Quote Originally Posted by niggo View Post
Not trying to be a kill-joy, but if you want to travel to a different country to see NIN you should definitely wait for other dates.

In 2014 the Zitadelle crowd was incredibly casual, people were talking throughout the whole show (some even turned their back to the stage) and the setting was mediocre at best. It starts pretty early and since it's open-air the whole show takes place in broad daylight and people don't really loosen up. It's kind of like a festival, but worse. I don't get why so many great artists go there (QOTSA played there, APC will play there too).

Again, I'm trying really hard not to complain too much, but IMO the Zitadelle sucks. A buddy of mine saw Massive Attack there and said the same thing. Just wanted to give you a heads-up.
While that is true I managed to get a good view later on with enjoyable people, so I had a blast in the end. The thing I liked most aboutthis particular show was that it was very heavy on the light show and we were treated with some rarely-played songs. Seeing them in London after that was especially nice since this way I saw two very different NIN shows on the same leg of the tour.

But yeah, for me that show is a no-brainer. It's a 4h drive to a city full of friends and some business opportunities for me, having a NIN show there is the icing on the cake. But I hope we will get some more dates in or closely around Germany.