just more proof that the "casting couch" still exists. we'd like to think that we've matured as a nation. with sexism, racism. but we really haven't. the republican's and the Taliban are a lot closer than they each think. you look at the last week with birth control abortion. careful or you'll be asking you brother for a ride to the bank to use his account to cash your check. to buy the latest fashionable burka. When the president can't be caught on tape, spouting the shit he did and fox news, this is condoning this behavior. this whole "i grew up in a different generation". we did a lot of stupid shit in the past. you recognize the errors of your ways correct and move forward. you don't. pretend it never happened, shrug your shoulders and say "that's just the way it is". I don't consider myself an "sjw" but daily i feel pushed in that direction.
and "don't take any guff from the swine"