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Thread: How old are you currently 2.0

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    12 Post(s)
    Currently 36. I was 12 in 1994 when the Closer video dropped, and I was immediately equal parts fascinated, scared, and a little aroused. I told my parents I wanted a NIN cd for easter. My mom bought me PHM. I was pretty bummed that I didn't get TDS, but I ended up getting a lot of spins out of PHM. Later that summer, I remember telling my buddy Dan that I liked NIN when at his house between rollerblading sessions. He put on Broken and I was floored. Fast forward to high school and I was jamming Prodigy, ATR, Chemical Brothers, Aphex Twin. Some of my older buddies on the swim team pushed me more into more industrial-esque stuff (Stabbing Westward, Powerman 5000, Static X) and then a teammate told me that NIN was dropping The Fragile. When that album came out I was hooked again. Really bummed I didn't try to go see the Fragility tour. By my senior year of college (2005), I began to search out past tours, setlists, and more - typically via NIN Hotline. That linked me to this community, and I lurked from '05 till about '06 or '07 until I registered.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    94 Post(s)
    I guess I've not posted here? I'm 30.

    Listening to NIN since not long before With Teeth, about a year or two I'd say? So somewhere from 2002-2003. I think I remember hearing Closer on the radio before in probably the late 90s but I never knew or cared who it was. My taste in music was super shitty in elementary school.

    So I was def in Junior High, i used to burn mix CDs with random tracks I thought were cool that I had got from WinMX. (anyone else, just me?) After I got more into Trent's music I spent many cold and dreary mornings listening to NIN at my bus stop with my discman, ignoring everyone and partially hoping the school bus would drive off a bridge or something just so I wouldn't have to go, this way I could just stay at home and listen to NIN all day from WinAmp on the computer.

    Thank goodness for NIN because life would completely suck without it.

    Sent from my Moto E (4) using Tapatalk

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    the beginning of the end
    743 Post(s)
    Ha. @thelastdisciple , I spent MY junior high mornings in 92 and 93 listening to Broken and Fixed and PHM on my walkman, at the bus stop and on the school bus.

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