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Thread: The Media, Fake News, Fox, CNN, MSNBC and any other media outlets, Trust No One

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    The Media, Fake News, Fox, CNN, MSNBC and any other media outlets, Trust No One

    I have debated with myself if I even wanted to bother starting this thread, because frankly, I don't have the energy. I'm more of a lurker on the "In The Headlines" Forum. I read all the posts, I agree with the majority of you and roll my eyes at some of the posts by certain members. I usually post in the Music forum because that is really where my head is at and I don't have to spend hours fact checking before I post something and even still with my knowledge of music, there are times I still get it wrong over there. However if you noticed I said "Fact Checking", yes I like to get what I am posting accurately, even if a lot of the times, I'm joking but jokes are only funny if their set up is based in reality.

    In the age of Trump whenever he is challenged he screams "Fake News" and "Watch FOX and Friends", if you ask me FOX NEWS is the originator of Fake News, but that is my personal opinion and to quote George Clooney as Seth "From Dusk Til Dawn" "and I don't give a fuck about yours".

    A little back ground on me I am very liberal, very liberal, I don't get into the whole politically correct thing because sometimes it goes too far. I look at the three cable news channels as FOX NEWS (Republican to Alt. Right), CNN (I see them as middle of the road, they have republicans on there they allow them to say their piece just like the democrats) and MSNBC (Democrat, liberal sometimes very liberal). In my opinion all three of them are FUCKED UP!!!! for different reasons. All three channels really are not doing the news, but are doing editorial, it's opinion based formats, with so called expert panels of left and right panelists yelling at each other and talking over each other, which is usually when I change the channel.

    I'll be honest I can barely stand watching FOX NEWS for more then ten minutes, so other members here can talk about that one.

    CNN in a lot of ways is fucking ridiculous! How many times a day does that "Breaking NEWS" banner flash across the screen, The over use of "Breaking news" when its not breaking news is to sell commercial time, but ironically, if you can remember back to 911, when it was really breaking news, CNN wasn't breaking to commercial. So here is a tip if its hardcore breaking news, there won't be any commercials. If they are going to commercial its not breaking news.
    Does anybody remember Malaysia Airlines MH370, March 8 2014, CNN locked on this story like a dog with a milk bone. They wouldn't let up for nearly two months that is all they talked about .The Breaking News banner was flashing every two seconds and they had nothing new to report, it was wild speculation with a panel of experts that were drawing conclusions on what they think could have happened to the missing plane, that a young child could draw the same conclusions. CNN is fucking ridiculous and they need to give the breaking news banner a rest and only use it when it is actually breaking news. There is so much more I could say about CNN but I am sure you guys have contributions to make on this subject.

    Okay MSNBC, I am a liberal and I am going to fucking lay into them. They are the liberal channel, Why the fuck for a year and half straight during the primaries and the election campaign did they give Donald Trump a break in scheduled programming to televise his rally's. I get it ratings wise FOX NEWS is kicking your ass, and kicking CNN's ass, you know FOX is going to televise the Trump rallies, CNN I can see doing it, but why MSNBC???? The idiots at MSNBC gave Trump a billion dollars worth of free Campaign advertising and I blame them for helping to elect the IDIOT TRUMP. So FOX NEWS is kicking your ass in the ratings so do exactly the same thing that they are doing, to your liberal audience. It's not like Trump for a year and half straight said anything different it was the same shit at all his rallies. Feel free to discuss that one.
    Next if you have ever had the displeasure of watching Morning Joe on MSNBC I fucking hate both of them Joe Scarborough and Mika Brezizinski it is the worst show and I am so glad just this weekend SNL attacked them.

    here is the link to the SNL skit

    Okay I left FOX NEWS wide open for you guys to comment. Even though I posted the SNL Morning Joe skit, I want this to be a serious discussion of the media, fake news and media outlets because if we continue down this path nobody is going to trust the media anymore and I don't think anybody does now. This is becoming a real problem in the United States and the general public feels manipulated by the media. Also comment on any media not just the three cable news outlets

    I ask one thing of all of you, this is a really divisive subject matter, its okay to have different opinions from each other, but don't start attacking each other personally because you don't agree with somebody. Lets try and have an adult discussion about this, because it really is a problem. Chances are I will bail on this thread and just go back to reading it, because I can't be bothered fact checking everything and go back to the music forum.

    Thank you.

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    i couple of years ago i started my own" turn that shit off campaign, i noticed fox was the default channel on in car dealers service centers, even hospital waiting rooms, so I started asking is there a reason why this channel is on, i was rarely met with resistance, i hope everyone can join me and get rid of this right wing propaganda noise machine

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    @Louie_Cypher I have done that in restaurants and bars, I don't drink anymore but I have told the manager of restaurants or bars if you want me to sit down and order food then change the channel from FOX NEWS to anything else, I actually said to one guy I don't care if you put Sesame Street on, and they always changed it.

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    Okay so there is this controversy with Stephen Colbert and a joke he made on last Mondays show. I am a huge Stephen Colbert fan and every night he rips apart Trump in some of the most imaginative ways. I am also friend and a supporter to the LGBTQ community and I am not sure if this controversy is coming from the LGBTQ community or if it is just the alt right pissed off because every night Colbert is ripping into Trump.
    Maybe somebody here that is gay can tell me if they really think what Colbert said was offensive to the LGBTQ community, no judgement on my part I just want to know what you think or is it the right trying to make it look like it is coming from the LGBTQ community.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Art Vandelay View Post

    Okay so there is this controversy with Stephen Colbert and a joke he made on last Mondays show. I am a huge Stephen Colbert fan and every night he rips apart Trump in some of the most imaginative ways. I am also friend and a supporter to the LGBTQ community and I am not sure if this controversy is coming from the LGBTQ community or if it is just the alt right pissed off because every night Colbert is ripping into Trump.
    Maybe somebody here that is gay can tell me if they really think what Colbert said was offensive to the LGBTQ community, no judgement on my part I just want to know what you think or is it the right trying to make it look like it is coming from the LGBTQ community.
    meanwhile trump going after the LGBTQ community fake outrage can this also be a thing

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    All Colbert said was "the only thing your (Trump's) mouth is good for, is a cock holster for Vladimer Putin" is that anti-gay? It's fucking hilarious and a total slam to Trump I don't see it as a slight to the LBGTQ community.
    As for Trump going after the LGBTQ community, I can't see LGBTQ ever agreeing with Trump on anything, so if you don't agree with Trump he accuses you of fake outrage, or lying or fake news its everybody's fault but his, he goes after the press and the first amendment whenever something is written or said or reported that looks unfavorably toward Emperor Trump.

    CNN discussing the matter

    and here is actual unedited monologue where Colbert rips Trump

    Last edited by Art Vandelay; 05-08-2017 at 02:45 PM.

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    again this is fake outrage after all the lawsuits for sexual harassment fox should not comment on anything of a sexual nature
    fox is Donald trumps cock-holster

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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    again this is fake outrage after all the lawsuits for sexual harassment fox should not comment on anything of a sexual nature
    fox is Donald trumps cock-holster
    Yes!!!!! and we should be discussing that as well. FOX NEWS a misogynist and racist media outlet, is under fire for sexual harassment claims and racial discrimination claims, gee who couldn't have seen that coming. I am so glad ultra prick and couldn't get laid in a women's prison Bill O'Reilly is off the air. Talk about fact checking, for 20 years that prick made claims that nobody challenged. The real life Archie Bunker said and did whatever he wanted, and was the creator of "Alternative Facts" and we should be surprised now that we have a lying sack of shit in the white house?

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    Oh wow. Interesting and wide subject here and there are a lot of things i'd like to say about it, but i'd like to come at this from a slightly different angle here. the thing that i think we need to be concerned about the most is "fake news" becoming a catch phrase and a big concern and website pledging to "stop fake news stories."

    So who is the arbiter of what is "fake" and what is "real?" I think that "fake" could mean "critical of the wrong shit" in a BIG FUCKING HURRY, and we'll have google and facebook (probably in concert with the fucking government or at least a contingency within the government) deciding that stories that cast this or that in a negative light are "fake."

    The whole "fake news" thing scares the shit out of me, not for fear of being misinformed but for fear of censorship. I'm a hard leftist, but when it comes to shit like this, i'm all for good old fashioned freedom and liberty and i feel that reducing that shit could be the endgame here.

    I know i sometimes connect dots that shouldn't be connected, and i know a lot of you think i'm nuts, but this doesn't have to be a conspiracy.
    This "fake news" talk leading to censorship, i think it's just a logical progression.

    Good idea for a discussion i think, @Art Vandelay

    edit: Colbet said Trump's mouth was a "cock holster?" hahahaha you can say "cock holster" on network tv now?
    Last edited by elevenism; 05-08-2017 at 06:12 PM.

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    @elevenism you make great points and it really doesn't matter what side of the fence mentality anybody has because one side can just scream at the other "Fake News" and all credibility is lost whether the story, the article, or the televised report is true or not. Too many liberals and conservatives have taken sides like they're routing for a football team rather then the general health of our country and for that matter the general health of actual news and reporting of it ,minus the spin or the editorial comments from those reporting it. There is too much pride among liberals and conservatives and nobody wants to admit they are wrong.

    The skepticism that is created from claiming everything is "Fake News" on both sides of the aisle creates an apathy among the general public brought on by an inner distrust of all media and could lead to an attack on the first amendment. I really don't know what the answer is because the three big cable news outlets are driven by ratings and selling commercial time which that alone creates a distrust in the media and it doesn't help when you have a megalomaniac for president screaming "Fake News" when anything that is said about him is in an unfavorable light.

    ....and no you can't say "Cock Holster" on CBS they bleeped the word "Cock".

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    but trump can say grab pussy and O' Reilly can do it, go figure

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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    but trump can say grab pussy and O' Reilly can do it, go figure
    So you're saying O'Reilly grabbed Trump.

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    "liberal bias" is often just a perception thing. When the Republicans control everything, and they're doing ridiculous shit, you're going to hear even the most unbiased news outlets calling them out for fucking up.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 05-09-2017 at 10:29 AM.

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    The liberal bias thing has been used for years and I think when FOX NEWS was launched they used it as a way to sell their cable news outlet. I agree whenever the republicans are doing some fucked up shit and any news outlet calls them on it they scream "liberal bias" which seems to me to be the old fashioned term for the new and improved "Fake News".

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    The larger issue actually would be that "fake news" was weaponized by the campaign that just won the White House. Sensationalism is one thing; reaching out to Info Wars is on an entirely different level.

    So of course, the guy who ascended to power almost entirely around the conspiracy that the first black president was born in Kenya is now accusing all criticism of being fake news.

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    So i have another matter to discuss.

    There are so many shows on these cable news channels.
    They are packaged like news. They have graphics and anchors and all that shit; they are made to look like news and feel like news and we have taken to calling them news.

    But they are NOT news; they are opinion shows. In like 99 i was at the junior college studying journalism and learning about objectivity and like the main fucking thing they drilled into my head is that "news" is supposed to just be facts.
    And god DAMN, that sure isn't what they give us on the cable news channels.

    I hate fox news, yes. Most of us can say that we hate fox news. I remember when Obama said, and i'm paraphrasing, that fox is not a news channel but a steaming pile of dog shit. He said something kind of like that and i'm sure most of us can relate.

    But you know what i hate JUST AS MUCH? MSNBC. It's so obviously, ridiculously biased. It doesn't fucking matter if i AGREE with the bias.
    I can't stand that shit.

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    i think a lot of the problem is cable news there is a problem when you have24 hour news channels unless you have specific niche there simply is not enough content to fill more than a couple of days, then you move to polarizing content rush Limbaugh proved all you had to do was say outrageous things to get ratings and sponsors, then you move to just making shit up like in rush's case like i like Oxi and taking trips to Cuba to fuck little boy's

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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    So i have another matter to discuss.

    There are so many shows on these cable news channels.
    They are packaged like news. They have graphics and anchors and all that shit; they are made to look like news and feel like news and we have taken to calling them news.

    But they are NOT news; they are opinion shows. In like 99 i was at the junior college studying journalism and learning about objectivity and like the main fucking thing they drilled into my head is that "news" is supposed to just be facts.
    And god DAMN, that sure isn't what they give us on the cable news channels.

    I hate fox news, yes. Most of us can say that we hate fox news. I remember when Obama said, and i'm paraphrasing, that fox is not a news channel but a steaming pile of dog shit. He said something kind of like that and i'm sure most of us can relate.

    But you know what i hate JUST AS MUCH? MSNBC. It's so obviously, ridiculously biased. It doesn't fucking matter if i AGREE with the bias.
    I can't stand that shit.
    As I said in my first post all these channels are largely editoral with their alliance to which party they serve. The problem is getting worse because especially FOX NEWS has got into to the business of manufacturing the news, and @Louie_Cypher when they see Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones talking absolute bullshit on their conservative radio shows and getting ratings for it. FOX is like we're television we reach a larger audience and we can can get a ratings boost by making shit up.
    The problem is with the general public, people listen to these conservative talk radio hosts and FOX NEWS in some cases backs up the hysteria, and then you have these hardened, conspiracy minded people, alt. right conservatives that are more interested in watching Washington burn, then try and work together to get a piece of legislation passed in bypartisan way. Hence the tea party and now the Freedom Caucus, and their only intention is to disrupt and obstruct not only the democrats but the republicans as well. When you call them on it, its "Fake News" and they say you're a liberal pinko, yet their boy Donald Trump seems to be in bed with the Russians. It's a head spinning turn of events.
    On Bill Maher's show last Friday night he said there is a company called the Sinclair Group going around the country buying up television stations and they want to start a channel that is to the right of FOX NEWS. At what point is one of these conservative tv stations going to turn into a graphic novel?
    As for these conservative radio hosts they are toxic pieces of shit, and they breed toxic pieces shit into our society, I have always said conservative talk radio exists because the people that listen to it can't fucking read.

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    Just look at Trump's twitter feed!!! It's fucking insane! Going through his feed, let's look at the number of posts that are crying about fake news since his inauguration.

    1. today - 19h ago - "Why doesn't the media report on this? #FakeNews!"
    2. today - 19h ago - "Russia-Trump collusion story is a total hoax"
    3. today - 19h ago - "fake media extremely unhappy today"
    4. today - 19h ago - "the fake media already knows"
    5. May 8th - "ask Sally Yates... how classified information got into the newspapers."
    6. May 8th - "the Fake News seldom likes talking about that."
    7. May 7th - "When will the Fake Media ask about the Dems dealings with Russia"
    -. May 6th - from @POTUS - "I'm not against the media. I'm against the FAKE media."
    8. May 5th - "Why is it that the Fake News rarely reports Ocare is on its last legs?
    9. May 5th - "Wow, the Fake News media did everything in its power"
    10. May 4th - "The Fake News media is officially out of control."
    11. April 29th - "Mainstream (FAKE) media refuses to state our long list of achievements"
    12. April 25th - "Don't let the fake media tell you that I have changed my position on the WALL"
    13. April 24th - "The two fake news polls released yesterday..."
    14. April 23rd - "New polls out today are very good considering that much of the media is FAKE"
    15. April 21st - "No matter how much I accomplish... media will kill!
    16. April 20th - "Failing @nytimes... just got caught in a big lie concerning NE Patriot visit to WH"
    17. April 18th - "Despite major outside money, FAKE media support..."
    --- April 18th - @POTUS repost
    18. April 17th - "The Fake Media (not Real Media) has gotten even worse since the election."
    19. April 2nd - "Anybody (especially Fake News media) who thinks..."
    20. April 1st - "It is the same Fake News Media that said there is "no path to victory for Trump..."
    21. April 1st - "When will Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd... stop with the Fake Trump/Russia story?"
    22. March 31st - "this is a witch hunt (excuse for big election loss), by media and Dems
    23. March 30th - "The failing @nytimes has disgraced the media world. Gotten me wrong for two solid years. Change libel laws?"
    24. March 29th - "If the people of our country could only see how viciously and inaccurately my administration is covered by certain media!"
    --- March 29th - "If the people of our great country could only see..." from @POTUS
    25. March 29th - "Remember when the failing @nytimes apologized to its subscribers... because their coverage was so wrong. Now worse!"
    26. March 28th - Why doesn't Fake News talk about Podesta ties to Russia as covered by @FoxNews..."
    27. March 28th - "The failing @nytimes would do much better if they were honest!"
    -- March 28th - "The failing @nytimes would do much better if they were honest!" from @POTUS
    28. March 27th - "Trump Russia story is a hoax."
    29. March 23rd - "Just watched the totally biased and fake news reports of the so-called Russia story... Such dishonesty!"
    30. March 20th - "Just heard Fake News CNN is doing polls again despite the fact that their election polls were a WAY OFF disaster. Much higher ratings at Fox"
    31. March 20th - "This story is FAKE NEWS and everyone knows it!"
    32. March 18th - "Despite what you have heard from the FAKE NEWS, I had a GREAT meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel."
    --- March 18th - "Despite what you have heard from the FAKE NEWS" from @POTUS
    33. March 15th - "Does anybody really believe that a reporter, who nobody heard of, 'went to his mailbox' and found my tax returns? FAKE NEWS!"
    34. March 13th - "It is amazing how rude much of the media is to my hard working representatives. Be nice, you will do much better!"
    -- March 13th - "It is amazing how rude" from @POTUS
    35. March 9th - "Despite what you hear in the press, healthcare is coming along great."
    -- March 9th - "Despite what you hear in the press," from @POTUS
    36. March 7th - "Don't let the FAKE NEWS tell you that there is big infighting in the Trump Admin."
    -- March 7th - "Don't let the FAKE NEWS tell you" from @POTUS
    37. Feb 26th - "Russia talk is FAKE NEWS put out by the Dems and played up by the media..."
    --- Feb 26th - "Russia talk is FAKE NEWS" from @POTUS
    38. Feb 26th - "the failing @nytimes will take an ad (a bad one) to help save its failing reputation. Try reporting accurately and fairly!"
    39. Feb 25th - "the media has not reported that the National Debt in my first month went down"
    40. Feb 24th - "FAKE NEWS media knowingly doesn't tell the truth. A great danger to our country. The failing @nytimes... Sad!"
    41. Feb 20th - "Give the public a break - The FAKE NEWS media is trying to say..."
    42. Feb 18th - "Don't believe the main stream (fake news) media."
    43. Feb 17th - "One of the most effective press conferences I've ever seen! says Rush Limbaugh. Yet FAKE NEWS calls it differently. Dishonest!"
    44. Feb 17th - The FAKE NEWS media is not my enemy, it's the enemy of the American People!"
    45. Feb 17th - "...on the Press Conference yesterday. Rush Limbaugh said one of the greatest ever. Fake media not happy!"
    46. Feb 16th - "...so they made up a story - RUSSIA. Fake news!"
    47. Feb 16th - "FAKE NEWS media, which makes up stories..."
    48. Feb 16th - "Failing nytimes (and others) must apologize!"
    49. Feb 15th - "The fake news media is going crazy with their conspiracy theories and blind hatred... @foxandfriends is great!"
    50. Feb 12th - "Big crowds of enthusiastic supporters lining the road that the FAKE NEWS media refuses to mention. Very dishonest!"
    51. Feb 12th - "While on FAKE NEWS @CNN, Bernie Sanders was cut off for using the term fake news to describe the network!"
    52. Feb 11th - "I'm so proud of my daughter Ivanka. To be abused and treated so badly by the media..."
    53. Feb 10th - "the failing @nytimes does major FAKE NEWS China story..."
    54. Feb 9th - "FAKE NEWS!"
    55. Feb 8th - "Trump administration seen as more truthful than news media [link]"
    56. Feb 8th - "16 Fake News Stories Reporters Have Run Since Trump Won [link]"
    57. Feb 6th - "The failing @nytimes was forced to apologize to its subscribers for the poor reporting on my election win. Now they are worse!"
    58. Feb 6th - "The failing @nytimes writes total fiction concerning me... now are making up stories and sources!"
    59. Feb 6th - "Some FAKE NEWS media, in order to marginalize, lies!"
    60. Feb 6th - "Any negative polls are fake news"
    61. Feb 4th - "the FAKE NEWS @nytimes is still lost!"
    62. Feb 3rd - "The FAKE NEWS media lied..."
    63. Jan 30th - "Democrats and the opposition party (the media)..."
    64. Jan 29th - "Somebody with aptitude and conviction should buy the FAKE NEWS and failing @nytimes"
    65. Jan 28th - "The coverage about me... gas [sic] been so false and angry that the times actually apologized... DISHONEST!"
    66. Jan 28th - "The failing @nytimes has been wrong about me from the beginning. FAKE NEWS!"
    67. Jan 24th - "Congratulations to @FoxNews... They were many times higher than FAKE NEWS @CNN - public is smart!"

    Sixty seven tweets whining about fake news and media being unfair or mean or dishonest about him since the day he took office. What's amusing is that Trump used to retweet his own posts constantly on the @POTUS twitter feed, but then stopped doing that on February 8th. Maybe that had something to do with sloppily retweeting his endorsement of his daughter's clothing line?

    Also, on February 28th, what the fuck was @POTUS smoking? It's a long series of tweets that I guess he was hoping would sound profound and inspirational? It comes across more like the philosophical ramblings of someone who's trying ecstasy for the first time...

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    @Jinsai Look at all those "Fake News" tweets I can't last another 3 years and 9 months, and don't say Trump won't make it either, a Mike Pence presidency is just as fucking scary. Most people think Trump is an idiot but with Mike Pence there is a perception of legitimacy because he is not acting like a blather idiot on Twitter, he doesn't act like some rogue maniac on bath salts. Mike Pence's policies and ideals are fucking scary and because he handles himself in a more reserved manner (of coarse anybody would look reserved next to Trump) but because he projects a calm demeanor he could accomplish more with the nut jobs on his side of the aisle. Trump hasn't figured that out yet.

    Where are the February 28th tweets? Shall we call them The Lost Tweets Of A Lunatic?
    Last edited by Art Vandelay; 05-09-2017 at 02:46 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Art Vandelay View Post

    Where are the February 28th tweets? Shall we call them The Lost Tweets Of A Lunatic?
    I just didn't include them because on that day it seems he took a break from being a unhinged dipshit ranting about FAKE NEWS to channel his inner Tony Robbins. Maybe he thought he was dropping a "we have nothing to fear but fear itself" moment?

    February 28th: "A surge of optimism is placing impossible dreams firmly within our grasp. What we are witnessing today is the Renewal of the #AmericanSpirit.

    We are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms.

    This is the American Spirit. Each American generation passes the torch of truth, liberty and justice in an unbroken chain all the way down to the present.
    Everything that is broken in our country can be fixed. Every stubborn thing can be solved. And every hurting family can find healing and hope. Our citizens deserve this, and so much more - so why not join forces to finally get it done?

    Solving these problems will require us to tap into the American Spirit that has overcome every challenge throughout our storied history.

    We want harmony and stability, not war and conflict. We want peace, wherever peace can be found.

    Think of the marvels we can achieve if we simply set free the dreams of our people.

    We are one people, with one destiny.

    We all bleed the same blood.

    We all salute the same flag.

    And we are all made by the same God.

    I am asking all citizens to embrace this Renewal of the #AmericanSpirit.
    A new chapter of American Greatness is now beginning."

    -insert projectile vomit here

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    me think he doth tweet too much what's the old saying" he who smelt it dealt it!

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    Trump fired FBI Director James Comey...............THIS IS FUCKING HUGE!!!! What is Trump trying to cover up ? is the question I have.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Art Vandelay View Post
    As I said in my first post all these channels are largely editoral with their alliance to which party they serve. The problem is getting worse because especially FOX NEWS has got into to the business of manufacturing the news, and @Louie_Cypher when they see Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones talking absolute bullshit on their conservative radio shows and getting ratings for it. FOX is like we're television we reach a larger audience and we can can get a ratings boost by making shit up.
    The problem is with the general public, people listen to these conservative talk radio hosts and FOX NEWS in some cases backs up the hysteria, and then you have these hardened, conspiracy minded people, alt. right conservatives that are more interested in watching Washington burn, then try and work together to get a piece of legislation passed in bypartisan way. Hence the tea party and now the Freedom Caucus, and their only intention is to disrupt and obstruct not only the democrats but the republicans as well. When you call them on it, its "Fake News" and they say you're a liberal pinko, yet their boy Donald Trump seems to be in bed with the Russians. It's a head spinning turn of events.
    On Bill Maher's show last Friday night he said there is a company called the Sinclair Group going around the country buying up television stations and they want to start a channel that is to the right of FOX NEWS. At what point is one of these conservative tv stations going to turn into a graphic novel?
    As for these conservative radio hosts they are toxic pieces of shit, and they breed toxic pieces shit into our society, I have always said conservative talk radio exists because the people that listen to it can't fucking read.
    trump is behind buying the Sinclair Group scary indeed, can you imagine if trump had a media group https://www.mediamatters.org/blog/20...yn-hire/216048

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    trump is behind buying the Sinclair Group scary indeed, can you imagine if trump had a media group https://www.mediamatters.org/blog/20...yn-hire/216048
    That is fucking frightening, I am watching this Comey firing on one the channels that Trump calls "Fake News" and they are saying that the Trump firing of Comey is similar to Nixon firing the Archibald Cox the Watergate special prosecutor.


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    see a pattern fires Yates then Comey i honestly think he believes he can tweet or fire all opposition like i said earlier this whole house of cards comes down in july

  28. #28
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    I hope you're right but then we are going to get Mike Pence and I don't think that will be any better.

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    at least pence is not a rich petulant child who could be controlled with common government checks and balances

  30. #30
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    No but he is arch conservative and a religious nut job , who has no concern for the LGBTQ community, the environment and the separation of church and state would cease to exist.
    Last edited by Art Vandelay; 05-09-2017 at 06:50 PM.

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