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Thread: Star Wars: The Movies (Spoilers)

  1. #211
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    There's been plenty over the weekend to get me excited, The Mandalorian trailer, the RotS trailer and EWEN'S OBI WAN SHOW FINALLLLLLLLY! i just hope the world doesn't implode before we get all this

  2. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    not trying to set you off at all, but didn't you absolutely hate​ the last jedi because it was the opposite? totally shocking with almost zero fan service? just genuinely want to understand your POV on this.
    He did and continues to write books about the same BS over and over again in that cesspool thread. It’s so weird that these uninformed fans claim to love the franchise while simultaneously not understanding the story being told, the characters, and the business behind the franchise.

    The new footage looks good but I really hope the whiny fanboys don’t win and all the new fresh things TLJ showed us aren’t destroyed in this movie.
    Last edited by Swykk; 08-27-2019 at 08:27 AM.

  3. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Every fan theory for this next movie, if true, would firmly make this trilogy as bad as the prequels in my opinion.
    The prequel trilogies are atrocious. Even if they fuck this up, it still won't be as bad as the prequels. They are THAT bad. Force Awakens and Last Jedi are already miles ahead of those shitfest cartoon prequels are. I fucking fell asleep during The Phantom Menace. I have never fallen asleep in a movie theater in my life.

  4. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    The prequel trilogies are atrocious. Even if they fuck this up, it still won't be as bad as the prequels. They are THAT bad. Force Awakens and Last Jedi are already miles ahead of those shitfest cartoon prequels are. I fucking fell asleep during The Phantom Menace. I have never fallen asleep in a movie theater in my life.
    Agreed 100%. Anyone claiming TLJ is worse than ANY of the prequels is just lying to themselves. Even Solo is better than the prequels and I fucking hated that movie. Will TROS bring this sequel series up to the level of the OT? Probably (definitely) not, but no matter what they do this trilogy is just about guaranteed to be miles better than the prequel trilogy.

  5. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    The prequel trilogies are atrocious. Even if they fuck this up, it still won't be as bad as the prequels. They are THAT bad. Force Awakens and Last Jedi are already miles ahead of those shitfest cartoon prequels are. I fucking fell asleep during The Phantom Menace. I have never fallen asleep in a movie theater in my life.
    This might be a minority opinion, but the prequels were so much better than The Last Jedi. I feel like people focus so much on the execution of certain aspects of those moves (e.g. acting, CGI, etc.) For me, and this is a personal opinion, I tend to appreciate story over execution. Yes, there are many aspects of the prequels that failed to age well or be executed properly. However, at the end of the day the story is great. The Last Jedi looks great and has better effects and acting, but the story is nonexistent... and I am not one of those fans who hated the movie.

  6. #216
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    Loved the prequels, TFA and TLJ not so much, watched em three, maybe four times.

    Still to this day if I want a star wars fix, I turn to the prequels over the OT 90% of the time.

  7. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by SM Rollinger View Post
    Loved the prequels, TFA and TLJ not so much, watched em three, maybe four times.

    Still to this day if I want a star wars fix, I turn to the prequels over the OT 90% of the time.
    Good to see some love for the prequels. One thing I think could have made that trilogy better would have been to maybe combine TPM and AOTC into a single film with the 2nd move being more focused on the clone wars and add more depth to Anakin's fall to the dark side. I feel like they didn't need a full film to explain Anakin's birth / origin. Could have even been in the crawl. I do love the movie though, it just doesn't add enough to the overall story. More time to build up the relationship between Anakin and Obi Wan would have also helped give the end of ROTS more emotional weight.

  8. #218
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    The prequels are so bad, their only value is in memes. They're only good to laugh at and reflect upon like "what the fuck were they thinking"

    I was definitely being a bit hyperbolic when I said this trilogy was threatening to be that bad. It's not. It's still threatening to be bad now, though.

    I would actually say solo is worse, though solo isn't even entertaining.

  9. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    The prequels are so bad, their only value is in memes. They're only good to laugh at and reflect upon like "what the fuck were they thinking"

    I was definitely being a bit hyperbolic when I said this trilogy was threatening to be that bad. It's not. It's still threatening to be bad now, though.

    I would actually say solo is worse, though solo isn't even entertaining.
    Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I think your opinion is the majority. I thought Solo was super entertaining. I can understand the dislike of the prequels even though I disagree. When it comes to Solo I have a more difficult time understanding why it is so disliked.

    I don't think I have ever been that passionate about a movie I didn't like. Is this just a Star Wars thing?

  10. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckaroo View Post
    Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I think your opinion is the majority. I thought Solo was super entertaining. I can understand the dislike of the prequels even though I disagree. When it comes to Solo I have a more difficult time understanding why it is so disliked.

    I don't think I have ever been that passionate about a movie I didn't like. Is this just a Star Wars thing?
    Solo's bad for me was in it's boringness.

    Prequels made considerably worse plot choices, have worse characters.... But it's all very flavorful and fascinating anyway.

  11. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    He did and continues to write books about the same BS over and over again in that cesspool thread. It’s so weird that these uninformed fans claim to love the franchise while simultaneously not understanding the story being told, the characters, and the business behind the franchise.

    The new footage looks good but I really hope the whiny fanboys don’t win and all the new fresh things TLJ showed us aren’t destroyed in this movie.
    @eversonpoe asked me a question, so I did my best to answer it in a non-ambigious way + I'm a "long writer" to begin with, that's how you get the book part. I posted my answer in the TLJ thread because we have been told before that leave the TLJ discussions in the TLJ thread, so either I shortened my answer to 3 sentences not to derail this thread, or posted it on the other one.

    The rest of your ambigious post is the exact way I did not want to answer eversonpoe:
    uninformed --> who and why are they uninformed + what makes you not uninformed?
    claim to love --> are you suggesting you can't be a harsh critic towars something you love? have you ever seen a little kid being yelled at? or friends fighting?
    not understanding the story --> is it really that hard to understand a story seemingly written by a teenage boy? if so, what are the things people missing?
    the characters --> you mean basic human behavior? you mean I should make out with someone during a funeral?
    the business --> I defended Rian from the stuff which was obviously Disney's fault - hence the long post again, so I can cover almost everything. There's also been 7 main trilogy SW movies already (+ many more Disney hits), so either we understood the business just as well as you do, or you've just played your "my [relative] works at Disney" card, to which I am more than eager to listen.

    You should take my advice to RJ, and practice some humility yourself. It's like you are in a constant state of anger, and I question whether you realize when you yourself are being rude. For example, giving false answers in my mouth is not nice, borderline annoying, and quite childish. If you want to answer instead of me, at least know what my real answer is, and don't spread lies.

  12. #222
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    I've been hearing this weird theory that Rey is actually Shmi Skywalker.
    Red Letter Media put out a video which predicts that The Rise of Skywalker is going to feature time travel (JJ loves this idea, plus it's actually canon from Star Wars Rebels).
    It was revealed in a Darth Vader comic that The Emperor manipulates Shmi's midichlorians to become pregnant with Anakin Skywalker.
    We already know The Emperor is going to be in the movie (not a spoiler; it's on the poster).
    Rey and Shmi look uncannily alike.

    TLDR; assuming this happens, Rey will get 'force raped' by The Emperor, then somehow go back in time and become the progenitor of the whole Skywalker Jedi/Sith narrative.

  13. #223
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    @Volband This was all explained to you months ago, I’m not doing it again. Just keep repeating yourself over and over again. It is in no way obnoxious and definitely not your overall pattern here.

    Oh man, these fan theories are all so awful. At this point, I just hope the movie is good and doesn’t jettison the good work Rian did. Let Rey be related to no one. Let Ren stay evil.
    Last edited by Swykk; 08-28-2019 at 06:15 AM.

  14. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by katara View Post
    I've been hearing this weird theory that Rey is actually Shmi Skywalker.
    Red Letter Media put out a video which predicts that The Rise of Skywalker is going to feature time travel (JJ loves this idea, plus it's actually canon from Star Wars Rebels).
    It was revealed in a Darth Vader comic that The Emperor manipulates Shmi's midichlorians to become pregnant with Anakin Skywalker.
    We already know The Emperor is going to be in the movie (not a spoiler; it's on the poster).
    Rey and Shmi look uncannily alike.

    TLDR; assuming this happens, Rey will get 'force raped' by The Emperor, then somehow go back in time and become the progenitor of the whole Skywalker Jedi/Sith narrative.
    gross. fucking gross. i hate​ that.

  15. #225
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    Ah yes that would be another one of those Super Trippy JJ twists that actual is just stupid and frustrating.

    I'm gonna say it until it stops happening but characters being secretly related to each other should be banned from everything ever

  16. #226
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    I'm staying away from fan theories, i'm going in DRY! I feel like fan theories kinda ruined TLJ for many, who went in thinking something super fan servicey was going to happen and being disappointed when it went somewhere different.

    Also i concur with most, i HATED the prequels...with a passion! (Ewen's Obi Wan and Darth Maul being the only things i liked!) I remember seeing them in the cinema (and being forced* to see the 3rd after i'd seen the first 2) and just walking out wanting to NEVER watch anything Star Wars again. I specifically remember saying to my SW's friend at the time "Star Wars isn't for me anymore" and that hurt. The new ones, TFA especially, made me feel like a kid again and enjoy the sceptical on the big screen.

    *pun intended
    Last edited by Haysey_Draws; 08-28-2019 at 10:51 AM.

  17. #227
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    Time travel is a huge slippery slope. I'm not sure what's Disney's stance on it, nor do I know much about how Rebels did it. They have a big opportunity with erasing the expanded universe, but if they open the door for time travel, then they may sign up for a mess they regret later.

    It's also highly unnecessary, because there is so little to gain, yet so much to lose. You have half a dozen of characters waiting for their character arcs to be closed, so you should have more than enough material to stick to the present. Also, what kind of twist that would be? Like, who would say "oh my fucking god!!!!!!!" ? No one cares about Anakin's mother, I doubt many of us actually knows her name.

    JJ is not stupid either. He used time travel in Star Trek, but at least had a very clear, very important purpose, basically the foundation of the entire new series. You don't have to like that idea, but it served a purpose nonetheless.

    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    I'm staying away from fan theories, i'm going in DRY! I feel like fan theories kinda ruined TLJ for many, who went in thinking something super fan servicey was going to happen and being disappointed when it went somewhere different.
    I dunno, I think TLJ did the hype for itself. Last Jedi? Luke is evil?? A red poster???

    It was marketed as something sinister, unexpected and shocking, then ended up being none of that.

    As for the prequels, I loved them as a child (even ep 2), and I still dig ep 1, and I still think ep 3 is one of the best episodes. To each their own I guess
    Last edited by Volband; 08-28-2019 at 10:52 AM.

  18. #228
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    i got something in my eye watching the D23 trailer. "the story of a generation."

    some of my very first memories are about star wars.

  19. #229
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    The prequels are obviously flawed, sure, but despite their many serious faults I can at least appreciate the fact that they managed to recapture the feeling of a grandiose space opera tragedy. I don't mind the cartoonishness of some things, ex: Grievous, because that carries the torch from such larger-than-life figures as Jabba and Palpatine, in my view. I eagerly await the day when the prequels get special editions which replace the CG backgrounds with miniature sets and models, etc. And hopefully a turn under the editing knife...

    There's something about the sequels that never quite gets there for me. They're too busy tripping over themselves one way or another to just sit down and tell a story coherently. You can blame JJ or Rian or whoever you want depending on your preference of vision, but the true culprit IMO is an overall lack of planning.

    If Rey's related to someone, you have a faction who's upset. If she's not, you have another faction who is.
    If Ren stays evil, he's retreading Vader's story arc. If he turns good, he's redeemed like Luke.

    Either way, people are gonna be upset.

    I kind of feel that in an optimally plotted scenario, we wouldn't even be here. George apparently had an entire sequel arc laid out that got ignored and I can't help but wonder what that would have been like.

  20. #230
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    George apparently had an entire sequel arc laid out that got ignored and I can't help but wonder what that would have been like.
    “[The next three Star Wars films] were going to get into a microbiotic world. But there’s this world of creatures that operate differently than we do. I call them the Whills. And the Whills are the ones who actually control the universe. They feed off the Force… If I’d held onto the company I could have done it, and then it would have been done. Of course, a lot of the fans would have hated it, just like they did Phantom Menace and everything, but at least the whole story from beginning to end would be told.”
    “Back in the day, I used to say ultimately what this means is we were just cars, vehicles for the Whills to travel around in….We’re vessels for them. And the conduit is the midichlorians. The midichlorians are the ones that communicate with the Whills. The Whills, in a general sense, they are the Force… All the way back to—with the Force and the Jedi and everything—the whole concept of how things happen was laid out completely from [the beginning] to the end. But I never got to finish. I never got to tell people about it.”
    yeah, no thanks.

  21. #231
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    So that was what the "Journal of the Whills" was about. Ouch. Hardly a good alternative.

    Of course, if you had given me the choice in 2007 between diving headfirst into the midichlorian pool in further films or giving me movies which systematically killed off the original cast, I think I might have chosen to bite the bullet and keep reading the EU even though they dropped a moon on Chewie.

  22. #232
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    The prequels are obviously flawed, sure, but despite their many serious faults I can at least appreciate the fact that they managed to recapture the feeling of a grandiose space opera tragedy. I don't mind the cartoonishness of some things, ex: Grievous, because that carries the torch from such larger-than-life figures as Jabba and Palpatine, in my view. I eagerly await the day when the prequels get special editions which replace the CG backgrounds with miniature sets and models, etc. And hopefully a turn under the editing knife...

    There's something about the sequels that never quite gets there for me. They're too busy tripping over themselves one way or another to just sit down and tell a story coherently. You can blame JJ or Rian or whoever you want depending on your preference of vision, but the true culprit IMO is an overall lack of planning.

    If Rey's related to someone, you have a faction who's upset. If she's not, you have another faction who is.
    If Ren stays evil, he's retreading Vader's story arc. If he turns good, he's redeemed like Luke.

    Either way, people are gonna be upset.

    I kind of feel that in an optimally plotted scenario, we wouldn't even be here. George apparently had an entire sequel arc laid out that got ignored and I can't help but wonder what that would have been like.
    If Lucas had directed and written this current trilogy, I would have waited to watch it on demand. But I think you are correct about the prequels and lack of planning for this new trilogy. Abrams and Johnson should have hammered out a three part story from the start. It now kind of seems like they are making it up as they go along and having to re-con certain elements and ignore others, i.e., if Rey is a Skywalker after all, that bit about her parents being nobody seems like a dead end or a mistake in hindsight.

    Season 2 of Star Trek Discovery suffers from a major lack of having a fleahed-out story and making it up as they go along.

  23. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    So this isn't satire? FFS, that would have been awful.

  24. #234
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    So this isn't satire? FFS, that would have been awful.
    no, it's 100% real, because george lucas had a few good ideas once and then he never stopped having ideas about those ideas and his brain ate itself​.

  25. #235
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    While the new trailer of course looks amazing I can't think of a good way to end this trilogy as they seem to have been completely lazy on these, getting derailed with various other projects, cramping in TV shows etc, instead of truly focusing on the core SW-element: a conclusion of what started it all.

    It would really take a lot if investment to close this up on a high note while satisfying most of the fan-base. I think that TFA did archieve some really great things and set up a cool new way to look at SW, but TLJ and what has been leaked (stuff sounds pretty legit and not very far fetched) I have the sour taste in my mouth that I will be leaving cinemas with more questions than answers and a feeling of "what was all of this for in the first place"?

    Looking forward to the Mandalorian a great deal and I truly hope it catches that gritty spaghetti-western in space atmoshpehre even better than Solo did for me.

  26. #236
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    Anyone with a clear mind knew after TLJ that this trilogy can not end on a good note. Even if ep IX spends every single second of it being awesome, unless it'll be 5 hours long, it has no chance to turn this ship around. Why? Because TLJ lacked character and plot progression. Every character remained in the same position they were at the end of TFA, except stronger. The O N L Y plot in TLJ which could play some major role in IX were the kids being recruited to the Rebels. We are yet to see if it was just a feelgood moment, or an actual plot.

    Either way, you can't go from 0 to 10 in one final episode. ROTJ was exciting, because our heroes got fucked royally in ep V, so we were set up for many positive climaxes as we were rooting for our underdogs. Similar thing with ep III, where ep II established that things are about to collapse in a spectacular fashion. But we have nothing going into ep IX that we didn't have at the end of TFA. Hence why Disney rehired J.J. once they realized that this won't work, so that he could at least make a movie so spectacular and full of fan-services, that people are willing to forget the absolute garbage story of the sequel trilogy.

    It's also hilarious how TLJ was about forgetting the past, and ep IX has a teaser-trailer where 2/3 of the scenes are from older movies, and even the new scenes rely on older stuff (C3PO, Leia, Star Destroyer fleet, Palpatine, Vader's breathing, etc.). It is painfully obvious that Disney had absolutely zero foresight about this trilogy; just hire a bunch of talented people, and it will work out - that's how movies are made, right?

    Anyway, I'm sure it'll work on me. As I said, it was clear after TLJ that it's pointless to even hope for a good story and thus a good ending, so really, all I want is my pew-pews, Rey chopping up everyone, and then some cheesy ending with double-moons or something. All I ask from JJ is to not pretend that we are stupid, and that we don't know what this episode is. Go balls deep. Resurrect Vader, I don't even care, just don't bore me with animal rescues, pseudo-plots, and Rose love-monologues.

  27. #237
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    I feel like we're entering Hazekiah-level of obsession here

  28. #238
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    I wonder whatever happened to that guy.

  29. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    I feel like we're entering Hazekiah-level of obsession here
    You want me to not mention a trilogy, when we talk about the end of the trilogy? That is an interesting take on the word "obsession".

  30. #240
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    Don't forget, we do have a block function. Volband, don't forget, just because you're emotionally involved with space drama made for teenagers doesn't mean people who see things different from you don't have a clear mind.

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