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Thread: Star Wars: Kylo Ren's dad, aka Han Solo movie

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    Early reactions seem pretty positive, mainly the first act is a bit clunky/hit and miss, but picks up in the second act.
    If that's the case then I'm looking forward to this. I can take a rough start that evens out in the end. Knowing the shooting history with this film, a bit of clunkiness is to be expected.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    Early reactions are starting to come through and, as well as being pretty OK, most are saying what everyone was thinking...Donald Glover steals the film.
    Exactly what I've been expecting. I have tickets to see it opening day. The only thing that worries me is the actor playing Han.

  3. #63
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    I'll see it the Sunday after it comes out. Free poster at AMC again!

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    Exactly what I've been expecting. I have tickets to see it opening day. The only thing that worries me is the actor playing Han.
    my sentiments exactly. I'm afraid that, no matter how good the flick is, if the kid isn't believable as Han, I won't be able to truly enjoy it.

  5. #65
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    Glowing review from the Guardian (which can be hard to please at times!)

    The comments section is less glowing, most of them seem to have their hearts set on "i've decided it's shit, the review is wrong, i won't see it blah blah blah"

    ...if you don't want to see it that's absolutely fine, but yelling at someone who has seen it because they enjoyed it is just...well fucking stupid if you ask me.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    Glowing review from the Guardian (which can be hard to please at times!)

    The comments section is less glowing, most of them seem to have their hearts set on "i've decided it's shit, the review is wrong, i won't see it blah blah blah"

    ...if you don't want to see it that's absolutely fine, but yelling at someone who has seen it because they enjoyed it is just...well fucking stupid if you ask me.
    welcome to the world of entitled male fans!

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    welcome to the world of entitled male fans!
    Are they all males?

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Are they all males?
    dude, come on. you know i'm making a generalization but it's based on experience. whenever you see people over-reacting to things in this way, it's almost always entitled white dudes who thinks the world needs to cater to their every whim.

    like this guy -

    what a fucking turd

  9. #69
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    I saw a rumor a few days ago of a "scoundrel trilogy" of Solo/Lando/Fett. Now I wonder how true that rumor was.

  10. #70
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    The only thing ruining the new Star Wars movies are Star Wars fans... yeah I said it.

    So many YouTube videos of grown men whining and throwing hissy fits about why they're not going to see Solo. I love people who boycotting a movie they never even seen.

    One douche was blaming everything on Kathleen Kennedy. The way this guy speaks about her, you would think she was never involved with some of greatest movies ever made. But oh no, she ruined Star Wars for him and according to him she is a failure.
    Last edited by neorev; 05-16-2018 at 10:36 AM.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    The only thing ruining the new Star Wars movies are Star Wars fans... yeah I said it.

    So many YouTube videos of grown men whining and throwing hissy fits about why they're not going to see Solo. I love people who boycotting a movie they never even seen.

    One douche was blaming everything on Kathleen Kennedy. The way this guy speaks about her, you would think she was never involved with some of greatest movies ever made. But oh no, she ruined Star Wars for him and according to him she is a failure.
    i posted the video up above (unless there's another dude who did the same thing hahahah)

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    i posted the video up above (unless there's another dude who did the same thing hahahah)
    Probably lol. He has quite a few vids on it. These movies are making millions... billions... and this dude thinks he is gonna change that. I bet even most of the folks saying they won't go see Solo will go see it.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    Probably lol. He has quite a few vids on it. These movies are making millions... billions... and this dude thinks he is gonna change that. I bet even most of the folks saying they won't go see Solo will go see it.
    and also just...the entitlement required to think he's justified in his position is mind-blowing to me.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    and also just...the entitlement required to think he's justified in his position is mind-blowing to me.
    That dude is just frigging overboard. He tries to make it like Kathleen Kennedy is not a anti-woman thing, but I gotta question that. Kennedy is not some supervillain and has quite an amazing record in film.

    Then these people blow Mark Hamill's behavior out of proportion. Whether he hates The Last Jedi or not, I honestly believe Mark has been done with Star Wars for a long time. I don't think The Last Jedi ruined anything for him.

  15. #75
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    Funny thing is all these video's, explaining why they aren't seeing it, is just drumming up more publicity for it. People are talking about it more, meaning it's more fresh in the mind and making people (who aren't being twats) are more likely to go see it.

    Each to their own, if you haven't enjoyed the last few SW films you have every right to not want to pay money to see anymore, hell i felt that way after the prequels (thank fuck The Force Awakens was good and got me back into SW's in a big way) But having a go at people because they have seen it and enjoyed it is just showing how dumb you're being. Grow Up Nerds (with love from a fellow nerd)

    P.s this isn't aimed at anyone on this site, for the most part you are all fine open minded people

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    dude, come on. you know i'm making a generalization but it's based on experience. whenever you see people over-reacting to things in this way, it's almost always entitled white dudes who thinks the world needs to cater to their every whim.

    like this guy -

    what a fucking turd
    He needs to get laid.

  17. #77
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    I'm one of those people who's boycotting this. As a Star Wars fan I am interested in seeing Solo, but after those last few films... no thanks. Don't wanna support this, even though it obviously won't make a difference. I think they're taking it in the wrong direction by letting Star Wars become the next Marvel (I do like the MCU, but that's not what Star Wars should be imho).

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    Probably lol. He has quite a few vids on it. These movies are making millions... billions... and this dude thinks he is gonna change that. I bet even most of the folks saying they won't go see Solo will go see it.
    I don't think he believes he can change it. He just wants to feel special.

    There are examples about this in almost everything in life. You can say you won't watch this movie because based on the trailers it sucks, or you can make a 5 hours long video, where you talk about how SW is your life, and you were a big fan since the age of 4, blah blah blah, but you won't watch it this time and you hurt inside. Another good example of this behavior is everything that starts with "As a moother..."

    Not sure where the fuck white males stereotype came once again. After our election, the equivalent of this shitty video was a post circulating Facebook by a 20 years old girl, who wrote a wall of text about how she has to leave the country now, because all hope is lost. Youtube is full of this shit with every gender and race included. 95% of those videos are trying to manipulate you with feelings, and there's a 5% left for actual content and opinion. It's the world we live in now; it doesn't matter how stupid you or your opinion are, because as long as you can present it in a way where people can sympathyze with you, it's all good.
    Quote Originally Posted by niggo View Post
    I'm one of those people who's boycotting this. As a Star Wars fan I am interested in seeing Solo, but after those last few films... no thanks. Don't wanna support this, even though it obviously won't make a difference. I think they're taking it in the wrong direction by letting Star Wars become the next Marvel (I do like the MCU, but that's not what Star Wars should be imho).

    I'm not a big cinema goer, and to me, TV series are just simply superior anyway. Still, I can't understand boycotting movies, like what the fuck. Yes, TLJ was an absolute disgrace, but who cares? I get my popcorn, I grab my buddies, we watch some pew-pew for 2 hours, we'll have something to discuss for an hour and that's it. I barely spent anything on it.
    Last edited by Volband; 05-17-2018 at 06:07 AM.

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    I'm not a big cinema goer, and to me, TV series are just simply superior anyway. Still, I can't understand boycotting movies, like what the fuck. Yes, TLJ was an absolute disgrace, but who cares? I get my popcorn, I grab my buddies, we watch some pew-pew for 2 hours, we'll have something to discuss for an hour and that's it. I barely spent anything on it.
    That sounds pretty narrow-minded to me, as you're missing the bigger picture. Doesn't matter if it's not a lot of money, doesn't matter if it could be a fun couple of hours, in the end people are voting with their pockets. If everyone would think like you do those kind of films would be even more succesful and we would subsequently get even more shit I (personally) don't want to see (like a Solo origin story). I simply don't want to support this film with my money. It's as easy as that.

  20. #80
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    I can't understand 'boycotting' stuff either (unless said thing is tied to a kiddy fiddler or something like the LostProphets, that's very understandable) it can mean you end up missing out on something you might love (again like i almost did after the SW prequels) BUT people are well within their right to not watch something if they didn't enjoy what came before. It's then up to them if, further down the line, they decide to give the film a chance and watch it to see if they missed something. But 'Boycotting' feels a tad extreme in this case.

    I'll be seeing Solo (and i'll be Solo *waits nervously for laughter*) but that's mainly as i have enjoyed all the newer SW films, and i try to go to the cinema every week as a means of getting out of the house and maybe seeing something i normally wouldn't watch and finding my new favourite (or least) film.

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by niggo View Post
    That sounds pretty narrow-minded to me, as you're missing the bigger picture. Doesn't matter if it's not a lot of money, doesn't matter if it could be a fun couple of hours, in the end people are voting with their pockets. If everyone would think like you do those kind of films would be even more succesful and we would subsequently get even more shit I (personally) don't want to see (like a Solo origin story). I simply don't want to support this film with my money. It's as easy as that.
    Even more successful? We are talking about a movie franchise that constantly reaps in a BILLION bucks just from the movies alone, so toys and stuff are not even counted towards that. And if a turd like TLJ can break a billion, then the smart thing to do is realize that quality does not matter, and maybe it never did. You can speak up against it, you can debate it online or with friends, but you can not throw a wrench in the machine. All you can do is make yourself believe you do.

    Which is fine, but you could also spend a ridiculously low amount of bucks to watch Solo, enjoy the good parts, hate the bad parts, and still being able to be a voice of reason among your circle of friends or online. I mean, I shat a lot on TLJ, but at the very least I watched it. I can't even comprehend the ridiculousness of some people in 6 years time, where they are behind like 4 Star Wars movies, but they are still "boycotting" them, because they just know those movies are shit.

    Again, if by the trailers you got the impression that this movie is a 0/10 and you absolutely couldn't care less about SW anymore, it's fine. But throwing around words like "boycotting" is quite... interesting, to say the least. The former gives an impression of someone who is fed up with the series, and gave up every hope that Diesney can handle SW properly. The latter gives an impression of someone who is 40 years old but still sleeps with his Princess Leia pillow, and unironically believes that he is a Rebel.

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Even more successful? We are talking about a movie franchise that constantly reaps in a BILLION bucks just from the movies alone, so toys and stuff are not even counted towards that. And if a turd like TLJ can break a billion, then the smart thing to do is realize that quality does not matter, and maybe it never did. You can speak up against it, you can debate it online or with friends, but you can not throw a wrench in the machine. All you can do is make yourself believe you do.

    Which is fine, but you could also spend a ridiculously low amount of bucks to watch Solo, enjoy the good parts, hate the bad parts, and still being able to be a voice of reason among your circle of friends or online. I mean, I shat a lot on TLJ, but at the very least I watched it. I can't even comprehend the ridiculousness of some people in 6 years time, where they are behind like 4 Star Wars movies, but they are still "boycotting" them, because they just know those movies are shit.

    Again, if by the trailers you got the impression that this movie is a 0/10 and you absolutely couldn't care less about SW anymore, it's fine. But throwing around words like "boycotting" is quite... interesting, to say the least. The former gives an impression of someone who is fed up with the series, and gave up every hope that Diesney can handle SW properly. The latter gives an impression of someone who is 40 years old but still sleeps with his Princess Leia pillow, and unironically believes that he is a Rebel.
    I disagree. That's just, like, giving up, man. "Oh yeah, everything's fucked, so why bother. Let me throw some more money at it, won't make a difference anyway". Sure, you're right, I said it in my first post, it WON'T make a difference. But to me it's still the right thing to do. And I still find it incredibly narrow-minded to don't give a shit about things like this and just go ahead and run to the cinema like a fucking lemming.

    Oh, and boycotting doesn't mean I won't watch it. I will watch it and never said I won't. I'll just wait until some of my friends own it on Bluray.

    And if it's the word "boycotting" that's distracting you, fair enough. English isn't my native tongue and I just picked up on it. I think I still made my point pretty clear, so whether it's called "boycotting" or just "I don't want to see it", to me it's about not supporting a company/franchise I'm fed up with.

  23. #83
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    Oh, if you are waiting for the pirates (WINK-WINK), then I can understand that. By boycotting I imagined your friends trying to convince you to come with them and have a good time, and you'd be like I REFUSE TO GIVE MONEY FOR THIS COMPANY! ONLY THROUGH MY DEAD BODY. NOT A SINGLE DIME.

    I don't think giving a chance to an action movie in a universe you dig is being a fucking lemming. There are things to take seriously, and there are movies.

  24. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Oh, if you are waiting for the pirates (WINK-WINK), then I can understand that. By boycotting I imagined your friends trying to convince you to come with them and have a good time, and you'd be like I REFUSE TO GIVE MONEY FOR THIS COMPANY! ONLY THROUGH MY DEAD BODY. NOT A SINGLE DIME.
    No, I literally mean waiting for the Bluray. No need to pirate anything, as I'm really not that eager to see Solo.

    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    I don't think giving a chance to an action movie in a universe you dig is being a fucking lemming. There are things to take seriously, and there are movies.
    Fair enough. I was referring to throwing money at something you actually don't care about but you're still watching because "it's not a lot of money" -- if you're genuinely interested in Solo and want to see it, by all means, go ahead.

  25. #85
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    Nah, watching the latest X-Men made it very clear to me, to never, ever try to watch a movie again which I don't care about in at least some ways. We argue about the quality of Star Wars, but that X-Men movie was disgustingly bad and uninteresting.

  26. #86
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    did you guys catch this?

    Harrison Ford, (regarding the performance of Alden Ehrenreich, says "i just thought it was spectacular. and i thought HE...was so smart, about what he did...and how he did it. I just couldn't be happier."

    I really honestly think that Ford doesn't give two shits about whether or not this movie is successful and, furthermore, if he was unhappy with the kid's performance, i really think that he, of all people, would say so.

    So for me, this is a good sign.

  27. #87
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    It's not the performance we are afraid of, it's that he doesn't seem anything like Han. Well, my biggest concern is a clichéd story, because this assembling a super team trope is getting reaaaaaaaaaaaaal tiring.

    On the other hand, Donald fucking Tru-- Glover, so we will see.

  28. #88
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    If it helps, *rumour alert* fan reaction so far has been so positive for Donald Glover that the studio big wigs are already green lighting a Lando film.

    I hope that is true, but at the same time WHERE IS MY OBI WAN WITH EWEN YOU UNCULTURED SWINES?!

  29. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    It's not the performance we are afraid of, it's that he doesn't seem anything like Han.
    That's what i mean.
    I, too, am afraid that he doesn't seem anything like Han.

    But if Ford thinks it works, perhaps it works.
    He seems like a pretty tough audience.

  30. #90
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    I hated The Last Jedi. I am still in mourning over what it did to me. 6 months later and the hurt is still real on a regular basis. I am a straight white male. Whatever.

    I do not feel any anger towards Kathleen Kennedy or Disney. All indications are Rian had creative control over the vision and was extremely happy with the result. It just so happened to be a result I did not appreciate, which while sad for me personally, is not anyone's fault. Trying to blame external factors at this point is just an angry cop out that accomplishes nothing.

    I have my concerns over Solo, but would never consider boycotting it, which would be stupid and pointless. I also do not hope it fails, I am hoping it's great and hoping it succeeds.

    It's like the people who complain about super hero fatigue, which I think is ridiculous. People want The Dark Knight or Infinity War once every few years and think it works like that. It doesn't. You need to break a few eggs to make an omellete. To get Ragnarok, you needed Dark World for example.

    In a five year cycle, I am more than glad to get 1-2 bad movies, 2-3 mediocre movies, 1-2 good movies, and 1 excellent one as a rough ratio. The journey is always worth it to me when you get that true payout of elation and precision, like we did with Infinity War. The same will be true with Star Wars.

    As a Star Wars fan, when Disney bought Lucasfilm I expected a few duds. That was the price and it should be paid gladly, to have some of the best filmmakers in the world doing their take on the franchise. The results will eventually be worth it over the next decade when you siphon the best of the best out of the ranks. You will have some awesome, some terrible, some mediocre, and hopefully a few excellent ones. To expect any less than that is delusional. And it's better to get 1-2 films a year, than wait 5 years for a dud. Imagine the wait between Force Awakens and Last Jedi was 3 years? The backlash would have been even more insane and painful. The great will always stay great, but when you get the bad it's a lot easier to move on when the next is on the horizon.

    So I can handle a Solo bomb. I can handle if one of the new TV series sucks. I don't expect to love every decision moving forward and that's ok. My payoff will come in some form. As a fan you have to believe that. And variation between the fan base is completely ok, too. Creates some great discussion.

    The only real difference is - and the crux of the problem being the foundation for all of this needed to be the sequel trilogy. You needed to not fuck that up, and then reap the rewards for the next 10 years. It was the same with the original Iron Man, Cap and Avengers. It was the success of those films that made Infinity War possible.

    The Last Jedi is the anti infinity war. It is going to make everything else so much more difficult. Lines were crossed, decisions were made you can't change or come back from. If you wanted to burn Star Wars down to rebuild it for a new generation, fine, but the sequel trilogy should have been that transitional period. Allow us to say goodbye to these characters and come to terms with that. I argue it should have taken the entirety of all 3 films, but they did it in a movie and half and with a significant lack of respect to boot. You needed to take more time, care, and precision to pull that off effectively. You needed to utilize core pre-existing characters to prop up the new ones for their future adventures, not discard them, under utilize, or completely ignore them all together.

    After Solo, it will have been 4 movies now. Making some assumptions on Solo (maybe there are more appearances than I'm expecting, in which case wicked), but you will have had a grand total of 1.5 lightsaber fights across the 4 films. You will given a handful of lines or less, a minute or two of screen time (in some cases zero) to some of the most popular characters that have existed in franchise history for 40 years. There has been little to no Palpatine, Boba Fett, Darth Vader, Jabba, R2-D2, Yoda, Obi-Wan, Ackbar, not to mention the underuse of Luke Skywalker. You can try to argue why a million different ways, but the fact is its extremely arrogant and flat out stupid not to utilize these characters while you have them, significantly more than you have.

    When you build a foundation with those flaws, you are risking severe cracks in your infrastructure. I feel JJ has an impossible task ahead of him and does not have it in him to salvage this trilogy the way it needs to be (I would love to be proven wrong), but it absolutely should be him to try given what he set up in 7. Which was half awesome, and half cowardly.

    That said, all it will still take is for one director to come along and make a stellar Obi Wan solo movie. Or a Vader movie that shows his reign and jedi hunting between 3 and 4. And do it so beautifully that it resonates between both generations of fans. A film that utilizes existing lore to the best of its ability but still creates something new. I have to believe that is possible and that it will happen. Too many talented people are jumping aboard this franchise for it not to.

    It probably won't be Solo. But it would be a pleasant surprise if it is.

    Either way, I won't give up hope.

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