Quote Originally Posted by iamclassic View Post
I'm not too thrilled about going up there, but I understand where he is coming from. Scalpers destroyed the Royal Albert Hall show and the Vegas shows. I assume he thinks that the scalpers will be minimal in person whereas online they run rampant. I don't know how long NIN thought about this but if you see their posts after the RAH show, it's apparent that it frustrated them.

Now I do wish that they would do something like make your name at the show match the card / id and stuff instead of making us go out there. On the other hand, this could just be a really special event that is part of the album.
I've said this already, but putting the person's name that buys the tickets on the tickets would go a VERY long way to cutting out the scalpers. Having to show ID at entry is the best way to do this. I'm fine with the in person thing they are doing, but it needs to be coupled with names on tickets. I still think you are going to see a lot of scalpers in the physical line...