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Thread: Cold and Black and Infinite Fall Tour - 2018 Live Tour Discussion

  1. #1261
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    Glad you got tickets, gotta keep your eye on the prize.

  2. #1262
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    C'mon guys. Back in the day people would camp out for tickets to a show.

    ETA--like I said in the Boston thread, the staff at the Wang were super professional and the fans were really friendly.
    Yes, 30 years ago. I did it, most people did. But, what is wrong with tickets with our names on them at will call and going directly into the venue? For U2 last year we had to show the credit card we bought them with when going through the turnstiles. And any scalper and his employees can buy these tickets in person and resell them. It was a ridiculous idea and as someone said above it was just about creating buzz. The people who can buy them online now will not get great seats so why bother traveling for that if NIN is coming to your city? If they come to my city next time I will go but I will no longer travel to see them anywhere if I have to wait to buy tickets after in person sales.

  3. #1263
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bajoobatron View Post
    Justin Timberlake looks really happy about his NIN tickets.
    i'm bringing sexy back

  4. #1264
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    to everyone lamenting a show in seattle or portland or vancouver or boise -- solidarity, dudes.

  5. #1265
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    I'm mainly just trying to remain hopeful for Canadian dates getting announced for November since there is a huge gap between Chicago and new Orleans.
    Been a longtime ETS lurker so I'm just jumping on here to say I've been hoping for the same. It doesn't sound like wishful thinking too much!
    Last edited by chelsealouanne; 05-20-2018 at 12:00 PM.

  6. #1266
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Y'know, it was definitely an ordeal, and there was a lot of commiserating griping amongst strangers... and the lack of water was an issue... also, I think most people didn't quite realize what they were signing up for (I sure as fuck didn't).

    That said, it was a unique experience. It was a glimpse of a bygone era from when we didn't have everything at our fingertips, and fuck it, I made it. Sure, at the time, I was thinking to myself "Jesus Christ, I shoulda just bought a scalped ticket." But now, these things are gold, and I feel like I earned them.

    As a scalper deterrent, it isn't set up quite right unfortunately... the crew in front of me was already plotting on how to have the tickets they were buying "pay for themselves and then some." I kept my opinion to myself on that. There were a lot of good ideas going on there, but sure, it coulda been pulled off a bit more successfully... I guess it's to be expected that you'll have some hiccups when you're trying to resurrect inconvenience for nostalgia that only a portion of the crowd appreciates.

    Really though, this coulda worked with a bit more immediate payoff included, and at least twice the number of ticket vendors. There were some kiosks with headphones, food trucks, the photo op was cute... but really, let's look at efficiency. I sat there for nine hours, and even then, by that point only two of the four dates had sold out (and the Friday gig sold out RIGHT BEFORE I got to the vendor). The venue is 3700 capacity. You should be prepared to sell more than 14800 tickets within 9 hours.

    Maybe even do something like the way In N Out Burger handles long lines... have some guy walk up to the people parked in line and take their order, swipe their card, and then hand them a ticket for them to pick up their order. We still would have been there for a LONG time, we'd have gotten the experience. Ironically, I think a lot of the amenities and flair was overlooked because people were so focused on just maintaining their position in line. It felt like a cross between a dash of hardcore nostalgia and the worst day at the DMV ever.
    It's one thing for people that have never waited prolonged hours in line for something to be unprepared. Another to not have had the flexibility to get supplies. As well organized as the Palladium event was, except for the bs mobile line fiasco..., the barricades should've been open at the ends to at least let people out from time to time.

    Not sure if it's possible for them to take down and refund all the mobile tickets up or sale on StubHub, was very disappointing to see that yesterday knowing people were still in line waiting.

  7. #1267
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    Cold and Black and Infinite Fall Tour - 2018 Live Tour Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    What exactly was fun for you? Taking over 4 hours from the 10am start to get tickets is just plain unacceptable. That's what I went through, and there were people who had it far, far worse behind me.

    Hopefully this experiment dies after this weekend, but if Trent does do it again, they need to have an agreement with the promoter for many, many more people working the box office, and they need to try and move the early people along in their purchases quicker for the non-GA shows. The people earlier in the day at Radio City had a myriad of great seat options, and as such I think alot of them took their time (which is understandable considering how long they waited overnight). But that time started snowballing down the line, and grinded forward line movement to a halt. Really a garbage way to do an on-sale, and all to just get people talking about NIN on social media imo.
    I met some nice people in line; I enjoyed the anticipation of it; and I have had such shitty luck with Ticketmaster online since they've revamped their system that I was happy to have an alternative tested out, even if the motivation wasn't 100% (or even 50%) pure. It made me feel kind of young to endure that kind of nonsense for a couple of concert tickets. And I do feel, even though I am young enough to have grown up with the internet and AOL, that there are significant downsides to living life entirely through the internet rather than as an additional tool for real life, which is what it appeared to be when it was first available to consumers. It was nice to connect with other NIN fans, which I never really did as a kid, and get through an experience like this in the name of fandom.

    I do agree that there should have been more ticket windows, or possibly a second location, in NY and other cities with a huge population. I'd have been happier if I had been out of there after only two hours but there was something oddly kind of adventurous and fun about enduring it with other fans. I'll add that I am painfully shy in real life and it's always been a huge struggle for me to connect with people; this made it really easy. It's totally reasonable to think it was the dumbest idea ever, too, but to me and the online experience is really poorly done.
    Last edited by Pbgut; 05-20-2018 at 12:23 PM.

  8. #1268
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    Quote Originally Posted by Star View Post
    Yes, 30 years ago. I did it, most people did. But, what is wrong with tickets with our names on them at will call and going directly into the venue? For U2 last year we had to show the credit card we bought them with when going through the turnstiles. And any scalper and his employees can buy these tickets in person and resell them. It was a ridiculous idea and as someone said above it was just about creating buzz. The people who can buy them online now will not get great seats so why bother traveling for that if NIN is coming to your city? If they come to my city next time I will go but I will no longer travel to see them anywhere if I have to wait to buy tickets after in person sales.
    Fair enough. This was an experiment, not something NIN or the venues are used to. Let's see what happens next time.

  9. #1269
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    So I'm going to bitch about my experience because it's what Trent wants.

    I got to the Radio City line at midnight and was 82 in line according to some randos system for giving everyone a number. I have a slight suspicion that I actually met Sarah K underneath the awning of the NBC building for a hot second with potentially other ETS'ers at around 4am. But those were the only NIN fans I met the entire night.

    And that's my issue with this entire experience. I was on line for 10 hours surrounded by scalpers and trash people. I was excited to go hang out with some NIN fans, but all I got was an incredibly organized scalping operation. I'm pretty sure the scalpers created the number system because it legitimized their spots in line, allowing them to go home in groups and come back in groups at will. It felt like they bussed in 100 people at 8am with "numbers" to bum rush the front of the line.

    So it sounds like my experience was the minority, and other people enjoyed this. But the scalpers ruined it for me. I got lucky when the doors opened and ended up on a shorter box office line, so I got the tickets I wanted and my camp out was worth it. But it sucked to watch a scalper walk out bragging about getting front row both nights.

    I much preferred the system back in 2009 with NIN logins and tickets being tied to your ID. I think this experience put my fandom to the test and I don't think I'll do it again. I'll settle for whatever seats I can get next time.

  10. #1270
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    As for the "no lines before 8:00," how could that ever be enforced?

  11. #1271
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    As for the "no lines before 8:00," how could that ever be enforced?
    If promoters/venues told people to arrive early it might create legal liability. They would be responsible for providing security, and any unfortunate events might be blamed on them. What people do on their own about gathering in a public place is not their responsibility. I think this is why they can't really tell people to come early for a pre-line thing. At least that's my theory.

    Any enforcement prior to 8:00 would likely be at the discretion of local law enforcement, and follow applicable laws and city ordinances.
    Last edited by zero; 05-20-2018 at 02:23 PM.

  12. #1272
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    As for the "no lines before 8:00," how could that ever be enforced?
    And if it somehow was enforced, everyone would just be waiting around the corner with a mad dash to be first in line right at 8. Sounds like a recipe for disaster.

  13. #1273
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    As for the "no lines before 8:00," how could that ever be enforced?
    It can’t, or at least will vary by venue. Talked to the Live Nation guy about this in Boston. Outside the venue is public property, so unless Boston PD comes by and tells you to move, you don’t have to.

  14. #1274
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    One way around this could be for the venue to issue wristbands with a number (which you could pick up during the week prior to the show), and then have a raffle, calling a number at say, 9:00 am with tickets going on sale at 10:00 am. Your place in line would be totally random, so there would be no need to arrive super early. Maybe they could issue just enough wristbands to ensure you will get a ticket, assuming everyone would buy the maximum four, and the sell any leftovers online.

  15. #1275
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    Guess its my turn to bitch about why I hate this, i'm apologizing in advance if i fuck up and accidentally offend anyone

    Alright, first of all, im a very poor person. I don't have a job, I only get paid from Disability due to having both Aspergers and severe depression. But the thing is, because of all the bills and shit i have to buy keep myself from starving and living in a van down by the river, I only get to keep $50....a month.....thats it, with a 22$ check that comes every month so it's really $77. $77 a month isn't really gonna buy you shit really.

    Now mind you, I have no problems supporting Trent at all, I bought all of this with those $77, so it's not that I don't want to, but the evens and circumstances surrounding pricing and this stupid fucking "physical world" thing is a problem for me and im sure a lot of other people for a following number of reasons.

    Gas money. I'm not fucking driving all the way from Portland to Vegas, getting a ticket, driving all the way back...wait till the date, drive all the fucking way back when I could of only done it once. I get it, it's probably less likely to get ripped off, but, as i've already read, hasn't stopped from having scalpers.

    I dont drive. That's my mom who does that and she works. I dont think her job will let her take the day off to let me go see my favorite band, just a hunch

    Not everyone is social, and it's not because they are "on their fucking phone" all the time. I get it, he wants people to meet people and interact, I get it, he has good intentions with it. Problem is with me and a lot of people is that im Asocial (what people think Anti-Social means but it's actually not) and a recluse. There is a difference between "being lazy and not wanting to go out because your too fucking lazy" and "I don't want to go outside because I hate how people treated me, I hate most people and it physically makes me uncomfortable" which is what I have. Most of the social interaction is with stuff like you guys. Trust me, I would love to meet all you guys, honestly, I would (I'm so much easier to talk to IRL than online too)

    I'm still gonna buy Bad Witch, but unless some miracle happens and a closer date comes by, it's just not gonna happen, and it pisses me off because I WANT TO GO. I WANT TO GO SO FUCKING BADLY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

    So yeah, rant over. Sorry.

  16. #1276
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    Quote Originally Posted by R-Dot-Yung View Post
    So I'm going to bitch about my experience because it's what Trent wants.
    I have a slight suspicion that I actually met Sarah K underneath the awning of the NBC building for a hot second with potentially other ETS'ers at around 4am. But those were the only NIN fans I met the entire night.
    Ayyye, when we came across the street to get out of the rain for a bit? I was/am short and fat with glasses. I was wearing black pants and silver sparkly Puma shoes and like 9 sweatshirts at that point. I was with three dudes who, as far as I know, are not ETSers, and were just randoms I connected with in line.

  17. #1277
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    I did happen to see groups and groups of scalpers congregating together at around 5 pm outside Radio City yesterday. a legit meeting, swapping tickets, discussing prices etc.

  18. #1278
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    FOMO kicked in for me late Friday afternoon, so I called some friends to see about accommodations & drove up 7 hours to scope the situation because I wasn't sure about the "No Lineups Before 8am" verbiage. I arrived at 2am and was the 11th person in the queue (with only 1 or 2 Ticket Brokers in front of me).

    Thankfully, the weather was pleasant & I could catch some Zzz's without being worried.

    It seemed like the Atlanta folks were running terribly behind schedule. They had Whole Foods muffins, Kroger donuts, and some assorted beverages on a table at 8:30a, while the tables for Criminal Records, the listening station, and Merch were still being setup. Around 9a, someone finally posted the pricing structure with a layout of the venue (until that point, they just had a range of prices online). The blacked out areas are being held for the promoter or for technical/production use by the band, the venue didn't have 100% confirmation.

    I think they had everything put together at 9a, but didn't start to move the queue into the arcade until 9:50a.

    Looking at the setups for other cities, Atlanta seemed thrown together at the last minute (e.g., they didn't have any signs noting the listening station was playing new tracks, no area for a photo opportunity). If I were a local and didn't want to travel to another city to catch a performance, this experience was pretty cool and definitely kicks Ticketmaster's "Verified Fan" system in the balls. It was also nice to be able to select which specific seat I wanted instead of being given the "best available."

    Would I travel to do this again? Probably not (especially coming out of Florida).

    It will be interesting to see how many tickets (if any) are available for the eventual online sale. Regardless, I'm happy to be able to catch 5 shows for 2018.

  19. #1279
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    and then have a raffle, [...] Your place in line would be totally random,
    Fuck. That.

  20. #1280
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    I picked up a frame for my event litho today. I’ll probably take it to work and hang it up in my office.

  21. #1281
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    The impression I get is that the venue mattered in regards to peoples happiness with their experience. Ascend Ampitheatre in Nashville had their shit together so we had a good experience. It went smoothly.

  22. #1282
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    One way around this could be for the venue to issue wristbands with a number (which you could pick up during the week prior to the show), and then have a raffle, calling a number at say, 9:00 am with tickets going on sale at 10:00 am. Your place in line would be totally random, so there would be no need to arrive super early. Maybe they could issue just enough wristbands to ensure you will get a ticket, assuming everyone would buy the maximum four, and the sell any leftovers online.
    They actually did this back in the day, at least back in 2000 at a ticket outlet in the city I used to live in. KoRn were coming to town, and I guess it was buy your tickets in person or something? Because me and some people went down to an actual ticketing outlet in a mall and we were given wrist bands with a number on it and then right before the tickets went on sale, they held a raffle and pulled a number, which would correspond with whoever had that wristband. I was lucky, because my number was pulled first or second, something like that. So I got to go to the beginning of the line.

    It works if you're lucky lol. It's a decent method to prevent a bunch of people loitering overnight. It's a game of chance though. I'd rather get a good nights sleep and play a game of chance than stand in a line for 10 hrs overnight. But that's just me. I'm too old to be standing in a line from 2 or 3am onwards. I like my sleep. 13-15 yrs ago I would have been all about that nonsense. Now I like setting my alarm 5 mins before tickets go on sale, rolling out of bed, buying said tickets online and going back to bed lol.

  23. #1283
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    Quote Originally Posted by caca View Post
    I picked up a frame for my event litho today. I’ll probably take it to work and hang it up in my office.

    Looks great! How did you find one the exact size? Is the poster standard??

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  24. #1284
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    Cold and Black and Infinite Fall Tour - 2018 Live Tour Discussion

    Quote Originally Posted by Nellyrific View Post
    Looks great! How did you find one the exact size? Is the poster standard??

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Thanks! The poster is about 9 X 24 1/4, which doesn’t appear to be a standard size. The frame I picked up was like 10 X 25 3/4 (or something like that), but I bought some black poster board, cut it to size, and floated the poster on top of it.

    Michael’s had a 50% coupon, so the frame and poster board was only like $18.
    Last edited by caca; 05-20-2018 at 09:17 PM.

  25. #1285
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    Quote Originally Posted by FULLMETAL View Post
    FOMO kicked in for me late Friday afternoon, so I called some friends to see about accommodations & drove up 7 hours to scope the situation because I wasn't sure about the "No Lineups Before 8am" verbiage. I arrived at 2am and was the 11th person in the queue (with only 1 or 2 Ticket Brokers in front of me).

    Thankfully, the weather was pleasant & I could catch some Zzz's without being worried.

    It seemed like the Atlanta folks were running terribly behind schedule. They had Whole Foods muffins, Kroger donuts, and some assorted beverages on a table at 8:30a, while the tables for Criminal Records, the listening station, and Merch were still being setup. Around 9a, someone finally posted the pricing structure with a layout of the venue (until that point, they just had a range of prices online). The blacked out areas are being held for the promoter or for technical/production use by the band, the venue didn't have 100% confirmation.

    I think they had everything put together at 9a, but didn't start to move the queue into the arcade until 9:50a.

    Looking at the setups for other cities, Atlanta seemed thrown together at the last minute (e.g., they didn't have any signs noting the listening station was playing new tracks, no area for a photo opportunity). If I were a local and didn't want to travel to another city to catch a performance, this experience was pretty cool and definitely kicks Ticketmaster's "Verified Fan" system in the balls. It was also nice to be able to select which specific seat I wanted instead of being given the "best available."

    Would I travel to do this again? Probably not (especially coming out of Florida).

    It will be interesting to see how many tickets (if any) are available for the eventual online sale. Regardless, I'm happy to be able to catch 5 shows for 2018.
    What were you dressed in?

  26. #1286
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    Quote Originally Posted by caca View Post
    Thanks! The poster is about 9 X 24 1/4, which doesn’t appear to be a standard size. The frame I picked up was like 10 X 25 3/4 (or something like that), but I bought some black construction paper, cut it to size, and floated the poster on top of it.

    Michael’s had a 50% coupon, so the frame and construction paper was only like $18.
    I hope you specifically bought acid-free construction paper.

  27. #1287
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    Quote Originally Posted by R-Dot-Yung View Post
    So I'm going to bitch about my experience because it's what Trent wants.

    I got to the Radio City line at midnight and was 82 in line according to some randos system for giving everyone a number. I have a slight suspicion that I actually met Sarah K underneath the awning of the NBC building for a hot second with potentially other ETS'ers at around 4am. But those were the only NIN fans I met the entire night.

    And that's my issue with this entire experience. I was on line for 10 hours surrounded by scalpers and trash people. I was excited to go hang out with some NIN fans, but all I got was an incredibly organized scalping operation. I'm pretty sure the scalpers created the number system because it legitimized their spots in line, allowing them to go home in groups and come back in groups at will. It felt like they bussed in 100 people at 8am with "numbers" to bum rush the front of the line.

    So it sounds like my experience was the minority, and other people enjoyed this. But the scalpers ruined it for me. I got lucky when the doors opened and ended up on a shorter box office line, so I got the tickets I wanted and my camp out was worth it. But it sucked to watch a scalper walk out bragging about getting front row both nights.

    I much preferred the system back in 2009 with NIN logins and tickets being tied to your ID. I think this experience put my fandom to the test and I don't think I'll do it again. I'll settle for whatever seats I can get next time.
    yeah, the front of the line was pretty much scalpers. went early with a few old school ETSers and a few regular NIN fans, but only saw a handful of actual fans up front. pretty sure i saw sarah too, but wasn't entirely sure.

    the number system was dubious. for sure most of the people ahead went home and showed back up in the morning. the first page of the list conveniently disappeared as well. it was gross. i take SOME small pleasure, however, in inching my way past at LEAST ten of them when they made the official line, and got lucky at the box office with a faster lane than some of the others.

    also a small victory to beat the girl with her dog who was #100 on that crap list, had a "panic attack" and somehow was fifth in line all around.

    i do wish i met more actual fans. i'm sure people who showed up later (or "on time") probably had a better experience. all in all, while showing up insanely early the night broke the rules and felt "wrong" - i had an inkling scalpers would be out in full force.

    that all said, it was pretty fun. but was more about the adrenaline...
    Last edited by frankie teardrop; 05-20-2018 at 07:49 PM.

  28. #1288
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    Quote Originally Posted by otnavuskire View Post
    I hope you specifically bought acid-free construction paper.
    Good point! I’ll double check. If not, I’ll swap that out for acid free.

  29. #1289
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    Denver. Stood in line ALL DAY. Got row 25 for both nights. Met cool people and it still felt like half a day at work. #NoRegrets

  30. #1290
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    Quote Originally Posted by R-Dot-Yung View Post
    I much preferred the system back in 2009 with NIN logins and tickets being tied to your ID.
    ab-so-lutely. I certainly dont know the details on whether the powers that be thought that was successful... but i got great tickets every time from that system, and i didnt see those tickets getting scalped. The physical experiment did not discourage scalpers... it cranked up the value. For shows that sold out, now the tickets carry the value that only people able to spend 5-8 hours in that line got any.
    Last edited by spinz; 05-20-2018 at 07:58 PM.

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