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Thread: Star Wars: Episodes I-VI (prequels and original trilogy) Randazzo: Ep. 1 is good now

  1. #61
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  2. #62
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    Here's my list of the official series so far: https://letterboxd.com/thevoid99/lis...series-ranked/

    and the spin-offs/related series: https://letterboxd.com/thevoid99/lis...series-ranked/

  3. #63
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    Oh I wanna play.


    I didn't even watch revenge of the sith. I'd had enough of it. I know a lot of people are looking fondly back on the prequels. I don't know if it has to do with age or nostalgia or what, but I just don't get it.
    I will admit that I didn't come out of the theater thinking about how i and ii were awful. I thought I was missing something, that I wasn't getting it.
    I guess I don't hate them; rather, I just REALLY don't care about them.

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    I expect Solo to squeeze in between Rogue One and The Last Jedi.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Oh I wanna play.

    You liked TFA so much you included it twice?

  6. #66
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    Woo, fun.

    V Empire
    KotOR 2
    IV New Hope
    KotOR 1
    III Sith
    Jedi Knight 2
    VI RotJ
    II Clones
    Jedi Academy
    VII Force Awakens
    I Menace
    VIII Last Jedi

    Have yet to sit through Rogue One. Might be cheating to add the games, but honestly, I'd have very little interest in Star Wars without them.

  7. #67
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    This guy nails it with regard to the prequels.

    Last edited by Dr Channard; 11-17-2019 at 12:33 PM.

  8. #68
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    Solo sucks and should never be added to any list.

    Hayden Christian's terrible and laughable acting I will never get past. There were some cool elements in III, but the ending was so anti-climatic for me.

    The Darth Maul duel mixed with "Duel of the Fates" is the top lightsaber/battle scene we have ever received from all of these movies in my opinion. Plus, we got Qui-Gon .

  9. #69
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    I'm re-watching them all this month, so I'll have to revisit this list when I'm done, but it's something like this:

    The Empire Strikes Back
    Return of the Jedi
    A New Hope
    The Force Awakens
    The Last Jedi
    Rogue One
    Attack of the Clones
    The Phantom Menace
    Revenge of the Sith

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toadflax View Post
    I'm re-watching them all this month, so I'll have to revisit this list when I'm done, but it's something like this:

    The Empire Strikes Back
    Return of the Jedi
    A New Hope
    The Force Awakens
    The Last Jedi
    Rogue One
    Attack of the Clones
    The Phantom Menace
    Revenge of the Sith
    my ranking is exactly the same! but i'd put a large space between rogue one and attack of the clones

    and if i haven't said this before, i will say it 100% seriously: i would rather watch the star wars holiday special than any of the prequels. in fact, i have actually watched the star wars holiday special more times than any of the prequels​. (with rifftrax, but still)

  11. #71
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    I've actualy never seen Attack of the Clones in full, but have the feeling that I've seen it all through various videos like the one above. It's a shame since I really really enjoy Jango/Boba Fett, but Hayden Christiansen really destroys the whole thing in this.

    Honestly, that Palpatine video is actually very true. The underlying story and script aren't that bad. It's the campy CGI, ridiculous and childish details mixed with some god awful acting that diminish the prequels. God knows what would happen if Lucas decided to tinker with the prequels, removing lots of unnecessary SFX and cutting alot of it.

    Is there actually a "definite" fan-edit out there for the prequels that is worth watching while catching up for the new movie?

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    and if i haven't said this before, i will say it 100% seriously: i would rather watch the star wars holiday special than any of the prequels. in fact, i have actually watched the star wars holiday special more times than any of the prequels​. (with rifftrax, but still)
    I can honestly say I have never seen this take before lol. Hats off to you for at least admitting this.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    my ranking is exactly the same!
    That's crazy! I know some of mine aren't the norm (Jedi over New Hope, Sith below the other prequels, etc.), so it's definitely surprising someone would have the exact same ranking!

    My original trilogy standings are probably set for life, and I don't see my prequel trilogy rankings changing after re-watching them, but I'm curious to see how I feel about the new movies on repeat viewings (TFA is the only one I've seen more than once). They all live in my mind as some variation of frustrating but fine.

  14. #74
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    Rewatching these. Saw Phantom Menace over the weekend, and it is much worse than i remember

    New Hope
    Rogue One
    Return of the Jedi
    The Force Awakens
    Last Jedi
    Revenge of the Sith
    Phantom Menace
    Attack of the Clones

  15. #75
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    I'm rewatching these... The prequels are so bad as to reach the level of farcical. Taken on their own merits, the plots do not make any sense, the politics less than shallow.

    The worst part is Anakin, who from the start of episode 2 is actually just a relentlessly rapey creep and an insufferable brat. You could argue that his transformation to Darth Vader probably really takes place between I and II.

    I just had to say something as people hyperbolically claim TLJ is the worst but fucking hell the prequels are impressive trash. The first and last at least mostly entertaining but Attack of the Clones also occassionally quite boring.

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I'm rewatching these... The prequels are so bad as to reach the level of farcical. Taken on their own merits, the plots do not make any sense, the politics less than shallow.

    The worst part is Anakin, who from the start of episode 2 is actually just a relentlessly rapey creep and an insufferable brat. You could argue that his transformation to Darth Vader probably really takes place between I and II.

    I just had to say something as people hyperbolically claim TLJ is the worst but fucking hell the prequels are impressive trash. The first and last at least mostly entertaining but Attack of the Clones also occassionally quite boring.
    Coincidentally, watched Episode III last night while working just to see it for the first time in probably about five years. It’s so unmistakably garbage that I was almost ready to turn it off. The dialogue and acting was so lousy. I had forgotten the scene where Palpatine kills Mace Windu and the whole grunty MMMMMTHE FORCE IS UHH MMMMSTRONNNG WITH YOUUUU part. Fuck me it’s a 150 minute slog.

  17. #77
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    Rogue One

  18. #78
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    Whaaat, ep 3 is really good, but ep I is a solid movie as well. It's ep II that gives the prequels a really bad name. Almost everything in that movie is bad, pointless, boring or some combination of these.

    The prequels, however, are very atmospheric, from set and costume design to the amazing score. The prequel trilogy had actual, memorable, good, 10/10 music, unlike the sequel trilogy, where the best music parts are re-hashed ones. It also tells an actual story, even if it's mostly a bad one. If not for the CGI, they would hold up to today's standards. I wish they'd release a completely redone version, but that would cost a lot of money, so will probably never happen.

  19. #79
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    It's not the CGI at all. It's what the CGI serves: large swathes of nothing. Long stretches of empty, low stakes action. At the end, when Anakin and Obi Wan face off, all the lava and gymnastics and bullshit suck all the emotion out of it. And all of these podraces and gymnastic fights fill gaps where actual plot development could have taken place, and because it doesn't the story often makes jumps from A to D without ever stopping and B or C. One glaring omission as I mentioned is the jump Anakin makes from child to leering predator in between movies, but even more glaringly is the treatment Padme gets by the plot. By the end even the birth of her children, the main characters of the next trilogy, feels like an after thought. In each of these three movies, Padme is an entirely different person, in last movie, somehow, yes, the best of the three, she basically spends her time vacuously waiting in her living room or something. In the second movie she's forced by the writers to fall in love with someone she consistently, out loud, claims is creeping her the fuck out.

    There are tons of characters in these movies and yet none of them are deep or well motivated. Maybe Anakin in episode 3, is easy to accept as an entitled idiot, easily manipulated by the smarter people around him.

    The phantom menace has more foundational problems. There isn't a discernable main character, nor is there even really a discernable, meaningful antagonist. The age discrepancy between Anakin and Padme here is fucking insane. George Lucas had this trilogy planned out, right? And he allowed this casting choice... That's weird and unsettling to me. As with Michael Bay and his daughter complexes, George has some Freudian shit on full display in Star Wars. He spends the rest of that movie randomly stapling shit together like an idiot: a virgin birth! Darth Vader built C-3PO !

    These movies are only redeemed by their memes. I'm on to the OT now. And then revisiting the sequel trilogy for the first time
    Last edited by Wretchedest; 12-05-2019 at 02:07 AM.

  20. #80
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    I think Obi-Wan is an okay character as well. A young and ambitious master who seemingly failed to handle his padawan, but tried his best to understand him and get back on track with him. Sort of a father-son relationship. While the prequel trilogy is ultimately about the tragic downfall of Anakin, I think it is just as much about the tragedy of Obi-Wan, who tried his best, but failed. Or did he try his best? We can argue about that, and it's great.

    Padme was a great character in episode I. They set her up to a great character arc, which they eventually ruined, but if we view ep I in a vacuum, Padme is a badass and interesting character.

    I disagree with the pod racing, I think it was one of the better moments of the trilogy - in the whole SW cinematic universe as well. I'd trade young Anakin being a decent starship fighter over more screentime of him pod racing. The race was new, original, spectacular (not anymore), funny and tense. It also served its purpose as a way of showing Anakin's talents and determination, a'la fairy tale hero 101 - too bad they totally ruined it with the space stuff, that was unnecessary to shove down our throat. The pod racing, to me, was a very down to earth, humane thing, and that is exactly what an origin story needed. You don't want to see a child force choking random people while the imperial march is being played in the background. You want to see a kid being a kid, with tons of potential, which we know will go to waste eventually.

    The purpose of CGI... that's debateable. Compare Endgame's fight svcene with the fight scene in the arena in Ep 2. I think they both serve a purpose, it's just Ep 2. is fucking disgusting and out of place. I think everyone was down to see some mass Jedi action, because it was such a foreign concept - and that was supposed to be the whole idea of the prequels! Show an entirely different world. They went overboard with the jumps and acrobatics, but the basic idea is not flawed. Lucas could have done anything with the Jedi, because their art was essentially lost by the OT, and Luke was the new standard, so he did not have to worry about continuity there.

    The Yoda vs. Palpatine, but especially the Obi-Wan vs. Anaking fights were awesome, because it is hard not to like those scenes with that epic score. It's what we wanted, and it's what we got. No swerves, no bazingas, just our epic fights we were essentially promised from the start. And give them some slack: they were just as crude as they were acrobatic. They stumbled, they destroyed their environment, and there were moments of pure, ragigd hack and slash. It was over the top, but SW has always been that: heroics and last minute hail marys. A feelgood story.

    I think it's a big testament to the prequels, that despite doing sooooooooooooooooooooo many things wrong, they had such a big impact. The world building is much appreciated:
    - It was really fun seeing characters like Yoda in his prime. Once a member of the oh so important Jedi conclave, now living on a godforsaken world as a grumpy old man. Night and day. All we get in the sequels is a funny cameo.
    - It was fun seeing a world before the Empire and the Rebels. The federation was an interesting take on politics. Could it have been much better? Sure. But at least it's not Empi... erm, First order versus Reb... erm, Alliance!
    - It was fun seeing some original stuff, like the new ships or land vehicles. The federation ships, those iconic yellow fighters. Now we have modern X-Wing, and modern A-wings and modern Star Destroyers. Yaaawn. Though credit where credits due, I appreciate the new lightsaber variations. That is the way the sequels should've gone. Maybe it's good, maybe it's ridiculous, but it's new.

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    It's not the CGI at all. It's what the CGI serves: large swathes of nothing. Long stretches of empty, low stakes action. At the end, when Anakin and Obi Wan face off, all the lava and gymnastics and bullshit suck all the emotion out of it.
    One thing that stuck out for me during my rewatch of Ep III during the final lightsaber duel is how often they're literally toe to toe just spinning their shit without even trying to attack. Sure it's flashy and that was the point, but if you go to like 1:20 of this video you'll see them legit just stand two feet from each other, I had to actually tell myself 'Fuckssakes, I've made it this far...it's almost over.'

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    One thing that stuck out for me during my rewatch of Ep III during the final lightsaber duel is how often they're literally toe to toe just spinning their shit without even trying to attack. Sure it's flashy and that was the point, but if you go to like 1:20 of this video you'll see them legit just stand two feet from each other, I had to actually tell myself 'Fuckssakes, I've made it this far...it's almost over.'

    Jesus lord that was awful. I tried to rewatch the prequels leading up to the release of TFA and I only got about halfway through Episode I before giving up and jumping to IV.

  23. #83
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    I can understand why some fans like the prequels, for some of us it was our introduction to the films and all power to you if you enjoy these...but fuck me these films almost killed SW's for me, in fact it actually DID kill SW for me for a number of years before TFA's brought me right back in. I tried re-watching episode 1 about a year ago and...i just can't, they just aren't at all entertaining for me, save for Ewen's Obi Won.

  24. #84
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    Re: world building

    I just rewatched Rogue One, as I'm going chronologically. That movie accomplishes so much in world building, but it also manages to tell a coherent story and have characters and structures with clarity, motivation, grey areas. It's climax does a brilliant job of depicting scale and context. It's really one of the best movies in the series. The jump in quality from episode 3 is immediately noticeable.

    It introduced plenty of new characters, context, locations, tech, etc and you never feel beat over the head with it

  25. #85
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    Say what you will about Episode I, but watching this again still has the same impact for me, and collectively for the film itself. The juxtaposition between Jinn and Maul as the barriers seperate them is so good with Qui-Gon meditating and Maul just waiting to kill him; this always stuck out to me, especially seeing this for the very first time.

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    To me, Darth Maul, Boba Fett, and Captain Phasma are exactly the same character. They have great visual design, they're all (mostly) silent), they don't get nearly enough screen time, and they all die before any character development or story arc happens. While they had a ton of potential, they ended up being disappointingly two-dimensional.

  28. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlb View Post
    I've actualy never seen Attack of the Clones in full, but have the feeling that I've seen it all through various videos like the one above. It's a shame since I really really enjoy Jango/Boba Fett, but Hayden Christiansen really destroys the whole thing in this.

    Honestly, that Palpatine video is actually very true. The underlying story and script aren't that bad. It's the campy CGI, ridiculous and childish details mixed with some god awful acting that diminish the prequels. God knows what would happen if Lucas decided to tinker with the prequels, removing lots of unnecessary SFX and cutting alot of it.

    Is there actually a "definite" fan-edit out there for the prequels that is worth watching while catching up for the new movie?
    It's best to go right to The Phantom Edit and Attack Of The Phantom for I and II. AOTP in particular does away with a lot of terrible crap like Obi-Wan visiting Rex's Diner and needing to be told by children that a maybe, just maybe, someone deleted a planet from the Jedi's archives. Also develops the Anakin/Padme relationship quite a bit better. A lot of deleted scenes in that film that got scrubbed in favor of crap.
    Last edited by Shadaloo; 12-06-2019 at 04:54 AM.

  29. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Re: world building

    I just rewatched Rogue One, as I'm going chronologically. That movie accomplishes so much in world building, but it also manages to tell a coherent story and have characters and structures with clarity, motivation, grey areas. It's climax does a brilliant job of depicting scale and context. It's really one of the best movies in the series. The jump in quality from episode 3 is immediately noticeable.

    It introduced plenty of new characters, context, locations, tech, etc and you never feel beat over the head with it
    Have to agree for the most part, and it has the best droid K2-SO! And one of the BEST scenes featuring Vadar, which really showed just how fucking terrifying he was to the rest of the universe outside of the main characters.

  30. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    Have to agree for the most part, and it has the best droid K2-SO! And one of the BEST scenes featuring Vadar, which really showed just how fucking terrifying he was to the rest of the universe outside of the main characters.
    Along with the originals, it's my favorite Star Wars movie.

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