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Thread: The Media, Fake News, Fox, CNN, MSNBC and any other media outlets, Trust No One

  1. #31
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    More "Fake News" rants in the Trump twitter feed......


  2. #32
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    The man who screams fake news manufactures it himself.

  3. #33
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    I don't think he manufactured that; I think he saw it online somewhere and assumed it was real. The idiot constantly falls for fake news.

  4. #34
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  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I don't think he manufactured that; I think he saw it online somewhere and assumed it was real. The idiot constantly falls for fake news.
    Apparently there are seven of them hanging up at Trump golf coarses around the world and Time Magazine has asked him to take them down. I think its hilarious.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Art Vandelay View Post
    Apparently there are seven of them hanging up at Trump golf coarses around the world and Time Magazine has asked him to take them down. I think its hilarious.
    Yeah, at least four.

  8. #38
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    Morning Joe has a new EP! Thoughts?

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post

    OK, I'm starting to edge back towards "fuck you." You have added nothing of substance, and you are asking the White House apologist, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, for her opinion on the matter?

    You live in an echo chamber that is completely insane, and since you don't live in this country (supposedly), I gotta believe you're making some shit up here about where you actually stand.

    EDIT: In real news, Trump's personal lawyer, Mark Kazowitz, has resigned. The rats are fleeing the sinking ship, but hey, I'm sure someone on Youtube has some "truth" to spin that away.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 07-23-2017 at 07:12 AM.

  10. #40
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    Project Veritas (found in the "eye roll" section of names) was created by, GASP, ultra conservative James O'Keefe. He's a bottom feeder not unlike Dinesh D'Souza. Has been on BREITBART, which is really all you need to know at the end of the day.

    Far from a credible source.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    The rest of the world is watching,
    Youtube alt right vloggers apparently?

  12. #42
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    It creates an un vetted platform for disseminating an opinion as if it were on par with legit news? There's channels I like but they don't replace news outlets

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    I will say this and I will stick to it. Social media is a blessing and a curse. The corporate media is panicking. ( that whole CNN/TRUMP wrestling meme was proof they are panicking) Its the only thing we have to keep things honest. The downside is every fucking one has a voice. We need to find a way to silence the shit and the only way to do that is to establish credibility. What we are seeing right now is everyone positioning themselves and their credibility for the next 100 years. Who's going to win? I don't know. I am just scared the lengths everyone will go to to win.
    Social media IS a blessing and a curse. 99.9% of people using it have no financial stake in it whatsoever though, and are just shouting because they want to be heard.

    ACTUAL news outlets, on the other hand, are decades (if not a century or more) old, and the livelihood of those involved with them depends on success. Unfortunately, the truth is only successful if people want to know the truth. These days, many people want whatever they believe is true to be the truth, instead of trusting vetted journalists with a proven track record of accurate and unbiased reporting and accepting the truth when it clashes with their desires.

    It's a battle of literally "anyone with a Facebook account" vs "established media outlets", and if the former wins, this entire country is fucked beyond repair. That's all there is to it. Journalism is a noble profession full of people who work ridiculous hours and put their own personal beliefs behind them to deliver facts for a really shitty paycheck. Social media is a bunch of cranky assholes on a power trip who insist on being right whether there's a shred of evidence to support them or not, and preying off of anyone who will believe whatever bullshit they write.

  14. #44
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    We all know the media is run by us liberal cuck Jews and we meet on every first and third Saturday of the month (as weather permits) to discuss what globalist conspiracy we want to promote next

  15. #45
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    worse than fake news manufactured news

  16. #46
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    They're the same thing, really.

    Hyped news isn't fake news. Fake news is manufactured news. Kinda like most of that shit circulating on Facebook.

    Here's an example that really stands out to me, that was spreading all over Facebook:

    Democrats refused to stand to honor fallen Navy Seal's widow
    . <---- fake news

    Here is the truth, complete with video evidence.

    However, now a bunch of people online claim that Snopes is run by crazed left-wing liberals so whatever they or Politifact post is fake. Even when Snopes or Politifact have video and photographic evidence disproving the fake news. People believe whatever shit online that supports their own bullshit. They don't care about "the truth" when memes and shit that is created to stir up shit is better aligned to their own beliefs. This goes for both sides.

    Real News:

    Fake News:
    Last edited by allegro; 07-23-2017 at 04:19 PM.

  17. #47
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    regarding Youtube politics, there's some outlets that I occasionally enjoy... I'm friends with someone from TYT from back in college days, so I'm a "fan," but occasionally I think they go too far.

    If you think The Washington Post is "fake news" just because Trump doesn't like what they're reporting, you are ironically the one plugging your ears and screaming "LALALA I can't hear you"

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    The pizzagate story was a trap. Unfortunately the folks doing critical thinking fell for it
    There are times when people make it too easy. I wonder if you even see the irony in this quote.

  19. #49
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    Here's some food for thought. CNN makes a mistake and they own up to it and 3 people lose their jobs. If right wing media had that kind of accountability things would be very different right now.

  20. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    regarding Youtube politics, there's some outlets that I occasionally enjoy... I'm friends with someone from TYT from back in college days, so I'm a "fan," but occasionally I think they go too far.

    If you think The Washington Post is "fake news" just because Trump doesn't like what they're reporting, you are ironically the one plugging your ears and screaming "LALALA I can't hear you"
    The thing with social media politics is that it requires critical thinking. You need to follow the facts behind it and then see if you agree with the opinion that is being espoused. What I've noticed is that left wing media sites (I don't mean CNN I mean people that are actually legit leftist sites) will take a truth and exaggerate or twist it to make a point. You need to read the primary source or full quote of the person they're criticizing or whatever to assess the validity. Right wing on the other hand seems to often just completely make up stuff. (Fox News tends to do the wildly exaggerate a kernel of truth bit)

  21. #51
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    my opinion was pizza gate was the same sim-information smear campaign by the Russian's came from podesta's emails released released on wiki lead hyped on info wars same shit they always use on the west, Illuminati, satanism, pedophilia

  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle View Post
    Here's some food for thought. CNN makes a mistake and they own up to it and 3 people lose their jobs. If right wing media had that kind of accountability things would be very different right now.
    Alex Jones would have been shot out of a cannon into the sun while screaming and bellowing about the ultra-super-duper-secret pedophile rings that control the weather and the time that it takes for a pizza to get delivered to where you live

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    Pizza gate was weird. At the same time there was this weird, ''where is assange'' campaign happening . We were getting these strange Assange interviews with a lot of weird stuff happening in the interview. Some people saw Pizza Gate as a trap, myself included. If turd ferguson up there would quote the whole statement. I watched it happen and it reeked like a cover or a black op. It could have been russia for sure. It could of been anyone. Assange is not a russian agent btw lmao.

    Pizza Gate was a trap by SOMEONE to discredit alt media and it worked. Again Credibility is the new war. It was these poor bastards first rodeo. This shadow group has been doing this since at least jfk. The internet has just made their job easier. If anyone here doesn't believe there is a group of American intelligence who wage non stop cyber warfare , well I just think you're naive . Pizza gate was black ops, what the goal was I have no idea.

    Also Allegro knows more then he lets on. Im on to you !

    Weather anyone see's it or wants to admot it there is a lot of weird shit that happens. Most of it since 911. I wont even get into crisis actors !

  24. #54
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    I'm not clicking on a God Damn thing you post; I don't want that shit in my YouTube history.

  25. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    Also Allegro knows more then he lets on. Im on to you !
    I'm not sure how "on to" her you are if you think she's a he....

  26. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    I'm not clicking on a God Damn thing you post; I don't want that shit in my YouTube history.
    Oh come on this one is really important

  27. #57
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    C'mon guys (because there's clearly no women here and everyone is automatically a man despite them being 49% of the planet's population) we all know Call of Duty Black Ops 4 is gonna consist of you sitting at a computer screen spreading false flag pizza parlor information to discredit the Truthmasters

    Also, the Ignore List is a hell of a feature and we should all get into the habit of using it more often here.

  28. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    C'mon guys (because there's clearly no women here and everyone is automatically a man despite them being 49% of the planet's population) we all know Call of Duty Black Ops 4 is gonna consist of you sitting at a computer screen spreading false flag pizza parlor information to discredit the Truthmasters

    Also, the Ignore List is a hell of a feature and we should all get into the habit of using it more often here.
    Ignore is hell of a feature!

  29. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Oh come on this one is really important
    God Dammit.

  30. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    Ignore List is a hell of a feature and we should all get into the habit of using it more often here.
    I don't have to even bother, apparently he put me on his ignore list, after a single post, where I told him why nobody takes him seriously and how to have discussions online if you want to have an actual discussion and not just blurt out conspiracy nonsense. So I can just sit back and laugh at him without having to deal with having an actual conversation since I hurt his feelings I guess.

    In other news (get it, news) my paper has been getting those "you guys are fake liberal con artists and I am canceling my subscription!" messages since the election. Not only have our numbers not been dropping, in the past few months, our budget has actually expanded from increased revenue. Which is awesome, because I was getting sick of ramen noodles for lunch and snack.

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