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Thread: Add Violence Back Cover...ARG?

  1. #721
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xvostya View Post
    Did it with cardboard yesterday, heh.
    Well... revelations aren't there. At least for me. Will you try?
    I'll try after work. Might have to wait for the hubby if I can't figure it out. He's the master of occulus.

  2. #722
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    Quote Originally Posted by astfgyl View Post
    So...... far nobody has found anything that leads to anything beyond the YZ reference in the video.

    I have a feeling that we are all missing something glaringly obvious.

    Are those scratch marks on the anxiety meter the same ones on the physical component? I put my component in the oven this morning and nothing happened. I have it in the freezer now but probably also nothing. I have been thinking about the black stuff on the PC, and I'm wondering if it was some sort of deterrent to actually handling the thing. TR surely knew that we would all handle with extreme care and probably try to preserve it as much as possible in its initial state. Maybe the answer/hint will come from handling the shit out of it.

    I also think there is something going on with the Burning Bright video. And something to come from the transparency in the PC. Something in those scratches I think but I am stumped.

    Regarding the back cover thing, I haven't seen anything that leads to anything but he basically told us there was something there so I will keep looking.

    Lastly, this is all great fun.

    Edit: 2 hours in the freezer and nothing to see there. Next to handle the shit out of it.
    Well I think Null Corp is Trent and Atticus for movie scores not NIN. However I think the thermographic paint vids have to be something. If not the NTAE physical component maybe the reissued LP's? Has any tried any of those techniques on the reissued remastered?

  3. #723
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    Quote Originally Posted by tadbot View Post
    The Burning Bright video also reminds me of these books that I had as a kid:
    These books contained regular black&white illustrations on paper, but the books also came with a transparent, acetate sheet with a moire pattern on it (very similar to the NTAE physical component). When you put the sheet over one of the illustrations, and moved the sheet back&forth, the illustration looked 'animated' due to the moire effect.
    Some more info/videos of this effect in action:
    I was actually thinking of this too. TV on the Radio used this in their Seeds vinyl; it's a very neat effect and I really want to get home and do all I can with the PC and Burning Bright video.

  4. #724
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    Quote Originally Posted by mexicoler View Post
    maybe it is us who have to be fun for trent now.

    the tables have turned, he is now our fan
    You know Trent lurks here. He is probably reading this Laughing his ass off at us all.

  5. #725
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesd553 View Post
    Well I think Null Corp is Trent and Atticus for movie scores not NIN. However I think the thermographic paint vids have to be something. If not the NTAE physical component maybe the reissued LP's? Has any tried any of those techniques on the reissued remastered?
    The only one we have gotten so far is Deviations 1, I'll look at mine when I get home to see if there is anything that looks out of place not sure about trying these techniques though, don't want to ruin it.

  6. #726
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    on the burning bright video:

    it certainly looks like it would hold something special, but i'm scared to say, we might be falling into pareidolia trying to work within the resources we have available so far. a lot has been given for our interpretation - not that much has been giving for straight-up decoding.

    to me it's apparent that this is an official ARG, it just doesn't dive that deep immersive-wise (the websites and phone numbers) as it explains things on a bigger scale with less resources. but we can certainly expect more trails on the next couple of days, even some tonight. (i kinda want trent to open up the gig playing HYPERPOWER!, that'd be awesome.)

    but something tingles me about the events leading up to the 3rd EP, tho. if add violence explains not the actual events (listening to NTAE is now 10x more of a catharsis), what will the third EP explain from add violence? or NTAE? ...or year zero?

    i have a hunch we're merely scratching the surface so far. third EP promotional stunts will blow shit up to another level.

  7. #727
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graceless View Post
    I feel the same way. I woke up this morning with an idea in my head that the machine and all the settings were pointing us toward a future event that has yet to happen. We've been primarily focused so far on the idea that a simulation has already been running - what if it hasn't started yet? I felt like I was really on to something when I first woke up, but now it's been a few hours and I have mostly forgotten what had me so excited.

    I still think the meter readings on the back cover could lead us somewhere, but I'm too clueless to figure it out. Same with the weird van.
    My first thought with 2022 was elections based. In 2022, all US House seats are up for election, many Senate and it will be the first election after the next redistricting period (always huge).

  8. #728
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    Quote Originally Posted by arsenic View Post
    Yep, it has nothing to do with NIN. I already debunked it in the ntae thread a while back
    Sorry. I tried searching but no results for this were brought back. I didn't want this to be missed if it actually was something.

  9. #729
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    Quote Originally Posted by mexicoler View Post
    on the burning bright video:

    it certainly looks like it would hold something special, but i'm scared to say, we might be falling into pareidolia trying to work within the resources we have available so far. a lot has been given for our interpretation - not that much has been giving for straight-up decoding.
    I agree that we haven't found anything meaningful yet, but I do think there is something in there. When we figure out the right thing to do (whether that's 3D glasses, use of the physical component, or whatever), I suspect the meaning will be obvious. Vague hints at lettering, whether actual or the result of pareidolia, are not how we're going to solve this. There's something we're meant to do, and we haven't done it yet. We may not even have the tools we need. It could requires something that will be revealed tonight at the show, or something from the Add Violence physical component.
    Last edited by Malashaan; 07-19-2017 at 01:05 PM.

  10. #730
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    New to the forum, been a long time lurker. Remember the YZ days quite well and trying to stay caught up with the ARG going on at that time. Really pretty stoked to see if this new ARG is a real thing or just chasing our tails.

    Haven't really seen it mentioned before, but thought it was a good time to bring it up since folks seem to be looking at the Burning Bright video. There is all kinds of hidden things in the Less Than video. I'm trying to grab as much as I can, but so far this is the only one that I got legible enough to post.

    I'll keep digging, but it looks like there's quite a bit of stuff there.

  11. #731
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    Quote Originally Posted by mexicoler View Post
    on the burning bright video:

    it certainly looks like it would hold something special, but i'm scared to say, we might be falling into pareidolia trying to work within the resources we have available so far. a lot has been given for our interpretation - not that much has been giving for straight-up decoding.

    to me it's apparent that this is an official ARG, it just doesn't dive that deep immersive-wise (the websites and phone numbers) as it explains things on a bigger scale with less resources. but we can certainly expect more trails on the next couple of days, even some tonight. (i kinda want trent to open up the gig playing HYPERPOWER!, that'd be awesome.)

    but something tingles me about the events leading up to the 3rd EP, tho. if add violence explains not the actual events (listening to NTAE is now 10x more of a catharsis), what will the third EP explain from add violence? or NTAE? ...or year zero?

    i have a hunch we're merely scratching the surface so far. third EP promotional stunts will blow shit up to another level.
    I definitely could see this happening, but it's fun so I will just keep picking away until more is revealed. I agree that this is likely ARG with the TITP video relating to 42 Entertainment, along with the Cedocore connection. I'm sure if we were being patient (me, I'm not), we would find ourselves with more information, as you said, over the next few days. Also, I had the same thought yesterday that it would be amazing for HYPERPOWER! to be the opener.

  12. #732
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malashaan View Post
    I agree that we haven't found anything meaningful yet, but I do think there is something in there. When we figure out the right thing to do (whether that's 3D glasses, use of the physical component, or whatever), I suspect the meaning will be obvious. Vague hints at lettering, whether actual or the result of pareidolia, are not how we're going to solve this. There's something we're meant to do, and we haven't done it yet.
    i agree there's something we're meant to do... but i don't think we have the clue/resource to do it yet. i think we might need something that hasn't been handed over.

    the add violence physical component seems more key than ever, maybe. unless we can indeed do the thing with the NTAE component transparent sheets over some frames and that reveals something. it seems coherent. has anyone tried it yet?

  13. #733
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malashaan View Post
    I agree that we haven't found anything meaningful yet, but I do think there is something in there. When we figure out the right thing to do (whether that's 3D glasses, use of the physical component, or whatever), I suspect the meaning will be obvious. Vague hints at lettering, whether actual or the result of pareidolia, are not how we're going to solve this. There's something we're meant to do, and we haven't done it yet.
    I agree. Pareidolia isn't a good source of info. When i first tried to see something in this video, i started seeing things. Like crowds and cars and trees. Now i think there's either nothing and it was made to be this way, without any useful information (and in this case the actual hint or a piece of useful info from this video would be pareidolia itself), OR yeah, i kind of wrote it the post before, we might need some special software/something else yet to be discovered
    Last edited by define; 07-19-2017 at 01:13 PM.

  14. #734
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hesitation_Marks View Post
    If I remember correctly there is 1 P, 1 Q, and 5 S, but I don't have them in front of me right now.

    Can anyone dream up any significance of them being blocked like that?
    I noticed the block characters on mine too. My best guess is that it's a representation of non letter characters. The "S" seems to be an apostrophe; "P" and "Q" are openning and closing quotes.

  15. #735
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    Quote Originally Posted by bgalbraith View Post
    Computational Neuroscientist here. Not to deflate the enthusiasm for finding meaning in the video, but be careful thinking you are seeing real things. The brain is conditioned to look for patterns and, in the presence of constant or information free (i.e. fully random) inputs, will begin hallucinating them (e.g.

    I've looked frame-by-frame at segments of the video, and as I posted earlier, they don't appear correlated, they look like noise, but generated from something like Perlin noise ( There are indeed what appear to be sharp ridges, which may just be the effect of tweaking parameters in the noise generator, not meaningful signal being masked out.
    Ultimately, I believe you are right in that the video is intended to induce hallucinations. I think that is the point. To make you question if what you are seeing is actually real. It's actually a little unnerving to watch at times.

    I don't believe that frame by frame analysis is going to reveal anything because it's the motion of all the layers that are making the effects happen in your mind. It's possible that I am hallucinating seeing the phrase in the video (however, that word I was trying to see when I first saw the letters was 'FRAGLILITY').

  16. #736
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    If the add violence physical component is required, and their shipping patterns are consistent, the arg is as good as dead. We might see that in 6 months... I certainly won't be holding my breath.

  17. #737
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    Well, I just put a NTAE physical component in my goddamn freezer.

    Let's see what happens.

    Fuck you, Trent.

  18. #738
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    Quote Originally Posted by LiquidEngineer View Post
    If the add violence physical component is required, and their shipping patterns are consistent, the arg is as good as dead. We might see that in 6 months... I certainly won't be holding my breath.
    i think even trent might be nervous about that. let's hope the distribution brand trade keeps things smoothen out.

  19. #739
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    Quote Originally Posted by paul_guyet View Post
    Well, I just put a NTAE physical component in my goddamn freezer.

    Let's see what happens.

    Fuck you, Trent.
    The things we do for Trent.

  20. #740
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    Quote Originally Posted by Filmnikita View Post
    My first thought with 2022 was elections based.
    Of course it was. Nerd.

  21. #741
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    Quote Originally Posted by paul_guyet View Post
    Well, I just put a NTAE physical component in my goddamn freezer.

    Let's see what happens.

    Fuck you, Trent.
    done before, nothing showed up. you can save yourself the work on this one

  22. #742
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    Quote Originally Posted by mexicoler View Post
    i think even trent might be nervous about that. let's hope the distribution brand trade keeps things smoothen out.
    sorry. Couldn't help myself.

  23. #743
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    Quote Originally Posted by LiquidEngineer View Post
    If the add violence physical component is required, and their shipping patterns are consistent, the arg is as good as dead. We might see that in 6 months... I certainly won't be holding my breath.
    What we (collective community) currently have:
    NTAE PC component and it's different variations
    Burning Bright video
    Less Than Video
    This Isn't the Place Video
    Back cover

    What we will have soon:
    Exclusive show poster that everyone who attends concert will get

    The key to all of this:
    The van, 100% the van.
    Last edited by izo; 07-19-2017 at 01:28 PM.

  24. #744
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    Quote Originally Posted by paul_guyet View Post
    Well, I just put a NTAE physical component in my goddamn freezer.

    Let's see what happens.

    Fuck you, Trent.

    I think someone said they already did this and got nothing, they also warmed it up with a hair dryer, lol.

  25. #745
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    Quote Originally Posted by mexicoler View Post
    done before, nothing showed up. you can save yourself the work on this one

    I am now removing my NTAE physical component from my goddamn freezer.

    Uh...asking for a friend...anyone try putting their NTAE physical component in the microwave?

  26. #746
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    Quote Originally Posted by mexicoler View Post
    i think even trent might be nervous about that. let's hope the distribution brand trade keeps things smoothen out.
    I actually found the ship dates for all of the Add Violence merch to be surprisingly soon, which makes me think they are confident they have this all figured out and ready to go. Fingers crossed we will all have our next PC in 3 weeks or so.

  27. #747
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    Quote Originally Posted by izo View Post
    What we (collective community) currently have:
    NTAE PC component and it's different variations
    Burning Bright video
    Less Than Video
    This Isn't the Place Video

    What we will have soon:
    Exclusive show poster that everyone who attends concert will get

    The key to all of this:
    The van, 100% the van.
    The back cover of Add violence...

    I think the van is a coincidence.

  28. #748
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    I think the interesting possible link back as well is with all this talk of temperature reactive paint, the year zero cd was heat reactive. It started black and heat made the front change colour..

  29. #749
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    Quote Originally Posted by grime_z View Post
    I think the interesting possible link back as well is with all this talk of temperature reactive paint, the year zero cd was heat reactive. It started black and heat made the front change colour..
    COMPLETELY forgot about this! Thanks for the reminder! That was such a neat effect. Fun story: my sister, who also bought herself the Year Zero cd, thought upon taking the disc out of her player that there were actually two discs, and she couldn't find the other one. I politely informed her of her error :P

  30. #750
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theodora View Post
    The back cover of Add violence...

    I think the van is a coincidence.
    Listing the van was tongue in cheek but boy oh boy do I hope it is actually involved. I'll update my original post to include back cover

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