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Thread: Star Wars: The Movies (Spoilers)

  1. #361
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    I have to say it’s pretty unbelievable there was no coherent story developed for how the entire trilogy would play out then you could choose the best director for each of those visions . It’s like one of those fictional assignments at school where you get one person to start off a story and it goes round the class, ridiculous

  2. #362
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    Oh god, how drunk was I on this post? Who was supposed to be watching me? Move along, these are not the droids you are looking for.
    Last edited by Dr Channard; 12-22-2019 at 09:05 PM.

  3. #363
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    A lot of people complaining about the diss to Rian Johnson that this is, isn’t he creating an entire new Star Wars trilogy? Also I heard he was in consideration for making this after they booted out Colin Trevorrow (I enjoyed Jurassic World well enough but think that was a good plan). Anyway the whole behind the scenes machinations of these films may well be as entertaining as the films, I’d be on for seeing a documentary about it

  4. #364
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    I don't think I've ever been this fucking mad about a movie. I expected to be movie entertained and I was prepared to laugh at some terrible plotholes. My laughter turned into second-hand embarassment, and the movie entertainment I was waiting for never came.

    I don't care about "people have different tastes". I don't like trap music - nor do I understand the appeal of it -, but if you do, you do you, I don't care. But if you actually think this is a good movie, holy shit. This is sooooooooo baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. SO BAD. Every. Five. GODDAMN. Minutes. Someone had to do an exposition or explain what were they doing and why. How the fuck is this approved? "Oh yeah, these things you and I are seeing the first time? Yeah, these are the super-secret magic balls, so I am getting these, so I can summon Shenlong, the dragon, whol will grant me a wish. SCENE". Fuck off.

    Oh my god, I wanted to crush my popcorn so bad, I couldn't decide whether to scream into my shirt, or drown myself in my hands.


    no dude, I need to take a break, watch other people being mental about this shit for a few hours, and write this up properly.

    and people just know what's going on. they feel it. everyone just... feels stuff. I absolutely love it. There wasn't even a hint of subtlety.

    oh, and it was NOT a decent cinematic experience either. you kidding me? what were those cuts?
    - we are going in
    - sir they are in

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????

    3/10 - I don't ever want to see this movie again. All I wanted was some cool pewpews and dumbass battles, which make no sense but look cool. I've already accepted that the story is beyond help, but they managed to go even lower.

    yes, there were a few good things, hence the 3 and not the 0.

    edit: oh yeah, and what the hell was all that weird sexual tension in the movie??? it's like everyone wanted to fuck everyone. man, I felt so weird, like any minute this movie can turn into a porn. In hindsight, wish it did.
    Last edited by Volband; 12-22-2019 at 09:12 AM.

  5. #365
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    I don't think I've ever been this fucking mad about a movie. I expected to be movie entertained and I was prepared to laugh at some terrible plotholes. My laughter turned into second-hand embarassment, and the movie entertainment I was waiting for never came.

    I don't care about "people have different tastes". I don't like trap music - nor do I understand the appeal of it -, but if you do, you do you, I don't care. But if you actually think this is a good movie, holy shit. This is sooooooooo baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. SO BAD. Every. Five. GODDAMN. Minutes. Someone had to do an exposition or explain what were they doing and why. How the fuck is this approved? "Oh yeah, these things you and I are seeing the first time? Yeah, these are the super-secret magic balls, so I am getting these, so I can summon Shenlong, the dragon, whol will grant me a wish. SCENE". Fuck off.

    Oh my god, I wanted to crush my popcorn so bad, I couldn't decide whether to scream into my shirt, or drown myself in my hands.


    no dude, I need to take a break, watch other people being mental about this shit for a few hours, and write this up properly.

    and people just know what's going on. they feel it. everyone just... feels stuff. I absolutely love it. There wasn't even a hint of subtlety.

    oh, and it was NOT a decent cinematic experience either. you kidding me? what were those cuts?
    - we are going in
    - sir they are in

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????

    3/10 - I don't ever want to see this movie again. All I wanted was some cool pewpews and dumbass battles, which make no sense but look cool. I've already accepted that the story is beyond help, but they managed to go even lower.

    yes, there were a few good things, hence the 3 and not the 0.

    edit: oh yeah, and what the hell was all that weird sexual tension in the movie??? it's like everyone wanted to fuck everyone. man, I felt so weird, like any minute this movie can turn into a porn. In hindsight, wish it did.
    Oh man! I noticed that too! So much of the dialogue is just stating facts. Tons of exposition especially in the beginning. The weird need to couple everyone up.

    Also the three major black characters are all related which is ridiculous

  6. #366
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    Saw it last night with the wife and we both really enjoyed it. Sure, it wrapped things up a little too...predictably may be a harsh word, but you get it. How were they able to ride those space horses across the giant ship when it was floating in space...maybe it was just super close to the planet so there was atmosphere, but even then wouldn't it be insanely cold and windy? Meh, there were space horses so that's still a win for me lol.

    Yeah there was a number of things wrong with it, but anyone that gets that upset watching a movie probably needs to reorganize their life priorities lol.

  7. #367
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Yeah there was a number of things wrong with it, but anyone that gets that upset watching a movie probably needs to reorganize their life priorities lol.
    "lol it's just a game brooo, chill out, these are just pixels on the screen lmao!"

    I've never been a fan of these low-effort arguments against being upset at any kind of media or entertainment. At the end of the day, why would anyone be upset about anything? The average comfort level is really high, we get access to all kind of goods our parents and grandparents could not even dream of.

    We are not all stoics, however.

  8. #368
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  9. #369
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    Oh, and was this the most poorly written crawl text in SW history ever, or what? I actually heard this criticism in advance, but it really is wonky. Like, it doesn't make or break a movie, obviously, but it had some serious foreshadowing. "So, Palpatine is alive, and he sent a radio message." Excuse me?!! They did not even bother to come up with some bullshit lore or explanation.

    edit: btw, do you think they will make books, comics or whatever about some of the glaring questions this movie brought up? I am not necessarily talking about the plot holes, but like the Rey thing, you know. Because if they were serious with this movie, it makes sense to capitalize on other forms of entertainment which give us background info about these things. But if this was seriously a crazed attempt at trying to salvage this, and make big bucks somehow, then I really don't think they want to push these issues any further, and will treat it as a done and gone thing.

    Last edited by Volband; 12-22-2019 at 10:36 AM.

  10. #370
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Oh, and was this the most poorly written crawl text in SW history ever, or what? I actually heard this criticism in advance, but it really is wonky. Like, it doesn't make or break a movie, obviously, but it had some serious foreshadowing. "So, Palpatine is alive, and he sent a radio message." Excuse me?!! They did not even bother to come up with some bullshit lore or explanation.
    This set the tone of the movie pretty fast for me as far as quality is concerned; it read out so elementary to me and my friends with all of us looking at each other in confusion. I'm all for others just going and being entertained, and as much as I was at times, it is impossible for me to just ignore the flaws of this movie and accept it just for the sake of enjoying it and because... Star Wars.

    Some pretty good points here as far as ROS's several unnecessary digs at TLJ, along with validating all the hate Marie Tran received from her role in TLJ to being completely Jat Jar'd in ROS which left a bad taste in my mouth.

  11. #371
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    This thread is hilarious. Star Wars movies are Marvel flicks that have been around since the 70s.

    ETA there's obviously nothing wrong with either liking or disliking any of this stuff, but everyone seems to take it so personal. No one in the Disney universe has said, "we could make a universally loved movie, but fuck that random person."
    Last edited by Archive_Reports; 12-22-2019 at 12:07 PM.

  12. #372
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    I haven't seen it yet, but I hope they make this canon.

  13. #373
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post
    This thread is hilarious. Star Wars movies are Marvel flicks that have been around since the 70s.

    ETA there's obviously nothing wrong with either liking or disliking any of this stuff, but everyone seems to take it so personal. No one in the Disney universe has said, "we could make a universally loved movie, but fuck that random person."
    You answered your own (implied) question.

    These films have been around since the 70s. That's long enough for the films to have been watched by almost everyone as a child or young adult. The more mature fans on this board will remember the film actually coming out. Since it's been around so long, people grew up with the characters and became deeply invested in them. It's personal because for many, the original Star Wars trilogy was not only a turning point in their lives but also a series of films that have stood the test of time and remains entertaining even today. This franchise has been marketed to us for decades through toys, the massive extended universe, video games, etc. Psychologically, that only creates longevity and expectations in the fanbase. Then there's the way it was told - Episodes IV-VI. The idea that there was more to the story that we weren't being told was tantalising.

    What this does is raise the bar to astronomical levels. It's like when the last couple of Harry Potter books were released. There was a huge chunk of the fanbase unhappy with the resolution because it wasn't what they wanted, wasn't what they expected. With a fanbase that large, you can't please everyone.

    However, combine this notion of a rabid fanbase with high expectations with the way this trilogy has been handled. Sloppily. I don't need to explain again why; we all know it was a clusterfuck. The treatment of the material has been nothing other than insulting.

    The fans want that feeling back of a compelling narrative featuring relatable characters going on a grand adventure and overcoming great odds. This is not happening, and fans are understandably upset.

    Note that I haven't yet seen Episode IX and most likely won't be seeing it until it hits the bargain bins.

  14. #374
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    Guess the best bottom line I've read for me personally in a review was: It's not a good movie, but a good feeling.

    Heck, it's Star Wars on Christmas! I hated alot of things about it, but I will see it again on Tuesday on a big screen and see what sticks and what doesn't.

    My major gripes despite the overall story, plot holes or lazy explanations (Snoke e.g.) and how this new trilogy was handled:
    - They could have easily stuck one or two more movies inbetween. I have no problem with Palpatine returning, but the way this is lazily manifested in the title crawl really threw me off.
    - ...with that being said, the coolest parts about this movie for me are already established in the beginning. Exogol is just amazing and the way the scene was built really left me longing for more.
    - I didn't grow up with Palpatine speaking English so I might have a hard time, but in some parts it didn't sound like McDiarmid speaking, no?
    - The Knights of Ren of course were totally underutilized. Sure they brought nothing to the story, but I am an avid fan of their design and the basic idea, yet we only see glimpses. Would have loved a Maul/Qui-Gon encounter like in EP 1 on Tatooine but let them fight Rey for a bit, or at least some kind of pay-off to let them shine a bit.
    - Finishing old Sheev off like every other villain in a fantasy-movie with just overwhelming him by sheer power thus melting his face away: Lame! He was established as far too fearful just to get wiped from the screen literally.

    And what did I really love apart from some cool Sith-lore and a really captivating Exogol? Babu Fucking Frik!!! Yet, did anyone else notice that the lightning on Exogol sounds like King Gidorah?
    Last edited by dlb; 12-22-2019 at 01:07 PM.

  15. #375
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlb View Post
    Guess the best bottom line I've read for me personally in a review was: It's not a good movie, but a good feeling.

    Heck, it's Star Wars on Christmas! I hated alot of things about it, but I will see it again on Tuesday on a big screen and see what sticks and what doesn't.

    My major gripes despite the overall story, plot holes or lazy explanations (Snoke e.g.) and how this new trilogy was handled:
    - They could have easily stuck one or two more movies inbetween. I have no problem with Palpatine returning, but the way this is lazily manifested in the title crawl really threw me off.
    - ...with that being said, the coolest parts about this movie for me are already established in the beginning. Exogol is just amazing and the way the scene was built really left me longing for more.
    - I didn't grow up with Palpatine speaking English so I might have a hard time, but in some parts it didn't sound like McDiarmid speaking, no?
    - The Knights of Ren of course were totally underutilized. Sure they brought nothing to the story, but I am an avid fan of their design and the basic idea, yet we only see glimpses. Would have loved a Maul/Qui-Gon encounter like in EP 1 on Tatooine or at least some kind of pay-off to let them shine a bit.
    - Finishing old Sheev off like every other villain in a fantasy-movie with just overwhelming him by sheer power thus melting his face away. Lame. He was established as far more fearful just to get wiped from the screen literally.

    And what did I really love apart from some cool Sith-lore and a really captivating Exogol? Babu Fucking Frik!!! Yet, did anyone else notice that the lightning on Exogol sounds like King Gidorah?
    This is pretty much how I felt about the entire thing as well. I could not stop smiling when Babu was on the screen. I wanna know the name of the "OK!" guy as well lol.

  16. #376
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    Im conflicted.

    There was some good, but a lot of stupid.

  17. #377
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    Haha yeah, that Babu guy really put a smile on my face! And I loved the pupeteering whereas the children on the desert planet felt a bit akward, still believable. Guess that's why Baby Yoda receives so much praise, as a little bit of smart puppet work really goes a long way (see Jurassic Park or the first two Hellboy-movies compared to what we got past 2010...)

  18. #378
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    This is pretty much how I felt about the entire thing as well. I could not stop smiling when Babu was on the screen. I wanna know the name of the "OK!" guy as well lol.
    fun fact: babu was voiced by Moaning Myrtle from the Harry Potter films.

  19. #379
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    What's the point of an internet message board if I'm not being a drama queen about some dumb piece of pop culture?

  20. #380
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    SPOILERS BELOW, I won't bother with blackening all of my text, when basically all of it is spoilery.

    - It's funny how the costume design and charavter make-ups were 10/10, but Rose got shafted. She looked bad. As an actress, she looked like someone who hates to be there, as a character, she was just not pretty. Everyone got cool costumes, cool hairstyles, men and women alike, and she had... nothing. If you don't believe me, just type into google rose last jedi , then rose ryse of skywalker. She was kinda cool, kinda rebellious in TLJ, liked that hairstyle. She got shafted here.

    - And let me get Finn's storyline straight: He meets Rose. He's a hothead. Rose shows him the importance of love; loving others and loving himself. They make out, and although it doesn't necessarily mean they are a couple now, there is a strong bond. Then comes ep IX. They have one friendly banter and that's it. For better or worse she saved his life, and now they are just buddy-buddy? Ok.. Then he meets horse woman (can't recall the new characters' name). She was from the First Order as well. Cool, now they have sexual tension. Finn is in danger. Rose is worried about him. Horse woman is worried about him. Finn doesn't give a fuck about any of them. The end. . . . ????????????????????????????

    - Chewbacca is in pain. He is in anguish. No one gives a fuck. Cool. Oh, nevermind, they tell him to get himself together, everyone needs to fight.

    - C3P0's mind is being erased, which means he's essentially going to die. "Is there any other way? No? Ok, bye." ???????????? He even says goodbye, and no one cares. No one goes up to him and says thanks for everything buddy, I will miss you, yada-yada. Is it canon that everyone in the crew had the script, so they knew he will come back?

    - Why the fuck did Chewie wander off alone? I thought he wanted to be captured, because he got a plan. No, he wandered off for... reasons. Has he ever done that? I mean, ever. Wandering off for no good reason. He wasn't even going to Rey, he was just... talking a walk.

    - Listen, I've watched Dragon Ball Z, so I know that when power levels get out of control, some side characters become painfully useless. But boy oh boy, everyone but Rey was such a hinderance. She was so powerful that she really didn't need anyone else. It wasn't a problem with ROTJ, because Luke was still pretty green, so even with his lightsaber, he wasn't omnipotent, and later on he was kidnapped, so others had to do the dirty work.

    - In the first 10 minutes they played all of their hit songs from IV-VI. That was my second cringe moment after the opening crawl. Remember when the force theme started playing at the end of TFA? Yeah, it was pretty cool, huh? Fuck that, play EVERYTHING now one after another, this is the last movie anyway, so greatest hits it is.

    - It's hard to be invested in a lightsaber duel when one of the participants is not actually there. Or is he???!!!! It wasn't entirely bad, but this movie, this fan-service fiesta of a movie lacked a proper lightsaber duel.

    - No one answers their call in TLJ. Lando arrives with the equivalent of the USA joining WW2. That is when I completely lost it, sank down in my chair, couldn't close my mouth (for the wrong reasons), and prayed for this shit to end. I am very easily pleased with cheesy shit, and one of the cheesiest shits in stories is when the losing army gets an unlikely reinforcement, with added epic music. You know it's coming, but man, goosebumps all over your body! Avengers, LOTR, Mass Effect 3, numerous Star Trek episodes (DS9 comes to mind now). They managed to make me feel embarassed at this one. This should have been the movie, gathering these forces.


    - "- They transferred the signal to the main dreadnought. - How do you know that? - I can feel/sense it" - DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDD You could've said that you were First Order back then, and it's main protocol that if blahblahblah then we transfer the signal to blahblahblah. Yes, it still has plot holes, because this is the FINAL order, not the FIRST order, but goddamn, everything is better than Finn pulling shit out of his ass.

    - No one gave a fuck if BB8 gets blasted by the detonation or not. This movie could be called No One Gives A Fuck About Anyone Else - The Movie.

    - Rey, are you stupid? Going against the Emperor with one lightsaber? Are you out of your mind? Are you crazy? Do you want to die? Here, take this other lightsaber. I know you have never been trained in dual wielding, but just press the Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy combo, and that should kill all the noobs. Thanks master Skywalker.

    - Why was Leia's lightsaber blue? It's not an issue, I just actually wished if it was either yellow or at least green. It would have been a better visual as well imo, choosing a color which represents her and just her. Give the blue to Kylo, so you can still show off that he's "clean" now, but let Rey have a different color. Yeah, I'm glad she made hiw own at the end, but it should have been done before. Hardly a big issue, just sayin'.

    - Palpatine can lightning storm the sky, but he is too goddamn weak to not to be repelled by TWO lightsabers? Luke is the smartest person. He fucking knew. Just bring another saber LOL.

    - Which is the worse dialogue: Anakin talking about sand, or the Palpatines talking about having all the power of the Sith/Jedi? It was soooooooooooooooooo embarassing. It's like when we were 7 years old, and we were trying to one-up eachother in primary school. "- I have a big fiery sword!! - And I have an even bigger, even more fiery sword!!!!" Again, I can be swayed by cheesy shit, so if all the Sith and Jedi were actually present in the background, giving their power... I think I would've liked it. Much like Songoku's spirit helping Gohan KO Cell:

    - Guys guys guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They said the memes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They said dew it and stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! Holy shit so epic, the movie became reddit itself!!!!!!

    - Everyone is always being followed, but no one is ever really caught. Think about it.

    - When 150 years old Lando started hitting on that 2 years old girl, I knew this was actually a good movie. Normally you have to go to the dark web for this.

    - The movie was ro rushed that I had no time to feel anything. They tried to evoke... well, they tried to evoke a shitton of things, but one of them was Luke watching his friends die from the throne room. But all we got here is a fast montage of people dying. That fat pilot was with us since ep VII, and he just got blown instantly. What??? Usually you try to dramatize these wings, with people yelling that they got shot, they can't pull up, noooooo, nooooooooo bamm, but no time for that, just bam, bye, next one bam, bye, next one... Also, I had no idea which side was actually winning. We had 2 million ships from each side. How was I supposed to see anything? In ROTJ it was easy, because they sent a small but capable crew to hold off the Empire until they infiltrate the DS, but the shields were up so they got fucked and slaughtered like pigs.

    - The force heal is such a shitty deus ex machina, and it is barely better than time jump. So, from now on, Rey can reverse basically anything except actual death? And this power is now canon? Why would you do that???

    - How did Ben survive the fall?

    - Ohh, THAT killed Rey? She survived everything else at this point, but holding up two lightsabers with the help of every single Jedi that ever existed is just too exhausting. Well, women in this universe just get tired to death it seems. Speaking of...

    - How did Leia die? She took the worst power nap in history, or what? She can fly through space, but talking to his son is too much?

    - I'm glad they kissed at the end. I mean, Ben could have said anything as his final words, apologize or something, but I admire him for trying to get that puss till his last breath. I guess that's men for ya!!

    - If Rey was fast enough, they could keep eachother alive forever. Think about it.

    - Luke's cameo was just bad. That was the worst attempt at retconing TLJ. "yeah, I changed my mind" FUCK YOU

    - Thank you for the old X-wing. I was really afraid I could actually watch NEW stuff being done by NEW characters, but sure, just make Luke levitate his X-Wing, why not. We really aren't trying here anymore, huh?

    - Dozens of people analyzed the knife, including Rey. They found nothing. Then she sees that it can be extended AT THE EXACT RIGHT TIME. Oh boy, Convenience - The Movie.

    - I was very jealous that everyone was turned on in this movie, and they left me out, but when Dark Rey did her "arghhh", it moved me as well. I wish Ben was there in his big pants as well. This could have been such a good porn movie.

    - The Rey-Ben bond was kinda cool. Didn't like how they shared stuff, like the lightsaber, but it was interesting, the whole trilogy should have been about that.

    - Ben, but especially Rey looked gorgeous. I really loved that white hoodie of hers. She looked badass.

    - I liked the Leia scenes where it was painfully obvious they had very little to work with. Like, when Rey said something and then Leia stared ahead of her. That was very important, thank you JJ.

    - It... kinda made sense that Hoax was the spy. It was also nice to see that it got resolved fast. On the other hand, Hoax was an interesting character, and he kinda got wasted.

    - This movie lacked action. It lacked that grandiose fight. It had chases, and some pew-pew, but everything fell flat. This was the worst kind of fan-service. You expect much more action from the climax.

    edit: - how could I forget?? planet destroyers in every star destroyer now!!! Sure, why the fuck not. Why make something impactful actually FEEL impactful by having to wait for it a lot, and needing to meticulously build a death star? just build a medium sized cannon and shoot instantly!!!! oh my god, SW canon is in shambles. How do you top that off? Hyperjumping tie fighters with planet destroyer guns? Yeah, do it Kathleen! DEW IT!
    Last edited by Volband; 12-22-2019 at 02:43 PM.

  21. #381
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    I enjoyed the movie overall. Leagues better than The Last Jedi. It did what a movie is supposed to do: keep me entertained and escape reality. I also want to rewatch this. I didn't have that feeling with The Last Jedi.

    Spoiler: Palpatine being the main villain is fine but cheapens the Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader redemption story in Return of the Jedi. I also don't like how he was just thrown into the story mix when the past two movies didn't expose that impending plot point whatsoever. The title sequence read out mentioned him then BAM! He's there as the main villain. I also was not a super huge fan of Rey being his granddaughter. However, for movie purposes I ignored it and went on to enjoy the movie for what it was with these plot devices. I think overall it was a good movie but outside for Kylo Ren most of the characters were and have been poorly written movie to movie. Finn is an absolutely secondary throw away character who never grew or had any type of characterization whatsoever from his initial scenes leaving the First Order. Poe Dameron wasn't as much a victim of this but his character didn't seem to be grown organically movie to movie. Rey is Rey...never liked the character and how she got so powerful by random happenstance.

    Again, I enjoyed it overall.

  22. #382
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    I seriously can't imagine being over the age of like 16 and getting this fucking worked up over a goddamn movie.

    It was fun. It was great. It was entertaining. I had a blast watching it.

    Cool. Mission accomplished!

  23. #383
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    I mean obviously if you've been on a Nine Inch Nails message board for 15 years you have some kind of emotional attachment and connection to pop culture and art. Which is fine. The random holier than thou shaming of people expressing thorough and invested opinions in the relevant topic is stupid.

    You want to talk about something important: there are places to do that. I love whining about this shit, and I'm not shamed of it at all lol

  24. #384
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I mean obviously if you've been on a Nine Inch Nails message board for 15 years you have some kind of emotional attachment and connection to pop culture and art. Which is fine. The random holier than thou shaming of people expressing thorough and invested opinions in the relevant topic is stupid.

    You want to talk about something important: there are places to do that. I love whining about this shit, and I'm not shamed of it at all lol
    Nor should anyone be. I mean, do we really want to go down the rabbit hole and discuss what's more pathetic: being angry at a shitty piece of art which takes us for stupid morons, OR drooling over said shitty piece of art? Liking something shitty is not a virtue. Turning 16 does not make you immune to low effort bullcrap.

    That being said, everyone should express their joy as well of course, and it is up to each individual whether they feel like they want to get into a discussion about said movie, or if it was a one and done flick for them. There really isn't any rules to this whole thing. Believe it or not, most people would not even understand how and why can we spend even just 1 minute on an internet board, or what is the appeal of it all. So it's kinda rich trying to be an elitist on a platform which is already pretty underground to your average person.

    Also, it's Disney. It's not like we are being mean to some amateur, 12 year old movie maker with a 50$ budget for not making a good movie. There are expectations. There should be expectations. The word "expectations" is being thrown around like a word people should be ashamed of. It's in our very nature to have expectations, otherwise we would eat our own feces, because why not? Who expects tasty food anyway?

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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    I seriously can't imagine being over the age of like 16 and getting this fucking worked up over a goddamn movie.

    It was fun. It was great. It was entertaining. I had a blast watching it.

    Cool. Mission accomplished!
    I guess some of us never make it past 16.

  26. #386
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    My old film studies professor:
    "Nobody hates Star Wars movies more than Star Wars fans"

  27. #387
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    So apparently at the Academy screening, someone asked JJ what Finn was going to tell Rey that was never explored again was that he was force sensitive?!? I know they have been hinting this since TFA, but really? This has to be one of my main gripes with TLJ; I was looking forward to Finn playing a bigger role in becoming a Jedi, or at least training with Rey or something. Ugh, the more you nitpick this trilogy, the more it makes me sad of what could have been.

  28. #388
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    It wouldn't have bothered me if they revealed that about Finn. I defended Finn's lightsaber "duel" in TFA back then, and while it would have been weird after TLJ not hinting at this at all, basically everything had to be weird anyway. So sure, go for it!

    Instead, we got him randomly guessing and knowing things. Oooh, so exciting, I wonder if it will be revealed in the next movie that... oh wait, there is no next movie. So why are you writing a script which sets one up??? You are not afraid to resurrect Palpatine in the opening crawl, like yeah, everyone knows he is back, get over it, but revealing Finn as force-sensitive is just too much?

    At this point, the JJ-Rian bickering by obviously pissing on eachother's ideas is hilarious, because at the end of the day, both of them are mediocre writers who can't together a fucking story without putting some "I need to tell you something, which I could tell you right now, and it would make everyone's life easier, and would actually make sense, in fact, holding this information back is what doesn't make any sense, and actually make me a terrible character, a bad friend and an incapable military leader, but I need to create tension somehow, so I am not going to tell you yet, but trust me, when I will, it's going to be too late anyway" shtick.

    Another cringe moment was when Palpatine was doing his persuasion. In ROTJ he was pretty tame with look compared to this, and just tried to provoke him. This one was like a Benny Hill sketch about that scene. Overly done and repeated, like Spoiler: Rey was a speciel ed. kid, who has a slow understanding of things, so it needs to be said over and over again what she has to do. Then he explains her that he will take over her body if she does so. ???????????????????????????????????? Why would you tell her that?? Why would she give in to her anger, when you literally tell her that it will be her undoing??? 2 minutes could have been cut out of that scene, and it only would've made the movie better.

  29. #389
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    Overall Rise of Skywalker was WAY more thrilling to me than The Last Jedi, i say this while not having completely hated TLJ or being one of those folks who sought out anyone involved with the movies to give them a hard time. I just found that movie so strange, it didn't gel for me like any of the past films and I wasn't in a rush to watch it multiple times unlike TFA or what came before, even the prequels!

    A few points:

    TROS was a decent enough conclusion to the new trilogy, a conclusion to the saga as a whole though I'm not so sure.

    I thought Finn was handled a lot better, i couldn't stand him much in the previous movie.

    Rose's role was basically diminished to a Resistance desk job but i found her character more mature at least, i actually wasn't a fan of her presentation before. Sad though for fans wanting to see more of her and that seemingly she took a backseat because of the haters? Not cool.

    Rey was just amazing to me but i never had much issue with her before.

    I LOVED the Sith lore, very dark and eerie.

    Poe was a bit of an ass.

    Leia was bittersweet.

    Knights of Ren were pointless.

    LANDO! I have nothing but love for Lando.

  30. #390
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    It wouldn't have bothered me if they revealed that about Finn. I defended Finn's lightsaber "duel" in TFA back then, and while it would have been weird after TLJ not hinting at this at all, basically everything had to be weird anyway. So sure, go for it!

    Instead, we got him randomly guessing and knowing things. Oooh, so exciting, I wonder if it will be revealed in the next movie that... oh wait, there is no next movie. So why are you writing a script which sets one up??? You are not afraid to resurrect Palpatine in the opening crawl, like yeah, everyone knows he is back, get over it, but revealing Finn as force-sensitive is just too much?

    At this point, the JJ-Rian bickering by obviously pissing on eachother's ideas is hilarious, because at the end of the day, both of them are mediocre writers who can't together a fucking story without putting some "I need to tell you something, which I could tell you right now, and it would make everyone's life easier, and would actually make sense, in fact, holding this information back is what doesn't make any sense, and actually make me a terrible character, a bad friend and an incapable military leader, but I need to create tension somehow, so I am not going to tell you yet, but trust me, when I will, it's going to be too late anyway" shtick.

    Another cringe moment was when Palpatine was doing his persuasion. In ROTJ he was pretty tame with look compared to this, and just tried to provoke him. This one was like a Benny Hill sketch about that scene. Overly done and repeated, like Spoiler: Rey was a speciel ed. kid, who has a slow understanding of things, so it needs to be said over and over again what she has to do. Then he explains her that he will take over her body if she does so. ???????????????????????????????????? Why would you tell her that?? Why would she give in to her anger, when you literally tell her that it will be her undoing??? 2 minutes could have been cut out of that scene, and it only would've made the movie better.
    I agree with everything but Rian Johnson being a mediocre writer. Dude has a pretty solid background so far with the exception of TLJ imo. I would have liked the reveal as well with Finn, but it just seems so silly that this would be the only thing going through his mind while sinking in the perfectly placed quicksand RIGHT where they happened to crash. Again with Palpatine... All I could think was "I've fucking heard this allll before." You could see the climax coming from a mile away. I got extremely giddy when they showed the close up of Rey and Ben side by side, ready to fight.. We could have gotten an epic Lightsaber battle with them going against Palpatine. Instead, he just continues to blow his load on Rey's cross lightsaber style thing.. It just makes no sense.

    Edit: Palpatine materializing a red velvet vest with a wannabe Darth Vaderesque belt was nothing short of fucking hilarious.

    For me, the impact of Rey staying dead, with Ben being the one that shows up in the X-Wing would have been such a big risk for this movie. The title of the movie would gel with this idea soooo much since we got about 5 minutes of Ben and he is actually... you know... A friggin' Skywalker. Instead we get Rey Star Wars.
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 12-22-2019 at 11:47 PM.

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