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Thread: Star Wars: Kylo Ren's dad, aka Han Solo movie

  1. #91
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    Amen. While Rian fucking us with TLJ was an extremely sour pill to swallow, and something that definitely shifted power away from the so called main trilogy, it is where Disney's light approach towards the quantity of SW products comes in handy. Getting SW stuff yearly means we are bound to see some awesome movies/series in the future. Is it sad it's not going to be the main trilogy? Sure, but at this point you either accept it, or you can just keep bashing your head to the wall.

    So far every movie has been very safe, but imo Rogue One had some promising things going on. All we need now is for Disney to hire an actual, ballsy director, and give them a plot where nothing from the core universe (Luke, Vader, etc.) is at stake, so he/she can go crazy with it. As much as I'm happy that there will be a new Obi-Wan movie, I want Disney to introduce new faces, new heroes, new villains. Kylo and Rey - while I love them, despite what went down in TLJ - are not fulfilling the emptiness that was left behind. They are interesting, they are cool, but they are never going to be the next Vader, Luke, Han, etc.

    Oh, and unpopular opinion: don't make a Boba Fett movie.....

  2. #92
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    I don't think I'd want a Boba Fett movie either. So many more interesting stories to be told. But if he's not in Solo, it will be a bit of a dumb move. Like why would you not utilize that character at some point given the obvious history with Han? He's never been a fleshed out character, and is probably better like that. Small doses, with a few bad ass sequences. Would be a Solo cameo people would lose their shit over and bring a ton of good energy to the film, but not drastically effect the quality of the story for shoe horned in fan service.

    I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to a "bounty hunter" film though. A 20 minute segment for each where 4-Lom, Dengar, Zuckuss, Fett, Bossk and IG88 all get their time in the sun and fleshed out a bit, maybe even leading up the moment on the bridge in Empire. I don't need it but I could see that working, especially if you tied Jabba into the mix somehow, maybe other popular characters like Cad Bane too.

    I too thought some of the best parts of TLJ were the Kylo/Rey interactions. I just wish they would have been more cemented in the actual lore of the jedi and the sith, with both of them really learning more from each other. Rey being on that island, going into that cave - she literally learns nothing about her journey as a Jedi outside of the few lines Luke tries to impart. There was so much more room for expansion there. You can have these new complex characters move the universe forward, but don't change the entire universe! The foundation is already there and cannot be changed - it's not for you to create but for you to play within.

    So yeah I think anyone with a brain is all for creating new interesting characters and not relying on pure lazy fan service - but it needs to grow from somewhere established. There have been thousands if not millions of seeds planted previously. Don't ignore them and then say well my seeds are better, and on top of that I'm not even going to take the time to water them and let them grow just accept them for what they are RIGHT NOW. It's an organic process that takes nothing but patience and cannot be rushed.

    A Lando spinoff would be a perfect example of this. It wasn't necessarily planned, but if he nails the character and the fan support is there for it - you find a way to tell that story because it makes sense. You still have a over arching plan, but with some wiggle room allowed for things to take fun off roading.

    As you mentioned Rogue One is a great example of not being entirely safe too - killing off the entire main cast was risky. It paid off quite well.

    I would say the bigger issue here is not Kathleen Kennedy or the story group's or Disney's involvement or perceived SJW agenda on each project. It's actually the lack of it.

    We have no Kevin Fiege. No legit plan or map of direction. They are just hiring the best talent they can find and letting them do their own thing which on one hand is actually amazing, but it does need to be held in check at least a little bit. Otherwise you get none of the benefits from a shared cinematic universe and all of the frustration. Which is likely why a lot of these films have all been in post production hell, with reshoots etc. The whole thing has become TOO big and nobody is being held accountable outside of a very vague contributory "story group" who has no leader, with various agenda's, roles, and levels of involvement. There should be someone in charge of the Films, the comics, the novels, the toys - and we should very clearly know who all of these people are and who is holding them accountable.

    Like how was it even possible that it was Rian's decision to kill Luke? How was there not a decision made even before 7 was in pre-production, as to how Luke's story arc would progress/end? I can't fathom how that was even possible. For the main sequel trilogy, everyone knows and is on board with the main beats from day 1, and the creative comes in how you get there and the in betweens. For the really experimental stuff, you have the stand alone stories (This where for example; an Edgar Wright Ant-Man style film maybe could have worked, since you have a shared universe in Star Wars but it doesn't always need to connect in the same way the MCU does because those stories are not building to giantic team up movies).

    Ultimately I don't think you can point to one person who is guiding this ship right now - so why not anoint someone? KK might be the business fascade but she is far from an expert on Star Wars history and lore. Make someone the Kevin Fiege of the SWCU. You can see the benefits from doing so literally across their cublicles - what would the downside be? Dave Filoni should be doing much more important work than simply working on the new Resistance kids show, but there are plenty of legit candidates who would love to be the new "George Lucas" if you will.

    For a sports analogy, if you want to compare this to hiring a new GM and understanding their direction - bring someone in for a 5 maybe 10 year run. If they start tanking, you look in a new direction. If they Kevin Fiege it, you re-up them for another term and keep the party going if they want to. Over the next few decades, it would be an amazing thing to look back and compare various SW visionaries stories from each era.

    This is a critical role in these major franchises, moreso than any director you might hire on one project, and it needs to be recognized by Star Wars as soon as possible.

  3. #93
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    People want a Boba Fett movie, because he's cool. I mean, he kinda is. But he has no personality and nothing interesting about him whatsoever. As soon as he'd be anything else than a silent, cool looking assassin, the immersion would be ruined.

    I'm not blaming KK for not stopping Rian, because where do you draw the line then? No, I blame her for choosing him and for the obvious lack of communication between Rian and J.J.

    SJW pressure definitely influenced the SW saga (as well as almost everything else), but I don't think it affected the quality of the movies negatively. I.e. Rose is not the worst character in the SW universe ever, because she holds SJW values. No, she's garbage because she is badly and lazily written. You have to have some audacity that you dare to slug off so hard when writing a sequel trilogy for SW. Absolutely no respect, just plain vanity. And to be fair, he got what he wanted. For all the wrong reasons, Rian became (in)famous, and even 50 years from now, people will talk about TLJ. You can't call him stupid, that's for sure.

    The reshoots with R1 and Solo gives you kind of an amateurish vibe. You can't call it coincidence when both of the standalone SW movies have gone through some kind of ordeal already. I don't even have any expectations about the pacing not being off, because it's kind of a given now.

    Anyhow, the best thing about Solo that I didn't have to count back the days frantically. It's just kinda already is. You know, a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.

  4. #94
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    Interesting behind the scenes look at the drama behind changing directors.

    Howard nearly re-shot the entire movie.

  5. #95
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    While Guardians is a great movie, making a Star Wars film like Guardians of the Galaxy is similar to making an Indiana Jones movie inspired by National Treasure, or a James Bond movie inspired by Kingsmen: The Secret Service.

    Says who??!! If (canon) Star Wars can be made into a kids show (nothing wrong with it imo, just sayin'), then why couldn't a standalone SW movie have a different take on the universe? Why couldn't one SW movie be all serious and bloody, while another one more laidback and comic relief-y? Yes, the next paragraph sheds some more light onto this, but this quote is some extreme bullshit.

    Anyway, as I said in my previous post: what the hell is up with directors getting a shot at making a prestigious SW movie, then trolling all over it for their own fame? Why can't they make proper SW movies, and then use their well-earned credibility to write and direct whatever weird ass movie they want? Blows my mind.

  6. #96
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    Just saw it and guess what? Within the current Star Wars lore that movie definitely had some flaws, but overall I LOVED IT!!!

    Really great to see that certain Western meets Blade Runner vibe and the movie felt best when it was far away from Star Wars.

    Loved the introduction of Chewie, Lando was great, Woody Harrelson was great, the villain (Bettany) was cool to watch even without any depth and the space/desert pirates looked awesome (a little bit like I'd picutre the Knights of Ren actually) and the whole thing looked gritty yet adventurous and colorful when needed.

    The only things I could have done without might be Emilia Clarke and that certain cameo which came absolutely out of nowhere, felt akward as hell and seems to fuck with the timeline, although I ADORE the character. And that "cameo" which wasn't a cameo but I was desperately waiting for something to happen really angered me in the end. They really teased us with that one. Oh and a little too few moments with the Empire in my view. Would have loved to feel its presence and dread a little more.

    If Rogue One didn't have that Vader scene(s) in it, Solo imho is the far superior movie. Ehrenreich did good and god knows how great this movie would have been if they had found someone even better for the role.

    Little side rant about the new movies in general: having cloaked hulking aliens with staffs and masks in these movies is slowly getting old ans really seems lazy at times while there are so many other great designs in these flicks.
    Last edited by dlb; 05-23-2018 at 04:06 PM.

  7. #97
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    I'm fucking thrilled to hear that you liked it, @dlb . I'm currently watching a lot of YouTube reviews and most of them are saying that it's pretty good.

    I'm really looking forward to seeing it now.

  8. #98
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    You should have a good time with this movie I'm sure. I mean, of course Ehrenreich will never be Ford and that Han we see is indeed rather different but I was still very glad to see some true Han Solo moments in this. Same goes for Clover who as well is not Williams and willl never be, yet they did their best I guess. It's the same old problem when somebody is being recast and that might be the only true flaw here, yet it's inevitable so we all should buckle up for the ride and enjoy it for what it is: an unnecessary yet truly entertaining movie about a cool character from a larger than life franchise. And if we are honest, no one needed Rogue One in the first place as well, but it was a nice addition to the franchise that is there to enjoy or be left behind.

    Either way, if someone would ask me to see Solo with him/her I'd definitely see it again.

  9. #99
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    This the first of the new movies that I am not seeing opening night, and apparently I am not the only one. Just checked Fandango out of curiosity to see if tix were available, and my local theater was only like half full for the 7:30 showing tonight. I couldn't believe it. All the previous ones sold out like months in advance.

  10. #100
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    I just got home from a 6pm screening in Birmingham UK. There was about 15 people in the whole room, me and son included.

  11. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by lloyd_dhr View Post
    I just got home from a 6pm screening in Birmingham UK. There was about 15 people in the whole room, me and son included.
    That's wild. Will Disney learn from their mistakes? Probably not.

  12. #102
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    The timing of this release really does it no favors either. Avengers is still a monster a month later and is beloved, garnering repeat views. Deadpool came out a week ago & is crushing it. That's at least $30 people spent on going to the movies in most areas, plus food etc. People ain't trying to spend even more a week later for something they're lukewarm about. Disney knows all's the job of many people at Disney to know all this. Yet they plowed ahead anyway. Shoulda pushed this to the fall.

  13. #103
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    Once I heard that the bounty hunters were not involved my attention was lost. I'm not a big fan on Han. I love Donald Glover and the cameo from Spoiler: Darth maul sounds like a crazy choice but when he's on his own hands is more interesting when Fett is on his tail. Idk also like just six months ago was episode 8. Weirdly, I don't get marvel fatigue like I have star wars fatigue. But as I said when the annualization was announced: it's going to stop being special real quick

  14. #104
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    yet there are a couple more "exciting" blockbusters to come like Jurassic World so yeah, the timing is really really bad. At my cinema there was quite some trouble still with people dressing up and having lightsabre fights in the hallway. I'm really afraid it's not doing well which is a shame since it's a really nice adventure flick and perfect for the summer.

  15. #105
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    If it underperforms as expected it will be a good thing. Maybe Disney pumps the brakes a bit.

  16. #106
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    Weird. I just did a search for box office predictions and they're all over the place. Some say it's going to set a record, some say it's not and it's because of the holiday. There were articles about how it had a big presale too.

    And of course there are several articles going with the "so-low" pun because hey, why not.

  17. #107
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    So apparently the Boba Fett movie is confirmed after all - will be directed by James Mangold (Logan). Interesting.

    As far as Solo, my official verdict is Thumbs Up.

    It straddles the line for me between cash grab and stupid with solid fun and fan service, and barely finishes on the right side of that line.

    In a lot of ways it felt like a prequel to a future prequel - which is what should have been the Solo movie in the first place, as this sets up a lot of cool stuff, which likely never gets actualized (maybe it does but I'm doubtful). Wish they would have just made that movie instead.

    But I was happy enough with it and would see it again.

  18. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    If it underperforms as expected it will be a good thing. Maybe Disney pumps the brakes a bit.
    Idk though.
    I've got a feeling they probably want to make Star Wars like the MCU, with a fuckton of interconnected movies. And maybe they can do it right.
    They won't have the emotional weight of the episodic movies, but if they're GOOD, then I don't mind.

    I have a feeling they can't WAIT to be done with the original saga so they can kind of do whatever the fuck they want (to a degree.)

  19. #109
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    It premiered last night in my town, and I could already get a ticket in a very good place. There weren't many people at all, and unlike TLJ, it only had one showing per day (TLJ had 2, and it still took days to be able to get a proper seat).

    If a friend of yours doesn't know what cliché means, show them this movie. This has all of them. But you know what? It's an honest movie. It doesn't blueball you with clichés, no. It throws you so many clichés at you, that you can't actually guess what's next. You just lay back down and enjoy it. Also, this movie doesn't want to be sophisticated, it doesn't want to be one for the ages. It's a grab a popcorn and enjoy yourself movie. It gives you nothing in terms of cinematic brilliance, but at no point in the movie it promises that either. Once again, just lay back down.

    There was only ONE cliché in the midst of clichés that worked me up in al lthe wrong ways, and I was soooo ready to unlesh hell in here, but it actually made sense, I just had to wait a few minutes. But man... I have so many PTSDs from fucking Rian, that I forgot how to trust the writers.

    The movie starts slow, but the pacing is actually quite good for 85-90% of the movie. Yes, no more R1 bullshit, where the main cast has already died and you wonder why should you even care. No more constant running (TFA), no more slowing down with the dumbest plots and dialogues (TLJ). You actually get to know and care for these characters. Yes, you have met with all them, because they are extremely 2-dimensional, but once again: at least they have some soul, unlike R1.

    The music is great, especially the tribe OST! R1's soundtrack was absolutely abyssmal, and I'm so glad that they were a little more daring this time. My only gripe with it is that there was a long scene, where they used almost all of the famous original Millenium Falcon OST's repeatedly. That got a bit too much.

    Donald Glover is still awesome.

    Woody Harrelson is still awesome.

    Han was good, but as we predicted, he doesn't project that Han Solo feel at all. To the actors credit, I did not hate him, and to be honest, that's all I wished for.

    The cameo was Spoiler: quite surprising, and we got to hear a Prequel OST!!! Holy fucking shit! Entertain me, daddy!

    To everyone who thought the only possible way to do family-friendly humor is how it was done in TLJ, take a close look to Solo. That's how you remain silly in a tasteful way. Then again, many people did not seem to get some of the jokes, so I guess Disney might be in the right to dumb them down.

    Oh, and I've got to laugh at all of the boycotters. I'm sorry, but if you want to be taken seriously, this is definitely not the movie to boycott.

    Overall: watch it once

  20. #110
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    As someone who enjoyed the new Star wars movies overall... I thought this one sucked.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

  21. #111
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    I got my ticket for Monday. I'm going to watch it with low expectations.

  22. #112
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    I thought it was actually pretty good. I'd heard that there was going to be a secret surprise cameo appearance, but I did not expect it to be who it turned out to be. Spoiler: I assumed it would be either Jabba the Hut (who I'm surprised was only referred to, not even mentioned by name) or Boba Fett (especially given his movie was just announced/confirmed to be coming. The complete absence of Jabba (and a few other things like @valiantsteed was saying) really make it feel like they could make a sequel to this movie. Seeing Darth Maul show up very unexpectedly was actually a big surprise to me and yet another example of why this movie feels like a sequel is impending. Overall, I think my current ranking of the new movies is as follows:

    The Force Awakens
    Rogue One
    The Last Jedi (Which I didn't hate, just liked the others more)

  23. #113
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    Also, it's impressive how much . They definitely were off on a bunch of things, but they NAILED a bunch of the movie. I couldn't help but think of this video while I was watching the movie.
    Last edited by sonic_discord; 05-26-2018 at 02:05 AM.

  24. #114
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    I only realized it during trying to fall asleep, that at the end, they did a huge fan service by Spoiler: Han shooting first.. I totally miss these absolutely obvious stuff during my first watches.

    If I were to make a list out of those 4 movies, I'd definitely put Solo last. Rogue One's pacing could turn Gandhi into a warmonger in his annoyance, and TLJ is bleeding from a thousand wounds, but the highs on those movies absolutely DESTROY (these are the buzzwords youtubers use nowadays, right?) the highs in Solo. One easy reason why not many people are hating on Solo, because it doesn't even try to do anything. It's just there, so even though I absolutely recommend a single watch, it's still the worst out of the 4 Disney Star Wars movies.

    Do you know what movie could've been really great? The one we got in the first quarter of Solo. It was grim, it was dark, and I loved every single shot of it, bar the first 10 minutes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    I only realized it during trying to fall asleep, that at the end, they did a huge fan service by Spoiler: Han shooting first..
    Haha, I caught that IMMEDIATELY! Only because the internet has made such a big deal out of it, though!

  26. #116
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    I will defend TLJ to my grave

  27. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    Also, it's impressive how much . They definitely were off on a bunch of things, but they NAILED a bunch of the movie. I couldn't help but think of this video while I was watching the movie.
    They're always right about everything

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    It's a real old school summertime popcorn flick and I really enjoyed it. I have no major complaints plus I didn't leave disappointed like I did when I saw TLJ.

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    Just got back from the movie and I loved it. While The Last Jedi was a downer, this was everything I wanted in a Star Wars movie. I want to see it again like now. It was cool to see part of the Star Wars universe with the Empire not necessarily front and center. Loved the cast too.

  30. #120
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    As it was expected, the movie is a huge flop financially.

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