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Thread: The Alternative Sexuality thread

  1. #361
    Join Date
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    Apologies if this isn't the right thread, but needed to rant about this.

    Some company called Zola (never heard of them) apparently ran a series of ads on the Hallmark Channel, some of which included a lesbian couple getting married and - as marriage ceremonies tend to include - they kiss.

    The conservative "family values" group One Million Moms got pissed off, wrote to Hallmark, and Hallmark actually pulled the ads.

    In 2019. We can't show two people with tits kissing at a wedding ceremony in 2019 because some hate group parading as God's chosen people or whatever get pissed off and threaten to stop watching low-budget feel-good TV stations.

  2. #362
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Apologies if this isn't the right thread, but needed to rant about this.

    Some company called Zola (never heard of them) apparently ran a series of ads on the Hallmark Channel, some of which included a lesbian couple getting married and - as marriage ceremonies tend to include - they kiss.

    The conservative "family values" group One Million Moms got pissed off, wrote to Hallmark, and Hallmark actually pulled the ads.

    In 2019. We can't show two people with tits kissing at a wedding ceremony in 2019 because some hate group parading as God's chosen people or whatever get pissed off and threaten to stop watching low-budget feel-good TV stations.
    ugh, and that commercial is adorable, too

  3. #363
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    ugh, and that commercial is adorable, too
    You can't watch it, though: one talking monkey puts her lips on the lips of ANOTHER talking monkey, and, this upset thousands of OTHER talking monkeys, who were unhappy with with the first talking monkey. They didn't think that she had kissed the RIGHT monkey.

    Side note: the monkeys were only PRETENDING to kiss.

    That's how I think about this shit sometimes, and the sheer inanity of, and, dare I say, STUPIDITY the "backlash," are dumbfounding to me.

    I swear to god, guys: I'm starting to think that we, as a SPECIES, aren't NEARLY as "evolved" or " special, " as we think we are.
    Last edited by elevenism; 12-14-2019 at 11:03 PM.

  4. #364
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    Motherfuck Hallmark Channel. Nobody should be watching their utterly shit original movies in the first fucking place.

  5. #365
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    Quote Originally Posted by piggy View Post
    Totally hypocritical and wishy-washy of Hallmark too, because they had recently said that they were open to making their (shitty) Christmas movies with LGBTQ characters. So who's side are they on? They're cowards.

  6. #366
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    have recently discovered (i mean i kind of always knew but i never had the chance to explore) that i'm a sub, and i can take a LOT of pain. it's...amazing.

  7. #367
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    went to a munch last night for the first time since last summer

    definitely had a better experience than last time but the kink scene is still so cis-het-centric that even when there's a queer woman i'm interested in, she's ALWAYS with her (unattractive) husband and i'm just like "nah"

    also, most people seem to be interested in play partners only, and i don't/won't engage in kink with someone who isn't my romantic partner (i'm not able to separate those things and i'm fine with that)

    at least i looked cute? got one phone number!

  8. #368
    Join Date
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    Hiiiii. I'm a submissive who enjoys ddlg, a lot.

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