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Thread: Star Wars: The Movies (Spoilers)

  1. #61
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    Hell yes! Now they're going to bring back and then kill Lando! Disney puts so much love into their handling of the classic characters.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maximilian View Post
    Hell yes! Now they're going to bring back and then kill Lando! Disney puts so much love into their handling of the classic characters.
    Yah brah, it’s almost like they’re trying to establish new and interesting characters while giving the old guard meaningful ends or something...weird!


    Disney and rational SW fans: But...but, they’re all elderly now. We’ve got these new interesting char...

    WF (interrupting, Mountain Dew kicking in and meatball sub crumbs spraying the air as they yell): WE WANT BADASS CHARACTERS!

    D and rational SW fans: Well, we had Leia survive being in space and use the force to get back inside then we had Luke use the force as never before to allow the remaining rebels to escape.


    D and rational SW fans: Maybe you don’t recall the original trilogy where he whines and doubts himself much of the time or that we wrote that he’d isolated himself because he thought killing Ben was a good idea so he wouldn’t go dark side but in the process made sure he did turn evil. Luke blamed himself and fucked off. How is this difficult to get?!

    WF: Well, like, the new characters are diverse SJWs so we don’t like em!

    D and rational SW fans: Oh fuck off. You Gamergate fans are embarrassing. You never really got SW to begin with so you really aren’t even fans. Maybe try watching a different movie? Thanks!
    Last edited by Swykk; 07-10-2018 at 08:04 AM.

  3. #63
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    In Disney's defence (not like they need it) they've only off'd 2 characters. Leia is out of their hands (i'm pretty sure they'd have kept her about, plus Luke is likely to Force Ghost his way in somehow...Yodas been doing that for decades!) I've enjoyed all the new SW's and Marvel movies, and most films that have released this year, so i'm looking forward to what happens's a good time to be a film fan (...well for me at least)

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maximilian View Post
    Hell yes! Now they're going to bring back and then kill Lando! Disney puts so much love into their handling of the classic characters.
    They won't kill off Lando, he's a minority. /s

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Yah brah, it’s almost like they’re trying to establish new and interesting characters while giving the old guard meaningful ends or something...weird!

    What they really meant: Rey is a girl, girls are weak, she's can't be the main protagonist.

    A lot of this Star Wars backlash is ridiculous, I agree.

    Having strong female protagonists is what made the first Star Wars unique. Princess Leia, although a "Princess", was from the jump a strong female character who took shit from nobody and handled her business. I don't think the new Star Wars films are groundbreaking (def better than the prequels) and I get that TFA is basically a rehash of ANH, but you can't please everybody.
    Sometimes I feel like they should have just rehashed TESB and they would have been better off. Oh wait, the bad guys have the numbers and the rebels are on the run in TLJ. Hey, that sounds a little familiar. You know besides Rey's lineage not being a big reveal (fanboys cry). We do know that Kylo Ren told Rey this, it doesn't have to be true and even if it isn't so be it. Let them finish their story and then sort it out.

  6. #66
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    FYI: I have a friend who just didn’t like TLJ. He’s not one of the whiny fanboys; it just didn’t work for him. He thinks the hatred and remake campaigns are sad.

    So it’s okay to not like the movie. It’s not okay to be a whiny Gamergate troll and harass Tran, Ridley, Johnson, and so on.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    FYI: I have a friend who just didn’t like TLJ. He’s not one of the whiny fanboys; it just didn’t work for him. He thinks the hatred and remake campaigns are sad.

    So it’s okay to not like the movie. It’s not okay to be a whiny Gamergate troll and harass Tran, Ridley, Johnson, and so on.
    Fully agree! I have friends who didn't like TLJ (or Rouge One) but it was for movie reasons (just wasn't as good as TFA for them)
    It's OK to not like films/TV/games, it's NOT OK to take that as a personal attack on yourself and harass/attack the people who made them/stared in them. Stop it.

    Now back to the topic at hand, so how will Billy D find a way to transform himself into his younger Donald Glover self in the film? Answers on a postcard.

  8. #68
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    Official cast announcement.

    Billy Dee Williams as Lando, and using unseen footage originally meant for Episode VII, Carrie Fisher as Leia.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Official cast announcement.

    Billy Dee Williams as Lando, and using unseen footage originally meant for Episode VII, Carrie Fisher as Leia.
    And Mark Hamill will be back too!

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    And Mark Hamill will be back too!
    That's what made me really happy. Glad to see there'll be some Leia footage after the denial all this time that there won't be anything of her in the way of CGI or anything, good to see they can work a fitting end in with stuff they did shoot. Lando coming back is pretty cool, but there arena many old characters now worth bringing back after Lando, time to fully pass the torch. I was pissed about Luke dying though so I'll be glad to see more of him.

    Never did get the TLJ hate, easily one of my favourites. Very excited to see where the series goes next.

  11. #71
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    So help me, if there’s some sort of scene that involves Leia telling Rey that Kylo is her brother just before her death which is then subsequently followed by an argument between Rey and Luke’s force ghost while she asks him why he never told her, I just may lose it.
    Last edited by Bachy; 07-28-2018 at 12:10 PM.

  12. #72
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    The toxic reaction to episode 8 is exactly why episode 8 needed to be the way it was and I wish Rian Johnson was doing 9 as well. Trashing Abrams shitty coincidence and mystery driven bullshit was such an important thing to do so I am sad that Abrams is back to pull his same stupid tricks again.

  13. #73
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    Nah. TLJ was just this gigantic cinematic equivalent of a blown raspberry and a stomped foot, a movie that spent so much time going out of its way to "subvert expectations" and get up on a soapbox about what a Star Wars film is that that it became jarring, tenuous and irritating to me. It's not about whether or not the legacy characters were treated with respect, either - for the most part I think they were, especially Leia - it squandered and threw out so much of what Abrams set up in Ep VII that I'm confident that thirty years from now it's going to be looked back on as this really incoherent jumble of a trilogy of films.

    I'm not one of those petition-wielding lunatics, but I just hated the movie. It was a really badly told, joyless experience that I don't particularly care to revisit.

    Hopeful for IX, though. I just hope they can work this unused footage in a way that makes sense. I could see R2 displaying another hologram.

  14. #74
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    I'm happy JJ is helming it; I think if anyone can please the most fans, it's him.

    I fucking LOVED tfa not in spite of, but BECAUSE it was played so safe.I
    And I wasn't thrilled with the TLJ, and obviously not because of the supposed "politics." Honestly, if they were there they must skew pretty goddamn close to My own because I didn't notice any agenda or whatever .

    My first conscious memories are about star wars and I'm 38. I don't need ground breaking statements from star wars.
    I want nostalgia, a decent story, and for them to not fuck it up basically. Give me that and I'm happy. Thrilled even.

    Edit: @Swykk I'm also 100% convinced that you're right about people crying "identity politics" not getting star wars to begin with.
    Shit, I've been playing through KOTOR from 03 and it is fucking PERSISTENTLY "liberal" and "inclusive." Where was the outrage then?
    Last edited by elevenism; 07-29-2018 at 07:18 AM.

  15. #75
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    I think stuff like Rey's parents turning out to be nobodies and killing off Snoke were actually brilliant and that Johnson should get a lot more credit for them, I see those as course corrections and they were executed in an exciting way. The contrast was finishing out that Rey's parents were someone like Obi Wan Kenobi or Luke... Am I the only one who thinks answers like that are super lame?

    And Snoke... There was no great answer there other. Just like Lost, The Force Awakens was a series of mysteries without an answer in mind and if Johnson didn't do something about it was going to be pretty dumb

  16. #76
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    I've loved both sequels so far, in very different ways, so I am hopeful the final part will finish things off nicely. It didn't occur to me until now what a huge responsibility it is to complete this trilogy...

    My main concern over IX will be with Leia. I was glad that they weren't going to try and digitally recreate Carrie, so was happy to accept that she would probably have to die off-screen at some point. Hopefully the use of previous footage will be a good compromise. I've no doubt there is lots of appropriate footage that could be drawn upon, but I hope they do keep it minimal - otherwise it may as well be a complete CGI recreation, and personally I'd rather avoid that.

    As for the rest of the cast announcement... I have to say I was hoping to see Gwendoline Christie return, somehow. I was wondering about Benicio del Toro also - I thought there was potential there for DJ to return and make amends for his betrayal. Plus - what about Adrian Edmondson, as Captain Peavey? Not an important role I know, but we didn't see him die in TLJ. I think it's fair to assume that Richard E Grant might replace (or work alongside) Adrian as the classic British actor filling the ranks of First Order officers. Anyway, I'm sure there will be more announcements and potential surprises as we go along.

  17. #77
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    I... I just think I don't care anymore. At all. Fuck. It.

    What they're doing with Star Wars at this point doesn't feel like Star Wars, which was a cultural landmark. This is... modern Disney being "Disney," and there's just NO passion and magic in this number-crunching estimation at what originally captured that lightning in the bottle. What they're getting at, outside of some cool space battles and nifty action scenarios, is as legit as your grandma pretending to "gangsta rap" in her bath robe.

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I think stuff like Rey's parents turning out to be nobodies and killing off Snoke were actually brilliant and that Johnson should get a lot more credit for them, I see those as course corrections and they were executed in an exciting way. The contrast was finishing out that Rey's parents were someone like Obi Wan Kenobi or Luke... Am I the only one who thinks answers like that are super lame?

    And Snoke... There was no great answer there other. Just like Lost, The Force Awakens was a series of mysteries without an answer in mind and if Johnson didn't do something about it was going to be pretty dumb
    Snoke's real purpose was to support Kylo Ren in his journey/character development--to navigate him from being a wannabe Vader to his own man. The scene where he kills Snoke and tells Rey to leave the past behind is a pivotal one. Left to J.J.,Snoke/Ren would likely have just been a Vader/Palpatine redux.

    As for IX's reception--you will hear a lot of "it sucked" by 50-year old dudes while most everyone else will enjoy it.

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    As for IX's reception--you will hear a lot of "it sucked" by 50-year old dudes while most everyone else will enjoy it.
    That's weirdly dismissive of contrary opinions... You haven't even seen the movie and you're already eager to adore it and "hate on the haters." Give me a break here... what if it sucks and even winds up disappointing you?

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I... I just think I don't care anymore. At all. Fuck. It.

    What they're doing with Star Wars at this point doesn't feel like Star Wars, which was a cultural landmark. This is... modern Disney being "Disney," and there's just NO passion and magic in this number-crunching estimation at what originally captured that lightning in the bottle. What they're getting at, outside of some cool space battles and nifty action scenarios, is as legit as your grandma pretending to "gangsta rap" in her bath robe.
    I couldn't disagree more, I've never been more excited for new Star Wars films! The prequels all but had me go "well maybe i'm just too old for Star Wars now" but so far i've loved everything Disney has given me, and i've felt like a kid again going to the cinema to see them all. I'm not going to go and defend Disney (them buying up Fox is bad news for everyone!) but as far as SW goes and the films so far...yeah i'm on board. Everyone is different though.

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChipRock View Post
    I've loved both sequels so far, in very different ways, so I am hopeful the final part will finish things off nicely. It didn't occur to me until now what a huge responsibility it is to complete this trilogy...

    My main concern over IX will be with Leia. I was glad that they weren't going to try and digitally recreate Carrie, so was happy to accept that she would probably have to die off-screen at some point. Hopefully the use of previous footage will be a good compromise. I've no doubt there is lots of appropriate footage that could be drawn upon, but I hope they do keep it minimal - otherwise it may as well be a complete CGI recreation, and personally I'd rather avoid that.
    I'd be totally on board with her just becoming a force ghost and having them splice her random interviews and red carpet snippets with her dog into the film (i'm joking of course, but it would be funny having her just randomly appear to tell someone to fuck off ) as long as they give her a tasteful sendoff i'll be happy.

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    splice her random interviews and red carpet snippets with her dog into the film
    This made me laugh the other day:

    Yeah, I'm well into the new films. I wasn't a huge fan of Rogue One and I gave Solo a miss to avoid oversaturation (my main issue with Disney is knowing that they'll just chuck endless Star Wars product at us endlessly until we drown in it) but in contrast I watched The Last Jedi again at the weekend and I was still crying like a baby at the end.

  23. #83
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    I've enjoyed the new star wars films that I've seen, although I did prefer The Force Awakens to The Last Jedi.

    Rey, Finn, basically every new hero in The Force Awakens was firing on all cylinders, becoming cool and interesting, but Kylo wasn't really all that interesting in 7. In the Last Jedi it felt like the new characters took a back seat to Luke & Kylo, who both put on amazing performances, and their showdown was awesome, but the new heros just didn't hold up all that well this time around.

    I'm hopeful that Episode 9 will have the new heros back to where they were in 7, and that Kylo will still be interesting. I'm optimistic that it will be the case.

  24. #84
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    Star wars is often better when it's character driven, and the fewer the better. TLJ is less so than other star wars movie and certainly I would've like to see more of Rey's actual arc. But making a Star Wars movie that is about star wars and it's culture and addresses it's various quirks is an interesting enough idea.

    The Poe Dameron plot is brilliant, too, deconstructing our notions of the hot shot pilot, the responsibilities of leadership, and who the heroes are.

  25. #85
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    I don't think there was a single brilliant thing about killing Snoke out of the blue the way they did. His death was an eventual foregone conclusion if they were hoping to set Kylo Ren's arc apart from Vader's in any meaningful way, sure, but the problem was that it happened too early, before we got a chance to know or understand anything about him; why he was or wasn't similar to Palpatine. He's reduced to a non-character by Johnson's decisions; a "commentary" on Palpatine's character purpose and it's very unfortunate. To me, it would have made more sense to have him escape or have Ren leave in order to start a confrontation with him at the beginning of IX to give the breaking of their master/apprentice relationship the gravitas and buildup that it needed - his death should have set the stage for a third act in the way that Dooku's' did in Ep III.

    Hell, if I squint I tend to think they could have still killed him the way they did, but first delivered just a wee bit of exposition on his history and him raising the First Order beforehand. One scene. But nope; as a result you end up with this nobody audiences now can't give two shits about. (Check your local toy stores for countless Snoke figures sitting on the shelves if you don't believe me).

    And Rey's parents being nobodies doesn't matter anywhere near as much as Johnson would like to think it does. Star Wars remains the Skywalker story by virtue of Kylo Ren existing, so hey, big deal.

    Know what the kicker for me is? You know when one really get into Star Wars? Usually, when you're a kid. And kids don't understand "deconstruction" (again - see those Snoke figures lining the shelves); they just want a fun adventure. What's fun about being set up for an awesome battle on salt plains only to have a bunch of junk piles sputter to a halt as a distraction? I have a really hard time imagining kids coming out of Ep VIII and being blown away or excited by much of it.

    I don't look at Abrams' characters as being inherent "mystery boxes"; that's just cynical to me. Any character worth a damn has things about them the audience needs to discover, and it doesn't matter much to me whether the questions about them are built in or not. Vader came with questions, too - upon seeing him, the audience must invariably wonder - how did he become the half-man half-machine he's introduced as?

    Something else that absolutely baffles me is the inclusion of Yoda. At all. He's there in this 10-minute scene that has him serve the exact same purpose that he did in ROTJ. It feels like he was put there at Disney's behest for fanservice.

    It's funny. For all that it tries to set itself apart from EPVII, which hewed too closely to established formula, it's every bit as trapped by the legacy of the OT as its predecessor was.

    Your movie should feel like a movie, and not a whole commentary on another movie, otherwise it can't stand on its own legs; it's an appendage. This was just...self-indulgence on an incredible scale, and farting in the face of logical storyline flow.

  26. #86
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    i think it was one of the red letter media shows that described the Disney acquisition of star wars perfectly as a lottery winner in the sense that lottery winner often end up broke often within year because they foolishly think money will never be an issue again so they buy multiple houses, expensive cars, even race horses and find themselves broke. here is the deal that people miss expensive to buy they buy they our also expensive to maintain i think they saw a loyal fan-base that would eat any piece of crap they put out I see this mistake repeated over and over in all walks of life humans are dynamic beings their needs wants and desire change at a rapid pace if you have something successful you contently check in with that almost like a growing child. and be willing to modify things as needed. from what i heard second hand from San Diego comic con i think Disney may have seen the errors in their ways. so going back to the animated series which could be an exclusive on their streaming platform which is a win win for everyone get a younger audience back and expose them to the star wars universe not be as tied to cannon productions costs are much lower for an animated series and if proves popular is easily ported to the big screen.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    i think it was one of the red letter media shows that described the Disney acquisition of star wars perfectly as a lottery winner in the sense that lottery winner often end up broke often within year because they foolishly think money will never be an issue again so they buy multiple houses, expensive cars, even race horses and find themselves broke.
    Or they're found dead with their face resting in a mountain of cocaine... which also kinda feels like what's happening here. Disney is overdoing it on every front, and you'd think that if one studio behemoth could get away with overdoing it, it'd be Disney...

    I REALLY tried to remain optimistic after The Force Awakens, which I thought was promising but didn't entirely deliver. It was such a hanging note. It didn't screw up too bad (except for the whole treatment of Han), but it didn't do anything exceptionally well either. The Last Jedi, however, sank the ship for me. There's no way to recover from that mid-step fumble. I never thought I'd say it, but even the prequels didn't fuck up THAT bad. I'd already moved on to pretend that the prequels "didn't really count" and I'm at the same point with these sequels.

    I would love to be proven wrong, but if the finale is being helmed by JJ Abrams, color me pessimistic.

  28. #88
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    i go back and forth with jj he's OK as long as you as you don't scratch to much at the shiny plating and reveal what it's covering underneath

  29. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    That's weirdly dismissive of contrary opinions... You haven't even seen the movie and you're already eager to adore it and "hate on the haters." Give me a break here... what if it sucks and even winds up disappointing you?
    I'm basing my prediction of the relatively good reception of TFA and TLJ. I enjoyed those movies, so I expect to like IX too.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 07-30-2018 at 11:46 PM.

  30. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    Your movie should feel like a movie, and not a whole commentary on another movie, otherwise it can't stand on its own legs; it's an appendage.

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