Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
that's the thing - no one has said "you're not allowed to listen to marilyn manson" to anyone; no one has said "if you still listen to music twiggy was involved in, you're absolving him of his guilt" to anyone.
Just to clarify, if I wasn't enough, I was speaking to the notion of Jessicka implying that to attend a Manson concert or buy a record - in effect, enjoyment of Manson's music - implied any kind of support for Jeordie's actions or alleged actions, as renton had posted "Jessicka had said something close to that".

If she said that, and I stress if, that's rather unfair. But I'm not about to take issue with any part of her statement or start yammering about plausible deniability save to say I really want to hear what Twiggy has to say for himself. Until he does, yes, the most important thing to me is that people don't dismiss her offhand. That kind of behavior is, in a word, fucked.

Now, question: I've seen mentions of his behavior "During his time in NIN" and "other people coming forward". This...or something like it is said to have happened again? Did I miss something?