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Thread: Star Wars: The Movies (Spoilers)

  1. #601
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Star Wars porn, yes, absolutely: that's precisely why 7 is my number two. Sorry, @burnmotherfucker! , for the invalid answer.
    Hey to each their own. But TFA is awful. It is a complete regurgitation of ANH without any of the charm. All of the replacement characters are much worse than their ANH counterparts. And the tiny things it does set up do not even go anywhere. People love to blame TLJ but the truth is this movie was already bad on it's own. BUT it IS tied to TLJ and RoS (the worst film in the franchise by a country mile) and it is by far the worst Star Wars trilogy. I basically have to scrub it from my memory to even enjoy 1-6 these days.

  2. #602
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    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post
    Hey to each their own. But TFA is awful. It is a complete regurgitation of ANH without any of the charm. All of the replacement characters are much worse than their ANH counterparts. And the tiny things it does set up do not even go anywhere. People love to blame TLJ but the truth is this movie was already bad on it's own. BUT it IS tied to TLJ and RoS (the worst film in the franchise by a country mile) and it is by far the worst Star Wars trilogy. I basically have to scrub it from my memory to even enjoy 1-6 these days.
    I HATED the prequels. I've STILL only seen bits and pieces of the...sith revenge or whatever, because, yeah...I seriously hated the other two THAT much, to where I couldn't stomach any more of it.
    The OT is first hand holy gospel.

    Ergo, TFA mirroring ANH was fucking PERFECT for me. And if they'd just done the same thing with the next two, I'd have been very, very happy.

    Would I like a slightly altered mirror image of my favorite memories from 1985 or whatever, decades later?
    Say less.

    8 would have been great on its OWN, just as a film, but I DO blame Rian for subverting expectations a bit TOO much. I mean, me and @thelastdisciple spent at LEAST a couple hundred hours speculating on the identity of Snoke, and Ray's lineage, (if you look at the original plans, she was going to be a Kenobi), and what Luke meant by tossing the light saber. (Grey Jedi?!)

    Annnnnnnnd, Rian came in, and Rey was nobody, Snoke wasn't important, Luke had a blue milk mustache, Luke was acting 100% out of character, trying to murder...his nephew, (right?) in his sleep and Leia can fly through space and, well, yeah. Fuck.

    Yeah. I guess I'm one of those people who blames 8 and Rian.

    They fucked up. Subverting expectations and having a dark third in a Hero's Journey story is one thing. But Rian pretty much burned the gorgeous thing JJ built to the ground.

    After 8, TLD and I were no longer speculating about SHIT. Rather, we were just sort of praying that 9 worked, SOMEHOW.

    Edit: spoiler alert- it didn't. They called JJ and he did his best.
    But at least it was far, far better than "I don't like sand" and fucking mitochondraphils or whatever.

    That's just me, though. 1-3 aren't canonical in my mind, and 7, alone, atones for the godawful slap in the face I received from the prequels in my 20s.
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-17-2022 at 12:19 AM.

  3. #603
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    Here's my personal ranking:

    Rogue One


    I was fucking first in line, day one type for episode 1. Barely 19 year old SW fanatic me came away thinking I must have missed something.

    Then, 2 ruined Boba Fett, but at least it had flying cars or some shit? Kind of looked ok on the giant screen.
    But that's when barely 22 year old me realized that i.hadn't missed ANYTHING.
    There was new Star Wars...and it was like...I originally said it was awful, but it was just half ass. It needed to be fucking INCREDIBLE. It was kind of like mid grade star wars fan fiction with Not Ready For Box Office CGI.

    So the third one wasn't worth the price of a couple drops of fluff, or a half pint of good gin, for me, at 25. At that point, I was steadily rewatching the OT again.

    I'll watch episode 3, someday, MAYBE.

    Perhaps it's a generational thing. Idk. If I was like ten in 99, I'm sure I'd have loved Phantom Menace, I THINK.
    But being 19, and having been obsessed with the shit for most of my life, including the video games, just didn't work for me.
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-17-2022 at 01:43 AM.

  4. #604
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I HATED the prequels. I've STILL only seen bits and pieces of the...sith revenge or whatever, because, yeah...I seriously hated the other two THAT much, to where I couldn't stomach any more of it.
    The OT is first hand holy gospel.

    Ergo, TFA mirroring ANH was fucking PERFECT for me. And if they'd just done the same thing with the next two, I'd have been very, very happy.

    Would I like a slightly altered mirror image of my favorite memories from 1985 or whatever, decades later?
    Say less.

    8 would have been great on its OWN, just as a film, but I DO blame Rian for subverting expectations a bit TOO much. I mean, me and @thelastdisciple spent at LEAST a couple hundred hours speculating on the identity of Snoke, and Ray's lineage, (if you look at the original plans, she was going to be a Kenobi), and what Luke meant by tossing the light saber. (Grey Jedi?!)

    Annnnnnnnd, Rian came in, and Rey was nobody, Snoke wasn't important, Luke had a blue milk mustache, Luke was acting 100% out of character, trying to murder...his nephew, (right?) in his sleep and Leia can fly through space and, well, yeah. Fuck.

    Yeah. I guess I'm one of those people who blames 8 and Rian.

    They fucked up. Subverting expectations and having a dark third in a Hero's Journey story is one thing. But Rian pretty much burned the gorgeous thing JJ built to the ground.

    After 8, TLD and I were no longer speculating about SHIT. Rather, we were just sort of praying that 9 worked, SOMEHOW.

    Edit: spoiler alert- it didn't. They called JJ and he did his best.
    But at least it was far, far better than "I don't like sand" and fucking mitochondraphils or whatever.

    That's just me, though. 1-3 aren't canonical in my mind, and 7, alone, atones for the godawful slap in the face I received from the prequels in my 20s.
    You know, I actually agree with a lot of what you're saying here. Part of it comes down to me being younger than you when it comes to the prequels. Had I been closer to 20 than 10 when they came out? Yeah I would feel differently. And part of it is that even though I'm a SW fan since like age 5 or something, I also fully admit these movies are silly. Yes, even the OT. It wasn't silly when I was 5. But adult me, who has now seen some of the best films of all time to the point I think it is probably the highest art form save maybe music, yeah, these movies are just dumb fun. So I don't expect all that much from them anymore.

    RotS IS by far the best prequel movie my a landslide though. And the prequels were written by Lucas. They ARE the same story as the OT. Yes, their execution is off but the tone of them is a lot closer to the OT than the new ones. The sequel trilogy is just a Disney add on in my mind. 1-6 IS the story. Do I wish 1-3 would have been filmed in the 70s in the lead up to ANH? Yeah. But we got what we got. And Obi Wan vs Anakin and all that shit with Anakin's turn was more compelling than ANYTHING in the Disney Trilogy to me. BUT I also recognize the little kid Anakin was awful in Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones may be my least favorite of the PT.

    I also agree with you that 8 was the bolder film and sometimes I think of what could have been if they just left Luke alone. Snoke WAS wack as fuck, I'm glad the axed him. He was already a poor emperor clone no wonder they just replaced him with him in 9. I NEVER gave a shit who Rey was related to and I still don't. Her being a Kenobi would have been better though. I'd rather they have taken the nobody route that bringing back the Emperor and LITERALLY making the entire OT moot. Rian Johnson fucked up Luke for sure, but JJ absolutely killed the ENTIRE OT in 9. That's on him and Force Awakens is too bland of a consolation prize to make up for that in my mind. And Kylo Ren as the Vader replacement, I just never bought. He was a whiny little bitch for no real reason. JJ absolutely jacked Vader's style and gave it to an unworthy character (no shade to the actor). And honestly they killed Han to TRY and make the character mean something and NONE of it was earned.

    The "I hate sand" line. Bad direction and acting? Sure you could make that claim. But it isn't bad writing. It's actually vital to understand how an Anakin could have become Vader. His moms dies (in his mind) because she was a nothing slave and the Emperor took his disdain for the way the world is and made him think he needed to change it, that the Empire and Totalitarianism were the remedy. But you know, it became an internet meme and no one ever really thinks about WHY he was talking about sand.

    But I'm not arguing it worked. The prequels had the story 100% correct but their direction and execution was very lacking. The Disney trilogy had good acting and cinematography but the writing is some of the worst I've ever witnessed across the board. And remember, I don't have high expectation for these type franchises and I still think it was that bad.

    BUT, I'm glad you admit you would want to see your memories from 85' remade! Because you know, I do to.

    Which leads me to a more interesting point. When are we, the internet, going to just accept and admit that nostalgia isn't always a sin and there's no reason it shouldn't also be part of our lives. Look, I LOVE South Park. I've seen every episode. I agree with them, our film culture has become all about reusing IP with widescale recognition. But the problem isn't that we need LESS Star Wars, it's that people need to put their money down for new material as well. And they don't. And until they do they're only going to sell the member berries at the Regal.

    But if ever there were a franchise that was tailor made for member berries it is SW.

    Edit: ok my ranking

    Rogue One
    Solo (even though I STILL haven't seen it)

    Last edited by burnmotherfucker!; 09-17-2022 at 01:48 AM.

  5. #605
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    @burnmotherfucker! How about the parallel thinking, despite the disagreements?

    We had to have been writing those posts at the same time. Or,.maybe not. Maybe I was just editing mine.

    Either way, I guess I need to see 3. And man, fuck what you heard: Solo is pretty dope for what it is.

    But dude, here is my main thing with the sequels: I think JJ salvaged what he could with 9. He didn't have the balls to direct 8.
    He should have.

    It also would have helped if Carry Fish hadn't passed away. I'm almost certain that each of the 3 was going to be Han/Luke/Leia kind of passing the torch.

    See, I THOUGHT Solo and Rey were going to be brother and sister: hence, Leia hugging Rey after Han's death.
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-17-2022 at 01:56 AM.

  6. #606
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    @burnmotherfucker! How about the parallel thinking, despite the disagreements?

    We had to have been writing those posts at the same time.
    I had started replying to your longer post and then edited it after I had seen you post your ranking. I type slow haha.

    I actually think I'd enjoy Solo. I just haven't gotten to it. Not out of protest or anything, there's just too damn much content now.

    It seems like our only real disagreements are you think the sequels are better than the prequels and I think the opposite. Which is understandable given you were in your 20s when they came out and so your expectations were probably low as can be before TFA. Whereas mine were low, I enjoyed RotS and I was hoping for them to have realized that Empire is the true masterpiece and they need to hit that tone always at all times. Which yeah, its too late. Just kill this franchise and be done with it all lol.

    Ranking awful movie franchises is always fun though. I can do it all day. I vote next month the board argues over the Halloween franchise. Which, if you think SW is a mess...

  7. #607
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    Isn't there some major line in the sequels like "let go of the past, even if you must kill it?"

    But yeah. They fucked up a 4 decade franchise, and there's nothing we can do about it.

    Halloween: I don't really do slasher films. I guess I liked the Rob Zombie one, and then Resurrection... That's the one with Busta Rhymes, right?

    Slasher films aren't horror to me, really. As someone who did hospice care for people with some of the most fucked up conditions you can imagine, and then helped move out the bodies, that shit just doesn't scare me in any way.
    Generally, i just feel bad for the people getting sliced.

    End drift.

  8. #608
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    If TFA is a rehash of ANH where does Finn fit in? I loved Finn and really wanted to see his arc play out and it just fizzled in TLJ. I thought his character was really shafted by the whole thing

  9. #609
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    If TFA is a rehash of ANH where does Finn fit in? I loved Finn and really wanted to see his arc play out and it just fizzled in TLJ. I thought his character was really shafted by the whole thing
    Finn just felt shoehorned into the whole trilogy. Like they didn't know what to do with him. A stormtrooper questioning his life and switching sides is a good enough concept for it's own film and they took it and just threw it in the can.

  10. #610
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    If TFA is a rehash of ANH where does Finn fit in? I loved Finn and really wanted to see his arc play out and it just fizzled in TLJ. I thought his character was really shafted by the whole thing
    As I understood it, Finn was originally conceptualized to grow into the Han Solo type (which went to Poe, who originally wasn't supposed to survive his introduction in TFA so Finn could take his identity while deserting to the Resistance); and it was supposed to be kept ambiguous until the final act whether he, Rey or both were force sensitive.

  11. #611
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    Quote Originally Posted by stankeybearlover View Post
    As I understood it, Finn was originally conceptualized to grow into the Han Solo type (which went to Poe, who originally wasn't supposed to survive his introduction in TFA so Finn could take his identity while deserting to the Resistance); and it was supposed to be kept ambiguous until the final act whether he, Rey or both were force sensitive.
    thats interesting, is this in some behind the scenes interview ?

  12. #612
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    It would have been far more interesting if Finn was leaned more towards being Force sensitive, and eventually was able to ascend from Stormtrooper, to Jedi. All of the new sequels are god awful, and I found some of the ideas in 8 to be far more interesting than a rehashed A New Hope, and whatever the hell ROS was trying to do.

    There was some terrible set up in 8, but I liked the idea of how the movie ended with broom boy, Kylo and Rey having that force, mind connection, and Luke being what he turned out to be. You can't expect a character to just be and act exactly the same for years on end, and come back wanting to be the hero. Him being conflicted with what was going on with Kylo, and ultimately himself I had no problem with. Also, I loved the scene with him and Yoda and I liked the idea that not every person that is strong with the force needs to have this long, ancient family lineage to be that.

    What they did with Snoke was ridiculous and very disappointing, and I wish they would have stuck with one director and the same writers for the new Trilogy. But The Force Awakens in my opinion limited a lot of the creativity from the start. Again, ANOTHER Death Star? Yea, real original there.

    I'd rank these something like:

    Rogue One
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 09-17-2022 at 03:52 AM.

  13. #613
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    I can get down with most of what you're saying. But I just can't agree that Luke in 8 was ok. I'm fine with Luke doubting the continuance of the Jedi and I'm ok with him not being the hero. I'm ok with him aging and becoming a hermit even. After all isn't this basically what Yoda, his master, did in Empire? But what I am NOT, in any way, ok with is him deciding to just kill Kylo. It makes NO sense.

    I mean the whole point of his arc is that he wouldn't kill Vader because he refused to believe he was pure evil. VADER. Sapce Hitler. The dude who killed little kids and literally committed genocide. HE still had good in him. And all of a sudden after all these years, because of a "vision" no less, he's just like "yeah I gotta kill this kid who is Leia and Han's son because I don't believe he can be good. FUCK THAT! It is a fundamental misunderstanding of what was important about Return of the Jedi. I've tried to make sense of it and I've argued both sides of it and I just can't come to see it as a valid choice that character would make. He's the last person in the galaxy that would.

    On another note. What's up with the episode 4 getting the nod over Empire tonight? I like it too but it ain't Empire.

  14. #614
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    thats interesting, is this in some behind the scenes interview ?
    This was just off the top off my head from what I had gathered from the pr campaigns and the fallout of what turned into episode 9. The "Oscar Isaac was so charismatic on screen we decided not to keep him dead"-schtick was used ad nauseum during the promotion of both TFA and TLJ. Finn potentially being force sensitive was teased throughout these campaigns, and even teased in all three movies - only to be dropped without mention. And of course both Boyega's and Isaac's airings of grievances were pretty insightful.

  15. #615
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    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post

    I can get down with most of what you're saying. But I just can't agree that Luke in 8 was ok. I'm fine with Luke doubting the continuance of the Jedi and I'm ok with him not being the hero. I'm ok with him aging and becoming a hermit even. After all isn't this basically what Yoda, his master, did in Empire? But what I am NOT, in any way, ok with is him deciding to just kill Kylo. It makes NO sense.

    I mean the whole point of his arc is that he wouldn't kill Vader because he refused to believe he was pure evil. VADER. Sapce Hitler. The dude who killed little kids and literally committed genocide. HE still had good in him. And all of a sudden after all these years, because of a "vision" no less, he's just like "yeah I gotta kill this kid who is Leia and Han's son because I don't believe he can be good. FUCK THAT! It is a fundamental misunderstanding of what was important about Return of the Jedi. I've tried to make sense of it and I've argued both sides of it and I just can't come to see it as a valid choice that character would make. He's the last person in the galaxy that would.

    On another note. What's up with the episode 4 getting the nod over Empire tonight? I like it too but it ain't Empire.
    This is where I have to disagree as well lol... But I respect it. GOSH, we are all such nerds...I love it .

    Luke obviously knew that Snoke was influencing Ben and wanted to see how far into the dark his apprentice/nephew was. When he found out, it surprised him. Ben was overcome with darkness to the likes of which Luke had not experienced since Vader and the Emperor respectfully. It awoke a response in him that this needed to be dealt with and he reacted instinctively, igniting his lightsaber that Ben woke up to.

    Then, he immediately came to his senses and, by his own words, was filled with guilt and shame for his reaction. But at no point did he actually try to kill Ben. With a character that was conflicted in his entire earlier arc, he is riddled with impulsive decisions, especially when he actually swings his Saber during fights in Empire and Return. As powerful as he got up to ROTJ, he never really showed he was the wisest Jedi, even up to the end with Palps and Vader. I really didn't think it was that wild to think he would still be impulsive to take out his Saber over Ben, hence why he left years before TFA because he felt it was better to have no Jedi at all after making such an, again, impulsive decision that he immediately turned away from.

    Also, the Darth Vader thing and Luke turning him to the light. He sort of didn't even do that... He surrendered himself to Vader to be taken, was brought to Palpatine, let the darkside of his emotions take over him, and tried killing Palps, then had to fight his Dad again, proceeded to cutting his hand off. Then he stopped, and the Emperor proceeded to torture him with Force Lightning. It was the Emperor trying to kill his son that caused Vader to renounce the dark and save Luke. Luke didn't exactly cause that change of heart in Vader. I always felt Vader knew he had that small glimpse of good left in him, even if Luke has a small influence on him.

    That's just how I always perceived the whole Luke fiasco in The Last Jedi.

    As for ANH over Empire, there is just something about meeting those characters for the first time, along with before there was the awkward love triangle I never really cared for in Empire. It beats out Empire, but not by much .
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 09-17-2022 at 05:32 PM.

  16. #616
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    Well that's about as good a defense of TLJ that I've seen so thanks for that. For what it's worth, I myself tried to defend it and get on board at first but in the end the logic just did not add up for me. So, yeah Luke swung a saber at Ben and never intended to kill him? Or he intended to kill him and stopped just shy of doing so but it was too late because Ben had already seen him? Ok, both of those I doubt would have happened after the lessons he had learned from his encounter with Vader and the Emperor. But I'll suspend my disbelief and grant you that just for the sake of argument. But I'm still not ok with it. It isn't really that he struck his saber at Ben that bothers me, and Mark Hamill too for that matter, it's that he loses faith in him and then does nothing to fix the situation. Instead of keeping his eye on the bigger picture he sulks and goes into hiding. Leaving Ben to stew in anger and grow in the darkside. Old man Luke wouldn't have done this because of his past experience that I'll get to in a second.

    But first, there's another glaring problem with this plot point. The film basically just tells it to the audience in a terrible exposition scene. They may as well have had Hamill read your post to the audience. It felt less thought out than that. Then add that to the fact that up until this point they have done a piss poor job of building up Kylo Ren. They revealed way too much about him in the first film. He wasn't an interesting villain the way Vader was after his turn. He was always just a cheap Vader knockoff wannabe, right down to his unnecessary mask that TLJ was right to ditch. And now, all of a sudden because of a fucking exposition scene I'm supposed to just buy that he's even darker than the Emperor and Vader combined? Give me a break.

    But back to Luke. Now, I agree with most of your read on Return of the Jedi but I think it is missing some very key points. First, yeah, Luke rage fights. It's kinda his style, but it isn't always as simple as him channeling the dark side. Palps sure seems to think so, he basically narrates this to us during the scene when Luke attacks him. Luke got close and took his shot but the Emperor was betting Vader was going to defend him. And so he thinks he has baited Luke into either a loss or a turn. But Palps isn't right, he guesses wrong. And during the fight, Luke evades Vader and goes so far as to tell him he won't fight him. Then Vader reveals he knows about Leia and threatens her. This is when Luke attacks and begins the fight for real. This isn't him going dark, this is him attacking out of his love for Leia. It's Star Wars so there is always a question of balance and the struggle of maintaining that, and maybe he is near the line but he never loses sight of his goal. Then he takes Vader's hand after he smokes him in the saber fight. He could have taken his head, easily. The hand was a callback to Empire but it was also sending Vader a message. Palps again laughs and is convinced Luke is going dark and this is when Luke check mates him. He tosses the saber and tells him to fuck off. Now I think, like you do, that Vader made his own choice when he killed the Emperor. But the whole reason he is able to make that choice is because Luke basically threw all his chips on the table in a long shot bet. He bet on Vader. Vader knows why Luke is there, and that is why he is convinced to make his choice.

    And so as a result, Luke learned just how important showing faith in someone is and he would know how devastating doing the opposite would be. Because he lived it all before. If nothing else it would have been him chasing Kylo around in 7 along with Han trying to right his wrong. But if they knew how to write the character, it would never have come to that in the first place. At least that's the way I see it. Believe it or not I really don't spend a whole lot of spare time thinking about this, it's just that the OT is a story I've known since I was 5 so the way the sequels just throw out all the meaning in it rubs me the wrong way.

    And I mean, when you think about it it's kinda unprecedented. A film franchise that was the most profitable of all time had 2 movies that were so bad the studio doesn't even know how to proceed to the point they shelved all the theatrical stuff in favor of.....TV. Yikes

  17. #617
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    Oh, don't get me wrong, I still do not think TLJ was a good movie, but it was my favorite out of the bunch with some of its ideas it brought forward.

    I really wish that the whole Luke thing was more fleshed out and wasn't just a flashback, exposition scene, but I don't think it is that far fetched to see why Luke left and didn't try to help. There is some doubt that he wouldn't have done that after the whole Palps and Vader situation, but Ben was also pretty much abandoned by his parents, leaving Luke to be daddy uncle pretty much. I guess we disagree with Kylo not being interesting because I found him to be the only interesting part of TFA and even though he wanted to be just like Vader, it still made sense as to why he looked up to him, helmet and all. Luke even says in the flashback that he had sensed the darkness in Ben throughout his training, so he did try to help him in some way, but I don't rememeber them ever making it seem as if Kylo was stronger or potentially stronger than the Emperor, or Vader combined, but as a potential "Next Vader". We see both points of views as well in that flashback, and that was the nail in the coffin for Ben to do the damage with the Knights of Ren (Such a damn waste) and flee, leaving Luke in rubble.

    As for the throne scene, I agree with the Leia thing, and it has been a long time since I've seen it, so thanks for bringing that to my attention! I just don't think they throw out all the meaning like you, and other fans think. It made Luke a bit more relatable, and not just some perfect, learned from his mistakes forever hero. I'd feel like utter shit as well if I felt it was ultimately my fault as to why my best apprentice looked up more to a shriveled robe man, instead of his uncle. Failing Ben, failing Han, failing Leia, and ultimately, the entire Jedi name for that matter. Shit, even Yoda fled and went into exile when he couldn't defeat Sideous that was responsible for taking out almost the entire Jedi Order. I personally don't think he would have stayed away for that long lol, but I still liked the idea of showing that even Luke Skywalker could still be conflicted, even after what he had learned in the past. Again, just wish Rian could have written it a tad more fleshed out, and I had high hopes because the dude can write.

    For me, I'd rather just watch the OT over and over, than ever revisit these 3 stinkers (Imo). I'll watch I and III if they're on, just something about II that I can never get with lol. There are some scenes I really like from VII and VIII, but as a whole, I just can't.
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 09-18-2022 at 06:08 PM.

  18. #618
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    Well my friend I have to say you have probably put forth the best defense of anyone I've ever seen when it comes to their 9th favorite movie in a film franchise haha. I won't continue to beat a dead horse as I think I've said my peace about it. But I do get why you see it as the best of the sequels. It failed hard to me, but I do recognize that it at least tried to go outside the box and do something different. And for what it's worth I think it has the best visuals, set design, and cinematography when stacked up against the JJ movies.

    Kylo Ren probably wound up being the most interesting new character out of all of them, but it was mainly due to Adam Driver's performance. He basically did his best through all the bad writing.

    But yeah, the throne room scenes in Jedi are my favorite in the franchise. When that music cue hits while they're dueling and come out from behind those stairs, that's the peak of Star Wars to me. So needless to say I've seen that scene too many times. Return of the Jedi has both the highest highs and lowest lows of the OT for me and I've got a lot of nostalgia for it. It doesn't quite beat out Empire though. And obviously ANH is great as well. I don't think the prequels lived up to those or anything but at least the writing and story were there. 1-6 is a tight cohesive story where all the parts compliment one another. I basically pretend everything that happened after the Disney buyout is in an alternate universe, because it kinda is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post

    Well my friend I have to say you have probably put forth the best defense of anyone I've ever seen when it comes to their 9th favorite movie in a film franchise haha. I won't continue to beat a dead horse as I think I've said my peace about it. But I do get why you see it as the best of the sequels. It failed hard to me, but I do recognize that it at least tried to go outside the box and do something different. And for what it's worth I think it has the best visuals, set design, and cinematography when stacked up against the JJ movies.

    Kylo Ren probably wound up being the most interesting new character out of all of them, but it was mainly due to Adam Driver's performance. He basically did his best through all the bad writing.

    But yeah, the throne room scenes in Jedi are my favorite in the franchise. When that music cue hits while they're dueling and come out from behind those stairs, that's the peak of Star Wars to me. So needless to say I've seen that scene too many times. Return of the Jedi has both the highest highs and lowest lows of the OT for me and I've got a lot of nostalgia for it. It doesn't quite beat out Empire though. And obviously ANH is great as well. I don't think the prequels lived up to those or anything but at least the writing and story were there. 1-6 is a tight cohesive story where all the parts compliment one another. I basically pretend everything that happened after the Disney buyout is in an alternate universe, because it kinda is.
    Haha, cheers! Always love talking with you on these boards. And the visuals are indeed the best imo as well when it comes to the grand scheme of things.

    Ugh, there was just so much potential with Kylo, seeing him for the first time when he stops that blaster shot really had me going. Damn I wish we got something more substantial with him.

    And I can agree with ROTJ, so many seem to put that one last as far as the OT goes. I have to watch all 3 again to get a refresher and just because I genuinely love watching them, as far as favorite scene from the franchise, it has to be the Darth Maul duel with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. When Duel of the Fates queues in, and Maul takes his hood off... Ugh, chefs kiss right there. Not to mention, I'm a huge Darth Maul fan.

  20. #620
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Haha, cheers! Always love talking with you on these boards. And the visuals are indeed the best imo as well when it comes to the grand scheme of things.

    Ugh, there was just so much potential with Kylo, seeing him for the first time when he stops that blaster shot really had me going. Damn I wish we got something more substantial with him.

    And I can agree with ROTJ, so many seem to put that one last as far as the OT goes. I have to watch all 3 again to get a refresher and just because I genuinely love watching them, as far as favorite scene from the franchise, it has to be the Darth Maul duel with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. When Duel of the Fates queues in, and Maul takes his hood off... Ugh, chefs kiss right there. Not to mention, I'm a huge Darth Maul fan.
    Likewise fellow connoisseur of fine cinema films!

    I think it's interesting you see a prequel scene as the peak of the franchise. That's a bold move. I feel like now that the sequels are done people are realizing that the prequels weren't all that bad. And I can't argue the duel of fates scene, it's great. I also love Anakin vs Obi Wan in RotS. I think the prequels put the most attention into the saber fights of any of the trilogies. I also liked Maul in that film and I'm an Obi Wan guy when it comes to the prequels. It makes me wonder, since Maul is technically still alive in the canon, if bringing him in for Obi Wan Kenobi season 2 isn't the way to go. I'd love to see that rematch!

  21. #621
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    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post
    It makes me wonder, since Maul is technically still alive in the canon, if bringing him in for Obi Wan Kenobi season 2 isn't the way to go. I'd love to see that rematch!
    If you haven't watched the animated Rebels series, there is resolution to that... Spoiler: ...I get it but it felt like a let down, but Maul in his Crimson Dawn crime boss phase still needs to be explored a lot more, and that could come in the Mandalorian series, given what happens

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    Secret ‘Star Wars’ Film From Damon Lindelof And Lucasfilm Sets ‘Ms Marvel’s Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy As Director

    Following months of speculation, Deadline is now hearing from several sources close to the project that not only is Damon Lindelof developing a new Star Wars film for Lucasfilm but that Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy has been set as director. Lindelof is co-writing the project, though it is unknown at this time who his writing partner might be. Insiders say the script is still being written which means production is likely far out. That said, sources add it was important to Lucasfilm and Lindelof that a director be brought on so that person’s own vision for where they see this story headed gets included in the script.
    I like that approach.

  23. #623
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    Wow, between Andor and now Tales of the Jedi, Star Wars has never been in a better place! Love the Justice episode with Young Dooku and Qui Gon.
    Last edited by SM Rollinger; 10-27-2022 at 07:29 PM.

  24. #624
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    All of the animated Star Wars stuff is making me wish the prequel trilogy had been written better. Including Dooku's turn to the dark side and having Anakin have an apprentice makes the narrative make so much more sense.

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    Got a "beta" of the 4K80....

    Love it!!! Seek it out! I can't wait for the finished version.

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    Hard for me to feel excited about new star wars movies, especially ones that will force me to acknowledge rise of Skywalker as canon. My burns are still hot from that one, regardless of some of the TV has been ok

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    and remind me what the ratio of announced Star Wars movies vs. released is? ho hum, I say.

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    I'm very intrigued by the notion of James Mangold helming a Star Wars movie and of course, I'm excited about the movie that will be the culmination of the "Mando-verse." I'm also cautiously optimistic about the new movie focusing on Rey rebuilding the Jedi Order. But yeah, they've announced like 10 Star Wars projects that never made it to fruition, so I'm tempering my expectations until I see a trailer.

    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    and remind me what the ratio of announced Star Wars movies vs. released is? ho hum, I say.
    Yeah, exactly! Rogue Squadron, Lando, Rangers of the New Republic, the Rian Johnson trilogy, the David Benioff and D.B. Weiss movie(s), the Kevin Feige one, the Taika Waititi one...

  30. #630
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    Disney should just stop. Haven't they done enough to destroy this franchise? Just stick to the tv shows. The main SW storyline has been obliterated by The Rise of Skywalker. There's nowhere good to go from there.

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