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Thread: Star Wars: The Movies (Spoilers)

  1. #241
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    You want me to not mention a trilogy, when we talk about the end of the trilogy? That is an interesting take on the word "obsession".
    I would challenge you to think of something different to say rather than rehashing the same argument over and over again. Also, continuously posting about not liking something and offering baseless behind the scenes speculation about why changes were made to justify your points over and over again is both redundant and unnecessary. Offer something new or wait for the movie to come out.

    Also, if anyone else would just like to avoid Volband, please utilize your block button.

  2. #242
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    All right, but the trailer-erase the past connection was a new thing for and from me. And by clear mind I meant - ironically enough - not clouded by obsession or fandom. This is our third trilogy now, and you don't have to speculate if you want to compare the lead ups to ep 3, 6 and 9.

    It's tough to expect a trilogy's worth of good story to be told in one episode, while also keeping the spectacles. I don't find this opinion controversial at all

  3. #243
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    Leave time travel to Star Trek, please!

    But maybe with a time travel twist they could explain why the "jub jub" song was erased from the end of ROTJ. Like maybe the guy who wrote it was killed by a stormtrooper before he had a chance to publish it.

  4. #244
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    Star Wars did time travel quite well a few years ago with Rebels - - read the synopsis for episode 72.

    I'm wary of subscribing to theories because it's all a guessing game unless, for some reason, Disney decides to show more of their hand. If anything, Rey's villainous turn reminds me of Dark Empire a bit, and that would be kinda neat to see on screen.

    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    All right, but the trailer-erase the past
    The thing that always makes me laugh about this whenever I see it is that it's a line spoken by the villain who has a Darth Vader obsession. I think a lot of folks missed this point.

  5. #245
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    I don't care what anyone says, Force Awakens, Last Jedi, Rogue One, Solo are all better than those godawful prequels. Recently rewatched them and they are even worse than I remember. Pure, absolute shitfests that show Lucas should not be behind the camera for a Star Wars movie. He got luck with the original. Old Pixar movies look better than these.
    Last edited by neorev; 09-22-2019 at 09:17 PM.

  6. #246
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    I don't care what anyone says, Force Awakens, Last Jedi, Rogue One, Solo are all better than those godawful prequels. Recently rewatched them and they are even worse than I remember. Pure, absolute shitfests that show Lucas should not be behind the camera for a Star Wars movie. He got luck with the original. Old Pixar movies look better than these.
    I don't think that's at all a stretch. I will never understand how some fans disowned SW after TLJ, I mean, did they not see AOTC?

  7. #247
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    George Lucas “felt betrayed” by Disney’s plans for ‘Star Wars’ sequel trilogy

    George, we felt betrayed by those atrocious prequels and your constant and needless meddling of the original films.

  8. #248
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    Maybe he should have thought of that before accepting a check to sell the franchise. Thank god his shitty idea for the sequel trilogy went nowhere.

  9. #249
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    Ep I is fine, at that time even amazing, while III still holds up among the best of what this sage has ever offered on the movie screen. AOTC, however, was definitely a huge blunder. George could veil his inadequacies in I and III, because they had at least some interesting new stuff. He was far from pulling them all off to their highest potential, but something which could have been better is not necessarily bad, while III had the added benefit of nostalgie and being - in a way - a very important episode in TWO trilogies.

    I have only ever seen AOTC once, as a kid in the movies. I was 10 and I liked it back then, but never felt the urge to spend countless of days rewatching it on pirated copies, like I did with all the other 4, later 5 episodes. If it wasn't for prequelmemes, I would not even know what exactly was in this movie. The arena scene could have gone down in history as the most epic jedi battle, but the CGI is such an eye-sore. Then I remember Padme trying to escape from a melting factory, Jango being chased, assassins being chased... and of course, the romantic scenes. It's like the lines were written by Elon Musk, or some other guy who has no redeeming social skills whatsoever, so just took a guess what he thought people might be saying or doing in these moments. There really isn't many things worse a movie or tv show can offer, than shoving down a couple on our throats who have absolutely zero chemistry.

    George is absolutely a whiney bitch, and he clearly went off the rails after the success of the OT, but the prequels still have a lot of redeeming qualities, and it is just not fair to call the OT "luck". We can't just call every successfull people we dislike lucky, that's not how it works, and it's just petty. As for every other SW movie being better than the prequels... well, unlike Solo, at least the prequels were Star Wars movies. *drops mic*

    The OT edits are actually more infuriating, than anything he has ever done in the prequels. The first digital enhancments were needed, I doubt many would argue with him there, but after that, everything was just ego stroking and power tripping.

  10. #250
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    I sometimes wonder if the original trilogy hadn't been so successful, but just successful enough for more, how much better the prequels would have been with a limited budget and his drive to use his imagination

    ...or maybe this was always the way it was meant to be

  11. #251
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    trailer tonight.

    interesting color palate choice.

  12. #252
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    ending with Leia was nice.

  13. #253
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    What's that smell, Kylo? Redemption?

    Intrigued I am.

  14. #254
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    Underwhelming AF

    This is going to be an unorganized, unimpactful and forgettable mess.

    Justice League 2.0

  15. #255
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    Is it just me or are they implying all the same things they basically tried to imply in the last movies final trailer?

  16. #256
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    It's worrying, when a trailer is full of spoilers and (most likely) swerves, yet lacks that oomph feeling. No shot from an epic space battle, just - once again - a bunch of ships floating, and they may or may not engage. Rey vs. Kylo #5 but this time, both of them look like they would be anywhere else but there. The idea of Palpatine vs. The Gang is cool, but we have already seen it before. It's like a sunday cartoon, where Mojo Jojo comes to haunt the city... again. Gee, I wonder if he will succeed this time!!

    Do they even want to advertise this? I'm getting Solo vibes here. TFA and TLJ were pushed like crazy, and their trailers were like a flurry of punches. This one's like "yeah, watch it please. or don't. we have palpatine though? i dunno."

    Also: shouldn't the water evaporate when hitting the lightsabers? I'm asking the important questions here.

  17. #257
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    I like the colours a lot in this trailer, but it leaves me rather uninmpressed. I want to see alot of the things that are teased here, but the possibilities of dozens of unneccessary moments crammed into this movie make me cautious. And why are there horses on a star destroyer? Did I see that right?

    While we all know now that Palpatine will return they already give him too much to do in this trailer imho as if the last laugh wasn't enough already.

  18. #258
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    This trailer leaves me with only one question...

    Do i book off the Thursday to see it or do i wait a day so i can have the Friday off and add that to me 3 week xmas holiday?

  19. #259
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    They gonna kill off 3P0?

  20. #260
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    Well put me in the minority - I thought it was a great "final" trailer. The reimagining of the classic theme, the glacier planet thingy that the TIE fighters were heading towards, seeing The Ghost from Rebels in the flurry of ships, Rey and Kylo in the throne room, Mark and Carrie sharing "the force will be with you, always," the classic imperial star destroyers rising from the ground, and Lando. Looks like it's gonna be a lot of fun!

  21. #261
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    I think it looks fun as far as the trailer goes. I’m still hoping rotten shitty fanboys that don’t comprehend Star Wars didn’t convince Disney to roll back the good work Rian did. We’ll see.

  22. #262
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    Has that soyboy youtuber reacted to this one yet?

  23. #263
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    I think it looks pretty damn good. I'd rather get an 'unimpressive' trailer than one that shows everything, and there are plenty of moments in this one that intrigued me.

  24. #264
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    Well put me in the minority - I thought it was a great "final" trailer. The reimagining of the classic theme, the glacier planet thingy that the TIE fighters were heading towards, seeing The Ghost from Rebels in the flurry of ships, Rey and Kylo in the throne room, Mark and Carrie sharing "the force will be with you, always," the classic imperial star destroyers rising from the ground, and Lando. Looks like it's gonna be a lot of fun!
    Agreed! Got our IMAX 3D tickets for Saturday afternoon...pumped!

  25. #265
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    George Lucas “felt betrayed” by Disney’s plans for ‘Star Wars’ sequel trilogy

    George, we felt betrayed by those atrocious prequels and your constant and needless meddling of the original films.
    Agree with the second part of this but not the first. Among my friends, I'm one of those that really enjoyed the prequels over the new ones (though I did like Rogue One). I really enjoyed seeing how the democracy became a dictatorship, I liked Anakin's character arc, and pretty atrocious CG aside, I loved the color palette of those flicks. But I can understand why a lot of folks don't like them. I tried hard to like The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, but I think Lucas's criticisms are pretty valid with those; they just didn't serve up anything new or particularly interesting for me. I am interested to see where Kylo Ren goes, though. He was my favorite part of those two flicks. I like how obsessed he was with his grandfather.

  26. #266
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    Heads up

    I dont know how, but there are pics out there spoiling what I think is the third act finale. Leaks are coming out left and right, and leaks are sneaking in from youtube recommendations.

    Needless to say, I am very fucking pissed off people are sharing this shit on social media.

    Last edited by Conan The Barbarian; 10-24-2019 at 02:47 PM.

  27. #267
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    Well, the whole story was leaked if you know where to look and by the trailer it seems that it's legit... I'm still surprised that they could keep so much of it under wraps for this long, but now it's exploding sadly.

  28. #268
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    So, needless to say, we're going to keep this thread spoiler free until the movie comes out, so unless Disney says "fuck it" and puts it out there, no posting of images here or discussing any of the plot points will be allowed here. I'll delete comments and so on if done so.

  29. #269
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Heads up

    I dont know how, but there are pics out there spoiling what I think is the third act finale. Leaks are coming out left and right, and leaks are sneaking in from youtube recommendations.

    Needless to say, I am very fucking pissed off people are sharing this shit on social media.

    Great. I've managed to avoid any spoilers so far, but going an additional two whole months without seeing whatever it is you've already seen seems damn near impossible. Why are people such assholes? I had the prominent death in The Force Awakens spoiled for the the night before I saw it and we went on Thursday night before the official opening.

  30. #270
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    Great. I've managed to avoid any spoilers so far, but going an additional two whole months without seeing whatever it is you've already seen seems damn near impossible. Why are people such assholes? I had the prominent death in The Force Awakens spoiled for the the night before I saw it and we went on Thursday night before the official opening.
    Funny story , I had that spoiled on the NBA Instagram account.

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