The Justin Roilland thing reminds me of John K, creator of Ren and Stimpy...except times have changed, and now we have the internet.

My whole family gathered around the tv to watch Ren and Stimpy. When John K. was unceremoniously fired from his own show, I bitched about it to anyone who would listen. I'd tell people to boycott the new episodes, and that the John K episodes were the only TRUE Ren and Stimpy.

YEARS LATER, I learned that he was "let go" for OPENLY having like, fifteen year old GFs and such.

It was kind of an open secret in animation land. Iirc, the levee finally broke when John started looking through his fan mail and finding underage female cartoonist/fans, and flying them out to LA, promising to further their careers, and know.
There are whole documentary length breakdowns of that situation on YouTube, now, of course.

There are parallels between the two shows if you think about it: ground-breaking, influential...contain sex jokes.

I damn sure felt like an idiot for defending John K. so vociferously all throughout high school, once I learned why he was actually separated from his IP.