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Thread: Mark Lanegan

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    Mark Lanegan

    How does this guy not have his own thread?

    I just listened to his new album, Gargoyle, and quite liked it. It sounds similar to Blues Funeral in that it's rock/blues with some electronic flourishes, but the new disc is maybe a little more off-beat. If you like his work, check it out.

    I will be seeing him in Boston this summer, for the third time. The guy is a fucking legend. Really looking forward to the show. Wish he would record a live album.

    The Screaming Tree's Dust is the most underrated album of the 1990's, imho.

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    I find it odd that their hit "mainstream" song is misinterpreted as a song about a woman instead of the intended meaning about drugs. I like The Screaming Trees but I prefer his solo stuff more especially the album Bubblegum.
    Also, his Gutter Twins stuff is gold but I really didn't like any of his stuff with Isobel Campbell the first time around and lost interest in those albums.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ziltoid View Post
    I find it odd that their hit "mainstream" song is misinterpreted as a song about a woman instead of the intended meaning about drugs. I like The Screaming Trees but I prefer his solo stuff more especially the album Bubblegum.
    Also, his Gutter Twins stuff is gold but I really didn't like any of his stuff with Isobel Campbell the first time around and lost interest in those albums.
    You mean "I nearly lost you?" It was on the Singles soundtrack. That's probably why.

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    Love Mark Lanegan and his music.

    Will check out the new album.

    Saw him live in London a few years back and met him after one of his gigs. Such a cool guy.

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    I have Whiskey For The Holy Ghost and Scraps At Midnight and they're awesome. I also have a couple of Screaming Trees albums (Dust and the Ocean of Confusion compilation.) For a couple of years I've been thinking how cool it would be for him to collaborate with TR.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    The Screaming Tree's Dust is the most underrated album of the 1990's, imho.
    Agreed. Definitely one of the most underrated, for sure. I remember when I got the album after seeing the "All I Know" video late at night on MTV. Played the shit out of Dust and was on my merry way to the genius that is Mark Lanegan. Make My Mind, Dying Days, Witness...that whole album just kills. So good. All the ST stuff is.

    Quote Originally Posted by ziltoid View Post
    I like The Screaming Trees but I prefer his solo stuff more especially the album Bubblegum.
    Also, his Gutter Twins stuff is gold but I really didn't like any of his stuff with Isobel Campbell the first time around and lost interest in those albums.
    This dude could sing Japanese cooking recipes and I'd buy it. One of my favorite male voices in American rock music ever. It's practically hard-wired to my soul at this point. Agreed that his solo stuff means more to me than the Screaming Trees stuff, but that's like saying I prefer bananas to strawberries, really. I've enjoyed the more electronic stylings he's done since the Blues Funeral album and Gargoyle is more of that goodness.

    Even the stuff with Isobel is top-notch for me. I really wish he and Dulli would make another Gutter Twins album, or three. Saturnalia is a high-water mark in both of their respective discographies.

    Can't say enough great things about Lanegan. I seek out anything he does, whether it's solo or collaborative. I remember Dave Grohl talking about how during one of the festivals back in 2003, when they were all a part of QOTSA, people would watch he and Lanegan and Olivieri and Homme walk to the stage and the other bands would just be staring in awe, like they were the king shit band of rock music at the time. They pretty much were, with that kind of lineup..

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    Really loving Gargoyle, after spending time with it all weekend. 'Nocturne' in particular is an absolute banger. Vintage Lanegan, from title to tone..

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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    Really loving Gargoyle, after spending time with it all weekend. 'Nocturne' in particular is an absolute banger. Vintage Lanegan, from title to tone..

    I had no idea this was out. So damn good. This album is like scratching an itch you never thought you had. It's exactly what I needed thank you for sharing!
    It's all available on spotify to stream as well as all his solo stuff! Now I am going out to buy it.

    This excellent collaboration makes me wish that Mark, Dave, and Tom Waits would do an EP together.
    Am I the only one that thinks it would be so epic if they did a couple of songs together?

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    Huuuuge fan of this guy and I probably saw him 6 times by now with my 7th slowly approaching.

    The new album sadly doesn't grab me as much as blues funeral and the records before that did. "imitations" and "phantom radio" let me down as well, although each album has some seriously solid tracks and the man remains a real treat to be seen live.

    The collaboration he did for the new UNKLE record is surreal. My favorite track of 2017 so far:

    @RhettButler , you should try to get hold of one of the live bootlegs that he sells at his shows. Some of them are really amazing and sound awesome while others lack a little bit in quality. the man himself was kind enough to sign them all the last tim I saw him. A really humble and generous guy, quiet but very heartfelt.

    on a side note: if you haven't already heard of this guy then do yourself a favor and give him a listen. Saw him live two times opening for Langan and these two guys are like soulmates.

    Last edited by dlb; 05-02-2017 at 07:48 AM.

  10. #10
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    Lanegan did a cool song with Slash a few years ago.

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    Listening to Even if and Especially When for the first time. I'm not really familiar with the Screaming Trees first couple albums, but this is great stuff. The writing might not be as good as later in their career, but the folk/grunge/psychedelic sound is all there, in its infancy, and I like the raw, organic sound of the album.

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    Really digging this album, wow, it's fucking good. Why isn't he more famous?

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    Expanded edition of Dust is out 7/7. Thanks @NYRexall for telling me about this.

    I am surprised that Dust is getting a re-release, with bonus songs, before a re-issue of Sweet Oblivion, their best know, best received album.

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    Lanegan covered Joy Division last night in Glasgow. Really wish I could've been at that show. Love how he does his characteristic mumbling "goodnight" & shuffles off the stage. Classic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ad infinitum View Post
    Lanegan covered Joy Division last night in Glasgow. Really wish I could've been at that show. Love how he does his characteristic mumbling "goodnight" & shuffles off the stage. Classic.

    I've seen him perform many times over the years. While he's one of my favorite male voices in American music, his stage presence is maddeningly non-existent. He performs the same way you see him performing in the above video clip for every show I've ever seen, both in person and online.

    Not that I expect him to be tribal dancing all over the place the way Ian Astbury does, but doesn't he get bored just standing the same way all night, night after night, year after year..?

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    you're definitely right, but having seen him several times throughout the years I tend to see his shows more like an intimate showcase or a jazz show, so I focus on his words and maybe a band member that is a bit more fun to watch. Lanegan shows are always rather special to me and if you have seen him throughout the years from bubblegum until now you certainly see a change, but yes, Mark is always Mark and stoic. He could definitely lean into the songs more when he plays e.g. Screaming Trees stuff, but as long as his voice and delivery is spot on I won't complain.

    And hell yes, Duke Garwood is joining the tour again. Can't wait for the gig in Salzburg. Too bad nothing in Munich and I won't be able to make it to Hamburg or Berlin this year calendar wise.

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    The places I've seen him don't give him a lot of space to move around. The stages are about as big as a front porch.

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    I've seen him play on festival stages where he has a space the size of a runway; same deal. Stands in one place, clutching his mic stand.

    I'm not harshing on the guy. Like dlb said, as long as his voice sounds good, he could sing with his back to me for all I care..

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    Yeah, I've seen him on stages of varying sizes & the behavior is always the same. The guy's style is the antithesis of flashy/animated. And that's totally fine as long as he has that magical voice.

    So the other night Peter Hook joined Mark on stage for a couple of Joy Division tracks to close the show in Manchester. Wow! Apparently Lanegan's been covering JD for years, which I think is so cool because I love both these artists so much. Found some nice footage of him covering my favorite JD track a few years back. Towards the end he almost grooves a little to the music. Almost.

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    Boy this album is good and just gets better over time. Very happy with the bonus content on the second disc of the special edition. Some very good photos and a cool essay too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Twiggy View Post
    Love Mark Lanegan and his music.

    Will check out the new album.

    Saw him live in London a few years back and met him after one of his gigs. Such a cool guy.
    After the two Boston shows I saw they had a meet-and-greet. Very cool that he's willing to meet hundreds of fans, at no charge. I honestly don't have any great desire to meet him, or any celebrity though. Still, that's awesome for his fans that do want to meet him.

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    I saw him a few years ago at the Union Chapel in Islington London which is a cool, old Church. And acoustic type of show and it was great. I really enjoyed it, me and my mate snuck in a bottle of whiskey and just enjoyed the tunes.

    One of my favourite tracks of his with Queens:

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    I just came across this video from the Union Chapel show:

  24. #24
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    Nice article from the Boston Globe:

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    I was just coming here to ask if anyone had picked up his new book. The excerpts are pretty good.

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    Those right-wing assholes are coming to Boston Saturday, same day as Mark's show. Don't really want to go into Boston, tbh.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Those right-wing assholes are coming to Boston Saturday, same day as Mark's show. Don't really want to go into Boston, tbh.
    By letting that stop you from going, you would be letting them, in a sense, win.

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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    By letting that stop you from going, you would be letting them, in a sense, win.
    I'm going to the show. I just dont want to be around the area with all those dip-shits around.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 08-17-2017 at 01:01 AM.

  29. #29
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    I'm finally listening to the new UNKLE album & as usual, there's at least one track Mark guests on. I dig it.

  30. #30
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    Okay, so all the marches in Boston were well over before the show stated. Only 20 alt.right people came anyway, compared to thosands of counter-protesters.

    Great show, although I had to leave early as Mark didn't go on until 10:30 and I had to take the terrible subway home, which shuts down at 12:30, so I had to leave after an hour into Mark's set. Wish one of the opening acts was cut or it just started earlier.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 05-03-2020 at 09:23 AM.

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