Quote Originally Posted by magnolia View Post
I'm glad to see this thread was revived today, of all days, because I logged in to ETS just to see if there was a thread about piercings.
I scheduled to get my tits pierced next week. I've wanted these for a few years, and I'm SUPER excited and SUPER nervous. I've had lots of different piercings, some that didn't last long, some that lasted years before I took them out, some that are still there. But it's been a few years since I've had any, and I'm always a baby about it.

Anyone else that has had theirs done have any tips for me?
I've had mine done 3 times now.

The only tip, besides bring an extra shirt/bra just in case, is do exactly what they tell you with the breathing (deep breath and hold). It is very easy to screw up a nipple piercing, so be still! I have no feeling in my right nipple, so that's something else to be aware of that can happen if the person doesn't know what they're doing or you panic.

They'll probably start with 14g capture beads, so maintenance/care should be a breeze. Rotate the ring slightly to aid with cleaning, but don't twist them or do anything crazy for the first couple weeks as you're just damaging more cartilage; remember it's a puncture wound.

I used q-tips and coated them in saline wound wash solution for cleaning, again it's very minimal. The main part is don't let it scab up. Swelling was about 2 weeks, tenderness lasted about a month.

I use clear 12g retainers from Hot Topic because I haven't found a horseshoe or capture bead that I like. Also, I don't have to worry about switching the metal out for work, etc.