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Thread: Sexual Abuse/Assault in the News

  1. #991
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  2. #992
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    This Sigur Ros one seems murky. At least for now. Hope it becomes more clear whether this is true or not, b/c I'd really hate it to be true. The details provided/his firm denial certainly don't make me want to personally indict him just yet.

  3. #993
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    I'm surprised you didn't mention Cristiano Ronaldo yet. If you thought Facebook could not be a shittier place... think again.

  4. #994
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    Did anything ever become of the Maynard accusations other than a bunch of lowlife Tool fans immediately coming to his aid?

  5. #995
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halcyon View Post
    Did anything ever become of the Maynard accusations other than a bunch of lowlife Tool fans immediately coming to his aid?
    It was a hoax by a fake profile.

  6. #996
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halcyon View Post
    Did anything ever become of the Maynard accusations other than a bunch of lowlife Tool fans immediately coming to his aid?
    It seems as though the accuser's Twitter account and another account accusing Trent Reznor of sexual assault were created within an hour of each other and belonged to the same person. A reporter from the NY Daily News tried to establish contact with this person and that fell through. Nothing else was said and was subsequently dropped when the accuser vanished. It's hearsay until an actual, fact-checked report comes forward and actual details can be corroborated regarding time, place, etc.

  7. #997
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halcyon View Post
    Did anything ever become of the Maynard accusations other than a bunch of lowlife Tool fans immediately coming to his aid?
    As of July, some guy on the blog Metal Sucks is apparently working on it, but that was months ago, how long does it take? If you're bothered you should tweet him?

    My issue with the whole thing is the anonymity side, it really annoys me when you don't automatically believe something anonymous on the internet and people say you aren't believing victims - because the point is they could be anybody and not even a woman, so you're not 'not believing women' you're not believing someone when you don't even know who they are! Travel back in time to old ETS, should we just have 'believed' that some of the people on there 'Quill' springs to mind was being stalked by Trent just because they said so???

    If there's something to this, let press people talk to the person and confirm things, until then I'm not believing anything - having said that I wouldn't slag them off either or defend anyone.

  8. #998
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    Quote Originally Posted by Halcyon View Post
    Did anything ever become of the Maynard accusations other than a bunch of lowlife Tool fans immediately coming to his aid?
    I don't know but I do wish MJK had handled the situation differently. He came across as rather dismissive to some of us female lowlife Tool fans and never said anything else to soothe that. And maybe that's how he wanted to come across. Who knows? He's obviously not crazy about fans and he doesn't seem to like fame that much either so maybe he saw this as his ticket out of having to deal with constantly being hounded for a new Tool album or having drones fly over his house night and day. What better way to disappear from the spotlight and just dig in the dirt and make wine from now on than to let a spark someone else lit - whether well-intentioned, true or what - grow into something that can destroy the one thing that's making you miserable? Just a thought.

    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    As of July, some guy on the blog Metal Sucks is apparently working on it, but that was months ago, how long does it take? If you're bothered you should tweet him?

    My issue with the whole thing is the anonymity side, it really annoys me when you don't automatically believe something anonymous on the internet and people say you aren't believing victims - because the point is they could be anybody and not even a woman, so you're not 'not believing women' you're not believing someone when you don't even know who they are! Travel back in time to old ETS, should we just have 'believed' that some of the people on there 'Quill' springs to mind was being stalked by Trent just because they said so???

    If there's something to this, let press people talk to the person and confirm things, until then I'm not believing anything - having said that I wouldn't slag them off either or defend anyone.
    You're right. Anonymity is a problem on the net and always has been. By the way, I was Quill several, SEVERAL years ago. Back before the word "catfishing" even existed. I was a romance writer back then and brand new to having people (fans) want to know me, etc and it really did a number on me for a while. The anonymity of the net made things even worse because back then no one even thought another person would pose as someone else. Yes, it is very laughable that I thought someone like him was stalking me (Sorry, Trent!) but you have to consider both the time and the context in which the events happened.

    On a side note, I just started writing again after an 8 year break and you just boosted my confidence. If my outrageous posts on a message board made this much of an impression on you then I can't wait to see what I can do with books.

    Thanks for the shout out!

  9. #999
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    Quote Originally Posted by CPSmith View Post
    On a side note, I just started writing again after an 8 year break and you just boosted my confidence. If my outrageous posts on a message board made this much of an impression on you then I can't wait to see what I can do with books.
    As far as “anonymous online victims,” I’ve known some who were terrified of coming forward for fear of losing their jobs, kids, families, etc. if their identities were publicly known. Remember, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford sent a letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein requesting to remain anonymous, to protect her identity. Fear of not being believed is the one of the biggest reasons why most sexual assault victims do not report assaults, even though their identity would be known. Victims also don’t want their reputations and families dragged through the mud.

    For the record, Blasey Ford’s case (and other sexual assault cases) do not require “fact-checking as to time and place.” Drugged victims, for instance, often have no knowledge of time and place, nor do victims whose assaults happened many years ago. Kavanaugh could have been so drunk that he has zero memory of the assault; others in the house (but not in the room where the assault took place) would not recall anything about that instance because it was ordinary.

    The DoJ is now (FINALLY) investigating the Catholic Church in Pennsylvania, after over 1000 reported cases of sexual assault going back to 1947. Exact time and place isn’t likely to be relevant.

    I ain’t weighing in, either way, on this MJK thing, but I never lose sight of the big picture re sexual harassment and assault.
    Last edited by allegro; 11-02-2018 at 12:24 PM.

  10. #1000
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    Quote Originally Posted by CPSmith View Post
    I don't know but I do wish MJK had handled the situation differently. He came across as rather dismissive to some of us female lowlife Tool fans and never said anything else to soothe that. And maybe that's how he wanted to come across. Who knows? He's obviously not crazy about fans and he doesn't seem to like fame that much either so maybe he saw this as his ticket out of having to deal with constantly being hounded for a new Tool album or having drones fly over his house night and day. What better way to disappear from the spotlight and just dig in the dirt and make wine from now on than to let a spark someone else lit - whether well-intentioned, true or what - grow into something that can destroy the one thing that's making you miserable? Just a thought.

    You're right. Anonymity is a problem on the net and always has been. By the way, I was Quill several, SEVERAL years ago. Back before the word "catfishing" even existed. I was a romance writer back then and brand new to having people (fans) want to know me, etc and it really did a number on me for a while. The anonymity of the net made things even worse because back then no one even thought another person would pose as someone else. Yes, it is very laughable that I thought someone like him was stalking me (Sorry, Trent!) but you have to consider both the time and the context in which the events happened.

    On a side note, I just started writing again after an 8 year break and you just boosted my confidence. If my outrageous posts on a message board made this much of an impression on you then I can't wait to see what I can do with books.

    Thanks for the shout out!
    are you this author on Amazon then?

    sorry for bringing up old wounds, with context yes it seems like someone was an arsehole to you which seemed par for the course with old ETS. If the above is you, I’ll check out some of your books on kindle!

  11. #1001
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    are you this author on Amazon then?

    sorry for bringing up old wounds, with context yes it seems like someone was an arsehole to you which seemed par for the course with old ETS. If the above is you, I’ll check out some of your books on kindle!

    FWIW, when TR first showed up as an anonymous pern on this board, the Admins didn’t believe it was him, either (especially since he was asking people to write hate mail to John Malm). It’s totally valid for Admins to question user identity until further verification, and the same goes for online accusers; that being said, that does not = automatically discounting a victim’s accusation.

    But, yeah, it was always easy to catfish, still is. Probably why so many don’t fully “trust” online communication. Rightfully so.
    Last edited by allegro; 11-02-2018 at 12:23 PM.

  12. #1002
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    There are some tweets going around that Cory Booker sexually assaulted a man in a bathroom stall in 2014. Anyone else hear about this?

  13. #1003
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    Never heard that one.

    But I hate the stuff about Keith Ellison. His ex appears to have a valid domestic assault complaint, complete with videos, photos, and medical reports. Yet, even N.O.W. backed off from demanding an investigation. I don’t like hypocrisy. Like Hillary Clinton stating the other day, in an interview, that Bill shouldn’t have resigned because Monica was 22 and it was a consensual relationship, then Hillary sites Trump and multiple accusations as being some kind of valid counterpoint. Except Monica was an INTERN and Bill was THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, which is like the DEFINITIVE form of lack of ability to have a truly consensual relationship and, therefore, sexual harassment. And there is still a woman who insists that she was raped by Bill Clinton. Then Hillary’s Twitter feed is full of Kavanaugh.

    I GET that Hillary can’t manage to throw Bill under the bus and she’s stood by him since his first Presidential campaign, calling Bill’s accusers names etc. But at this point, now that we KNOW the truth, and Bill was found guilty of perjury, Hillary would be FAR better off answering that question in a more honest-yet-evasive way, e.g. “Look, we are talking about my husband and I can’t be objective, here; so, I’m going to pass on that question.” Instead, she answers in a way that makes her look like she dove off the #TimesUp bus head-first at 80mph, and now needs to STFU.
    Last edited by allegro; 10-21-2018 at 05:57 PM.

  14. #1004
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Never heard that one.

    But I hate the stuff about Keith Ellison. His ex appears to have a valid domestic assault complaint, complete with videos, photos, and medical reports. Yet, even N.O.W. backed off from demanding an investigation. I don’t like hypocrisy. Like Hillary Clinton stating the other day, in an interview, that Bill shouldn’t have resigned because Monica was 22 and it was a consensual relationship, then Hillary sites Trump and multiple accusations as being some kind of valid counterpoint. Except Monica was an INTERN and Bill was THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, which is like the DEFINITIVE form of lack of ability to have a truly consensual relationship and, therefore, sexual harassment. And there is still a woman who insists that she was raped by Bill Clinton. Then Hillary’s Twitter feed is full of Kavanaugh.

    I GET that Hillary can’t manage to throw Bill under the bus and she’s stood by him since his first Presidential campaign, calling Bill’s accusers names etc. But at this point, now that we KNOW the truth, and Bill was found guilty of perjury, Hillary would be FAR better off answering that question in a more honest-yet-evasive way, e.g. “Look, we are talking about my husband and I can’t be objective, here; so, I’m going to pass on that question.” Instead, she answers in a way that makes her look like she dove off the #TimesUp bus head-first at 80mph, and now needs to STFU.
    i think any progressive movement is hard to address deal with when looking backward especially when dealing qith civil rights we would hope as a species we have become more civilized although there are time when i wonder thier are people alive today that couldn't drink from the same water fountain or eat at the same lunch counter in some instances kind of need to be grandfathered in. it's more of an issue did thier actions change. did they admit they fucked up and changed their behavior. if we go far enough back you will find most people have done stupid things they regret. so in some cases like Cosby they did not case is still not clear i will be glad when quantum computing has been around for a while and humans not longer have the burden of binary thought. was reading a biography of zeppelin and the shit they did and page with today's me too movement would have definitely be frowned upon. i guess judge all think in what you believe is the best context and perspective. try not to morally judge or place yourself above other and we can always do better. in 90% of our actions.

  15. #1005
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    FWIW, when TR first showed up as an anonymous pern on this board, the Admins didn’t believe it was him, either (especially since he was asking people to write hate mail to John Malm). It’s totally valid for Admins to question user identity until further verification, and the same goes for online accusers; that being said, that does not = automatically discounting a victim’s accusation.
    Heh, I remember that. It wasn't really that we didn't believe it was Trent, so much as we discovered who it was later on, and that our first reaction to those initial posts was to edit them and remove personally identifying information. A few posts later, and I decided to look into who this troublemaker was, and saw they had IP addresses in New Orleans and Los Angeles. It very quickly became a poorly kept secret, but it wasn't really public knowledge until one of our regulars published a story mentioning that in May. Ironically, I can't find the original public article, instead I'm seeing a lot of Consequence of Sound and Alternative Nation, as well as Spin. Great. (Yes, I'm still sore over that public disclosure.)

  16. #1006
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    Sexual Asshatery in the News

    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    Heh, I remember that. It wasn't really that we didn't believe it was Trent, so much as we discovered who it was later on, and that our first reaction to those initial posts was to edit them and remove personally identifying information. A few posts later, and I decided to look into who this troublemaker was, and saw they had IP addresses in New Orleans and Los Angeles. It very quickly became a poorly kept secret, but it wasn't really public knowledge until one of our regulars published a story mentioning that in May. Ironically, I can't find the original public article, instead I'm seeing a lot of Consequence of Sound and Alternative Nation, as well as Spin. Great. (Yes, I'm still sore over that public disclosure.)
    This was the original blog post that got picked up by everyone and Quantum550's mom. Notice the ETS user isn't identified as the author anymore.

  17. #1007
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    Heh, I remember that. It wasn't really that we didn't believe it was Trent, so much as we discovered who it was later on, and that our first reaction to those initial posts was to edit them and remove personally identifying information. A few posts later, and I decided to look into who this troublemaker was, and saw they had IP addresses in New Orleans and Los Angeles. It very quickly became a poorly kept secret, but it wasn't really public knowledge until one of our regulars published a story mentioning that in May. Ironically, I can't find the original public article, instead I'm seeing a lot of Consequence of Sound and Alternative Nation, as well as Spin. Great. (Yes, I'm still sore over that public disclosure.)
    Hey, wasn't he also in a Music thread - I think Quake or something - (before the Malm hate mail requests) calling Chris Vrenna "The Musical Janitor?" ("That is what is called a 'rip-off'). I seem to remember that and the "Lab Coat" explanation thing happening before the Malm thing, at which time nobody knew who "he" really was. I just remember that it was funny going back to those threads AFTER everybody knew who he was, with you guys going something like "hey, leave Chris Vrenna alone," heh, because of course the first instinct is to think this is a total troll. But, yeah, I don't blame you for being disappointed that his ID was outed; it was much more fun for, like, what, 15 years?, he could hang out here totally anonymously except for us knowing who he was. You all - and we all - honored that anonymity.

    That's a good example where "anonymous" means comfort and safety for someone, rather than being constantly harassed (like in the "other" forum - cough).
    Last edited by allegro; 10-22-2018 at 09:47 PM.

  18. #1008
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    "Hmmm....what could I do that would be so outrageous, so out of character that it would generate 5 pages of search results?

    I know!!! I'll be nice!"

    The man's a genius. No, seriously.

  19. #1009
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    Quote Originally Posted by CPSmith View Post
    "Hmmm....what could I do that would be so outrageous, so out of character that it would generate 5 pages of search results?

    I know!!! I'll be nice!"

    The man's a genius. No, seriously.
    ....what the fuck are you talking about?

  20. #1010
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    Sexual Asshatery in the News

    I think this user is saying that Reznor purposely told someone to put his penis in their mouth in order to generate publicity. But he did that as under the guise of anonymity so we know that’s not true. The ets user who ousted him is the one who generated the story.

    we’re off topic now.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  21. #1011
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    They say the trolls always win and this proves it:

    He's obviously a mere shell of the freak he used to be.

  22. #1012
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    Quote Originally Posted by CPSmith View Post
    They say the trolls always win and this proves it:

    He's obviously a mere shell of the freak he used to be.
    ...what the fuck are you talking about?

  23. #1013
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    ...what the fuck are you talking about?
    If we ignore the drift, then it won’t really be drift, right? (High-five)

  24. #1014
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    Doesn't take a thermometer to know that my blood is 212F right now.

    Dr. Ford continues to receive threats in wake of Kavanaugh allegations

    She's had to move four times, hire private security, and has been unable to return to work. But no, ask me, I fucking dare you, ask me why women don't come forward.

  25. #1015
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    investigations into Neil DeGrasse Tyson... gotta say, I didn't see that coming

  26. #1016
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    investigations into Neil DeGrasse Tyson... gotta say, I didn't see that coming
    As someone with several close female friends in PhD level science... it wouldn't surprise me at all. It is absolutely rampant in that field

  27. #1017
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    That is extremely disheartening to hear if that ends up to be the case

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  29. #1019
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    Some of that seemed pretty creepy (the whole "if I hug you I might want more" thing). And the commentary he made on the grad school part feels a little odd to me.

    But on the whole, here's what I like about it: instead of "if you felt this way", it was "I'm sorry you felt that way". Yes, he's still saying it was never his intent to make anyone uncomfortable. But instead of phrasing it in a way that blames the woman for feeling that way, he admits right out of the gate that he acknowledges her discomfort and immediately apologizes for making her feel that way. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you say sorry.

  30. #1020
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Doesn't take a thermometer to know that my blood is 212F right now.

    Dr. Ford continues to receive threats in wake of Kavanaugh allegations

    She's had to move four times, hire private security, and has been unable to return to work. But no, ask me, I fucking dare you, ask me why women don't come forward.
    It’s not because she is a woman, it is because who she is dealing with, the power this person has, and how safe and above the law he must feel.

    I feel bad for her, but i also admire her strength.

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