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Thread: Harvey Weinstein

  1. #61
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    Tremolo, seriously, take a week, go on the internet, on twitter, on wikipedia, start wherever you want, but educate yourself on this topic because you clearly don't know what you're talking about. Better yet, sign up for a gender studies class, and start with feminism 101. Learn about patriarchy, privilege, intersectionality, and take it from there.

    Quote Originally Posted by tremolo View Post
    Values are values, and they go beyond gender. It doesn't matter if our kids are boys or girls, they should have a clear understanding of boundaries, respect, appretiaton, sympathy, empathy, support, and love for each other and everyone around them.

    People should respect people, regardless of their gender.
    This point, before you went off the deep end, is fine, and not mutually exclusive with understanding that there is a huge, utterly huge power imbalance in our world between men and women, that male privilege is very real, and that rape, sexual assault, and harassment all the way down to microaggressions are ways in which men enforce their power and maintain patriarchy, even without necessarily knowing that is what they are doing, especially when they're young and unaware of what the world is like from the other side. Listening to what women are saying is a good first step.

    And don't be defensive about this! I wasted too much time in my life hiding behind #notallmen bullshit.
    Last edited by aggroculture; 10-16-2017 at 09:53 AM.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by tremolo View Post
    Let me know when you can actually argue using arguments, or at least when you can admit that your views are just that and not THE absolute truth.

    Adding insults to your posts doesn't make your points stronger.
    No thanks, I'm good not interacting with you. I'd rather talk to people who I could possibly have a productive conversation with, rather than one who wants to be willfully ignorant.

    Your argument is nothing more than a distraction that would waste everyone's time if we tried to debate it.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    No thanks, I'm good not interacting with you. I'd rather talk to people who I could possibly have a productive conversation with, rather than one who wants to be willfully ignorant.

    Your argument is nothing more than a distraction that would waste everyone's time if we tried to debate it.
    So you only want to talk about this with people who agree with you or are willing to agree with you. Basically you want to hear/read your own views and opinions coming from someone else.

    That's great. I don't see how that builds up any kind of debate or opens up any room for an actual discussion. Nothing wrong with that, but please stop quoting me then.

  4. #64
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    The devil's advocate position is another tired, old anti-feminist chestnut. Best avoided!

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by tremolo View Post
    So you only want to talk about this with people who agree with you or are willing to agree with you. Basically you want to hear/read your own views and opinions coming from someone else.

    That's great. I don't see how that builds up any kind of debate or opens up any room for an actual discussion. Nothing wrong with that, but please stop quoting me then.
    No, I'm happy to have discussions with people who make meaningful contributions.

    I'm not happy to have conversations with people who claim the sky is red; that you can't explain why the tide goes in, tide goes out; or that sexual assault isn't about gender.

    There is a very basic amount of education that needs to be achieved before a person can make a meaningful contribution to a discussion, and you have most certainly not reached it. Get your head out of the sand, go educate yourself, and come back when you have.

  6. #66
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    @tremolo , I do get what your saying, that everyone should treat everyone, regardless of gender, respectfully and equally. But the responses you are getting are because the balance of power is only on one side. You said earlier in the thread that victims do have power. I wrote several responses to you with my examples of harassment and even my own unreported assault but I didn't post them. Reason being I don't think those things will make you understand. It's fucking everywhere. In everything. Hollywood is the tip of the iceberg. There are so many shows and movies where rape and murder are the central theme. I can barely watch anything anymore without being faced with rape. I don't care if it's art to some. I don't need to see it. I can't watch even if I know it's not real. I'm so fucking sick of seeing it. It almost stopped me from watching game of thrones. My husband assured me it would get better and it did. I love the show. The last few seasons have been my favorite. There was an amazing moment where a character's rape sparked outraged. People posting how upset they were it happened while others were like what did you think would happen in this situation? (Sorry to be vague. I'm trying not spoil anything.) The fact that so many were upset by this and voicing it tells me that things are changing albeit very very slowly.

    This problem has always existed. I dare to say, since the beginning of time. Reporting it brings tons of trouble, pain and work for victims. We continue to fight but it still happens. That's why men need to fix it. We've been trying forever. It still happens. It probably happened multiple times while I was typing this post.

    No one is saying you can't have an opinion. They're saying your opinion is wrong. I think posting in this thread shows you want to understand so I can't fault your responses.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    No, I'm happy to have discussions with people who make meaningful contributions.

    I'm not happy to have conversations with people who claim the sky is red; that you can't explain why the tide goes in, tide goes out; or that sexual assault isn't about gender.

    There is a very basic amount of education that needs to be achieved before a person can make a meaningful contribution to a discussion, and you have most certainly not reached it. Get your head out of the sand, go educate yourself, and come back when you have.
    Don't give me that bs.

    You quoted me first just to insult me. You brought this discussion to a personal level when what we should be discussing are ideas and points of view. And now you come on your high horse talking about education? That's just gold.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    The devil's advocate position is another tired, old anti-feminist chestnut. Best avoided!
    That’s the problem I have with these “it’s not about gender” arguments, which seem to limit gender only to science male/female indicators and ignores gender (roles) as a social construct. We’ve seen this happen MANY times in the feminist thread, here, where users we know to be male complain about social justice warriors blaming men for everything and women are way better off than they used to be and any complaints are just whining and blah blah blah. And a good many of us here now attribute that to just plain old trolling, not devil’s advocate. It just starts up what is happening now. It’s like: Mission Accomplished.

    I don’t see how debate is meaningful, here. Maybe it’s my advanced age, but I think discussion about where this happens, how we may be a part of the system, and how to fix it is a useful discussion.

    Journalists in Italy are blaming the victims in this HW mess due to what they were WEARING. One Italian article showed an old movie photo of a half-naked Asia Argento (in an Italian movie about strippers or something) and inferred that she’s a whore.

    We are still in the Stone Age.

    Mayim Bialik thinks her being a nice religious Jewish girl who dressed modestly protected her from sexual harassment.

    When discussing sexual harassment and assault, we DO need to give agency to females. Placing females solely in the “poor victims who need to be protected” category only serves to decrease their power.

    Guys like HW do what they do NOT for sex; they do it for POWER; they do it from a place of hate and the desire for more power.
    Last edited by allegro; 10-16-2017 at 11:04 AM.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    When discussing sexual harassment and assault, we DO need to give agency to females. Placing females solely in the “poor victims who need to be protected” category only serves to decrease their power.
    Made me think of this, which I just saw posted earlier this morning elsewhere.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by tremolo View Post
    Don't give me that bs.

    You quoted me first just to insult me. You brought this discussion to a personal level when what we should be discussing are ideas and points of view. And now you come on your high horse talking about education? That's just gold.
    I did it to call you out on your shit. Your opinion is shit.

    You can't have a meaningful discussion of sexual harassment without discussing gender. To try and do otherwise is willful ignorance.

  11. #71
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    sorry kind of on a Whitney juant:

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    @tremolo , I do get what your saying, that everyone should treat everyone, regardless of gender, respectfully and equally. But the responses you are getting are because the balance of power is only on one side. You said earlier in the thread that victims do have power. I wrote several responses to you with my examples of harassment and even my own unreported assault but I didn't post them. Reason being I don't think those things will make you understand. It's fucking everywhere. In everything. Hollywood is the tip of the iceberg. There are so many shows and movies where rape and murder are the central theme. I can barely watch anything anymore without being faced with rape. I don't care if it's art to some. I don't need to see it. I can't watch even if I know it's not real. I'm so fucking sick of seeing it. It almost stopped me from watching game of thrones. My husband assured me it would get better and it did. I love the show. The last few seasons have been my favorite. There was an amazing moment where a character's rape sparked outraged. People posting how upset they were it happened while others were like what did you think would happen in this situation? (Sorry to be vague. I'm trying not spoil anything.) The fact that so many were upset by this and voicing it tells me that things are changing albeit very very slowly.

    This problem has always existed. I dare to say, since the beginning of time. Reporting it brings tons of trouble, pain and work for victims. We continue to fight but it still happens. That's why men need to fix it. We've been trying forever. It still happens. It probably happened multiple times while I was typing this post.

    No one is saying you can't have an opinion. They're saying your opinion is wrong. I think posting in this thread shows you want to understand so I can't fault your responses.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    First, thanks for expressing yourself in a respectful manner.

    I have not questioned the fact that power is heavily shifted to one side, which is the male side. But that doesn't mean that just being a man puts us in a position of power. At this level –the level of an everyday joe– my opinion has as much weight as the opinion of the bartender down the street, the lady cashier at the grocery store, or the bus driver.

    What's my point? That beyond this being a gender issue, it's a power issue. So, when someone says that men should be particularly vocal about this, I say we all should be. And I also say that the impact of my voice has no more impact just because I am a male. If there is a group of people whose voices have more impact, it is that of people who are in positions of power, or with enough of a scope to reach others (celebrities, for example).

    When I say victims do have power, I didn't mean to say that they have the power to avoid abuse, since we're all vulnerable and exposed just by being alive. I do strongly believe that we have the power to act after, and I do understand that it's easier said than done, mostly because of the sense of fear and shame. I think as a society we should have stronger mechanisms to help and support victims so these cases of abuse can be dealt with before the abuser can continue harming more people.

    I think that the discrepancy here, and what seems to enrage some users here is that I think that "men" as a whole don't have the power to fix this huge fuckup. It's those people who are in a position of power who can actually make it happen: politicians, CEOs, filmmakers, etc.

    Which brings us to politics. I do understand the frustration. I mean looks who is the president of the most powerful country in the world! And look who is prime minister just north of trumpland. As progressive as he might seem, I'm very critical of the way he has been dealing with shifting the balance of power. Trudeau said half of his cabinet would be women. When he was asked why, he said "cause it's 2017." What the hell is that supposed to mean? That it's 2017, therefore women should be given privilege just because they are women and haven't been on the spotlight enough? What about saying "because there are as many women as men capable of doing the job"? So, as progressive as it might seem, there is still this rotten smell of "just because" or "because we have to" instead of actually empowering women, not just because oftheir gender, but because it's time that their skills, work and effort are noticed, rewarded and encouraged.

    About the examples you gave before, I do understand and see your point, but I just can't share the same view, mostly because a victim can justify so many things by considering themselves a victim. I have seen both sides from very close: women (and men) who have walked into the role of the victim because they didn't see another way at the time given the circumstances; and women (and men) who didn't give in and walked into a difficult path of uncertainty instead of giving their potential aggressor any power over them. Having said that, I want to stress this: I am not blaming the victims. What I am saying is that there are alternatives and other ways, but I do understand the victim's course of action (as in sucking the attorney's dick), because these abusive situations are complex, mostly because of the huge mindfuck that the aggressor plays on their victims.

    I think in the end we have more points in common than we initially thought. The difference is that I consider that it is positions of power what helps abusers get away with it, not their gender. And I don't think I'm right and you or others are wrong just because you don't agree with me, it's just different perspectives.

    Thanks again for taking the time to elaborate your points. This kind of debate is necessary, and as dark as the subject is, it's very rewarding to have a respectful conversation with someone who doesn't necessarily agree.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    I did it to call you out on your shit. Your opinion is shit.

    You can't have a meaningful discussion of sexual harassment without discussing gender. To try and do otherwise is willful ignorance.
    You just don't know how to debate ideas and instead, you resort to insults. That's on you, not on me.

    I won't bother replying to you again, since you have proven to be unable to articulate a proper answer that focuses on the points you want to make.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by tremolo View Post
    First, thanks for expressing yourself in a respectful manner.

    I have not questioned the fact that power is heavily shifted to one side, which is the male side. But that doesn't mean that just being a man puts us in a position of power. At this level –the level of an everyday joe– my opinion has as much weight as the opinion of the bartender down the street, the lady cashier at the grocery store, or the bus driver.

    What's my point? That beyond this being a gender issue, it's a power issue. So, when someone says that men should be particularly vocal about this, I say we all should be. And I also say that the impact of my voice has no more impact just because I am a male. If there is a group of people whose voices have more impact, it is that of people who are in positions of power, or with enough of a scope to reach others (celebrities, for example).

    When I say victims do have power, I didn't mean to say that they have the power to avoid abuse, since we're all vulnerable and exposed just by being alive. I do strongly believe that we have the power to act after, and I do understand that it's easier said than done, mostly because of the sense of fear and shame. I think as a society we should have stronger mechanisms to help and support victims so these cases of abuse can be dealt with before the abuser can continue harming more people.

    I think that the discrepancy here, and what seems to enrage some users here is that I think that "men" as a whole don't have the power to fix this huge fuckup. It's those people who are in a position of power who can actually make it happen: politicians, CEOs, filmmakers, etc.

    Which brings us to politics. I do understand the frustration. I mean looks who is the president of the most powerful country in the world! And look who is prime minister just north of trumpland. As progressive as he might seem, I'm very critical of the way he has been dealing with shifting the balance of power. Trudeau said half of his cabinet would be women. When he was asked why, he said "cause it's 2017." What the hell is that supposed to mean? That it's 2017, therefore women should be given privilege just because they are women and haven't been on the spotlight enough? What about saying "because there are as many women as men capable of doing the job"? So, as progressive as it might seem, there is still this rotten smell of "just because" or "because we have to" instead of actually empowering women, not just because oftheir gender, but because it's time that their skills, work and effort are noticed, rewarded and encouraged.

    About the examples you gave before, I do understand and see your point, but I just can't share the same view, mostly because a victim can justify so many things by considering themselves a victim. I have seen both sides from very close: women (and men) who have walked into the role of the victim because they didn't see another way at the time given the circumstances; and women (and men) who didn't give in and walked into a difficult path of uncertainty instead of giving their potential aggressor any power over them. Having said that, I want to stress this: I am not blaming the victims. What I am saying is that there are alternatives and other ways, but I do understand the victim's course of action (as in sucking the attorney's dick), because these abusive situations are complex, mostly because of the huge mindfuck that the aggressor plays on their victims.

    I think in the end we have more points in common than we initially thought. The difference is that I consider that it is positions of power what helps abusers get away with it, not their gender. And I don't think I'm right and you or others are wrong just because you don't agree with me, it's just different perspectives.

    Thanks again for taking the time to elaborate your points. This kind of debate is necessary, and as dark as the subject is, it's very rewarding to have a respectful conversation with someone who doesn't necessarily agree.
    Trudeau said what he said because we're at the point where anyone who doesn't get it hasn't been paying attention, and it's not worth spoonfeeding to those who are way behind the curve anymore. He used the right tone, it's 2017, we shouldn't even be questioning this anymore, and it's not a question worth entertaining.

    And you're not blaming the victim, you're just saying that they had other options they could have chosen??? Fuck that, that's victim blaming. You're trying to re-define victim blaming, by arguing that you're not blaming them, you're just pointing out that they chose it. PULL YOUR GODDAMN HEAD OUT OF THE GROUND!!!


    It's 2017. Try to catch up.

    EDIT: Also, Trudeau's quote was "Because it's 2015". You're way behind here. Try to catch up, get educated, his tone was right in 2015. It should probably be harsher 2 years later.
    Last edited by M1ke; 10-16-2017 at 01:31 PM. Reason: reason

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by tremolo View Post
    You just don't know how to debate ideas and instead, you resort to insults. That's on you, not on me.
    There's some insulting words being thrown around, but realize you're also writing in an extremely condescending and insensitive manner, given that the subject matter is so emotionally charged for nearly everybody here (and, well, everywhere).

    Gender studies is an enormous, well-documented field of academia, and you're acting like none of it exists or matters when it comes to rape culture, which is clearly a case of arguing from ignorance (and I'm not trying to insult you, but you've seemingly decided things are the way you think they are, and anyone who tells you otherwise can't possibly be better-informed about it because... reasons). Also, Trudeau said that in 2015 — yes, he's been Prime Minister for nearly two years — because he wanted the issue of equity to be taken as a given. Which is what we need in order to move forward and do better with getting power back in the hands of people that have been denied it for too long. Whether I think he's done well with that or not (it's taking way too long, IMO), that's at least a necessary starting point, even if, on its own, it was an insufficient gesture to redistribute power. BUT AT LEAST HE MADE A GESTURE.
    Last edited by botley; 10-16-2017 at 01:44 PM.

  16. #76
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    Talking about sexual assault as an institutionalized epidemic without addressing gender is just... bizarre.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    There's some insulting words being thrown around, but realize you're also writing in an extremely condescending and insensitive manner, given that the subject matter is so emotionally charged for nearly everybody here (and, well, everywhere).

    Gender studies is an enormous, well-documented field of academia, and you're acting like none of it exists or matters when it comes to rape culture, which is clearly a case of arguing from ignorance (and I'm not trying to insult you, but you've seemingly decided things are the way you think they are, and anyone who tells you otherwise can't possibly be better-informed about it because... reasons). Also, Trudeau said that in 2015 — yes, he's been Prime Minister for nearly two years — because he wanted the issue of equity to be taken as a given. Which is what we need in order to move forward and do better with getting power back in the hands of people that have been denied it for too long. Whether I think he's done well with that or not (it's taking way too long, IMO), that's at least a necessary starting point, even if, on its own, it was an insufficient gesture to redistribute power. BUT AT LEAST HE MADE A GESTURE.
    Yeah, i was being condescending with some angry person. I'm a bit of an asshole myself, but I wouldn't bring that to a conversation where the people i'm interacting with are being respectful.

    I don't think I'm being insensitive in any way, just trying to be logical about it. People need to calm down a bit and stop getting so damn defensive when anyone has questions or a different view. I'm even on the same side, it's not like i'm blaming the victims, being antifeminist, or pretending this is not a big deal.

    I explained my view on the gender issue in a previous post.

    Trudeau is a fake with good PR.

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by tremolo View Post
    Yeah, i was being condescending with some angry person. I'm a bit of an asshole myself, but I wouldn't bring that to a conversation where the people i'm interacting with are being respectful.

    I don't think I'm being insensitive in any way, just trying to be logical about it. People need to calm down a bit and stop getting so damn defensive when anyone has questions or a different view. I'm even on the same side, it's not like i'm blaming the victims, being antifeminist, or pretending this is not a big deal.

    I explained my view on the gender issue in a previous post.

    Trudeau is a fake with good PR.
    Your lack of education about this topic is disrespectful. Expecting your opinion to be treated as equally valid despite a lack of subject matter knowledge, or even sense is disrespectful.

    I don't know you well enough to know if you're doing it by design, to try and make an unpalatable idea appear more palatable, or if you're just ignorant, but either way, this kind of crap should not be tolerated, because the effect is the same.

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    Trudeau said what he said because we're at the point where anyone who doesn't get it hasn't been paying attention, and it's not worth spoonfeeding to those who are way behind the curve anymore. He used the right tone, it's 2017, we shouldn't even be questioning this anymore, and it's not a question worth entertaining.

    And you're not blaming the victim, you're just saying that they had other options they could have chosen??? Fuck that, that's victim blaming. You're trying to re-define victim blaming, by arguing that you're not blaming them, you're just pointing out that they chose it. PULL YOUR GODDAMN HEAD OUT OF THE GROUND!!!


    It's 2017. Try to catch up.

    EDIT: Also, Trudeau's quote was "Because it's 2015". You're way behind here. Try to catch up, get educated, his tone was right in 2015. It should probably be harsher 2 years later.
    I did say that victims had a choice on how to react to the aggression, I didn't say it was their fault for being abused. They are victims as soon as someone abuses them, and that's the abuser's fault. What I am saying is that from that point on, as victims, they have choices, not just a single option.

    An example to be more clear:

    - John harrasses Betty
    - Betty is a victim of John
    - John is an aggressor
    - Betty has a choice on how to act from now on: do i report him? Do i just shut up and sweep it under the rug? What are the repercusions of that choice? What is best for me? Etc.

    That is all I'm saying, stressing the fact that that decision is crucial.

    I don't know how you jump from "the victim has a choice" to "HE'S BLAMING THE VICTIM! HE'S BLAMING THE VICTIM!!! EDUCATE YOURSELF, CATCH UP!"

    Reading comprehension, buddy. It's your problem, not mine.

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    Your lack of education about this topic is disrespectful. Expecting your opinion to be treated as equally valid despite a lack of subject matter knowledge, or even sense is disrespectful.

    I don't know you well enough to know if you're doing it by design, to try and make an unpalatable idea appear more palatable, or if you're just ignorant, but either way, this kind of crap should not be tolerated, because the effect is the same.
    And somehow, for some reason, you think you get to dictate what has to be tolerated and what not. Awesome.

  21. #81
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    While on the surface, I can understand why someone could think that victims of this type of fuckery should "make the choice" to come forward right away, it takes about 5 minutes of research to see there are a ton of different reasons as to why they do not. All them are valid. Outsiders do not get to dictate how others confront or ignore their own traumas.

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by tremolo View Post
    I did say that victims had a choice on how to react to the aggression, I didn't say it was their fault for being abused.
    Here's another quote from you:

    What I am saying is that there are alternatives and other ways, but I do understand the victim's course of action (as in sucking the attorney's dick), because these abusive situations are complex, mostly because of the huge mindfuck that the aggressor plays on their victims.

    Maybe you get it now???? Or are you still burying your head in the sand here?

    I don't know how you jump from "the victim has a choice" to "HE'S BLAMING THE VICTIM! HE'S BLAMING THE VICTIM!!! EDUCATE YOURSELF, CATCH UP!"
    Maybe you should re-read what you wrote up there, where you quite literally and specifically BLAMED THE VICTIM.

    You can't just call something by a different name and expect it to no longer be awful. You're saying ignorant things. You need to stop saying ignorant things.

  23. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    Here's another quote from you:


    Maybe you get it now???? Or are you still burying your head in the sand here?

    Maybe you should re-read what you wrote up there, where you quite literally and specifically BLAMED THE VICTIM.

    You can't just call something by a different name and expect it to no longer be awful. You're saying ignorant things. You need to stop saying ignorant things.
    I didn't blame the victim. That's what you want to understand because you have your mind set on something. I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise. What a complete stranger thinks of me is not the kind of thing that worries me or keeps me up at night.

    You just happen to have a horrible reading comprehension. It's not my responsibility to send you back to 4th grade.

  24. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by tremolo View Post
    I didn't blame the victim. That's what you want to understand because you have your mind set on something. I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise. What a complete stranger thinks of me is not the kind of thing that worries me or keeps me up at night.

    You just happen to have a horrible reading comprehension. It's not my responsibility to send you back to 4th grade.
    You're an idiot.

    Also, I didn't call you an idiot.

  25. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    You're an idiot.

    Also, I didn't call you an idiot.
    Can we ban him for being an idiot? I've already blocked him.

  26. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by tremolo View Post
    I didn't blame the victim. That's what you want to understand because you have your mind set on something. I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise. What a complete stranger thinks of me is not the kind of thing that worries me or keeps me up at night.

    You just happen to have a horrible reading comprehension. It's not my responsibility to send you back to 4th grade.
    God this is a train wreck... just take a step back and actually consider what's being said to you.

  27. #87
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    Harvey Weinstein

    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    God this is a train wreck... just take a step back and actually consider what's being said to you.
    I think it would be great if we all took a step back and consider what is being said.

    I understand how subject can make a lot of people extremely sensitive.

    I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. I'm not trying to prove anyone wrong. I'm not claiming that my opinion (that of a nobody in the grand scope of things) is the truth. I'm not saying I'm right and orhers are wrong.

    All I'm doing is expressing an opinion and my reasoning behind it to explain why I see things the way I do.

    And people misread things. All of a sudden I'm an antifeminist, i blame the victims, and apparently i'm an idiot too.

    There is no room to discuss these issues as adults in the same way we could talk about music. For some reason this subject gets too deep in people's nerves and bypasses the ability to talk about each other views without ripping each other's throats.

    And even if you are bright and enlightened and have it all figured out, maybe you could put the effort in explaining and educating others to make this a better world or whatever it is your ultimate goal, but instead, you'd rather put people down. Kinda ironic.

    But it seems it is an internet thing, just angry people behind a screen. It's an aggressive behaviour that I haven't found out there "in real life."

    So I'll keep myself from discussing these issues online, at least in this forum.

    So fuck you all, but tenderly and consensually.


  28. #88
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    “Just angry people behind a screen. And now for one (hopefully) last passive aggressive swipe at those you of who hated that I was blaming the victims despite typing that I wasn’t so that means I wasn’t but I keep trying to justify it, even losing my might say acting angry and lashing out at those trying to help...Oh, and something about reading comprehension instead of acknowledging my own problems empathizing.”

    I’m not going to try and help you or offer any kind of advice. Mostly, I’m just tired of people like you hindering progress both here and in general. You’re just another Broskirose, GanduGains or whatever asshole of the month. Fuck you, but with less dignity and respect than you’re giving victims of sexual abuse.
    Last edited by Swykk; 10-18-2017 at 04:37 PM.

  29. #89
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    Jesus. let's bring it back to some good news, eh?

    Kevin Smith is donating his Weinstein residuals to a charity for women in filmmaking

    Listened to babble-on this weekend and you could tell he was upset about this.

  30. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by tremolo View Post
    And even if you are bright and enlightened and have it all figured out, maybe you could put the effort in explaining and educating others
    Quote Originally Posted by tremolo View Post
    I understand your point, but I completely disagree with the logic of your examples.
    We tried explaining. It didn't work.

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