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Thread: Outbursts of Joy!

  1. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    I put my ear to my wife's belly today and could hear our son hiccuping. Weird but awesome!
    Just wait till he stick up and knee or an elbow like a freaking alien.

    Oh wait, baby naming. How about Stan Fixer?

  2. #152
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    This week has been full of successful comedy performances. Stand-up, internet short films, guest appearances in bands' concerts... I've been doing it all lately. I'm slowly becoming a household name as a "funny guy" in Greece. I've been a lonely artist for years, and now I'm having so much fun entertaining people all week.

  3. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    Just wait till he stick up and knee or an elbow like a freaking alien.

    Oh wait, baby naming. How about Stan Fixer?
    That's happened, it was fucking weird but cool! Also, we're thinking "Emmett Bowie" so far...

  4. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    Also, we're thinking "Emmett Bowie" so far...
    Is his nickname going to be Doc?

  5. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by themethatyouknow View Post
    Is his nickname going to be Doc?
    That or Ziggy.

  6. #156
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    Got my motorcycle license! Now onto bike shopping. Frustrating and exciting at the same time. Thinking about a Yamaha R6 or something.

  7. #157
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    My friend who's been battling colon/liver/bone cancer for the past two years got a call from his oncologist today and all the growths/lesions are shrinking!!!! I seriously almost burst into tears when he told me.

    We've come to the conclusion that the best treatment for C/L/B cancer is a combination of chemo, radiation, experimental meds, Thai food, rattlesnake pills, pot and dead monkey jokes. Book to follow.

  8. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    My friend who's been battling colon/liver/bone cancer for the past two years got a call from his oncologist today and all the growths/lesions are shrinking!!!! I seriously almost burst into tears when he told me.

    We've come to the conclusion that the best treatment for C/L/B cancer is a combination of chemo, radiation, experimental meds, Thai food, rattlesnake pills, pot and dead monkey jokes. Book to follow.
    That's amazing. Liver is like THE death sentence. I'm surprised you don't have yoga, meditation or sex on the list. I'm super happy Thai food is on there.

  9. #159
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    Bonus check next week! Yay!!

    Company I've worked for over 17 years bled off my division to another company who is now offering us all same job, same location at same pay with comparable benefits. Whew!

  10. #160
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    Woke up in a good mood, it's been a while really, obviously much has to do with your attitude, i'm doing my best to have a good attitude and to take good and bad in life equally...

  11. #161
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    I have a job interview in 30 minutes! Stoked! Scared! Excited! Ahhhhh!
    I want this job so bad, I need to get out of my current one before I lose all my empathy for people and become an emotionless husk of a person. It would also be a massive improvement in my schedule, I'd actually see people again (I work second shift at the moment and don't even see my girlfriend most of the week despite living with her).


  12. #162
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    Good luck! Be relaxed

  13. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by darktemplar007 View Post
    I have a job interview in 30 minutes! Stoked! Scared! Excited! Ahhhhh!
    I want this job so bad, I need to get out of my current one before I lose all my empathy for people and become an emotionless husk of a person. It would also be a massive improvement in my schedule, I'd actually see people again (I work second shift at the moment and don't even see my girlfriend most of the week despite living with her).

    I've got one in a few days too. It's via FaceTime. Not thrilled about that.

  14. #164
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    My girlfriend just got the job she so badly wanted as an advocate at a not for profit women's crisis center. I'm so proud of her! I might take her for a night away in Old Montreal tomorrow night to celebrate.

  15. #165
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    I think I might be falling in love again after a good 4 years. Or at the least that specific wall that has build around me is seeing some clear cracks, and that's a giant leap for me, no matter how small it might seem.
    Last edited by profane; 03-18-2015 at 07:30 PM. Reason: Specificness.

  16. #166
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    i saw a fireball meteor when we were aurora borealis hunting mid week, last week. it was fucking incredible. literally a flaming ball across the sky with a flaming tail. it broke, the front half blazed on further, the back half blazed out. oh man. i keep getting flash backs (no pun) and just grinning like a madwoman. it was epic.

  17. #167
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    I just booked business class to London, return through Paris!!!!!! $12,000 value, used frequent flyer points.

    Ok, now what do I do when I get there... Hmmmmmmm

  18. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    I just booked business class to London, return through Paris!!!!!! $12,000 value, used frequent flyer points.

    Ok, now what do I do when I get there... Hmmmmmmm
    I am so unbelievably jealous right now.

  19. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    I am so unbelievably jealous right now.
    Well it's 8 months out. If things don't work out with the BF, I'll take you.

  20. #170
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    You got a deal.

  21. #171
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    My son is starting to giggle and grin at us!

  22. #172
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    Fuck it, why not share this. The past 10 months of my life went from something really devastating to pure bliss. Yes, bliss. I didn't start a new life or whatever. I didn't die. My ego did though. Best thing to happen ever. I stabbed it, screamed at it, wrestled it, choked it and put it to it's full time six feet under bed. Gone. Negativity will always be somewhere, and that's okay. I just keep firm limitations on that because it's of no use. The past (yes also the 10 seconds that are past now) is gone and the future is only to be planned or dreamt of. For that is all we ever have. The now. Since then I took every single challenge as a lesson, or even so, a gift. And man, all the awesomeness that keeps on coming from that goes way beyond me. There are moments that I think this isn't real, but it's very much so. I'm even giving the sun a challenge at shining. What I want to say with this is the following: Life is your own personal canvas and your actions the pencil. Use it wisely. It's wonderful.

  23. #173
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    Got my first, first-author academic paper published! Now I finally have real context for the dreaded "Reviewer#2."

  24. #174
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    Mardi Gras is on my birthday next year!

  25. #175
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    I'm in BRASIL!!!! Hoooome after nine years!!!

  26. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by profane View Post
    Fuck it, why not share this. The past 10 months of my life went from something really devastating to pure bliss. Yes, bliss. I didn't start a new life or whatever. I didn't die. My ego did though. Best thing to happen ever. I stabbed it, screamed at it, wrestled it, choked it and put it to it's full time six feet under bed. Gone. Negativity will always be somewhere, and that's okay. I just keep firm limitations on that because it's of no use. The past (yes also the 10 seconds that are past now) is gone and the future is only to be planned or dreamt of. For that is all we ever have. The now. Since then I took every single challenge as a lesson, or even so, a gift. And man, all the awesomeness that keeps on coming from that goes way beyond me. There are moments that I think this isn't real, but it's very much so. I'm even giving the sun a challenge at shining. What I want to say with this is the following: Life is your own personal canvas and your actions the pencil. Use it wisely. It's wonderful.
    This is fucking amazing. How did you get there? Spiritually? I wish to feel this way too. Also I'm happy for you. I know we've never talked nut but still.

  27. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    This is fucking amazing. How did you get there? Spiritually? I wish to feel this way too. Also I'm happy for you. I know we've never talked nut but still.
    Yeah, spiritually indeed.
    But not in that full blown new age sense. Well, there are many things in there that I came to realize for myself.
    But it's really kinda simple.

    What started it all was the event of my best friend 'disappearing' from my life when she jumped head on, high speed into a relationship. She didn't even contacted her family that much anymore.

    Anyway, the first few months were really tough. But as time past I came to realize that I don't need to depend on someone meaningful or anyone else for that matter. I can do and can overcome and succeed in anything just by myself. Also my creativity began to spark again.
    I began writing lyrics again, fully drawing from what happened and what that event slowly set in motion.
    I made a story from it, and ended up with 7 great lyrics and also a lot of garbage 😅
    And the music to those lyrics was already in my head.
    So I thought, let's contact this one multi-instrumentalist I know and see if we can work on this. Just us two and not a full band like always ended up in shit in the past. So now there's a band named 'hollowcoast' coined by my best friend during the time when I was looking for a name for the band I had then. That name just clicked with what I had written and envisioned for everything around it.

    During all this I also rekindled with a friend I hadn't seen for over 3 years and fell madly in love with her.
    But that's a different story up until this day. But very much positive 😊

    I'm kinda derailing from the point here,
    But it comes down to just being positive even when negative things happen or if you had a shitty day, week, ...
    Just seeing all those things as a lesson and live in the moment.
    Not in the past. Just learn from it, anything else about it is gone.
    Don't worry about the future for it doesn't exist in this moment.

    It's definitely not as easy as I make it seem. I still have shitty days, sometimes feel bad, get angry and such. But that's okay, it balance's those high peaks out and makes them that much more to be appreciated.

    You can definitely let the universe work for you, with you. I don't take that as mumbo jumbo anymore.

    And also thank you for your kind words elevenism I hope all this makes any kind of sense.

    Best wishes for you!

    Oh yeah, and destroy that ego.
    It will always work against you.
    Last edited by profane; 08-24-2015 at 06:05 PM.

  28. #178
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    Hell yeah @profane . It does make sense and you've given me some things to think about. Btw did you know that ego deflation is a big part of twelve step recovery? Also if you look at my profile , I call romantic love a "blissfully urgent mutual crucifixion of ego" "Ahhh, love is beautiful. Speaking of which, MY WIFE IS GETTING BETTER! !! She is reading books! She wrote me a letter! She said something without being spoken to! She took a shower without me having to remind her! And best of all, WE'VE BEEN HAVING CONVERSATIONS NOW AND THEN! I am so happy about this. Nine months ago she was dying in my arms. THEN they couldn't stabilize her in the ambulance for forty five minutes. Then they were telling me that she may not wake up and that if she did, she may be a vegetable. But she woke up and it was the happiest moment of my life. She hasn't talked much beyond yes and no. She's had trouble with some activities of daily living and half her memories are gone, but she's still the love of my life and sHe's ALIVE. But now she's coming back to me! She can read and write and talk with me! And good lord I'm in tears now. But they are tears of joy!
    Last edited by elevenism; 08-24-2015 at 06:52 PM.

  29. #179
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    Glad that you can think about this stuff @elevenism !
    I'm not aware about your situation with your wife, but to read what you've written is also a joy to me!

  30. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by profane View Post
    Glad that you can think about this stuff @elevenism !
    I'm not aware about your situation with your wife, but to read what you've written is also a joy to me!
    Right on. She had a febrile seizure and a bad case of meningitis back in December. She went into it brilliant, talkative, opinionated. She came out of it struggling to remember the simplest words and phrases. We didn't have a conversation for six months. Also she only spoke when she was spoken to, and even that was pulling teeth. .. getting her to say yes or no about something. She prefers t to shake her head yes or no. But suddenly a lot of the fog has lifted. Now she still DAMN sure ain't the same. But amazingly, she is sooooo much better than she was.

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