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Thread: The Media, Fake News, Fox, CNN, MSNBC and any other media outlets, Trust No One

  1. #61
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    this guy is disgusting using BSA to plead a political case sickening!

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    this guy is disgusting using BSA to plead a political case sickening!
    Yeah, well, he panders to vets even though he never served, but has no problem bashing McCain for being a captured loser. Of course he's going to bash Obama for not making an appearance at a Boy Scout's Jubilee (that he spends the entirety of his speech clapping himself on the back for). Except, Obama actually WAS a Boy Scout, and Trump, to the best of my knowledge, wasn't...

    So, here's your new low... the president politicizing a speech where he's supposed to inspire kids. Trump Youth.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    Didn't you get the memo, there is no such thing as a he and a she nowadays. Science is sexist and racist!
    Well, that was a weird, ignorant non-sequitur from the person who seems to think we can't handle the truth when it comes to "crisis actors." Seriously, it's a train-wreck watching you post, so I hold off on hitting the ignore button, but I can only keep going so long.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    Yawn.... because clearly Its a crime to assume someone is male. Dont worry Jinfail . you're going on it as well
    I'm "going on it as well?" WTF? Are you drunk?

    Regarding your earlier "point," you want to talk about scientific findings in transgender people when it comes to chromosomes? I'm going to assume that you don't.

    Either way, here we go, case in point. You can't have an argument with Trump supporters. They're dumber than dogshit, and nothing you can say or do is going to change that.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 07-24-2017 at 09:53 PM.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Regarding your earlier "point," you want to talk about scientific findings in transgender people when it comes to chromosomes? I'm going to assume that you don't.
    I think he's saying that he added you to his ignore list, so he won't see what you say.
    Believe me, if he hadn't added me to his ignore list already, I would have already schooled him on the whole trans topic.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by sick among the pure View Post
    I think he's saying that he added you to his ignore list, so he won't see what you say.
    Believe me, if he hadn't added me to his ignore list already, I would have already schooled him on the whole trans topic.
    I get that, he's plugging his ears and yelling "lalalalala" after accusing that of being what everyone ELSE does when faced with brilliant bullshit of the sort he has to espouse.

    Well, here we have another flagrant example of that. Also, this guy is completely a troll.

    Fuck this person.

  7. #67
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    There's an ignore list???

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    There's an ignore list???
    Yep, and Jughead will be the second person I've had to put on it.
    It'll be sad. I'll get over it.

  9. #69
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    By the end, only Sallos and Volband won't be on his Ignore list.

  10. #70
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    It's so obvious he's a troll. Why can't he just be banned and we move on?

  11. #71
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    I'm neither a he or a she, I'm a cute baby otter. So there's that.

    In Canada, the CBC/Radio Canada is a tv/news station that's funded by the federal government and they tend to be conservative but it's not blatant. We don't have a media outlet like Fox who is so openly on one side of the political spectrum that it's ridiculous and which stories you cannot trust at all. Every Canadian news outlet is regulated by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission anyway ( CRTC ).

  12. #72
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    This is bone chilling. Trump is quoting Stalin when he calls the media an "enemy of the people," and the USSR called for an end to the use of that phrase because they thought it was dangerous. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/26/w...le-stalin.html

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    I'm neither a he or a she, I'm a cute baby otter. So there's that.

    In Canada, the CBC/Radio Canada is a tv/news station that's funded by the federal government and they tend to be conservative but it's not blatant. We don't have a media outlet like Fox who is so openly on one side of the political spectrum that it's ridiculous and which stories you cannot trust at all. Every Canadian news outlet is regulated by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission anyway ( CRTC ).
    The Washington Post, the NY Times, the Chicago Tribune, etc. are still pretty highly-respected sources of journalism, as are many local newspapers around this country; people buying into Trump's bullshit that all news that is honest and reports against him is "fake" are most likely people who don't read, anyway, and get their news spoon-fed to them by "entertainment" news sources like Fox, CNN, etc.

    Nixon HATED the Washington Post, too, and threatened all leakers with all kinds of shit, but people who aren't guilty don't care about that.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    The Washington Post, the NY Times, the Chicago Tribune, etc. are still pretty highly-respected sources of journalism, as are many local newspapers around this country; people buying into Trump's bullshit that all news that is honest and reports against him is "fake" are most likely people who don't read, anyway, and get their news spoon-fed to them by "entertainment" news sources like Fox, CNN, etc.

    Nixon HATED the Washington Post, too, and threatened all leakers with all kinds of shit, but people who aren't guilty don't care about that.

    Yeah, for the most part, print news tends to be the most reliable and least click-baity. There's something about having to full 24 hours with "news" that kind of lead major news networks down a bad path and newsprint was able to avoid.
    Couple that with the ability to sit and read and edit and re-read and "ok, how can we word this to be less abrasive?" over the instant "need to be first, let's report what we do know and speculate on the rest to fill it into a news piece" that tv forces.

  15. #75
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    The President bitches about fake news but spreads fake news via his Twitter account:


    It's scary because many (most?) of Trump's rabid fans believe every word he says.

    And he knows this.

  16. #76
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    ^Are you trolling or just retarded?

    Obama inviting same sex families to the White House should a) be fucking APPLAUDED. loudly.
    and b) has nothing to do with Trump giving a completely inappropriate speech to boy scouts.

  17. #77
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    can we ban this ass hat already?

  18. #78
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    This whole thing is getting really, really scary.
    I still can't believe this whole "fake news" talk is going on. It's also infuriating and disgusting. I just realized how much it disgusts me every time I hear that term.
    I heard it on a goddamn insurance commercial yesterday.

    I really, seriously think that we are precariously close to the beginning of the end of this country. How did this fucking happen?
    Last edited by elevenism; 07-26-2017 at 03:47 PM.

  19. #79
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    The gays got rights and it scared the shit out of the old people. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    The gays got rights and it scared the shit out of the old people. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    I'm not blaming old people for this (just more marginalization); I'm blaming the same thing I blame for all discrimination: Ignorance.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-27-2017 at 11:23 AM.

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I'm not blaming old people for this (just more marginalization); I'm blaming the same thing I blame for all discrimination: Ignorance.

    We have a bunch of trans members on this forum and a whole trans THREAD but some of the new ARG people haven't figured it out yet, or something. But none of this is fake news.
    Oh I'm being super flip here, don't take it seriously.

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Oh I'm being super flip here, don't take it seriously.
    Ah okay sorry

  23. #83
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    "I'm not a troll."
    literally trolling
    "Guys I'm not a troll though!"
    trolls more
    "If I don't like that you disagree with me, I am going to put you on ignore!"

    The only fake news here right now is this guy. Don't bother with him, if you don't feed a troll they starve and move on to somewhere with food.

  24. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    This whole thing is getting really, really scary.
    I still can't believe this whole "fake news" talk is going on. It's also infuriating and disgusting. I just realized how much it disgusts me every time I hear that term.
    I heard it on a goddamn insurance commercial yesterday.

    I really, seriously think that we are precariously close to the beginning of the end of this country. How did this fucking happen?
    Everyone that has a Netflix account should definitely watch this documentary. It shows how all this "Fake News' nonsense started.

  25. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    I am not 'trolling' So calling someone ''retarded'' is wondering? What would of happened if I said that word? Its a double standard.

    My opinion on Transgender people is this. I don't wish them any ill will, I would stand up to people bullying them. My Brother is a gay man. The difference is that gay people are not killing themselves in record numbers. I tend to agree with The shapiro's of the world who say we need to do more research. African american's have never killed themselves this much (just each other) When autism was first discovered, we studied it. This has become a political topic so that any research is met with the pro noun crowd who really don't represent those people anyways. I am just worried humanity is doing the wrong thing. If we are going to accept and indoctrinate transgender people across the board we have to do it right. We have to get it right. Now if that makes me ignorant than so be it. Transgender people have rights and should have rights, the same as anyone. They should not have exclusive rights and the idea that I can be charged with a hate crime for not using their pro noun is absurd. Again, I don't think transgender people want the attention the sjw crowd has brought to them.

    So now that I clarified that. I saw there was like three messages quoting me so I had to view them even though pretty much everyone in this thread is on ignore. Including the person I am quoting now. I just wanted to clear that up. SCIENCE BITCH! is my stance.

    Not fake but interesting documentary and since I don't post in the other thread I will leave it here.
    There are so many logical and literary fallacies in this one post that it's making my head hurt trying to piece together what you are trying to illustrate.
    Aristotle would lay down some furious knowledge on your post if he were alive.

    You are jumping all over the place without backing up your statements and ideas; just the red hearings alone makes it painful to read.
    If you want people to stop calling you a troll then you should try to clarify what you are trying to explain without getting antagonistic and refrain from letting peoples jabs irritate you.
    Also, try to cease alienating a good portion of the members on this message board.
    It goes a long way to admit that you were wrong, apologize, move on, and don't do it again.

  26. #86
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    I'm sure your YouTube\InfoWars\4chan buddies believe you 1000%. Maybe now that you've got the whole thread on Ignore, there's zero purpose in you posting in it at this point?

  27. #87
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    Anyone that bitches about "Fake News" doesn't understand real journalism or the irony in the fact that they actually support it via Fox, Breit, Blaze etc. Real news outlets and journalists are quick to post retractions or admit a mistake if they are wrong. You don't see that from the places the "Fake News" shouters support.....they'll ignore facts, believe bullshit, regurgitate it, and then scream "FAKE" at anything that challenges their manipulated world view.

  28. #88
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    Love Lawrence:

  29. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bajoobatron View Post
    Anyone that bitches about "Fake News" doesn't understand real journalism or the irony in the fact that they actually support it via Fox, Breit, Blaze etc. Real news outlets and journalists are quick to post retractions or admit a mistake if they are wrong. You don't see that from the places the "Fake News" shouters support.....they'll ignore facts, believe bullshit, regurgitate it, and then scream "FAKE" at anything that challenges their manipulated world view.
    The problem here is... Fake News WAS a huge fucking issue in this last election! Trump just accuses everything that makes him look bad of being guilty of what he actually is guilty of.

    For instance, Pizzagate was fake news, Info Wars is fake news. Fake News is a real thing. Fox and Breitbart are fake news. Trump has worn down the focus on what is REALLY Fake News by accusing every legitimate media outlet of being guilty of it, and then he turns around and fellates Alex Jones.

  30. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    The problem here is... Fake News WAS a huge fucking issue in this last election! Trump just accuses everything that makes him look bad of being guilty of what he actually is guilty of.

    For instance, Pizzagate was fake news, Info Wars is fake news. Fake News is a real thing. Fox and Breitbart are fake news. Trump has worn down the focus on what is REALLY Fake News by accusing every legitimate media outlet of being guilty of it, and then he turns around and fellates Alex Jones.
    i feel like there is a lot of discussion to be had here. so here i go:

    A whole lot of this is true.
    But can we really call Fox "FAKE news?" i mean, is it "faker" than far left "news shows?" Some shows on like MSNBC report the news from an absurdly slanted angle too. Is it better just because it's slanted in a direction that makes us comfortable?
    Remember that i'm a hardcore left wing pinko commie liberal. i'm just playing the devil's advocate here.
    That being said however, personally, ANY blatant slant makes me sort of uncomfortable.

    Also, i swear to fucking god, every time i hear donald trump say "fake news" and do that thing with his lips and his face, i want to fucking kill myself.

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