing of Luke's character arc from films 4-6, as well as episode 9 undermining of the importance of Anakin's redemption and sacrifice in episode 6, and of course fans of the original George Lucas Skywalker saga are going to be pissed.

    Fans aren't to be blamed, actors and actresses aren't to be blamed, it's a problem between Bob, JJ, RJ, and KK.
    Good points. I enjoyed watching this film, but the more I think about it, the weaker it seems. I'd probably only give it a 2/4, or a 2.5/4. A letdown after 7 and 8, which I really enjoyed.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 12-29-2019 at 07:38 PM.

  20. #410
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    You know how when you take the collar off a dog it looks naked all the sudden? Turns out, the same thing happens to Chewbacca when you take that shoulder belt off of him

  21. #411
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    There's an interview floating around where the other screen writer credits Kathy Kennedy for the idea to bring back palpatine, and then goes on to claim that they "had a vision all along."

    It's all a slow motion train wreck

  22. #412
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    Chris Terrio is the fucking worst.

  23. #413
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    The Palpatine thing, i just started to wonder if we ever actually saw the real guy at all? Since he made a point to hide himself away most of the time and operate from afar, what if the Palpatine we saw Vader toss to the fishes in ROTJ was actually one of his clones? I mean of course he would do anything it takes to preserve his life, right? he'll get his minion clones to do his dirty work so he can cling to the mortal realm as long as possible. That's part of the Sith modus operandi after all to preserve their longevity, it would explain him looking extra nasty too! His expiry date passed so long ago that he's on life support and can't physically leave Exegol if he wanted. Then you have Snoke, he had those vats of him, I'm guessing maybe they were some of his failed clones? Still found a use for them in manipulating Ben Solo.

    All of this said i can certainly see the retcons undermining a perfectly fine ending to a classic trilogy that never really needed any more chapters to follow it in the first place. Oy vey!

  24. #414
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    Exactly. RoS being a dogshit of a movie in almost every single aspect you can rate cinema is one thing. But them playing the "it was me all along, nothing that ever happened before was relevants" card, it makes every past episode a complete joke story wise. People fought and died to Palpatine, they risked their lives throwing him off - in the case of Vader, quite literally. And then this movie comes along and says "nope, it was my plan actually", yeah fuck you.

    And to add insult to injury.... if you are going to fucking use this lazy ass plot device you only see in shonen mangas/animes, which go on for 1000 episode, so you kinda have to present an even stronger guy in every single saga... so, if you do that, at the very least make it epic. You just created the most fucking powerful entity in the canonical history of Star Wars, and he is being defeated by two lightsabers being held as an X. Soooooo baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

    I can understand how you can mess up comic book adaptations, because you have a bunch of limitations and a bunch of things you have to follow. But Star Wars is an empty canvas, you can make anything up. "Oh, by the way, an ancient sith lord has awakened and now we have to fight it", bam, there you go, there's your villain. But no, that is too boring. What if the guy who literally got disintegrated by the engine of a space station, which then exploded into atoms, was actually not dead? Now we are talking!!

    Imagine every single scene in this movie with Carrie Fisher, and thinking that this was a good movie. 40% of her scenes made no sense. She literally does not talk in one of them, but the one with Greg Grunberg was also awkward as hell, the be positive stuff. I was like what the fuck is going on?? Topping it all off with Leia going for a power nap and dying. Like, sure, in the last episode she flies through space after an explosion kills everyone else, but boy oh boy, those monday afternoons are just too tiring. I understand why they did it, but there was still no sane reason to actually do it. And that is just Leia's arc and scenes. We could go on about the others, like Finn, who doesn't know if he's a Jedi or not (no one actually fucking cares either in the movie), and who has something important to say, but he won't say it. You know, just like in real life. Sometimes I call my friends at 3 in the morning and tell them that I have information which could drastically change our lives, but I won't say it now. And then I'm never saying it. That's just how us, humans work. beep-boop.

    I want to make a deal with the devil. I want an infinite amount of money, but I can only spend it on movies. My goal would be to push the envelope. I want to test the limits of those people who actually think this movie was good - don't mistake them for the people who enjoyed it; enjoying something and thinking it's good is different. I enjoyed TLJ but I don't think it's good. My first movie would be Star Wars X. It would have a 1 hour long battle scene with hundreds of Jedi and Sith. The Sith would keep using drain life on the Jedi, but the Jedi would keep force healing back their comrades, thus creating an infinite loop. I'd play the Imperial March on repeat for the whole hour, because I know you like it. I can already see the reviews: "the most thrilling fight you have ever seen on the big screen, and John Williams did it again! He composed the Imperial March for episode X as well, because we sure as hell could not even name anything new from him!" Episode X ideas are welcome here. I was thinking about bringing back Palpatine, citing that they forgot to destroy one of the clone tanks. His entire script would consist from /r/prequelmemes posts with Palpatine in it. I am imagining a scene, where Palpatine says "Do it!", and then Han says "I know! : ) " People will love that. Oh, and you needn't even ask: a de-aged Alec Guiness will return somehow, and his first line will be "Hello there".

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    Tlj > tros

  26. #416
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    Quote Originally Posted by imail724 View Post
    Tlj > tros
    Nonsensical prequel trilogy > Rush to the finish while changing everything trilogy

    I honestly think I've had the Star Wars fan beaten out of me at this point.

  27. #417
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
    Nonsensical prequel trilogy > Rush to the finish while changing everything trilogy

    I honestly think I've had the Star Wars fan beaten out of me at this point.
    I thought so too, until the Mandalorian...

  28. #418
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    Quote Originally Posted by SM Rollinger View Post
    I thought so too, until the Mandalorian...
    Waiting for the Mrs. She has no desire to see The Mandalorian or Watchmen, so they keep getting pushed off.

    The way people are talking about it, though, I'm excited.

  29. #419
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
    Nonsensical prequel trilogy > Rush to the finish while changing everything trilogy

    I honestly think I've had the Star Wars fan beaten out of me at this point.
    I agree with your description of the new trilogy.... but it's still miles better than the prequels imo.

  30. #420
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
    Nonsensical prequel trilogy > Rush to the finish while changing everything trilogy

    I honestly think I've had the Star Wars fan beaten out of me at this point.
    by other "fans" no less.

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