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Thread: ADD VIOLENCE Physical Component

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcspiral View Post
    Maybe I worded that wrong. Try Googling the phrase "product lookup by serial number". Don't put in any numbers, just that phrase and see what the first result is.
    Nope, I understood you the first time. I'll admit that I did google my serial number just for giggles (nothing there either), but I meant to say that I tried it on the web site you're referring to. Such a familiar name...

    I wonder if Panel "K" has any significance. Nothing springs to mind.

  2. #62
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    My first thought, with the idea of YZ being a simulation, and possibly Add Violence being the outside of the simulation, and maybe the protagonist is realizing that they are a sim... I think the philosophical "Allegory of the Cave" might be applicable?
    I'll quote from Wikipedia..

    Plato has Socrates describe a group of people who have lived chained to the wall of a cave all of their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall from objects passing in front of a fire behind them, and give names to these shadows. The shadows are the prisoners' reality. Socrates explains how the philosopher is like a prisoner who is freed from the cave and comes to understand that the shadows on the wall are not reality at all, for he can perceive the true form of reality rather than the manufactured reality that is the shadows seen by the prisoners. The inmates of this place do not even desire to leave their prison; for they know no better life. The prisoners manage to break their bonds one day, and discover that their reality was not what they thought it was. They discovered the sun, which Plato uses as an analogy for the fire that man cannot see behind. Like the fire that cast light on the walls of the cave, the human condition is forever bound to the impressions that are received through the senses.
    That was my first thought, seeing CAVE there. I think it applies... if you're a sim, you don't realize there's more. And if it's a good simulation, you're never even going to look for more. You might think you're crazy, or dreaming, because your senses are what inform you, so what is informing your senses? The programming of the simulation. Until you...wake up? Or, in the terms of the physical component "self aware substructures" if I am reading it all correctly.

  3. #63
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    Just got mine in the mail today, and I sit here watching the news, reading the words in the PC...looking at these Add Violence stickers...my Deviance, Self-Awareness and Anxiety things, back up to the news...looking at the machine diagram, back up to the news...*sigh* Right on the money, NIN & 42E. Right. On. The. $.

  4. #64
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    Hmm I got Add Violence, Overstimulate and Deviance i guess i am missing one? And where is the serial number located?

  5. #65
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    So if YZ is a simulation running on one of many machines — no need for serial numbers otherwise — are we now seeing a broader picture? Maybe YZ in itself wasn't all that significant?

    Ignore me if this has all been hashed out before. I've been away for a while but finally got dragged down here again because this PC has tickled my imagination way more than NTAE's did.

    That was just me caaaaarefully opening the package inside a garbage bag. Hope the powder wasn't a critical component of all this, because there ain't no way I was keeping that stuff around ... <shudder>

  6. #66
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    I'd really like to get a ziplock bag in a size to accommodate my NTAE PC, just like the one that came with AV. I think that would suit the NATE PC well, kind of looks like a evidence baggie.

    Plus it would look like the 2 PCs go together. Maybe I'm just being weird.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. #67
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    Is it still too early to email sandbag about the pc not showing up?

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Is it still too early to email sandbag about the pc not showing up?
    Well I live in ny and sandbag is in pa, I just got my PC today.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Star View Post
    Hmm I got Add Violence, Overstimulate and Deviance i guess i am missing one? And where is the serial number located?
    So far we've seen nine distinct plastic labels, which I've listed here: http://www.echoingthesound.org/commu...337#post371337

    Which ones you get seems pretty arbitrary; if you wanted all nine you'd have to buy at least three components.

    As for the serial number, it's on one of the cardboard overleaf pages that folds out.

  10. #70
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    I live in Jersey and haven't received it yet. I did get an email with a tracking number saying it left Sandbag's facility on Monday morning. According to USPS, they haven't received it yet. And I just checked, and that tracking number is for my original order which included TDS Definitive Edition and NTAE LP. But who the fuck knows nowadays/

  11. #71
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    Eastern PA, ordered late, and mine just showed up today.

  12. #72
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    Is the "simulation" theory new with the EPs or did this exist in YZ? I recall YZ being set in the future with messages being sent via wormholes. Please explain what is being simulated in the theory and who's in the simulator.

    THANK YOU in advance. I'm loving all of this but am missing the connection.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by xolotl View Post
    So far we've seen nine distinct plastic labels, which I've listed here: http://www.echoingthesound.org/commu...337#post371337

    Which ones you get seems pretty arbitrary; if you wanted all nine you'd have to buy at least three components.

    As for the serial number, it's on one of the cardboard overleaf pages that folds out.
    I guess I misread I saw people got 3 extra (i got two) with the Add Violence stickers and I see the serial number is on the back of the red cardboard. Thanks!

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by ericy210 View Post
    Is the "simulation" theory new with the EPs or did this exist in YZ? I recall YZ being set in the future with messages being sent via wormholes. Please explain what is being simulated in the theory and who's in the simulator.

    THANK YOU in advance. I'm loving all of this but am missing the connection.
    The theory is new to ADD VIOLENCE specifically; the first real indication it tied into YZ was, I believe, the front cover of AV, though it was really the back cover (and This Isn't The Place video) which really gave fuel to it, what with indicators for "Presence" and stuff on the equipment. I believe the main thrust of it is that YZ's universe (and perhaps even our own?!?!) was a simulation being run inside these things, with some unknown entity tweaking parameters at will.

    My pet theory is that whoever's running the simulations isn't aware that their own reality is getting subtly altered by the simulations as well, by way of explaining differences between the equipment shown in the cover vs. video, but that could also be explained away by hardware revisions, as implied by the AV PC.

  15. #75
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    In the PC, it says there are 4 controller ports for the presence.. So you think that means like people plug in a controller and get to move around the presence in the simulation? In YZ there were reports of the presence being seen all over the globe so maybe 4 ports = 4 presences in the simulation at once. Also there are 4 ports under the "anxiety" dial as well. Just an observation lol

  16. #76
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    Fun times. Devil's advocate:

    Quote Originally Posted by Joy Prevention Hotline View Post
    So if YZ is a simulation running on one of many machines — no need for serial numbers otherwise — are we now seeing a broader picture? Maybe YZ in itself wasn't all that significant?
    We do not know if there are different machines running multiple simulations, only that Panel K seems to be important for the time being. All of the panels/machines could perform a different function while still being part of a single process (in this case, a [repeated] simulated reality). There are nods/clues to a simulated reality being systemic in the Nine Inch Nails universe, but there is no real context at this point. Reverse songs, operational functions referencing old song titles/lyrics, and "bleedthrough" of past lyrical/musical motifs.

    I took the serial number to be a means of individuality for humans operating within the simulated environment.

    Quote Originally Posted by xolotl View Post
    My pet theory is that whoever's running the simulations isn't aware that their own reality is getting subtly altered by the simulations as well, by way of explaining differences between the equipment shown in the cover vs. video, but that could also be explained away by hardware revisions, as implied by the AV PC.
    There is no mention of hardware updates/revisions, only firmware.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
    There is no mention of hardware updates/revisions, only firmware.
    Yeah, I was making some possibly dangerous logical jumps there, but I would expect to see some hardware drift over time. Presumably there's model numbers 1.0.00 through 23.0.00 out there, etc.

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Star View Post
    I guess I misread I saw people got 3 extra (i got two) with the Add Violence stickers and I see the serial number is on the back of the red cardboard. Thanks!
    I only got two as well and they both are Anxiety.

    Edit: I was wrong, the 3rd one was just stuck in the pocket.
    Last edited by fallenturtle; 08-16-2017 at 10:56 AM.

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrokenSpiral View Post
    Are the stickers different in all of them? Mine all say ADD VIOLENCE
    Mine say ITS COCKLIKE

  20. #80
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  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle View Post
    Mine say ITS COCKLIKE
    You win.

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle View Post
    Mine say ITS COCKLIKE
    I want pics
    I'll show you mine, if you show me yours!

    (Spoilers if you click mine above)
    Last edited by OSLIN; 08-16-2017 at 12:59 PM. Reason: The Warning

  23. #83
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    I haven't been following this thread at all but here is one of my copies of the PC:


  24. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotoriousTIMP View Post
    I haven't been following this thread at all but here is one of my copies of the PC:

    Mine is exactly the same except for the serial number.

    Quick and funny side note; my PC smells like new car lol.

  25. #85
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    I finally received mine. It was sitting outside on my doorstep, which makes me think my very unreliable mailperson gave it to the wrong person. Again. So, I took it to work with me and took a look at it on break. It's nice. And it smells nice on top of everything else. Sometimes, when you buy a new CD, the booklet has this really bad smell, and that affects me. I got the Disorder, Amplify chaos, Submission variation. It's fun to imagine the sort of simulation that is being run, and why someone would need a medication while running it. This has been a good release.

  26. #86
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    Quick question, has anybody attempted to rub the powder from the first PC onto the pages of the second PC?
    TR hinted that the second PC would make things a little clearer, just a shot in the dark.

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by mostlymad View Post
    I got the Disorder, Amplify chaos, Submission variation.
    So there are differences. I will look at the 2nd PC I ordered tonight to see if I got two of the same or not

  28. #88
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    So Panel "K" is Sociobehavioral Settings and Basic Controlls...

    Seems like each panel is focused on a certain aspect of civilization. This basically looks like a God machine. You run a really big version of the Sims and try to adjust variables to find the "sweet spot" where your civilization manages to reach "3" on the Kardashev scale, at which point they "transcend". If the people in your world start acting like jerks it starts counting down to their self-destruction however it can be averted (you plug in your controller, reach your fucking arm through, and push those little bastards down).
    I wonder what the other panels control... Perhaps the physical properties of the world like how strong gravity is and whether light has a fixed speed? Weather, or other environmental factors? A dial to turn up or dim the sun?

  29. #89
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    Also, I hope someone has overlaid the transparent cards from NTAE over the AV booklet...

  30. #90
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    So I'm just wondering if anyone in the UK Received their AV PC yet? I ordered patches at the same time which arrived last Friday (post mark said it came from the UK warehouse) but no physical component yet... When I emailed them today they said it was shipped with USPS on a non trackable service. I asked where about in the US it had shipped from so I could at least estimate shipping time but they "Didn't know" where it was shipping from... I'm trying to avoid massive spoilers as I want to soak it in for myself before I dive into the speculation but don't know what is a reasonable amount of time to wait...

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