As an addendum to my previous post, over the course of last winter I developed a relationship with a new submissive. And by new, I mean brand new to it all. I have trained her long-distance and several times up close and personal over the last year. She takes to it amazingly and has done nearly everything I have asked of her. We agreed at the onset that this would be a temporary/FWB-type deal as far as how we went about this, but have grown somewhat closer as friends too. She has helped vanquish a lot of my depression over what was lost, and has opened my eyes to what I could have again. In a few months she is relocating out west, which I am actually happy for her about, for reasons I won't get into here. We are going to see each other 2-3 times in between now and then hopefully, starting on New Year's eve. That is a time I have had lots of mixed feelings about in past years but for the first time I am actually looking forward to it. I told her last night these meetings will be a celebration, and to put behind any sadness we have about what her new move could do to us. I don't know where it goes from there, but it is my hope that it is not the end of us, at least as friends.