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Thread: 2017.10.21 - Sacramento, CA @ Aftershock Festival

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    2017.10.21 - Sacramento, CA @ Aftershock Festival


  2. #2
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    Guess I'll post in here, doesn't look like anyone else is, lol.

    i sure know how to pick shows that nobody on here seems to go to.

    Either way, my impressions of this show were that I really liked the setlist over the one I saw in Bakersfield. What a difference switching a few songs around makes. I compared it to the setlist in vegas from the night before, and I'm glad I went to this one and not that one.

    At least TR can still pull a fast one and throw me off guard in 2017 when he played "the frail" I was totally gearing up for "the wretched" next, but he went into "Reptile" instead. It was a weird combination, but I give him points for keeping it fresh.

    "letting you" was easily the highlight of the show for me. Odd how a song from the slip can get me as excited as that did, but ever since I saw that clip of Ilan rehearsing that song, its been stuck in my head ever since, so I'm glad I got to hear that song live again since probably 2008.

    It was my girlfriends first NIN show. She's not really a fan, but really enjoyed the show. She said it was a great first show for her. Sucks that her first show was so stripped down though, there were virtually no lights at all. Just smoke, smoke and more smoke lol... at one point even she said, "are his shows always this smokey" lol. We were 2nd row on the right side of the stage. 3/4 into the set I started feeling sick, so we had to retreat to the back. I don't take leaving my post at the front lightly at a NIN show, but I had to sit down or I was gonna faint.

    Not or sure if it's been reported yet, but I think the corn starch might be back. At least in a mild form. Both Atticus and Robin had white dusty powder smeared on their clothes.

    It it was nice to hear The background world live, and TDTWWA never goes old either. Would have liked "she's gone away" or "the idea of you" but I can't complain, I liked the set.

    In conclusion, I have realized that I hate festival shows. I liked the overall atmosphere of the Bakersfield show better, but I liked the setlist for aftershock better. I think I'd rather see NIN at mid to medium sized venues rather than large festivals. I don't think I will travel for or attend another festival for NIN again.

  3. #3
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    I just about died when they cut out wretched. Luckily it was made up for it by the heaviest version of TGD I've ever seen.

    Naturally i got in late due to reasons and missed letting you. BG world needs a live outro IMO

  4. #4
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    NIN posted on Facebook a pic of the poster for the show. I missed the poster. Were they giving them out or selling them?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronzer View Post
    NIN posted on Facebook a pic of the poster for the show. I missed the poster. Were they giving them out or selling them?
    It was on display and I assume for sale at the end of the show, I didn't see it before, possible they kept some in the back to sell later in the day

  6. #6
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    Any video of Letting You out there? I’ve been unsuccessfully searching. Thanks

  7. #7
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    I've been a NIN fan for eighteen years, most of my life, and this was my first time seeing them. I also hate festivals but it was so worth it to see such an amazing performance. (And I was so wired after that I signed up on this forum because it felt so good being in a crowd of fellow fans.)

    What's this about corn starch? I noticed the white powder but I didn't think anything of it/thought it was a fashion thing (maybe paint splatters).

  8. #8
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    Just like @ManBurning I can't stand festival shows but NIN and APC on the same day is hard to ignore.

    Setlist wise-I dug it. Very refreshing change from the usual songs in the list. Reptile is amazing live, I can't understate that enough. Trent did acknowledge the anniversary of PHM and how surprised he is that the band is still here.

    Like others, I was hoping to hear "Somewhat Damaged" as I figured its a metal festival. Oh well, next year.

    Compared to FYF, this was the better festival show for me.

    Random Tidbits:
    -Right before APC performed "the Doomed", Maynard says the following: "Guys, Nine Inch Nails is next and the next song is our last song. It's about we're all fucked."
    -During APC's set "This singer sounds like the guy from Tool", yes some person said that during "The Outsider".
    Last edited by virushopper; 10-23-2017 at 11:34 PM.

  9. #9
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    This was my 15th Nine Inch Nails concert, and 3rd festival show(Coachella 2005, Sasquatch 2006). Honestly, this might be my most favorite show of them all. Ended up front row, slightly to the left of the center. Setlist was amazing! Only 2nd time seeing Reptile live. First time was Ridgefield during the NIN / Soundgarden Tour. Seeing the maniacal look on Trent's face during March Of The Pigs (doesn't it make you feel better?) was awesome! Also managed to get a BOTP print on the way out on Saturday. Definitely will go down as one of my all time favorite NIN shows.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ericy210 View Post
    Any video of Letting You out there? I’ve been unsuccessfully searching. Thanks
    Me too. Has anyone found one yet?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid A View Post
    Me too. Has anyone found one yet?
    No! I'm still looking myself... If I knew that, I would have just filmed it myself.
    scouring over the videos uploaded on YouTube from the festival, it just seems like it's all common songs... WTF crowd! Nobody wants to film the "deep cuts" or "new material"? Call me nuts, but that's the best stuff!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    No! I'm still looking myself... If I knew that, I would have just filmed it myself.
    scouring over the videos uploaded on YouTube from the festival, it just seems like it's all common songs... WTF crowd! Nobody wants to film the "deep cuts" or "new material"? Call me nuts, but that's the best stuff!
    I didn't consider Letting You as a deep cut. I only recorded Reptile.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by JessicaSarahS View Post
    I didn't consider Letting You as a deep cut. I only recorded Reptile.
    It's sad what eventually becomes a "deep cut"
    I wouldn't put letting you on the same pedestal as say, The Perfect Drug or Sunspots type of "deep cut" but when a song like 1,000,000 is the go-to Slip song when there are plenty others that can be rotated in it's place, kind of makes it seem rare in this stage in the game, as sad as that sounds.

    These days, anything that isn't MOTP, Piggy, Gave up, Wish, Hurt, HLAH, THTF, Closer, Survivalism, The Frail, 1,000,000 could be considered a "deep cut" lol.

    Hell, even Terrible Lie was sounding bloody fresh and exciting in that Vegas recording, lol.
    There are so many classic songs he could rotate in and out and still please many people at the same time.

    If he needs to drop anything, it needs to be 1,000,000. Id be OK with rotating between Letting You, Head Down and 1,000,000 occasionally, but playing it at every show is getting stale.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    If he needs to drop anything, it needs to be 1,000,000. Id be OK with rotating between Letting You, Head Down and 1,000,000 occasionally, but playing it at every show is getting stale.
    I love 1,000,000. I'm ok with letting Piggy go.

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