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Thread: Sexual Abuse/Assault in the News

  1. #181
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  2. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by mfte View Post
    I’m with Damon on this one... there is always a chance that the accusation is false. Case by case

  3. #183
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    This best part about that take is that Matt Damon's commentary was harmfully derailing and THE IRONY

  4. #184
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    Matt Damon was buddies with Weinstein and still props up Affleck. His opinion on the subject is shit.

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  5. #185
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    Miguel Sano denies assaulting photographer: 'It never happened'

    Larry Brown Sports on · 19h

    The Minnesota Twins third baseman has been accused of assaulting a photographer in 2015, but he says the allegations against him are baseless.
    is this really the best time to make bad puns?

  6. #186
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    i made a new song that was born out of my frustration with how many people are turning out to be sexual predators. they need to be held accountable for their actions, and survivors need to be provided with support. all proceeds will go to RAINN.

  7. #187
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    Oh boy...he denies it, but Stan Lee is on the chopping block now.

  8. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Oh boy...he denies it, but Stan Lee is on the chopping block now.
    uh oh, no more cameos.

  9. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by mfte View Post
    uh oh, no more cameos.
    Well, it is​ an article in The Daily Mail which is...let's call them, less than reputable.

  10. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Well, it is​ an article in The Daily Mail which is...let's call them, less than reputable.
    You're right. Who knows. Not sure what to think about anything anymore.
    I just made my self a negroni, put on those old Mel Gibson Oksana tapes and reminisced about a simpler time.

    James "Artist" Franco is getting lit up

  11. #191
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    Colbert asked Franco about the accusations.

  12. #192
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    Colbert asked Franco about the accusations.

    I'm not buying Franco's denials at all, but part of what he said did make me stop to wonder about something.

    If you're a fine upstanding celebrity, and you want to support equality, and want to support women who are making these accusations, but then you get hit with an accusation yourself, how do you handle that?

    If it is false, I mean. If it's true then you're not a fine upstanding celebrity, and you should just own up to it, take responsibility and face the consequences. I also understand that false accusations are extremely rare, something around the 2% mark, but if it happened, what would you do? Do you just ignore it? Do you deny it?

    I mean, you wouldn't want to muddy the waters and stem the tide of women coming forward, it's a marvelous thing that's happening right now. But how would you defend yourself on a personal level, while still trying to support the movement on a bigger level?

  13. #193
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    This is the mentality i follow

  14. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    But how would you defend yourself on a personal level, while still trying to support the movement on a bigger level?
    I think I'd take a two-pronged approach.

    1) Lawyer up and sue the accuser for defamation. If I really am innocent (and I'm not talking "we have different versions of the same encounter" - I'm talking "I have literally never met you in my life") - I would want to make it clear, by whatever means necessary, that in this particular instance I am actually the victim of someone who is likely seeking attention / money. I'm the last person who wants to antagonize anybody; I'm as passive as they come. But if someone tried to basically blackmail me for their 15 minutes of fame, I wouldn't stand for it. The initial brunt will definitely hurt my image, as public opinion will already largely be that the powerful white guy is trying to intimidate a woman who wants her day in court. But I'm about truth over image.

    2) In the meantime, I would stop publicly campaigning for things like Time's Up in order to avoid the appearance of muddying things, but I would continue to provide heaps of financial support so that their mission can continue to help those who need it.

  15. #195
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  16. #196
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Full Translation Of French Anti-#MeToo Manifesto Signed By Catherine Deneuve
    I'm actually in agreement with what she's saying. It's becoming a fucking witch hunt and it's fucking scary. All of these movements is eventually going to spark a backlash as Rose McGowan has become a nutcase and used her tirade to do reality TV.

    I do feel bad for these women who have been assaulted and mistreated but targeting all of these men is going too far. No one will win this. I was happy for all of this to come out as there are a lot of men who are scumbag but it's getting out of control now. Plus, I believe that some of the women who have claimed to be harassed and such are full of shit. The ones who are lying and using this movement for their own bullshit are just as bad as the men they claimed to be harassed by. I think the inevitable conclusion will be that.... nothing has changed.

  17. #197
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    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    but it's getting out of control now
    The accusations I've been seeing have been pretty consistently credible. Where is your personal line with who should come forward and who shouldn't? Are you aware of how often sexual harassment happens? Can you cite some examples of claims you think are bullshit?

    Quote Originally Posted by The absurd manifesto
    when their only crime was to touch a woman’s knee, try to steal a kiss, talk about "intimate" things during a work meal, or send sexually-charged messages to women who did not return their interest.

    Wow, what a ridiculous concept to think that this behavior is gross. Generally, I do not touch women's knees unless I already am ~clearly aware of their sexual attraction to me~ or otherwise aware that they're fine with it -- there is no other reason I would need to have to touch their knee. Why would I touch their knee? I don't talk about sexual shit at work meals because I'm fucking working, and I don't assume the comfort level of other people. And there's also this wild idea that I generally make sure that someone is attracted to me before I send sexually charged messages. Crazy, I know. I have slept with coworkers, but it's like by recognizing power dynamics and being super respectful it's gone okay. Wow. Wild.

    And, if for some reason I did think asinine behavior like the above was appropriate, I'd probably have the minimum of self awareness to realize that there'd be at least a minimum of risk for goin' for it like that, and that I might get called out for it. Or rejected. And wow, I'd kinda be selfish as fuck to put the pursuit of my own desires over the comfort of others.

    With the #MeToo dialogue, there's this whole thing where good people do bad shit. And people seem to have a hard time grasping that. I'd say most men have likely done some shit at some point that wasn't great in terms of respecting boundaries. Because we live in a society that doesn't teach this shit. We're learning.

    And if someone is such a precious little fucking baby that they can't handle the idea that they might have made a significant mistake at some point in their life and to choose to improve upon their fucking actions, then holy shit how is it possible to exist in the world when you're that sentimental and fragile. That you can't handle the idea that folks you know or admire did that shit.

    It's not a fragile thing, to hold someone accountable for their actions, or to speak up. And, kinda entirely fuck the idea that the way women achieve ~empowerment~ is by enduring some pointless bullshit.
    Last edited by playwithfire; 01-14-2018 at 04:32 AM.

  18. #198
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    The Aziz Ansari story was awful to read through.

  19. #199
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    Damn, that sucks. Fuck these clowns...

  20. #200
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    I don't understand how the Ansari thing is a sexual misconduct

  21. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by telee.kom View Post
    I don't understand how the Ansari thing is a sexual misconduct
    ... How?

    The ONLY time you can continue if a person repeatedly (or even once) says "No" and tries to get away from you, is if a CNC situation has been discussed and negotiated AT LENGTH before. This is generally something that is never, ever going to happen on a first date.

  22. #202
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    What don’t you understand? I just read it and the account is awful to me.

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  23. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    ... How?

    The ONLY time you can continue if a person repeatedly (or even once) says "No" and tries to get away from you, is if a CNC situation has been discussed and negotiated AT LENGTH before. This is generally something that is never, ever going to happen on a first date.
    This article has pretty detailed account of pretty much everything that happened that night starting with what wine they ordered and ending with how much fingers Ansari stuck inside her vagina ->

    And she doesn't mention saying no once. It's a fucking tinder date gone wrong, not sexual misconduct. It's really shitty of her to bring such personal details of his to the press.

  24. #204
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    I had a good amount of respect for Aziz and this is horrifying.

    Are you really paring it down to her not saying the word “No.” The parts about her attempting to stop him don’t strike you as obvious “NOT WANTED” signs?

    Edit: apparently my keyboard stopped working unbeknownst to me making it look like I had a stroke mid sentence.
    Last edited by Swykk; 01-16-2018 at 02:44 PM.

  25. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by telee.kom View Post
    And she doesn't mention saying no once. It's a fucking tinder date gone wrong, not sexual misconduct. It's really shitty of her to bring such personal details of his to the press.
    “I said something like, ‘Whoa, let’s relax for a sec, let’s chill.’”
    “He probably moved my hand to his dick five to seven times,” she said. “He really kept doing it after I moved it away.”
    “It was 30 minutes of me getting up and moving and him following and sticking his fingers down my throat again. It was really repetitive. It felt like a fucking game.”
    Throughout the course of her short time in the apartment, she says she used verbal and non-verbal cues to indicate how uncomfortable and distressed she was.
    “Most of my discomfort was expressed in me pulling away and mumbling. I know that my hand stopped moving at some points,” she said. “I stopped moving my lips and turned cold.”
    “I know I was physically giving off cues that I wasn’t interested. I don’t think that was noticed at all, or if it was, it was ignored.”
    “I wasn’t really even thinking of that, I didn’t want to be engaged in that with him. But he kept asking, so I said, ‘Next time.’ And he goes, ‘Oh, you mean second date?’ and I go, ‘Oh, yeah, sure,’ and he goes, ‘Well, if I poured you another glass of wine now, would it count as our second date?’” He then poured her a glass and handed it to her.
    He asked her if she was okay. “I said I don’t want to feel forced because then I’ll hate you, and I’d rather not hate you,” she said.
    “After he bent me over is when I stood up and said no, I don’t think I’m ready to do this, I really don’t think I’m going to do this.

  26. #206
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    It is obvious to me, it might not be obvious to him I don't know, but what she could and should have done is to say fuck off, or just leave is she didn't like where things were going. Ansari comes off as an asshat, but sexual predator? I don't think so. This wasn't even about some power dynamics between the two, it was just a bad date.

  27. #207
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    You think that Aziz doesn't have like, 837734834 levels of power over a 22-year old photographer who lives with roommates?

    When you are being relentlessly followed and pushed and groped, sometimes it is easy to flip over to self-preservation mode and follow along with it rather than try to escape. She attempted to escape from him multiple times with no success.

    It is absurd to say what she "should have" done under these circumstances. Until you are fearing for your safety and having your body violated, you never know how you are going to react. As you said, this account is very detailed and very recent. It is super scary.

  28. #208
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    I'm sorry, but I can't buy that she would be so uncomfortable being around him, but then agree to that, and then go back to being incredibly uncomfortable. There's a break in the logic of the story that I can't ignore. Like I said, I was on board with it up until that point. If I hadn't read that bit, I would have been just as up in arms as other people have been, but I can't read that part and then read the rest and not think that she may not be being 100% truthful. I have people in my life who have been sexually assaulted and even raped, and have heard their stories several times, so this is not a case of me being completely unaware of how things can go in those situations. For what it's worth, it doesn't sound like Aziz is a total saint in this scenario, but I feel like there is more to this story than what is being told.
    Last edited by BRoswell; 01-14-2018 at 02:50 PM.

  29. #209
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    She tried to escape from him doing what? Going in bed with him? I think this attitude is wrong. I thought this movement was (among other things) about teaching women, they are not required to sleep with anyone they don't want to. Not about making sob stories about dates with celebrities that didn't go as planned. Because that's what this is. Ansari was horny asshole, she wasn't feeling it, she should put an end to it right there and then, not playing along.

  30. #210
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    She tried to put an end to it. Multiple times.

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