She consented to blowing him. She was not forced to do so. She chose to. She didn't want to have PiV sex, so she declined and left. No sexual activity took place without consent beforehand. Saying over and over again that this wasn't consensual despite there being nothing to support that claim doesn't change the facts.

I think the reason this is so difficult for folks is because no sexual assault took place and this "victim" is abusing the current social climate. I guess the woman who wrote that NYtimes article just recognized too much of her own "predatory behavior" in Aziz and that's why she's calling this bullshit out, can't be that this just wasn't sexual assault /s

It really isn't difficult to not consent to sexual behavior if you secretly aren't down for it. If she didn't want to make out with him, she shouldn't have. If she didn't want to engage in oral sex, she shouldn't have. She didn't want to have PiV sex so she made that known and they didn't. Even if her story is a 100% accurate depiction of the events as they transpired no sexual activity occurred without consent. As Bari said in that NYtimes article, BS like this is just damaging to the #metoo movement in general.