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Thread: Star Wars: Episodes I-VI (prequels and original trilogy) Randazzo: Ep. 1 is good now

  1. #31
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    Nerd question:

    What is a better one-two punch...Rogue One/ANH or ANH/ESB?

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Nerd question:

    What is a better one-two punch...Rogue One/ANH or ANH/ESB?
    rogue one & a new hope, for sure. they literally connect perfectly, and the tonal transition at the end of rogue one sets up the ability to get even more invested in a new hope. my wife and i watched them back to back on may the fourth and it was fantastic.

    to me, a new hope and empire strikes back always felt a little disconnected. i don't know if more time passes between those two or between empire and return of the jedi, but the latter transition always felt more natural. a new hope could essentially have been a standalone film, the way it ends.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Question: At the end ROTS, we see a Star Destroyer and other Imperial ships. When were they built? It's like one minute there is this intergalactic civil war, with the Clone army and the Republic using Republic ships, and the next moment there is a vast Imperial Navy?
    Sheev was a pretty secretive and wily old coot. He has a well established record of doing some big things to the point of completion before others even knew said things had started happening. The clone army, deathstar 1, order 66, a few examples. For the galaxy it was as if suddenly here is a republic clone army out of nowhere, suddenly here is a deathstar out of nowhere, suddenly the jedi have been outlawed and destroyed out of nowhere. It’s well within the realm of believability that Sheev had the imperial class stardestroyer in production to replace the republic stardestroyers as well as the deathstar production happening covertly for quite some time before making the move to declare himself emperor.

  4. #34
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    No talk of The Clone Wars series here?

    I love that show, maybe more than any of the Lucas era films. I hadn't watched it until Di$ney canceled it, but I quickly realized that was a mistake. The scope and scale of the show is massive, enhancing ALL of the characters that appear in it (even REPRESENTATIVE BINKS) from both the prequels and original trilogy. Anakin, Maul, Grevious, Padme, Dooku, all are given time to shine as the hero's they are. Even charcters created for the show like Rex and Ashoka are awesome, and you get to see Imperials like Tarkin and Yallarn early in their careers.

    Not a kids show, like the cheesy and underwhelming Rebels. The body count is high. The space battles are EPIC. And the style of animation is beautiful.

    This is Star Wars!

  5. #35
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    I thought Rebels still had some real value in watching though? At least thats what I've always heard?

    Need to fully watch Clone Wars. I think I only watched the first season. It's still canon right?

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    I thought Rebels still had some real value in watching though? At least thats what I've always heard?

    Need to fully watch Clone Wars. I think I only watched the first season. It's still canon right?
    Rebels reminds me of the new films, a few cool moments here and there, but no real depth to keep me coming back for repeated viewings.

    Clone Wars is and forever will be canon, along with the 6 films, at George's insistance and part of the terms of the sale to Di$ney. The series is an anthology, and its not 100% in order. There are 2 episodes that take place before The Clone Wars film (which is basically 4 episodes stitched together,) then the series starts. You can find episode chronology lists online easy enough. Also there is 2, 4 episode story arcs that were released as early animatics with dialouge, after the show was canceled. In all, its a 129 23 minute episodes plus the 80ish minute movie. Its worth watching it all for sure.

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  8. #38
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    IMO, Episode I is the best of the three prequels. Seriously. Fight me.

  9. #39
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    I’ll let Jake Lloyd, the 6 hour pod race, and a criminally wasted Darth Maul do the fighting for me.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    IMO, Episode I is the best of the three prequels. Seriously. Fight me.
    I actually enjoyed TPM despite its many, many, many faults. ROTS was my favorite of the three prequels, with AOTC coming in dead last. That said, Rogue One was the best of the four movies set before ANH by a mile.

  11. #41
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    Episode II was CGI garbage. What was the story? Seriously. Please tell me what the story was. It had the worst romance ever, a wasted Christopher Lee, and a bunch of CGI garbage with all sorts of cool looking Jedi wasted with bad choreography.

    Episode III was bad soap opera garbage. The continuation of the worst romance ever, more terrible CGI, and again, what was the story? Three Jedi get taken out by lame-ass lightsaber swings and another poorly choreographed fight that embarrassed Ian McDiarmid since it relied on super weird facial expressions.

    Combined, both movies wasted the talents of Natalie Portman and Ewan McGregor and earned nothing more from Hayden Christensen, a visual representation of some of the worst acting the early 2000s had to offer.

    Episode I was the best. Jake Lloyd was being directed by a man who doesn't know how to write dialogue and did the best he could do. Natalie Portman was a queen in both the story and in her portrayal, Ewan McGregor balanced well off of Liam Neeson. The pod race was long but it at least had stakes as we got to see a bunch of racers literally get destroyed throughout. Darth Maul was a badass and KILLED one of the main characters. Yeah, he didn't speak much and represented a waste of a great character design and potential backstory, but he also represented the promise of other potentially cool characters to come (even though that ended up not being realized until the prequels were over).

    Let's talk about Jar Jar. People overreacted to Jar Jar. Jar Jar was no worse than the Ewoks and actually represented a fighting force that had cool weapons compared to a bunch of rocks and logs. I don't begrudge the Ewoks and their available resources, but those furry little bears would've been scorched by the Empire in less than five seconds. The Gungans had shields and energy weapons that incapacitated their opponents.

    The bad - The Nemoidians and Gungans were racist caricatures. No question about that. At the very least though, a trade dispute was a better story than weird politics in Ep. II and even weirder soap opera politics that were in Ep. III.

    Ep. I was the best of the three prequels and has arguably aged the best since the other two.

  12. #42
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    Episode I is good now.

  13. #43
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    It still amazes me some of the talent in the prequels and how they managed to waste it!

    My biggest grip with the prequels was...they were just a bit boring to me (and the CGI didn't help!) I'm not sure i could say which were my fav's as i disliked them all for various reasons. The only good i got out of them were Darth Maul and Ewen's Obi-wan.
    @RhettButler agreed, Rouge One was miles better then them, personally one of my fav SW films (i just preferred the darker tone...and that Darth Vader scene)

  14. #44
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    Episode II has always been my favorite of the prequels.

    I saw it 5 times in theaters! There's only one other film I've seen more during its theatrical run.

    Ep I has the most incredible fight choreography, Ep III is a blast for all the climactic darkness, but within the realm of '99-'05, Clones always felt the most balanced tonally and I think that's why I like it so much. Phantom Menace is of course very kid-friendly (which is honestly fine), while Sith was about as bleak as SW had ever been at the time. Neither of those directions felt disingenuous to me, but I love how Clones seemed to find the balance of humor, gravitas, intrigue and outright fun. Tonally, it feels the closest to the original Star Wars.

    Also, Ep II arguably has the greatest sound effect ever made. #SeismicCharges

    Side-note: are they ever gonna finish what they started with the 3D re-releases of the prequels? I skipped Phantom Menace (which was dumb of me), even though I was salivating at the thought of the opening tracking shot of Sith in three dimensions. After seeing the 3D re-release of T2, which was easily some of the best 3D I have *ever* seen, I think it's a worthy pursuit.
    Last edited by Deadpool; 04-17-2018 at 08:24 PM.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    Episode II was CGI garbage. What was the story? Seriously. Please tell me what the story was. It had the worst romance ever, a wasted Christopher Lee, and a bunch of CGI garbage with all sorts of cool looking Jedi wasted with bad choreography.

    Episode III was bad soap opera garbage. The continuation of the worst romance ever, more terrible CGI, and again, what was the story? Three Jedi get taken out by lame-ass lightsaber swings and another poorly choreographed fight that embarrassed Ian McDiarmid since it relied on super weird facial expressions.

    Combined, both movies wasted the talents of Natalie Portman and Ewan McGregor and earned nothing more from Hayden Christensen, a visual representation of some of the worst acting the early 2000s had to offer.

    Episode I was the best. Jake Lloyd was being directed by a man who doesn't know how to write dialogue and did the best he could do. Natalie Portman was a queen in both the story and in her portrayal, Ewan McGregor balanced well off of Liam Neeson. The pod race was long but it at least had stakes as we got to see a bunch of racers literally get destroyed throughout. Darth Maul was a badass and KILLED one of the main characters. Yeah, he didn't speak much and represented a waste of a great character design and potential backstory, but he also represented the promise of other potentially cool characters to come (even though that ended up not being realized until the prequels were over).

    Let's talk about Jar Jar. People overreacted to Jar Jar. Jar Jar was no worse than the Ewoks and actually represented a fighting force that had cool weapons compared to a bunch of rocks and logs. I don't begrudge the Ewoks and their available resources, but those furry little bears would've been scorched by the Empire in less than five seconds. The Gungans had shields and energy weapons that incapacitated their opponents.

    The bad - The Nemoidians and Gungans were racist caricatures. No question about that. At the very least though, a trade dispute was a better story than weird politics in Ep. II and even weirder soap opera politics that were in Ep. III.

    Ep. I was the best of the three prequels and has arguably aged the best since the other two.
    The Anakin/Padamewhatever romance sucked. That said, the final 30 minutes or so of ROTS was pretty awesome.

    The overarching story arc of the prequels had potential but was really poorly executed. As for TPM:

    -Jar Jar was way worse than the Ewoks
    -The interactions was between the Queen and Anakin was just really fucking weird and uncomfortable to watch. I mean, THIS is how Luke and Leia's parents meet?

    Oh sweet Jesus that's bad.

    -Hated that stupid Pod race. And it was pointless. Neeson should have told that horribly racist Jewish stereotype Fly-thing "Look motherfucker, I have a particular set of Jedi skills, so give me that part I need and no harm will come to you, otherwise I will find you, and I will kill you." They should have been off that planet within an hour after landing.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 04-17-2018 at 10:01 AM.

  16. #46
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    I'm convinced the Pod racing was put in just to make Video Games...terrible terrible video games (i should know, i played them!)

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    I'm convinced the Pod racing was put in just to make Video Games...terrible terrible video games (i should know, i played them!)
    Speak for yourself - Ep. I Racer was a great video game and I happily paid for it on the PS4 when it showed up.

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    Speak for yourself - Ep. I Racer was a great video game and I happily paid for it on the PS4 when it showed up.
    You've clearly never been treated to Star Wars: Demolition I haven't raged at a game as much as that!

  19. #49
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    Revenge of the Sith is still my favorite, that opening sequence!

    All of the six original are infinitly rewatchable.

    The di$ney ones ive watched three or four times, then shelve em.

  20. #50
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    Glad that facts have been stated in this thread: Episode I is the best of the prequels. More good and/or great elements than the other two prequels. And that damned score.

  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    Speak for yourself - Ep. I Racer was a great video game and I happily paid for it on the PS4 when it showed up.
    Loved that as a kid. The was also pretty cool, I played it once (pretty crazy controls). Ever played Racer Revenge for PS2? Was it any good?

  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by wizfan View Post
    Loved that as a kid. The was also pretty cool, I played it once (pretty crazy controls). Ever played Racer Revenge for PS2? Was it any good?
    Yep! They had a Sebulba vs. Anakin grudge match story and it was great.

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by joplinpicasso View Post
    Glad that facts have been stated in this thread: Episode I is the best of the prequels. More good and/or great elements than the other two prequels. And that damned score.
    No way man. It's III>I>II.

  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by SM Rollinger View Post
    Revenge of the Sith is still my favorite, that opening sequence!

    All of the six original are infinitly rewatchable.

    The di$ney ones ive watched three or four times, then shelve em.
    Why did you put a $ in Disney? As though the Disney movies were made soley for profit and the first six were made for the joy of filmmaking and entertaining audiences. VII, VIII and R1 were infinity better better than the prequels, better than ROTJ even.

  25. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    No way man. It's I>III>II.
    Fixed that for you.

  26. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    Fixed that for you.
    ""Are you an angel?...I'm not a slave, I'm a person!" That dialog alone demotes this movie in ranking.

  27. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    ""Are you an angel?...I'm not a slave, I'm a person!" That dialog alone demotes this movie in ranking.
    "If you're not with me... then you're my enemy!!!"

    *standing over lava* FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THE JEDI ARE EVIL!!!!!

  28. #58
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    "You're so...beautiful."

    "It's only because I'm so in love."

    "No, it's because I'm so in love with you."

    "So love has blinded you?"

    "Well, that's not exactly what I meant."

    "But it's probably true."

    ^What is this

    Is this even speech

  29. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    "You're so...beautiful."

    "It's only because I'm so in love."

    "No, it's because I'm so in love with you."

    "So love has blinded you?"

    "Well, that's not exactly what I meant."

    "But it's probably true."

    ^What is this

    Is this even speech
    Word soup.

  30. #60
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    @Lt. Randazzo hehehehe

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