Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
If you're not an EtS troll, then surely you'd know by now that several responses like this in a row (and the ensuing facepalms from two admins), coupled with a low participation rate overall, means you're close to being banned right?
Banned for what? I try to keep it classy and not insult people, but I admit that it’s not always the case.

It’s a very touchy subject, I get it, but it doesn’t cease to amaze me how some people her would rather insult and offend, while patting themselves on the back... how is that supposed to lead to some kind of mutual understanding? There doesn’t seem to be a desire for an actual conversation other than that one going on between people who agree with each other. There is no room for debate whatsoever.

The ironic thing is that it’s that attitude that ends up creating negative responses. Why not being constructive and work towards something and help people understand certain things instead of being so angry and destructive? How are more people supposed to learn, grow and follow you if the first reaction to any question is to insult?

My first question was valid. And no, I was not trolling as some people here choose to see it. I shouldn’t have to explain myself, but here I go:

I do not follow news. Not on tv, not on the radio, not online. Mostly because when I had the news widget on my phone activated, all
I got in the morning was bad news. And i noticed how going down that rabbit hole had absolutely ZERO positive impact in my life, au contraire.

So, yeah, I’m disconnected from that whole washroom debate, and the original post that i quoted was written in a way that would lead anyone who doesn’t follow the subject to believe that there are morons out there trying to keep trans people from using public washrooms (which is stupid, but hey, it wouldn’t be surprising).

So there you go. My mistake was not being up to date on the public washroom debate and reading a poorly written post.