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Thread: Sexual Abuse/Assault in the News

  1. #541
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    I wish I could tag that "Of course you call them females" Facebook group here.

  2. #542
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    Sexual Asshatery in the News

    Quote Originally Posted by tremolo View Post
    All I did was point out something that someone else posted and the hypocrisy behind the reactions over the exact same actions when those talking shit are female.

    Asking me to not derail the thread while insisting on quoting me and asking questions is pretty stupid.
    I'm asking you to clarify for a second time and stay on topic. Instead of name calling, how about you link to the post that started discussion?

    ETA: I read back and found the metal sludge discussion pre Maynard news. You could’ve linked me or quoted but thanks for playing!

  3. #543
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    Quote Originally Posted by tremolo View Post
    First of all, i never said that kind of talk was fine. I think it’s puerile and understandable in young people who are just starting to experience their sexuality as adults. Being a grown-up and doing that kind of talk is just stupid.

    Then again, some people seem extremely concerned about what others talk in private... maybe they should get a life of their own. People talk shit all the time, and even if they don’t mean it, they have the right to talk shit and take it for what it is. You don’t get to dictate what people should and shouldn’t say in a private conversation. Get over yourself.
    No, I don't have a right to dictate that. Free speech, baby.

    But if you're going to say it, you'd better be prepared to own it, because I AM free to interpret it as a serious statement.

    Don't believe me? Try having a locker room talk about bombs on your next flight. Let me know how that gets interpreted.

  4. #544
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    I'm asking you to clarify for a second time and stay on topic. Instead of name calling, how about you link to the post that started discussion?

    ETA: I read back and found the metal sludge discussion pre Maynard news. But thanks for playing!
    I think I quoted it in my first post. I won’t bother looking for it because honestly, I wasn’t looking forward to “derail” the topic, I just made an observation.

    I don’t understand the logic of engaging in a conversation with me just to tell me in the same post not to talk about that cause it’s not on topic. If you don’t want me to talk about it, asking me questions about that topic is stupid behaviour.

    And I already explained my point, but in case you missed it, someone posted a link to a website where female (women? girls? It’s hard to find the right term and not offend anyone) talk about their sexual experiences with “rockstars”... talking about the size of their dicks, how long they last in bed, what they do, what they’re good at in the sack, what they suck at, the way they smell, and even if they’re nice enough to pay for their meals before/after the sexual encounter. I pointed that out because I didn’t know that even existed, and how people here chose to ignore it.

    My ultimate point? It doesn’t matter what’s between your legs or what gender you identify yourself with, people have the amazing power to be cool, empathetic, kind, or total cunts, assholes, douches. If you don’t care or don’t wanna talk about it, or if you find it derails the thread from more important issues, just move on. If you want to engage in a conversation, I will reply. If you don’t, I won’t insist.

  5. #545
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    No, I don't have a right to dictate that. Free speech, baby.

    But if you're going to say it, you'd better be prepared to own it, because I AM free to interpret it as a serious statement.

    Don't believe me? Try having a locker room talk about bombs on your next flight. Let me know how that gets interpreted.
    What do you understand by locker room talk? How does your example have anything to do in context and content with men talking about women? One is a matter of national security. A bored person complaining about what others say in private is just that, a bored person.

  6. #546
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    This is linked in the nin Reddit thread on today's Twitter post (see second post on time creation of accounts).

  7. #547
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    Quote Originally Posted by sinspots View Post
    This is linked in the nin Reddit thread on today's Twitter post (see second post on time creation of accounts).
    okay, that seems kinda off. I don’t want to jump to any conclusions, but this is...I don’t know what this is. It’s something.

  8. #548
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    That accusations like this would come out against Trent has been a fear I've had for a while now. Time to feel sick with uncertainty.

    I can't seem to find this specific information on Twitter but someone on Reddit (as mentioned above) is claiming that the TR accuser account was created an hour before the Maynard accuser account was created, the same day the Maynard thread was later posted. Which means this wasn't someone who was inspired to share their story after the Maynard account went public and created their own profile to share - they created their own account before the accusations against Maynard were posted, within the same day, and just happened to have the opportunity to drop that bomb open up for them. I'm inclined to believe accusers - I believed the story about Maynard - but this, if true, is highly suspect.

    But I'll admit that I want to believe in anything besides this accusation against TR being true. Like for fuck's sake, please no.

  9. #549
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    Didn't someone post that some 4chan users were planning something like this? It wouldn't surprise me if this was an attempt to troll the Me Too movement into turning on celebrities who may be innocent. You always want to believe accusers, but I would be lying if I said that people don't abuse that trust to serve their own sick needs.

  10. #550
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    Didn't someone post that some 4chan users were planning something like this?
    Yes, here: .

    I'd post my thoughts here but I was pretty sure that I read in this thread or maybe in another (though I am having trouble finding it) that someone was banned for questioning a sexual assault claim. So, I'll stick to reddit for this topic...

  11. #551
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    yo, @poro765 i am, like another brave soul in this thread, (technically) a male survivor of sexual assault at the hands of a woman (well, we were teenagers at the time, so girl?)


    until the tides of our society as a whole shift and the balance of power lies in the court of women, men being sexually assaulted by women is not a widespread issue because rape is not about sex, it's about POWER. it's about one person exerting their power over another, and because in almost every situation, men have more power than women, many people in this thread are justifiably generalizing and talking about these problems as they actually exist.

    if you feel the need to discuss the issue of male victims of female sexual assault, that's fine, but it's OFF TOPIC with regards to MJK, so cut it the fuck out.

  12. #552
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    until the tides of our society as a whole shift and the balance of power lies in the court of women, men being sexually assaulted by women is not a widespread issue because rape is not about sex, it's about POWER. it's about one person exerting their power over another, and because in almost every situation, men have more power than women, many people in this thread are justifiably generalizing and talking about these problems as they actually exist.

    if you feel the need to discuss the issue of male victims of female sexual assault, that's fine, but it's OFF TOPIC with regards to MJK, so cut it the fuck out.
    I am already out of here. Stop calling me back here.

    If you want to balance the scales, the balance of power should never lie in the court of women. The balance of power should lie in the court of human.
    That is another, very wrong notion. Just because men once had absolute power against women, women having absolute power against men won't solve the problem. It doesn't work that way.

    The topic here is sexual assault in the news. My replies are not off topic. I was not talking about the MJK incident in particular.
    Now another anonymous twitter account is claiming TR raped her. Should we believe her and blame Trent too just because she's a woman?
    All I've said in the first post is we don't know the whole story. Let's not blame anyone before we hear the whole story. And let's just blame the offender, not men as a whole.
    The sheer number of people making this is a gender issue and facepalmed my post still astounds me, even after I slept over it. I tried to understand them, but I still can't.

    I want to tell you guys another story.
    I am studying in Republic of Korea and Japan. Same thing that you guys are doing here, have been happening here for years.
    Women have organized against men, using the word "men" over and over again, attacking "men" in general.
    Now, men here are fed up with that shit. The woman's organization, on internet, is considered another 4chan. In fact they're considered worse.
    General men despise them. General women despise them.
    They only succeeded in alienating more victims and women from the public by calling out "men".

    Similar thing will happen in the US, if people keep saying that men is responsible for rape. It won't help the cause.
    I'm not trying to undermine the metoo movement. I'm trying to save it.
    If we're going to do this, we have to do it right. Generalizing and genderalizing is not doing it right.
    Last edited by Lerxto; 06-27-2018 at 11:38 PM.

  13. #553
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    So all the people here who instantly believe any sexual assault allegation will instantly believe this without doubting the accuser at all, right? Trent Reznor is confirmed a rapist because a 40 word anonymous tweet said so, right? better shut down the forum guys!11!!

  14. #554
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airbornefeline View Post

    So all the people here who instantly believe any sexual assault allegation will instantly believe this without doubting the accuser at all, right? Trent Reznor is confirmed a rapist because a 40 word anonymous tweet said so, right? better shut down the forum guys!11!!
    In my link above, it also discusses how the two accounts (the Trent accuser twitter account and the MJK accuser twitter account) were made within an hour of each other (the TR one came first).
    Last edited by sinspots; 06-28-2018 at 12:07 AM.

  15. #555
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    Yep. I've discussed with several people that it would be completely believable if it came out that Trent did some fuckshit back in the day. It is actually something that I spent a significant amount of time recently considering, as I just got a NIN tattoo. I needed to reflect and evaluate how I would feel about having said tattoo if stories came out about Trent. In the end, I decided to get it, because even if I have to distance myself from NIN now, the community that surrounds NIN has been great, and it has historically brought joy to my life.

    These are such awful stories, and I feel so sick about this.

  16. #556
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    Quote Originally Posted by sinspots View Post
    In my link above, it also discusses how the two accounts (the Trent accuser twitter account and the MJK accuser twitter account) were made within an hour of each other (the TR one came first).
    Sounds like victim doubting to me. Someone made an allegation therefore they must be believed and if you doubt them at all you're a rape apologist.

    (in case it isn't blatantly obvious, i'm being facetious. There are literally people here on this very forum though who have un-ironically said shit exactly like that almost word for word in the past)

  17. #557
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    Yet another facepalm.

    Remain neutral, until you hear both sides of the story.
    Hold your fire, until you know where to shoot.
    Don't blame somebody who's not yet proven guilty.

    I simply stand by those common sense and I get facepalmed.

    Blame the Nazis, not the Germans.
    Blame the KKK and the White supremacists, not the White people.
    Blame the offender, not men.
    It's hard when there's no one to blame. But you have to, if you want to do things right.
    If not, you will find yourself being blamed for the very actions you commit some day soon.

  18. #558
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airbornefeline View Post
    Sounds like victim doubting to me. Someone made an allegation therefore they must be believed and if you doubt them at all you're a rape apologist.

    (in case it isn't blatantly obvious, i'm being facetious. There are literally people here on this very forum though who have un-ironically said shit exactly like that almost word for word in the past)
    Im pretty sure i was called that a few times when i took the option of "I pic no one's side and ill go 50/50", Which I still stand by

  19. #559
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    The fact that those 2 accounts were created within an hour of each other, casts some doubt on the Maynard one to my mind, wtf? Surely not a coincidence

  20. #560
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    I 10/10 think Trent was probably a wanker in 1994 and I hold him on no pedestal in 2018 (he’s the dad of a 30 year old I love). I also know very well someone who seemed to have a very similar personality/behaviour pattern to Trent pre-sobriety and he was the most abusive cunt ever. This doesn’t qualify me to make any sort of judgement on this case of course.

  21. #561
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    See I knew this was going to happen.
    And it's gonna keep happening.

  22. #562
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    Quote Originally Posted by miss k bee View Post eyes are bleeding!
    yeah... I dunno... I don't know what category that stuff falls into, but it isn't helping the case against him. It sounds from that account (not saying it's true, benefit of the doubt there too) that he's treating women like meat.

  23. #563
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    The fact that those 2 accounts were created within an hour of each other, casts some doubt on the Maynard one to my mind, wtf? Surely not a coincidence
    I initially blew this off as insignificant. I assumed the the @inthesunofsore created their account in response to seeing @IWas17's story which would be not at all noteworthy. It wasn't until I saw it explicitly pointed out that I realized that was not the case.

    The account behind the Reznor tweet (@inthesunofsore) was created first, 59 minutes before the account behind the MJK story. @IWas17 then tweeted her story while @inthesunofsore then sat idle for 5 days until making the single TR tweet to @IWas17. That seems like an enormous coincidence.

  24. #564
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    Didn't somebody else in this thread mention that some dudes on 4chan were talking about spreading something about Trent? I feel like I can't be making that up.

    Either way, I've definitely come to terms that Trent might've done some bad shit in the 90s (not even necessarily of a sexual nature, just general shitty things self destructive people do) but obviously that would be devastating. Maybe it's cognitive dissonance on my part, but I reeeeally hesitate to make much of this. I've felt from the beginning that this felt like some shit that could easily be some sad fuck's idea of a prank and this... doesn't diminish that feeling.

    But selfishly, man, for the love of God, I hope that this doesn't pick up steam if there isn't any truth to it. Accused rapist stink does not wash off with acquittal, and being an NIN fan will suuuuck if his name goes on that list, even if it gets taken off after an investigation.
    Last edited by loopcloses; 06-28-2018 at 02:32 AM.

  25. #565
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    How much you wanna bet some angry fan like cashpiles is behind the Reznor tweet....

  26. #566
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    The matter-of-factness of the Trent tweet also gives me pause. Obviously it's hard to gauge emotion from a tweet, but it reads like a very mechanical response to the first tweet. I don't mean that a bot wrote it, but more in the way it's structured. It's like someone is plugging in terms rather than speaking from the heart...if that makes sense.

  27. #567
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helpmeiaminhell View Post
    How much you wanna bet some angry fan like cashpiles is behind the Reznor tweet....
    Considering there are people out there saying they want him to get back on drugs so he writes the next TDS or Fragile, I wouldn't be surprised, with shitstain websites like 4chan talking about literally doing this a few days ago.

  28. #568
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    That tweet is such BS lol. Let's see who Trent has made enemies of in the last few days: Trump (he's done this for a while now), Taylor Swift, Kanye West, The Weekend... The list keeps growing. This is for sure some kind of troll on him. And it could have been perpetrated by anybody (Trump supporters, Swift fans, Kanye fans, Weekend fans???????????). Who the hell knows. But that Trent tweet reeks of petty troll BS.

  29. #569
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    Quote Originally Posted by tremolo View Post
    I think I quoted it in my first post. I won’t bother looking for it because honestly, I wasn’t looking forward to “derail” the topic, I just made an observation.

    I don’t understand the logic of engaging in a conversation with me just to tell me in the same post not to talk about that cause it’s not on topic. If you don’t want me to talk about it, asking me questions about that topic is stupid behaviour.

    And I already explained my point, but in case you missed it, someone posted a link to a website where female (women? girls? It’s hard to find the right term and not offend anyone) talk about their sexual experiences with “rockstars”... talking about the size of their dicks, how long they last in bed, what they do, what they’re good at in the sack, what they suck at, the way they smell, and even if they’re nice enough to pay for their meals before/after the sexual encounter. I pointed that out because I didn’t know that even existed, and how people here chose to ignore it.

    My ultimate point? It doesn’t matter what’s between your legs or what gender you identify yourself with, people have the amazing power to be cool, empathetic, kind, or total cunts, assholes, douches. If you don’t care or don’t wanna talk about it, or if you find it derails the thread from more important issues, just move on. If you want to engage in a conversation, I will reply. If you don’t, I won’t insist.
    I think it’s a misunderstanding because two conversations were happening in this thread and I wasn’t privy to the first one. I’m reading things like “men get raped too” and “not all men” and you come in like “some women talk about dicks”. Combine that with your snark, I thought you were trolling. My apologies for the misunderstanding.

  30. #570
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    Quote Originally Posted by icklekitty View Post
    I 10/10 think Trent was probably a wanker in 1994 and I hold him on no pedestal in 2018 (he’s the dad of a 30 year old I love). I also know very well someone who seemed to have a very similar personality/behaviour pattern to Trent pre-sobriety and he was the most abusive cunt ever. This doesn’t qualify me to make any sort of judgement on this case of course.
    I agree with you on this. His past has the potential for it. The Reznor tweet isn't the same as the Maynard tweets. I know i'm biased but based on what i know about Reznor and what I know about Maynard, I definitely believe one and not the other. The one single tweet is interesting in timing after its been threatened here and elsewhere...

    When the Jeordie white story happen, there was lots of discussion in this thread about separating the art from the artist. Because if you don't, you won't have any music left. Everyone is problematic. Elvis married a teenager. Jim Morrison was a degrading, womanizing lying asshole. Their music is still held in high regard in our cultural lexicon.

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